BEWARE Redrocks Campers


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Dec 31, 2008 - 08:57pm PT

Part of my job, ..... I install radars, probably around 20 so far.

The newer ones are bad ass. They can detect your speed if you are coming up behind a vehicle in front of you and are speeding.

Dual Doppler .....
Captain...or Skully

Trad climber
North of the Owyhees
Dec 31, 2008 - 09:03pm PT
Why speed, anyway?

Speed kills. Relax, you're on vacation. Only damn fools speed.

Dec 31, 2008 - 09:18pm PT
"Quit crying and DO something about your venerabilities."

Yeah, like SLOW the F*CK DOWN!

As annoying as those speed limits can be, they are often there for a reason. I get goddangfriggin tired of the idiots who whip past our house at 40+ mph in a well-signed residential 25 zone on their way to the campground. There are kids, pets, and peds walking around the place- it ain't just about you.
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 31, 2008 - 09:21pm PT
But they're harder to hit when you go slow,..

Trad climber
Dec 31, 2008 - 10:43pm PT
Back awhile I got a speeding ticket a bit east of Richfield, Utah. There was zero traffic front or back. Come on now. I was cruising along at 130, though. The cop and I discussed the MINI for a bit since he hadn't seen too many. Nice guy; he dropped it to 85, and we parted friends.
rich sims

Trad climber
Jan 1, 2009 - 07:57am PT
Attitude goes along way.
My luck has been good for the past 20 or so years.
I should think twice about jinxing myself posting this. I have been pulled over thirty five times in the last twenty years.(only counting Colorado)
Six of them I was written up, paid one, two were dropped another when I showed up for my court date was dropped as they had no copy or record of my ticket. I did not produce my copy.
I was pulled over twice in Rock Springs WY. One time going east and once going west. The second time I was not speeding and asked the cop right off what was up. After looking in the windows of my E250 extended van he admitted white panel vans often had illegal cargo.

Anyone remember getting pulled over in CA. back when you got out of the car if you were pulled over.
I got out in CO. the first few times when I first moved here. The cops were so rattled I think they forgot why they pulled me over. Twice was winter time and I still had to get out to get to my wallet with my overalls on. They did not like it at all.

Be safe everyone the road is more dangerous than the rock

Trad climber
Jan 1, 2009 - 10:21am PT
hey rich, sounds like you need to slow down.

I get ticked as hell at people speeding around here. Beautiful place, and they just want to haul ass, frequently in bad conditions. I don't get it.
Don't get me started on that crazy 395 expansion they did a few years back going into Lee Vining from the south. That money could have been spent on making 395 4 lanes down by Lone Pine/Independence, where so many head on fatalities are, instead of making it easy for folks to blast through Lee Vining.

Personally, I have no mercy for speeders.
I drive slower than the speed limit most of the time. Unless I'm in So Cal traffic, then I am afraid for my life!

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