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Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 12:31pm PT
"The group began more than two decades ago as a fervid fantasy in the mind of a Jordanian named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. A onetime street thug, he arrived in Afghanistan as a mujahideen wannabe in 1989, too late to fight the Soviet Union. He went back home to Jordan, and remained a fringe figure in the international violent “jihad” for much of the following decade. He returned to Afghanistan to set up a training camp for terrorists, and met Osama bin Laden in 1999, but chose not to join al-Qaeda."

From your link...You are a dumb ass. You don't understand that it was in Iraq where they became a force. Two decades ago was 1996, not 1999.

You are stuck on a name not actions.

The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 12:38pm PT
From your link.... You don't understand that it was in Iraq where they became a force.

OK... From your ORIGINAL POST BOBda...

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM

Sep 10, 2015 - 11:19am PT

In Iraq after the invasion.

Just like Hilary, you change your tune to cover your BIAS Lib ass.

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We all now know most of all that BS that HILDABEAST told us back then is NOT at all accurate. Just like 99.9 of all your POLITARD Juice Drinking BS posts here BOBda. Cus it certainly runs in the family with you Left Wingers.


And more READING for you BOBda, from your link....

The Rise

After the death of Osama Bin Laden Al Qaeda was in a total mess. Also the internal war raging in Syria in 2011 and the unstable government in Iraq together provided a perfect opportunity for AQI. Syria was in chaos, and the Iraqi jihadists established secure bases of operations there, raising money and winning new recruits to their cause. Their ambitions grew along with their organization, expanding to include Syria as well as Iraq. Iraqi jihadists, by 2013 calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) to reflect their new, broader orientation, also faced less pressure in Iraq with the departure of U.S. forces at the end of 2011. In Syria, the group took over swaths of territory, benefiting as the Syrian regime focused on more moderate groups while the Syrian opposition as a whole remained fractious. At the same time, Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki put in place a series of disastrous policies to bolster support among his Shi’a base, systematically excluding Iraqi Sunnis from power. Thus Baghdadi’s organization steadily shored up popular support, regained its legitimacy in Iraq, built a base in Syria, and replenished its ranks.

Thus, them turds merely resumed their original plans of ...

The birth of ISIS

ISIS was established in 1999 by Abu Musab al-Zaraqawi to launch attacks on Shia muslims and their establishments.

That is WHY ISIL/ISIS or whatever they call themselves, exist. And for no other reason. BUT what ever you do BOBda, keep proliferating the BS Juice you insist to call the truth.

Werner is right. Again.



Sep 10, 2015 - 08:13am PT
Yep Bob eats the Zionist Bibi netyahoos bulls!t news rag.

The NYT is run by the Zionist Israel terrorist state of which they are supporting their number one proxie criminal to be POTUS Hillary.

NYT = Rupert Murdoch = FOX = Zionist = Hillary = criminals = Crankloon Norton Bob etc, who've all been 0wned .....

Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Sep 10, 2015 - 12:57pm PT
Man, it has been a tough road for the repug's. First they lose to a black man twice in a row, now they are going down to a woman.

The really pathetic thing is, they don't even know why.

Tilt on, Don Quixote
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:09pm PT
After them DEM's got their asses totally handed to em not once, but twice by this GOOOOOMBA! Who btw I did NOT vote for.

Tilt on, Pee Wee Herman's.

Captain...or Skully

Boise, ID or the fricken Bakken, variously
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:11pm PT
You really gotta try not to be such a dick all the time, Chief. You CAN actually make a point or two then.

edit for boneheads: HOW you speak is important. Sometimes more than WHAT you speak. Fricken Neanderthal.
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:13pm PT
The REALITY & TRUTH = "Be such a Dick"

RFLMAO.... toooooooooooo funneeee!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

EDIT: Point??? No point to be made. Ya'll far Leftist loonwads have been doing that all by your lonesomes. No help required.
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:17pm PT
"Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his militant group Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, founded in 1999"

Is that how you spell ISIS?
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:20pm PT
I know that your brain has been thoroughly infected with all that totally bias left wing birdshet BOBda,

But try reading this from your own link... Not one fking iota about anything to do after calling themselves ISIS, with the US of A.

