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Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Aug 28, 2015 - 12:15am PT
LOL... actually I don't put much time into them at all, which explains the "unedited" nature of mini-dyslexic glitches like "FIOA" instead of "FOIA".


Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Aug 28, 2015 - 06:46am PT
I'll make it have not found any "there" in anything related to this e-mail issue, only a hint or suspicion. Your attempting to conflate this into every corner of her character is laughable. She's withstood years of this kind of hyper-scrutiny, a long list of phony "gates" stirred up by conservative media and the billionaires that finance them - all of it for one purpose: hand the White House to a conservative Republican that will do their bidding. She's guilty of being insular, over-stage managed and a bit tone deaf, sure, but nothing remotely illegal.

Your Candidate of Purity does not exist.

Big Wall climber
Aug 28, 2015 - 07:21am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

I love it!
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Aug 28, 2015 - 07:27am PT
If what Hillary Clinton did with her emails - and her stonewalling Congressional investigations, is legal and not subject to punishment, please explain that to, say, General Patraeus, Scooter Libby, the Watergate defendants, or any number of others prosecuted for obstruction of justice or contempt of Congress, or violation of laws affecting classified material. I still think she is a better choice than certain Democrats or Republicans who are actually running, but that's an indictment to how low portions of the electorate would stoop. In an ideal world, she would be campaigning from a prison cell, and the "journalists" who let her slide would be out of a job.

Wrong John...prove she did anything illegal.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 28, 2015 - 08:49am PT
Nicely summarized, crankster.

Social climber
Hell is empty and all the devils are here
Aug 28, 2015 - 09:02am PT
Everybody is debating entirely the wrong issues.

That's been happening in our elections for quite some time now. Nothing new there.

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Aug 28, 2015 - 09:35am PT
Your Candidate of Purity does not exist.

You keep saying that, and I keep responding: "I'm not looking for 'purity.' I'm looking for basic integrity and accountability."

The Hillabeast did everything in her power to bypass accountability, and her wiping of the server before handing it over is going to be a bigger and bigger problem for her.

If the Demoncrats had ANY sense, they'd urge Biden to run, who polls much higher against all Rebumblecons than does the Hillabeast. I believe that a Biden run virtually assures the Demoncrats of another four years in the WH. With the Hillabeast, wow, literally anything could happen, and she has an absolutely astounding capacity to shoot out her own tires before the wheels come off of her bus.

The Donald? Buffoon through and through! A Buffoon vs. Hillabeast election would be a true exercise in plumbing the depths of the sickness of American politics.
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
Aug 28, 2015 - 09:40am PT
I don't think Biden can save them.

President Obama said "People are looking for someone with that New Car smell". His own party, ignores him.

But I agree with the President. Someone, in the mold of Obama or Bill Clinton, young, talented, articulate could still win. If the Dems "stay the course" they are on, don't cry here, when there is an even more right wing SCOTUS.

Social climber
Aug 28, 2015 - 09:52am PT
Do we really want another president who is in their seventies?
We had one once, back in the eighties, and we all know how that turned out.
Where are the fifty, and sixty year old demos, as Obama said, that offer a new car smell?
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Aug 28, 2015 - 09:55am PT
A Buffoon vs. Hillabeast election would be a true exercise in plumbing the depths of the sickness...


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:01am PT
10b, naps are under-rated, even in the White House.
John Duffield

Mountain climber
New York
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:05am PT
Where are the fifty, and sixty year old demos, as Obama said, that offer a new car smell?

The Hillary supporters, strangled their WH bids, in their cribs.

Somewhere along the line, in both parties, what is considered the "Establishment", is going to get thrown overboard. The Republicans are lucky in this regard. They're getting at it right now.

ETA: The Governor of my State, Andrew Cuomo, is an example. He would make a fine President. He's got this state running nicely.

Social climber
So Cal
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:28am PT
"Americans want change. They don't know what sort of change they want. They just want it to be different than it was."

The Donald is an unintended creation of Bonehead and Turtleneck.

There have been two successive congressional elections demanding a move away from BHO's policies and the Repub establishment rolled over and played dead.

Now the villagers are pissed!


Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:30am PT


The FBI has stated that the system was "deleted," although that's a vague term in IT parlance. It appears that FBI analysts are going to be able to recover some or all of the data that used to be there (data that was intentionally "deleted"). But the machine the FBI got had been "deleted," and that's now not open to debate.

No conjecture there.

Gym climber
Being In Sierra Happy Of Place
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:32am PT
Saw a "TRUMP/NUGENT" bumpersticker today...


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:36am PT
Mr E, Ted has taken up bridge.

Aug 28, 2015 - 10:38am PT

If it's posted on the Internet, it must be true.

Social climber
Aug 28, 2015 - 10:51am PT
blah blah

fact: Hillary Clinton right now, a year away from the nomination, has 20% of the necessary
committed delegates to secure the Democratic nomination for President

fact: the Republican base is increasingly likely to make The Donald the Repub nominee

so, Clinton versus Trump as this point

How is the Donald doing wooing the fastest growing demographic, Hispanics? Terrible

how is he doing with women? with what he has said about them are you kidding?

Someone explain how Donald Trump gets to the 270 Electoral Votes to become President?

keeping in mind that Republicans have lost the popular majority vote in 4 of the last 5 Presidential elections, or is it 5 of 6......


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Aug 28, 2015 - 11:05am PT
"There have been two successive congressional elections demanding a move away from BHO's policies and the Repub establishment rolled over and played dead. "

That easily-provable untruth demonstrates just how far to the idealistic, out-of-touch with reality Right that you live, TGT.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Aug 28, 2015 - 11:12am PT
"Someone explain how Donald Trump gets to the 270 Electoral Votes to become President?"

Good point.

Keep the charge, Norton!
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