What is "Mind?"


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Mar 27, 2015 - 10:15am PT
we're adaptable moment by moment, not just over longer periods. how many personas are packed into a single person? consider how much yours changes on a dime when relating to an SO, a coworker, a boss, a dog, a stranger...

Mar 27, 2015 - 11:26am PT
BTW, Seattle receives the exact same amount of sunlight as any other spot on earth - just not quite the intensity as points south.

This may be why we don't look like desiccated horse tackle by age 50 ;) Low angle sunlight makes things look purtier, too.

Don't get me wrong - I love all the West's environments.

But when you can drive 10 minutes, hop into a 14' Whitehall, row out in the Sound in bright sunshine, crepuscular storm clouds over the Olympics and Mt. Rainier in the distance, get overflown by a bald eagle under attack by a flock of seagulls, and have a 1500' sea lion surface right in front of your boat - all before dining at the local Turkish restaurant with your happily married gay friends, without fearing arrest for that happy cabbage you left in your glove box, well...

...it grows on ya.

Social climber
joshua tree
Mar 27, 2015 - 11:40am PT
It must be "T" shot day

Mar 27, 2015 - 11:45am PT
Never drink the stuff.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Mar 27, 2015 - 12:44pm PT
re: tvashfruit...

I do think it's pretty hilarious that an English teacher of all people could confuse us. Doubly hilarious that she's apparently so confident about it too.

"as far as his avatar goes, I still believe he is Tvash also. I don't post much here anymore because he and his other avatar dominate both threads... Until tvashfruit has studied philosophy and history as extensively as our two philosophy professors and klk (history professor), he has no corner on free will." -sul

Yeah, that's expertise on several points.


Then there's this gem she posted about a month ago. Of course she later deleted it. But I was able to find it on the dark side...

"Due to the over-posting of an individual here using two avatars in the same thread, I looked up adult Aspergers, only to discover that those with the condition have a hard time with fiction. They can't comprehend figurative language or sarcasm. Perhaps this is why they are always touting crappy nonfiction here and can't shut the f*#k up between posts." -sul

Gee, that's classy. /sarc

A motley crew here fer sur. ;)


I'm going to shut the f*#k up now between posts. :)

Mar 27, 2015 - 03:19pm PT
This isn't the first (or second, or third) time I've witnessed the weird 'You're really someone else!' thing. I'm not what emotional needs such behavior meets, but it's always good for a bit of a chuckle. I am surprised how undiscerning a person must be with regards to personal styles to be willing to make a fool of themselves on a public forum with such a schtick, however.

Some folks grab little to no data and just run with it. A PhD doesn't appear to provide prophylactic relief for this.

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Mar 27, 2015 - 04:39pm PT
Your subconscious is smart, Moose. It was probably your less reliable conscious mind that came up with the justification for your choice.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Mar 27, 2015 - 05:45pm PT
You're really someone else!' thing

Both the Tvash dude and HFCS suffer from a sort of generalized insipidness, rendering them indistinct from not only one another but from swarming legions of identical others of similar personality. They function as a type of generic "hive mind" in which , try as they might , their individual natures are haplessly forfeit and darkly submerged in service to a greater good to be realized in simply "belonging".
In short, they are the same virtual person.
The Skully-woman was somehow able to grasp this truth intuitively.

Boulder climber
The high prairie of southern Colorado
Mar 27, 2015 - 08:14pm PT
Perhaps this is why they are always touting crappy nonfiction here and can't shut the f*#k up between posts

Wow, being a devotee of fiction literature seems to trigger excessive hostility toward beaker boyz. One should strive for moderation (Buddha).

Some folks grab little to no data and just run with it. A PhD doesn't appear to provide prophylactic relief for this

Sullly has a PhD? Good for her.

Mar 27, 2015 - 08:59pm PT
The Colossus speaks.
Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Mar 27, 2015 - 09:38pm PT


Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
Mar 27, 2015 - 09:58pm PT
feralfae, I did not imply a refutation of the Many World's interpretation. In some ways, the many interpretations of quantum mechanics was a process to come to grips with it. Ultimately it worked so well that physicists decided it wasn't an important question, "why does it matter?"

