Remembering 9-11-01: Let's Put it All in Perspective (OT)


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Social climber
i am of the universe and you know what it's worth.
Sep 12, 2008 - 11:35am PT
(according to the jobless, drug addled, van living, broadband poaching geniuses on the Taco)

Hey Russ, aren't you just describing your own previous existence?

Half of us on here are scientists and engineers who climb on the side. We're pretty used to logical discussion and building stuff that actually works on a daily basis.

I respect your position in the climbing community but your politics are about knee-jerk as they come.

Mountain climber
Dak side
Sep 12, 2008 - 11:36am PT
also klimmer you said "I went to there" referring to the site of 9-11. WTF did you do? nothing! just went there. When for days, weeks and months after 9-11 there where people driving from Oklahoma, California, Texas with Truck loads and trailer loads of supplies for the volunteers helping in aid for rescue and clean up at 9-11. But No you were to busy sitting on your ass I bet. yet people lined the streets showing support for the volunteers and workers with every passing car, truck the crowd cheered. PEOPLE with No skills what so ever showed up to see if it was possible in anyway to help. being it was carrying of box filled with eyedrops, or serving food. Klimmer you really are insignificant tool in this society

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 12, 2008 - 12:15pm PT

No I did not go to ground zero, that is not what I was referring to . . .

Read it again in context.

Also try not to threaten. That is very unbecoming. Perhaps I should have mentioned "they" also like to threaten as well as name call. Last time I faced crap like this was in grade school. Come on grow-up.


By the way, there is a major difference in supporting those who helped recover, give aid, searched through the rubble of the 9-11 aftermath. I have complete respect and care and empathy for all those who lost their lives to this hideous crime, and for those who helped out afterwards, and who are now losing their lives due to toxic illnesses. This arguement is not about them. My full respect and love goes out to them completely.

This arguement is about who truly pulled off this hideous crime. It wasn't Arabs with boxcutter knives. They were only patsies to the real criminals. It is the way they work, time and time again. Create a simple patsie to have someone to immediatley blame for the crime, even though the evidence screams it was someone else or something much more sinister. That is how you do false-flag operations.

We have a secret internal government within our government and it doesn't matter what administration comes or goes. They have done many aweful, illegal, and hideous crimes and all in our names. There is just too much evidence for this. They have their own agenda and it is full of corruption, greed, control and power. President Eisenhower warned us about the "military industrial complex" and everything he warned us about has come true. Read and study up on the USS Liberty, Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11, the anthrax attacks. These are all false-flag ops for a specific agenda and purpose. And these are just the ones we can easily find loads of information on. How much have they done that we know nothing about? I can't imagine.

If you think that this is all just wacked out conspiracy then you have your head in the sand with your fingers in your ears. There is just too much overwhelming evidence for this. But you will never know if you never want to know, and that is just fine by them. They count on human ignorance. People do talk at times who are in the know, and they lose their lives for it. They have absolutely no care for life. If you think people can't keep secrets then you don't know your history.

Operation Paperclip, Manhatton project, etc., etc. My grand father didn't talk about what he did in WW2 until his 50 year oath of secrecy was up, then he talked all he could about it with us in the mid to late 90's, before he passed away. He was an officer in the Navy stationed in Washington DC. He was in intelligence and decoded Russian (Soviet Union) messages sent during the war.

Our government is very good at keeping things and people compartmentalized. Rarely does anyone know the big picture. But those who do know, know how it all perpetuates. Sometimes they even let the cat out of the bag accidently, just as Bush1 let loose when he was President and often talked about a "New World Order (NWO)." This is absolutely real and they are driving toward it full steam, and they do not care who gets in their way. Life means nothing to them.

Trad climber
Sep 12, 2008 - 12:30pm PT
Just read the book published by "Popular Mechanics"; but, of course, you won't, or, if you do, you'll reject it because they're in on it too.

I've come to the conclusion that the "Truthers" fall into different sets. One set falls for most such nonsense because of genetics. Another set suffers from BDS and will support this rubbish even though they don't really believe it. Another is simply nuts in most aspects of their lives. There are those that are significantly devoid of any meaning in their lives, and this gives them an anchor of stability. Lastly come the ill educated devoid of any serious critical thinking skills that result in them being sucked into belief in nonsense like this.