Now go start spelling....

The Rise

After the death of Osama Bin Laden Al Qaeda was in a total mess. Also the internal war raging in Syria in 2011 and the unstable government in Iraq together provided a perfect opportunity for AQI. Syria was in chaos, and the Iraqi jihadists established secure bases of operations there, raising money and winning new recruits to their cause. Their ambitions grew along with their organization, expanding to include Syria as well as Iraq. Iraqi jihadists, by 2013 calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) to reflect their new, broader orientation, also faced less pressure in Iraq with the departure of U.S. forces at the end of 2011. In Syria, the group took over swaths of territory, benefiting as the Syrian regime focused on more moderate groups while the Syrian opposition as a whole remained fractious. At the same time, Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki put in place a series of disastrous policies to bolster support among his Shi’a base, systematically excluding Iraqi Sunnis from power. Thus Baghdadi’s organization steadily shored up popular support, regained its legitimacy in Iraq, built a base in Syria, and replenished its ranks.

Thus, them turds merely resumed their original plans of ...

The birth of ISIS

ISIS was established in 1999 by Abu Musab al-Zaraqawi to launch attacks on Shia muslims and their establishments.

BTW BOBda, do you even know what "ISIS/ISIL" stands for?

Look it up and it states NOTHING about the US in Iraq or anywhere for that matter in that region.


This may just simplify it for ya BOBda... But it entails that you read it in it's entirety.

Let's start with the Arabic word, "Sham".

The Islamic extremists known as ISIS are a great deal more dangerous than most of us realize. The reason for this is hidden in plain sight in the name itself: ISIS. In English, this stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but that’s not what it stands for in Arabic: ad-Dawlat al-Islamiyya fī’l-‘Iraq wa’sh-Sham: The Islamic State in Iraq and Ash-Sham.

The crucial difference is the word Sham, a word that resonates in the Arabic-speaker’s mind on multiple levels. To see why, let’s step into a time machine. All we have to do is start to read any passage of written Arabic, and we find ourselves traveling down that passage, all the way back to a certain day in the Arabian desert circa 630 A.D. It doesn’t matter whether what we are reading is from a novel or from today’s headlines, it is — and always will be — written in exactly the self-same Arabic, letter for letter and dot for dot, that was used almost 1,400 years ago.

That seventh-century day in the desert is the heart and soul of the Islamic religion: the moment, and the only moment, when God spoke to man. It is the foundation of the Islamic faith; accept this truth and Islam accepts you. Recite the words, la illaha illa Allah wa Muhammad rasul Ullah (“There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God”) and abracadraba, you’re a Muslim. In other words, all you need to do to become one of the faithful is to truly believe that — through the Angel Gabriel — God spoke to one man, and one man only out there in the sand dunes when he dictated “The Reading”: al-Qur’an. Since this is the one and only time God spoke to man since the universe began, and since He chose to use the language of the desert dwellers of the day, at that instant that particular desert dialect froze as solid and immutable as the Ka’aba itself in Holy Mecca. The power of one: one God, one man, one moment, one tongue. If the Jews are the chosen people, Arabic is the chosen language.

Sep 10, 2015 - 01:33pm PT

"Infowars" LOL.

Yer on a roll!
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:43pm PT

"Shouting about mind-control assassins, the 9/11 conspiracy, and the Bilderberg Group, radio host Alex Jones has cornered the bi-partisan paranoia market."

"The origin of the term Sham is commonly misunderstood. Many in the Middle East believe it comes from 'shams', the Arabic word for sun. That would fit nicely with the origin of the word Levant, as the land of the rising sun. But the true meaning is more interesting.

