Rainbow Wall, Rainbow Wall 5.12b


Red Rocks, Nevada USA

  • Currently 5.0/5
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1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
Rainbow Wall, free - Click for details
 Rainbow Wall, free
Back in about '93, while we were fresh-faced groms, one of my partners climbed the Rainbow Wall. On aid. And declared it a classic, a must-do, and a great intro wall/trade rou...

by Elcapinyoazz
9,716 Nov 13, 2018 53
Over the Rainbow Wall
by cellardoor
2,907 Apr 23, 2014 7
The Original Route-Rainbow Wall,Red Rock - Click for details
 The Original Route-Rainbow Wall,Red Rock
https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8255/8695762345_6185ec3143_c.jpg https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8259/8695762315_e308fa83f2_c.jpg https://farm9.staticflickr.com/...

by Johnny K.
6,662 Jun 06, 2013 14
A photo essay from the Original Route on Rainbow Wall - Click for details
 A photo essay from the Original Route on Rainbow Wall
They tell me fall is the time for sending, the best climbing time of the year. Well now is October and the desert is starting to cool down. With these thoughts in mind I drov...

by cultureshock
7,561 Nov 15, 2011 7
Rainbow Wall: Success or Failure? (A Pullharder TR) - Click for details
 Rainbow Wall: Success or Failure? (A Pullharder TR)
Last weekend found 6 of the Pullharder crew and friends attempting bigwall free routes. Here's the tale of 4 of us playing around in Red Rocks. Specifically, two on the Orig...

by Josh Higgins
4,961 Nov 02, 2011 6
1 - 5 of total 5 Trip Reports found