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Trad climber
Apr 8, 2008 - 10:10pm PT
Geezus, is anyone not lurking the taco?

Can we get Royal or Frost to put up a few thoughts?


Apr 8, 2008 - 10:11pm PT
"I think Harding, were he with us, would have a good laugh at the climbers that are so outraged by this route today. And Galen would probably side with the GU crew also. Were he with us, he'd be running up and down the cables to photo the route."

im sorry but you cant really expect to be able to speak for them, can you? frankly you just don't know.

"So the route is controversial. Some people inherently cling to the past and tradition, and are threatened by change and new ideas. Others see new things with an open mind, and welcome a fresh perspective. The latter rarely impose their morals on the former. That's human nature."

So now your saying those of us who have a problem with this route are not open minded? Im a very open minded person and, like you said, "welcome a fresh perspective" but thats not what this is about. What if my new perspective included blasting a road up the north fork trail so i could turn the east face of whitney into my weekend crag? because wouldnt this new idea make all that great climbing more accessible to "the masses"? Just because things are new doesnt make them revolutionary or inherently good.

Trad climber
Butte, America
Apr 8, 2008 - 10:34pm PT
....and just because something is legal, doesn't necessarily make it right.

Trad climber
Quartz Hill, California
Apr 8, 2008 - 10:35pm PT

And, "blasting a road up the north fork trail so i could turn the east face of whitney into my weekend crag?" is the same thing as what was done on GU ??? I just don't understand this analogy! You know what I am truly concerned about ?? Coming over the top of Snake Dike after a glorious day of climbing and seeing 400+ people, half of them dressed in pajamas, stampede for the cables at the first flash of lightening. Now that is something that really impacts my climbing experience. Bolts on a face that I can hardly see, let alone climb, just don't get my panties in a bunch !! Especially when you consider how many climbs I have enjoyed over the years that were "not put up in good style". GU is in, it is over! It is not the first controversial route and won't be the last. Let's get to 2000 posts and then all sit down and have a F@cking beer !!!

bob d'antonio

Trad climber
Taos, NM
Apr 8, 2008 - 10:39pm PT
Cracko wrote: Let's get to 2000 posts and then all sit down and have a F@cking beer !!!

I'm in...maybe the next facelift!

Big Wall climber
Apr 8, 2008 - 10:40pm PT
Here's the double whammy Kris :


Can you imagine the absurdity of drilling a bolt ladder on rappel?


Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:04pm PT
Few years ago back east a copuple of strong young guys chopped some bolts from a 5.6 trade rout including a bolted belay that had been there longer than these punks had been alive. They then got drunk and hammered a quater keg into the chimny/offwidth of pitch two of Moby Grape. They may have gotten drunk and retro kegged Moby a week or so before the chopping spree? The exact time sequence eludes me now... That keg was fixed for about a year and you could see it from the highway a half mile or so away. ( Low impact retro fixed gear) Then they grew up a bit and have been climbing all kinds of hard stuff and a lot of it has bolts. Pretty darn suer that not all of those bolts went in ground up. Yea, theres allways skeletons if you know where to look;)
Dr. Rock

Ice climber
Castle Rock
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:37pm PT
Tom Brassel was the guy that left the keg.
He moved to Fort Collins, you may search Google if you want to prosecute...I don't know, it has been so long...

Where you want to be
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:40pm PT
I've read "downward bound", and would like some help getting the excellent Harding qoute about people verbatim.
It was something to the effect of, "Climbing is stupid. I look out at all the people in the world and think of all the stupid f*#king stipidity, and just think, man, this is stupid."
Or something to that effect (help me out)

Semper Farcisimus!.
edit, FOUND IT!
Dr. Rock

Ice climber
Castle Rock
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:46pm PT
Be careful with Brassell, BTW.
He was a stud cross country runner turned rocker, he ran a sub 10 two mile his softmore year at Homestead, awesome, but once got DQ'ed for stuffing Atomic Balm up a ducks ass at a meet, the duck died, he got whacked, but went on to set records.
Also cut off a bears dick from hetch hetchy road kill, used to whip it out in the quad at high school.
you can imagine the climber this guy was.

I ran with all thes freaks.
I had the fastest three mile in the nation my freshman year, so they bumped me to varsity.
then my tendons snapped.

Where you want to be
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:54pm PT
Warren Harding:

“It’s a genetic combination of stuff. I can just look at the stupidity of humankind without being a Democrat, Republican, Christian or Muslim. I look and think, ‘What a bunch of stupid f*#king stupidity.’ Going back to my early years, I’ve always had one f*#k of a strong mind. Fortunately, it didn’t lead to raping, burning and pillaging. By a strong mind, I mean someone coming up to me and telling me ‘Oh, Warren, this is all wrong.’ I’d say, ‘Oh really? Well, frankly that’s what you think. Now, are you telling me that you have a better mind than I do? No, I don’t think so!’ Actually, I’ve never said this to anyone, but my attitude is: Hey fella, you do your climbs, and I’ll do mine.”
Dr. Rock

Ice climber
Castle Rock
Apr 8, 2008 - 11:58pm PT
you know whats funny is that, if you look at those results, what a slaughter!
We used to line up with 100 people from 10 schools, and get, 1 2 3 4 5.
maybe some guy was juiced and had a freak day, but we would get him the next time.
nick d

Trad climber
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:12am PT
1098 mental patient in custody!

edit: of course you are right Mustang. I must be the mental patient!

From the wild, not the ranch
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:14am PT
I believe that would be 1096, Jody????

edit: nick d, there are more than jest a few here:)

Trad climber
El Portal, CA
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:15am PT
Let's see who deletes their post so they can have 1100.
Dr. Taco

Social climber
New Freedonia, Caledonia
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:15am PT
Dr. Taco is concerned.
Sean Jones

Apr 9, 2008 - 12:19am PT
Does anyone here have a job ? Where in God's name do you find so much time to do this. I need to know the secret to this. I'm working way too much at this time in my life and obviously don't need to be. I must be stupid.

I'm not waiting for 2,000 posts. I'm 1/2 way through a 6 pack already.



Big Wall climber
A Token of My Extreme
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:22am PT
Jobs suck.
Thanks for sharing your sixer with us!
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:23am PT
Sean wrote
"Does anyone here have a job ? Where in God's name do you find so much time to do this"

Must.... Resist......

I usually just take time out from more productive writing and activities in favor of the addictive quality of the internet and in most particular Supertopo.

Accomplish less! Post more!

Step away from the keyboard buddy or you'll fall down the wormhole



Trad climber
Butte, America
Apr 9, 2008 - 12:24am PT
Sean, become a "stay at home dad", you'll be amazed at how much you can do in between bfastlunchdinner.

I hope your route gets climbed often and gets rave reviews--it is now "in the can".
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