I've now read three books on the issue: "Popular Mechanics", "The Looming Tower" and the third I can't remember off hand. Nothing in these books leads me to accept even an iota of the Truther's nonsense.

Mountain climber
Dak side
Sep 12, 2008 - 12:31pm PT
klimmer belive me i have not threaten yet when i do you will feel it. you and your fed up thoughts are the what is wrong the USA today. from the sounds of it you had to be in the lower percent of your graduating class.

Sep 12, 2008 - 12:54pm PT
Mountain Man, congrats on getting out of custody.
Russ Walling

Social climber
Nutsonthechin, Wisconsin
Sep 12, 2008 - 01:57pm PT
Binks writes: (according to the jobless, drug addled, van living, broadband poaching geniuses on the Taco)

Hey Russ, aren't you just describing your own previous existence?

Actually Binks, no. Don't believe the hype.

upthread read edit: Klimmer is a teacher! OMG!!!!1111

Mountain climber
Dak side
Sep 12, 2008 - 02:31pm PT
klimmer everyone knew about the Manhattan project it was a big race who could split atoms first. well if you have so much respect for the victims etcc..why are disrespecting the memorial of 9-11?

coz great you were there. so i was I but I didn't run to central park. I went to help others. aren't you the guy who rapped bolted half dome if not sounds like you would

Trad climber
Sep 12, 2008 - 02:48pm PT
It was me. I called you a pussy.

(Just kidding how ya doing Coz long time no see. You prolly wouldn't remember me but we hung out in Josh and the Valley a number of times in 2000/2001.)

Trad climber
Sep 12, 2008 - 02:51pm PT
My last post on this nonsense: trying to reach theses loons is like trying to teach chimps long division; they don't have the equipment upstairs.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 12, 2008 - 02:59pm PT

Yes, I'm a science teacher. I have an open mind. I look at all sides. I'm not afraid to have my reality challenged. I also do science research. I do research in meteoritics. I let the evidence lead to discoveries and conclusions. It has to be repeatable and testable.

However, when you have those who would block research in open and "full daylight" then they have something to hide. The same can be said about 9-11. They (the gov) are stonewalling and they don't want anyone to look under any 9-11 rocks, metaphorically speaking.

In science, the worst sin a scientist can commit is to falsify his or her results. The same can be said of any government. The worse sin is to lie and not let the citizens of the world in, too verify what you say is the truth. All must be open to verification and scrutiny in full open public daylight.

Well, here we stand at an impass.

Let 9-11 be investigated in full complete daylight with an international commission. It has not yet been done so. The 9-11 Commission Report was an Ommission Report (a white-wash with a pre-conceived conclusion --- which is another grave sin in science.) What is there to hide? The evidence will prove the OCT right or wrong.

(Hint, the known evidence at this time already falsifies the OCT, so I'm not surprised by their stonewalling. Nor at this point am I surprised at their corruption.)

But I hate their corruption and greed, do you?



I repeat I was not there. Please read more carefully.

I'm done with this thread. I just hope it makes more people think, and it helps more people crawl out from under a rock and we can work to elect those who will turn our country around, because we are headed off the cliff in a serious way. And once we completely go off the cliff there is no going back. I do not want 4 more years of McBush or McSame. I don't really want a day more. Nov. 4th will tell. I'm very pessimistic though. They have to cheat to win, and I believe they will do it again.

I want my country back. I want the Constitution and Bill of Rights fully restored. I blame anyone who has voted for this corrupt Neocon administration for the woes we are facing and have been facing for nearly 8 years now. Can you imagine? It only took 8 years to get the US to be like the 1930's in Nazi Germany.

The blame falls completely on you.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 12, 2008 - 03:35pm PT

Apparently I can't shut-up. But this will be my last post on this. Promise.

I agree with you, but don't forget about PNAC. They clearly said, for it to go the way they wanted it to go and had planned for, when they got into power they needed "A New Pearl Harbor."