It literally means "the left hand." If you stand in Mecca, facing east, then the land to your left is the "Bilad as-Sham." The land to your right is the "Bilad al-Yamin," from which the nation of Yemen gets its name."
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:46pm PT
More rolling just for you Dirts...

The group has had various names since it began.[48]
The group was founded in 1999 by Jordanian radical Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād, "The Organisation of Monotheism and Jihad" (JTJ).[33]
In October 2004, al-Zarqawi swore loyalty to Osama bin Laden and changed the group's name to Tanẓīm Qāʻidat al-Jihād fī Bilād al-Rāfidayn, "The Organisation of Jihad's Base in Mesopotamia", commonly known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).[48][49] Although the group has never called itself al-Qaeda in Iraq, this has been its informal name over the years.[50]
In January 2006, AQI merged with several other Iraqi insurgent groups to form the Mujahideen Shura Council.[51] Al-Zarqawi was killed in June 2006.
On 12 October 2006, the Mujahideen Shura Council merged with several more insurgent factions, and on 13 October the establishment of the ad-Dawlah al-ʻIraq al-Islāmiyah, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), was announced.[52] The leaders of this group were Abu Abdullah al-Rashid al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri.[53] After they were killed in a US–Iraqi operation in April 2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the new leader of the group.
On 8 April 2013, having expanded into Syria, the group adopted the name Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, which more fully translates as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant[citation needed] or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.[54][55][56] These names are translations of the Arabic name ad-Dawlah al-Islāmīyah fī-l-ʻIrāq wa-sh-Shām,[57][58] al-Shām being a description of the Levant or Greater Syria.[34] The translated names are commonly abbreviated as ISIL or ISIS, with a debate over which of these acronyms should be used.[34][58] The Washington Post concluded that the distinction between the two "is not so great".[34]
The name Daʿish is often used by ISIL's Arabic-speaking detractors. It is based on the Arabic letters Dāl, alif, ʻayn, and shīn, which form the acronym (داعش) of ISIL's Arabic name al-Dawlah al-Islamīyah fī al-ʻIrāq wa-al-Shām.[59][60] There are many spellings of this acronym, with Daesh gaining acceptance. ISIL considers the name Da'ish derogatory, because it sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes, "one who crushes something underfoot", and Dahes, "one who sows discord".[61][62] ISIL also reportedly uses flogging as a punishment for those who use the name in ISIL-controlled areas.[63][64] In 2015, over 120 British parliamentarians asked the BBC to use Daesh, following the example of John Kerry and Laurent Fabius.[61][65]
On 14 May 2014, the United States Department of State announced its decision to use "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) as the group's primary name.[59] However, in late 2014, top US officials shifted toward Daesh, since it was the preferred term used by their Arab allies.[61]
On 29 June 2014, the group renamed itself ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah (الدولة الإسلامية, "Islamic State" (IS)) and declared it a worldwide caliphate.[Accordingly, the "Iraq and Shām" was removed from all official deliberations and communications, and the official name became the Islamic State from the date of the declaration. The name "Islamic State" and the claim of a caliphate have been widely criticised, with the UN, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups refusing to use it.

As Islamic State, 2014–present
See also: ISIL beheading incidents, American-led intervention in Syria, American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present), Iranian intervention in Iraq (2014–present), Military intervention against ISIL, Northern Iraq offensive (June 2014) and Turkish involvement in the Syrian Civil War.

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu'minin, Caliph Ibrahim—was named its caliph, and the group renamed itself ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah (الدولة الإسلامية, "Islamic State" (IS)).[40]

As a "Caliphate", it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide.[42][136] The concept of it being a caliphate and the name "Islamic State" have been rejected by governments and Muslim leaders worldwide.

In June and July 2014, Jordan and Saudi Arabia moved troops to their borders with Iraq, after Iraq lost control of, or withdrew from, strategic crossing points that then came under the control of ISIL, or tribes that supported ISIL. There was speculation that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had ordered a withdrawal of troops from the Iraq–Saudi crossings in order "to increase pressure on Saudi Arabia and bring the threat of ISIS over-running its borders as well".

