Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Trad climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 05:37pm PT
McCabe hasn't lost his pension.

From Forbes Magazine:

"In fact, McCabe is all of 49 years old, likely 50 by the time readers see this, and what he lost out on was, as CNN much more calmly recounts, the ability to take his benefits at age 50, rather than somewhere between age 57 and age 62, and he lost his eligibility to a special top-up in benefit formula. These are, admittedly, tangible financial losses, but it is grossly misleading that various news outlets are giving the general public the impression that he has lost his pension entirely."

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Mar 19, 2018 - 06:40pm PT
Funny how Trump is gloating over McCabe's firing...So McCabe was fired for lying...? Does this mean Trump , a habitual liar , will suffer the same fate...?
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 06:53pm PT
Apparently Mueller gave the Trump lawyers a copy of the questions he will ask Trump. Trump went ballistic when he saw them. Trump is panicking because he just realized how much Mueller knows and how much witnesses have been spilling the beans. Two choices Donnie, lie and fry or tell the truth and fry.

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 06:54pm PT
Boy, the Cambridge Analytica/Facebook fire was roaring today.

The suggestion is that Facebook is going to go down hard over all this.

When the CA/FB/Russia connection to the campaign first came up, I was reminded of something that happened in the late spring of 2016. Back story: Shortly after the fall of USSR, my sister and her husband moved to Russia and lived there for a few years - maybe four. I can't recall exactly.

Anyway they had two children and the boy was like 12 years old at the start of this, so pretty much grew up there. He actually started a punk band which did pretty well, from what I gather.

Sooo....last spring, he posts on Facebook that he has some friend in Russia who will pay people $50 if they can "borrow" the Facebook pages of people. My nephew says they will just be "inserting a few ads into the pages."

I blasted the idea - said it was such a bad idea.... "When you allow someone admin access to your FB page, they can actually take control of it, and lock you out. There's really no "nice" reason someone would pay money to have access.... t's probably to post spam or malware. This is a BD idea...."

Oh, how my nephew got angry at me. He wrote "DON'T f*#k with my income."

I told hi I would delete my post, but that he should think hard before suggesting this to his friends.

An hour later, he had removed he post, and that was the last ever heard about this $50 for access to your page.

Well...... I am fairly certain this was one of the ways the Russian Trolls were able to spread their disinformation. As you may know, it's reported that they trolled under the guise of Americans.

I wonder if we will ever hear about this. You'd think it shouldn't be that hard to get the word out - "Hey - did someone offer you money to post ads on your FB?" and see where that leads.


Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:07pm PT
Seems odd that they would give Trump the questions to the interview...That's like showing him the rope that they're going to hang him with...Maybe they were " Fake " questions..?

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:11pm PT
It's probably more like "In case you were thinking yu'd come in and bluster with you bigly bulldoo, here's a clue as to where the conversation will be going."

There's no escape for DT; hasn't been for a long, long time. But what is he supposed to say "Okay, now I see what you meant by collusion. My bad." He's probably been told in the early days that he'll get away with it, no problem, that people have his back, so don't worry." It simply didn't occur to him that there were ......lying.


Boulder climber
Salt Lake, UT
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:15pm PT
Frankly these gloating tweets Trump sent out are like what a crazed sixth grader would do.
While I didn't agree with many of the policy choices of Bush/Cheney, I didn't actually think they were megalomanic nutters. I'm starting to think the current occupant of the White House really has some actual mental issues.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:16pm PT
Actually sending the questions in advance is a good tactic. Mueller probably already knows the answers to the questions, and has evidence to back it up. And when Trump gets asked the question under oath he can not act all confused and not sure about the answer, because he has had time to think about the questions. Mueller is one of the best prosecutors in the country, with a top shelf staff he picked. Trump has no idea of what a buzz saw he is walking into. Art of the deal is not going to help him here.

edit: prosecutor's rule #1 - do not ask a question you do not know the answer to.

Interesting story about Facebook Happie.