And we know 9-11 was their New Pearl Harbor. They had all the plans already written for many years prior. How did they come out with the Patriot Act so damn fast, after 9-11? It was already written and ready to go.

9-11 gave them everything they ever wanted and needed in soooo many ways. They could not leave this to chance. Yes, they needed patsies and they put them on board the jets to kill them, but it had to go down like clock work on their watch. Nothing was left to chance. It only had to be perceived that way, and that they (Al CIA-duh terrorists) got way "lucky." And don't forget all the military games that were orchestrated and occured on that very day, 9-11-01. What a better cover could there be?

Russ Walling

Social climber
Nutsonthechin, Wisconsin
Sep 12, 2008 - 03:58pm PT
Fukkin A Klimmer... I'm all for an open mind, but having a reality filter on the front door of that mind will keep you out of a padded cell.

I too have now officially retired from this thread. You guys are nuts.

Social climber
So Cal
Sep 12, 2008 - 07:25pm PT
You "Truthers" all keep good company.

Social climber
So Cal
Sep 12, 2008 - 09:17pm PT

Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Sep 12, 2008 - 10:16pm PT
Regardless of whether the "facts" are 100% true and correct...

I don't think we need to be political analysis experts or rocket scientists to figure out that the Bush/Chaney administration has run rampant over the American people since getting into office.

I've seen a photo of Bush and Bin Laden as youth.
Bush Sr had the idea of getting Saddam since he became prez, little Bush just completed the task with Bin Laden's help
Chaney was on the board of Halliburton and I believe they made plenty of money because of all the contracts they won.
Bush is a complete idiot.
Chaney shot his best friend in the face.
We went to war and years later the price of oil is what... Is it double what it was?

And notice how things are simmering down. The "liberal media" (because that's what the right wing calls it) is not talking about all the fighting in Iraq any more, and the new "enemy" is Iran. How many times are we going to relive 1984? How often do you have to change the subject before everyone figures out you're stealing their wallets.... from right in front of them?

Call me what you want. I see what I see (limited as that may be). You see what you see (you're knowledge far outweighs mine because you are all knowing) Tell me you feel better about the country.

I feel betrayed, let down, and a bit angry about the last 8 years. I keep thinking that the American public will do something, but the laws written by the people in power make it impossible to do anything. It seems as though once someone is elected president they can do anything with no worries of ever having to suffer the consequences. And the American public will anxiously await the next so called "president of change", since they all talk about change before they get elected, but completely forget all about it once in office.


Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 12, 2008 - 10:46pm PT
This interview just took place with David Ray Griffin.

I would like to leave this discussion with Dr. Griffin's words. Excellent interview. Get to the interview and listen. Ray is very clear and concise. Man, now I have more books to read . . .

Many other countries are involved with the 9-11 truth movement and getting to the bottom of this: Italy, Japan, and Russia to name a few. I didn't realize this before. Who knows? Maybe we will get to the bottom of all of this and one day know the full truth.

I hope.

Mountain climber
San Diego
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 15, 2008 - 08:29am PT
Here is the film made in Italy but done in English that has been shown in Russia on primetime TV on 9-12 or 9-13-08. Approximately 20 million in Russia have seen it. As I said above in the other post, 9-11 truth is going global. Why can't this be shown in the US on primetime? What's there to hide? Is this not America? Do we not have freedom of speech? Maybe we don't anymore.

This is a 9-11 Truth film I had never seen before, and it has the latest information. I learned many new facts I didn't know.

ZERO : An Investigation Into 9/11 - PART 1 of 10

from there you can link the other 9 out of 10.

This one is for fun:

Jesse Ventura “Body Slams” 9-11 debunkers for 30 minutes:

This is a great way to end this thread. I hope some of you come to your senses and wake-up before it is too late.

Trad climber
Sep 15, 2008 - 11:42am PT
I've come to my senses Klimmer; someone call the nurse and take Klimmer back to his room.

Sep 15, 2008 - 11:50am PT
While drooling in the far corner, Woody reads Popular Mechanics, as the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Typical .........
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