So, back the history lesson from Info wars....

PS: Once again, ISIS has absolutely NOTHING to do with the US in IRAQ etc.

They have been around for a long long long time with so many other "names". Long before the US of A came to be etc.


Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:48pm PT
Thats some good posting Chief......

When the libs start bringing up all sorts of off the wall facts - thats when you know you have won....

notice how most of then are starting to accept the fact that Hillery is out of it.... a good thing IMHO.

Now we need to get Bush to retire, for good.
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:50pm PT
Now we need to get Bush to retire, for good

He is another bought and paid for piece of lying shet.

And BOBda. you want to historically blame anyone for ISIS, well, your "Italian" bloodline helped to originally fire their asses up back some 2000 years ago.

Ah, The Roman Empire and all it's murderous, vile, conquering, slave trading etc expansion throughout the North African, Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia etc.



The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday. As long as you are alive, you have a fight in you. If you are dead, you won't know it, so apparently you're not dead! Refer to the first portion of this sentence...
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 01:56pm PT
"Ah, The Roman Empire and all it's murderous vile slave trading etc expansion throughout the North African, Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia etc.

Sounds like America three hundred years ago.

Go sleep it off champ. There are some people who recover from alcoholism and for some it is too late.
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:00pm PT
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM

Sep 10, 2015 - 01:56pm PT
"Ah, The Roman Empire and all it's murderous vile slave trading etc expansion throughout the North African, Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia etc.

Sounds like America three hundred years ago.

Yeah, it was an Italian with long roots in the Roman Empire that started it all.... remember BOBda.!

Keep posting dude, your light keep shining that much brighter.

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:02pm PT
Dumb ass wrote: Yeah, it was an Italian that started it all.... remember BOBda.! do understand Columbus never set foot in North America.
The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:04pm PT
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM

Sep 10, 2015 - 02:02pm PT
Dumb ass wrote: Yeah, it was an Italian that started it all.... remember BOBda.! do understand Columbus never set foot in America.

It's that time again..

[Click to View YouTube Video]

I highly suggest you go do some of that VO bouldering and get them batteries on the Bosch of yours charged up.... know what I mean. BOBda.

That light of the tunnel is sometimes a good thing. But in your case, at the rate you are posting, it's one of these so I suggest you get the fk outta the way....

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:11pm PT
"In 1619, the Dutch introduced the first captured Africans to America, planting the seeds of a slavery system that evolved into a nightmare of abuse and cuelty that would ultimately divide the nation."

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:16pm PT
Please, please, please...

The Chief

Lurkerville east of Goldenville
Sep 10, 2015 - 02:17pm PT
Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM

Sep 10, 2015 - 01:56pm PT
"Ah, The Roman Empire and all it's murderous vile slave trading etc expansion throughout the North African, Arabian Peninsula and Southwest Asia etc.

Sounds like America three hundred years ago.

Bob D'A

Trad climber
Taos, NM

Sep 10, 2015 - 02:02pm PT
Chief wrote: Yeah, it was an Italian that started it all.... remember BOBda.! do understand Columbus never set foot in America.

The Americas, or America, also known as the Western Hemisphere and the New World, comprise the totality of territories in North America and South America. Along with their associated islands, they cover 8.3% of the Earth's total surface area (28.4% of its land area). The topography is dominated by the American Cordillera, a long chain of mountains that run the length of the west coast. The flatter eastern side of the Americas is dominated by large river basins, such as the Amazon, Mississippi, and La Plata. Since the Americas extend 14,000 km (8,700 mi) from north to south, the climate and ecology vary widely, from the arctic tundra of Northern Canada, Greenland, and Alaska, to the tropical rain forests in Central America and South America.

Hey BOBda, you gonna do another BILLY & HILDABEAST and go..

BUT BUT BUT..... I never....

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