Yes, Ed, I understand. I have some reading and thinking to do. Thank you.

Thank you all for letting me come and have recess with you. My new porcelain clay is here, arrangements are negotiated for two reduction firings in separate kilns with their own characteristics, and it is time for me to go make mud pies and listen to birdsong. :)
I return to throwing my life away. :)


Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Mar 27, 2015 - 10:14pm PT
Listening to music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion and transport, synaptic function, learning and memory. One of the most up-regulated genes, synuclein-alpha (SNCA) is a known risk gene for Parkinson's disease that is located in the strongest linkage region of musical aptitude. SNCA is also known to contribute to song learning in songbirds.



Playing music enhanced the activity of genes involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission, motor function, learning and memory. Some of the up-regulated genes like SNCA, FOS and DUSP1 are known to contribute to song perception and production in songbirds suggesting a potential evolutionary conservation in molecular mechanisms related to sound production across species. In addition, several of the up-regulated genes are known to be involved in biological pathways like calcium ion homeostasis and iron ion homeostasis that are essential for neuronal function, survival and neuroprotection.

If you can't sing then stomp your feet
If you can't stomp your feet then beat on an old round Quaker oat box, think of it as a kind of drum,or maybe a cardboard bongo.

Social climber
Seattle, WA
Mar 28, 2015 - 01:47am PT
feralfae: . . . I have no problem seeing the orderliness of the Universe as proof of the existence of some Creator.

If you could create anything that you could, why would you make it orderly? What would be the point?

Largo: "What is mind" is in fact a totally trick question.

AH HA! You finally exposed yourself. You devil! I was wondering when you were going to admit it. Funny, really. Teaching is always a very tricky subject. You must understand your students psychologically and emotionally to connect with them--sometimes in perverse ways.

Moosedrool: I like to compare consciousness to a sensation. When I see a chair, it is my brain that translates the inputs from the optical nerves and gives me the image of the chair.

You could have stopped with the first sentence, which was great! Then you added all that theory and definition. (You’re in full speculation mode.) Sure it could be like that, and in an infinite number of other ways, too.


Andre Gide (channeled by Ed): The facts are clear, and they have been known for a long time. When it comes to the metaphysics of free will, André Gide’s remark is apt: ‘Everything has been said before, but since nobody listens we have to keep going back and beginning all over again.’ It seems that the only freedom that we can have is compatibilist freedom. If – since – that is not enough for ultimate responsibility, we cannot have ultimate responsibility.

Horse pucky. It’s no fact--it’s an interpretation. Fine, . . . one among an infinite number of others. Show me the data, Mr. Gide.

Ed: Writing is not only a means of communicating, but also an aid to developing ideas that can be articulated clearly.

Whew. Hear hear. Kills me sometimes.

(Who doesn’t like Ed?)

Tvash: . . . we're plastic, . . .

So much so that there isn’t any there there.

Ward: . . a sort of generalized insipidness, . . .

Wonderful phrasing. I’m using it the next time available.
Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Mar 28, 2015 - 10:26am PT
which one of you, Moose? by now you've bifurcated a huge number of times...

Mar 28, 2015 - 10:37am PT
you'll need to upload that query to the moosecloud

Mar 28, 2015 - 11:18am PT
Best pickup/put down ever:

"In Bizarro World, you and I are married."

 overheard at our neighborhood german pub

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Mar 28, 2015 - 03:37pm PT
Ed: In spite of the fact it would blow your avatar cover, have you published anything anywhere? and can you reference it?

Tvash is in fact a real, if occasionally surreal, person up here in the PNW...

Mar 28, 2015 - 04:03pm PT
i am? you sure?

Boulder climber
Andy Cairns
Mar 28, 2015 - 04:05pm PT
Confusion reigns.

I think it was HFCS Ed was asking.
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