North Buttress, Mt. Goode 5.9


High Sierra, California USA

  • Currently 3.0/5
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1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found. [ Thumbnails | Text  ]
Title Views Last Post Msgs
More Lauria LOre - Click for details
 More Lauria LOre
King’s Highway We didn’t show up on the summit by mid-afternoon. We had not returned to Bishop by late evening. We were still not back by the following morning. Debbie wo...

by Don Lauria
4,047 Jul 06, 2017 27
North Buttress of Goode day-hike (Photo TR) - Click for details
 North Buttress of Goode day-hike (Photo TR)
If you want a report with pictures, visit my website, since SuperTopo has deprecated displaying photos from off-site. June 16, 2012 Nic Risser and I climbed th...

by PellucidWombat
6,387 Nov 21, 2016 25
North Buttress of Mt. Goode, with a detached retina - Click for details
 North Buttress of Mt. Goode, with a detached retina
"Mr. Muenter, the bubble is your FRIEND!" encouraged my ophthalmologist (with his distinguished Indian accent). It was Monday in late August and I was in di...

by Trad
4,928 Jan 15, 2014 26
Mt Goode! A family TR - Click for details
 Mt Goode! A family TR
After a successful climb of Mt. Conness last year (Up the W. Ridge and down the N. Ridge) Team R^3 (Rick Batha, Robin Batha, and Roger Putnam) decided that we ...

by Buju
3,955 Oct 17, 2011 23
1 - 4 of total 4 Trip Reports found