Why Are Republicans WRONG about EVERYTHING?


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Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2015 - 12:05pm PT
Will her crib notes be written in gibberish too?

Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2015 - 12:06pm PT
If we are really lucky, Trump and his "hair" will run.
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 12:58pm PT
Others are starting to wake the fook up. Why can't you?


Looks like the liar in chief has struck again. For people who demand so much honesty you sure have a real winner here. As you, were keep lickin Obama ass.



Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 30, 2015 - 01:02pm PT
Shove your generalizations up your arse, dirt claud.

Trad climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 01:12pm PT
yeah, dirtclod, he lied. He said gas would get down to $2.50/gal, not $1.99.

Trad climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 01:31pm PT
"and Palin debating"...

I was unaware that she was even capable...

Palin became more incoherent than normal at the Iowa thing last week when her teleprompter broke midspeech. If that's not poetic justice I don't know what is.


[Click to View YouTube Video]
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 01:53pm PT
Yes, How dare I generalize a group of people who spend all day generalizing on Conservatives and patting each other on the back about how they have it all figured out and are so compassionate and care more than others could. I see you believed this liar again when he told you he was the one to lowered gas prices. Funny how when bad sh#t happens it can't be all of Obamas fault. He was duped, that's all, poor guy.
But when it something good, it was all him, he is so great and better than anyone we have ever had. He gets all the credit. Really sickening this mentality. Whatever it takes to make sure this guys facade is not exposed.
Keep up the circle jerk.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:04pm PT
You want a productive dialogue, dc?

Start one.

Best way to do that is to skip the generalizations.

Big Wall climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:07pm PT
I was disappointed with MITt R ..today..

Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2015 - 02:08pm PT
Wow, Benghazzzzzziiii...

Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2015 - 02:16pm PT
Jabba the Hut?
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:25pm PT
I believe he has done some good Locker. Just because I can't believe he is "all" bad. But I really don't know what that is? To me everything this man does is to spite the principles this country was founded on, and I'm not talking religion. He was raised by a man who did not like America and all it supposed "Imperialism". He listened to a pastor that was a racist and apparently that was ok, no biggie. If it would have been any white guy going to a racist church we would still be talking about it. Why does he get a pass on this? He went there because he agreed with what was said, no one forced him. He lies a lot. He is just to fkn shady for me.
I don't understand why he likes us Hispanics more than his own people. He has done nothing for the black community except create division. And he is just using us to get more votes. Nothing has changed on immigration, and blames Repubs all you want but he had two years of Dem controlled Congress and Senate. What did he do for Hispanics? Nothing. I don't like to be used and be made a fool of.
Perhaps you can enlighten me and point some good things out? If they are things I did not know about and are good for this country, not just a certain group of people.I have no problem admitting when I have been ignorant or made a mistake. I don't just dislike Obama because others do. I feel I have legitimate reasons to not like this man. I also know that he is not the only one calling the shots and that there are plenty of Repubs with the wrong agenda as well. I know my post earlier does not help, I just get ircked sometimes when I see the constant bashing and decided to post a jab. In the end I really wish we would all talk and put the ideas we have behind us. I think we really all want the same thing but are listening to others, the media, etc.. and not just talking to one another without preconceived ideas. When I'm out and I have a chance to talk to those on the other side, I do. Most of the time we find out we want the same thing but have different ideas of how to get there. I want what is best for this country no matter what. I really do hope that 20 years from now I will look back and say. "I was wrong. Obama did do a lot of good and I bought into all the BS." I would rather be wrong and admit it and have this country doing well, instead of the country really be that bad off. The party and saving face is not more important to me than the country.
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:30pm PT
Apogee, you are the last one that needs to talk to me about generalizations. You are the king of that sh#t on this thread. This thread is not to talk to Conservatives it was created to bash them. Don't act like you don't know that.

Most Conservatives I know do not listen to Rush or just watch Fux news. Funny how you guys think posting these pics are pissing someone off. FatTrad is not here anymore, maybe he cared.
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:36pm PT
Not sure if it is a bad thing or good thing that you all seam to think "all" Conservatives must love FUX, Rush, Palin, etc.. Guess the mainstream Lib media is working on you if you guys really believe that so much.
dirt claud

Social climber
san diego,ca
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:39pm PT
Sure Locker, perhaps I will catch you out at Josh sometime and we will shoot this sh#t talking about "not politics", and share a rope :).

Topic Author's Reply - Jan 30, 2015 - 02:46pm PT
I guess I'm trying to find fault in a rebounding economy, increased health care coverage, and action on climate change.

And sorry, csn is a crap, right wing hack news source. So don't get butt hurt about Kos faux news jab.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:55pm PT
fattrad was capable of respectful dialogue, even with his strong convictions, and constant shredding from the left. Take a lesson from that, dc.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 30, 2015 - 02:57pm PT
"Not sure if it is a bad thing or good thing that you all seam to think "all" Conservatives must love FUX, Rush, Palin"


You seem to think that all of us 'lefties' love MSNBC, Maddow, etc. Broad generalization, that.


Trad climber
Jan 30, 2015 - 03:07pm PT
fattrad was capable of respectful dialogue, even with his strong convictions, and constant shredding from the left. Take a lesson from that, dc.

That's some double standard. You lecture DC, while making your own lowbrow posts.

Maybe you should practice what you preach.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jan 30, 2015 - 03:53pm PT
Maybe DC could take a few lessons on respectful dialogue from JE.

You get what you give. Make dumbass generalizations, and you get sh#t right back.
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