Mar 19, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
Even after we got outsmarted by people we thought were stupider than we are, we still think we’re smarter than they are! If we’re not too busy approving of ourselves and our friends, take a look at who our president is, and guess again, ‘mericans.
Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:44pm PT
Much ado about nothing
This too shall pass
Like a painful turd, maybe
But it will pass

The view elsewhere
Is divine.

Ice climber
Mar 19, 2018 - 07:53pm PT

Read up on what actually happened.

Flip Flop

Earth Planet, Universe
Mar 19, 2018 - 08:05pm PT
You just made that up. That's not a thing. Superpowers are always getting pwndeded

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Mar 19, 2018 - 08:19pm PT
Jon Beck...Any insight on Muellers question list for President Trump...?
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 12:05am PT
rj - from what I have been reading Mueller gave Trump a list of topics a couple of months ago and recently gave them initial questions, stating that there would be follow-up questions based on the responses. Apparently there is focus on the Moscow trump tower deal and the Miss universe goings-on. The subpoena to the Trump organization is a good indication that Mueller is taking a close look at Trump finances.

The Comey firing has been added to the list of topics, that would include obstruction of justice.

Trad climber
Missoula, MT & "Pourland", OR
Mar 20, 2018 - 08:11am PT
Giving McCabe another job to maximize his retirement is pretty standard operating procedures among the government elite, or leadership as they like to call themselves. Once you reach a certain level no matter how egregious you crime or act of gross incompetence this is what usually happens. I have testified (you are technically "compelled" to testify) in several actions in the government agency I work in against corrupt members of leadership doing some pretty terrible things. All were removed from their post then transferred to another agency and a created position; or assigned to a "new" project they could work on from home until their retirement was maximized. This has occurred irrespective of which party was running things.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Mar 20, 2018 - 08:42am PT

Trad climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 08:48am PT
Thanks Steve/Gimp.

While McCabe's firing can be justified, it's obvious is was a punitive action.

Total d@&che bag move.

Gym climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 09:21am PT
Thanks Steve/Gimp.

While McCabe's firing can be justified, it's obvious is was a punitive action.

Total d@&che bag move

Ha, I read Gimp's post somewhat differently.
Seems to me there is a long and sordid history of giving incompetent / corrupt high level gov officials pensions they don't deserve. Glad to see that "tradition" come to end with McCabe.
John M

Mar 20, 2018 - 09:50am PT
Not everyone "knows" that McCabe was corrupt. I certainly don't. Because of the ongoing investigations that he was involved in, he hasn't been able to speak up and defend himself.

I have also seen cases of corruption that were protected. People given " jobs" that they could supposedly do from home so that they end up getting their retirement. This is sometimes done because the lawsuits that would happen are extremely expensive and time consuming. And then the outcome isn't always certain. For instance, a friend of mine was the assistant lead school psychologist for a school district. The district wanted to fire a school psychologist for incompetence. It took 2 years of my friend spending 50 percent of her work time to get that done, and then the case was overturned on appeal. So now the district is stuck with an incompetent psychologist while they figure out what to do. They chose to give this psychologist work that could be done from home because the cost and number of lawsuits that the district would have been exposed to do to this persons incompetence was deemed to be too high. From the outside is looks like the school is protecting this person. The reality is the school is protecting the kids and protecting itself from further lawsuits. Sucks that they have to do this. I don't know the solution.

Gym climber
Mar 20, 2018 - 09:55am PT
Sucks that they have to do this. I don't know the solution.

Gov workers should be like just about every worker in modern America: employees at will. (And the many exceptions to employment at will should be greatly reduced so we're back to the original concept: anyone can get their ass fired anytime for any reason, or no reason at all.)

Why aren't they, you may ask? Basically cuz the we live in a country with huge numbers of gov workers, they always vote Dem (with rare exceptions of course), and the Dems reward them with sweetheart contracts.

Who loses? Just the hardworking non-government employee taxpayers, but who cares about them?
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