Trump has entered the Querencia Phase of his presidency


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Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Apr 24, 2018 - 10:20am PT
I just talked with my landlord. A fine man is he. I have been a good journalist and sometimes zoologist (my training, black bears and coyotes in the field, but we all know them as climbers) for close to 45 years working in the media of all sorts (TV, national newspapers, business press, etc etc ad nauseam). I have worked and lived in over five countries and have had no better landlord than Graham.

He gave up his practice (optician) in Dublin to move to England to take care of his (late) mother (leukemia). He divorced his wife (her daddy owns hotels in Ireland and Dubai) and his sons love him for that. His partner in England is now ill, her son a GP, so hopefully she is in good hands.

The love of my life is in a nursing home south of New Ross (Kennedy homestead). She turned 67 on April 9 and I spoke with her for over 30 minutes on her birthday.

I have sh#t eff all going for me except my writing. I have nephews in the Marines or ex (my godson was in two tours of Afghanistan), the other trains with SEALs (Recon 4 or something like that, I don't know). The third is coming to Ireland to finish his BA at UCC (his girlfriend is Irish) and then OCS in Virginia at Quantico. I have some great relatives in the US.

I am healthy, lamenting the lack of rock in SE Ireland. I have a fine dog and cat, Aggie and Betty.

I am alive.

So Donald Trump is POTUS. I do not like it, at all. Never liked the man from decades ago. He is an as#@&%e. Plain and simple. How he got to be POTUS is more of a reflection on American society and politics is there to see.

Still, he is a fart in the wind. America, the world, will move on long after his stench is just a passing of the breeze. That said, His stench may still linger in some parts of society, of the world. His masters are still out there. Determined to rule us. We must ever be so vigilant.

The clouds are clearing, the rain has abetted. The sun is shining through.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Apr 24, 2018 - 10:26am PT
Ken M
You don't have to go back too far to see when a president didn't attend a former FLOTUS funeral.
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Apr 24, 2018 - 10:36am PT
Even funnier is that with every passing day the very people who voted for trump are getting f*#ked further up the a*# in every conceivable economic and consumer rights way.

The idea that the best, the brightest, the very brain trust of the progressive left is getting their asses handed to them by Bozo the Clown is funny beyond belief.

Hey, who gives a ef if Republicans gut social security and other safety net programs to pay for a 1.8 trillion dollar tax cut for the rich, or that we have a corrupt, totalitarian leaning POTUS, just as long as you can laugh at libtards.
Patrick Sawyer

Originally California, now Ireland
Apr 24, 2018 - 10:43am PT
Larry, you are right. Ken, I would not put so much 'emphasis' or 'concern' if Trump did not go to the late Mrs Bush's funeral. There are bigger fish to fry, so to speak.

We have to remember, the US is a democracy. Supposedly some millions voted for Trump (or at least the electoral college did), that still leaves a majority who did not. A democracy kids is not about who rules for just those that voted for "him", but for all of those in society. In the nation. And remember, the POTUS is just a civil servant, a public servant. Not God.

A good president, a good leader, should not ignore that. Isn't that the basis of the electoral college, that the little voices are heard? Oh please excuse my ignorance, that is not what the electoral college is about. Is it?

Trump will come and go (ask Ms Daniels), but America and progressive thinking will not be a flight of fancy.

Trad climber
Apr 24, 2018 - 11:39am PT

The Wastelands

Apr 24, 2018 - 09:05am PT
the Dems have been ineffective in gaining ground.

Good day, Edward!

you have not been keeping up on your current affairs reading?

you have not noticed that the "Dems" have been winning elections all over the country

including in very traditionally held Republican seats

that is called "gaining ground", try that new thing out called an internet search engine

Republicans control the White house, both Houses of congress,
2/3rd of Governorships and
full control of 32 state legislatures.

Granted, they've given a little ground. Considering the historic success of the 2016 election, a little give is expected.

Here's to Democrats "winning".

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Apr 24, 2018 - 12:02pm PT
President Bozo was planning on attending Barbara Bush's funeral until he found out she wasn't attending his..." Always keep smiling..."

The Wastelands
Apr 24, 2018 - 12:06pm PT
well Edward

let us pray that your beloved Republicans remain in control of the US government

you must be so proud of them

Trad climber
Apr 24, 2018 - 01:15pm PT
The National Rifle Association (NRA) broke a 15-year-old fundraising record in March, countering the wave of anti-gun enthusiasm that swept the country after the February mass shooting in Parkland, Fla.

The NRA Political Victory Fund raised $2.4 million from March 1 to March 31, according to Federal Election Commission filings, $1.9 million from donations of $200 or less. The windfall, the largest in one month since June 2003, came in the first full month of fundraising since 17 people were killed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 24, 2018 - 03:04pm PT
Good one, RJ!

So is Macron a crankloon for agreeing that the Iran deal can be bettered? Y’all do know who Macron is?

The Wastelands
Apr 24, 2018 - 03:26pm PT

looks like Mannifort, Flynn and now Cohen will be cellmates in a Federal prison

obstruction of justice is an iffy charge to make stick but Donald's Russian money laundering days are over


Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 24, 2018 - 04:30pm PT
This Trump thing is the world's greatest guessing game.

If Cohen is indicted in Federal court, a New York State law prevents evidence behind those charges from being additionally used in State court. Trump's pardon power doesn't extend to State court.

HERE'S MY GUESS: Federal prosecutors will pass some of their Michael Cohen evidence to New York State prosecutors. Cohen will be indicted in both Federal and State court, on separate charges, to ensure maximum pressure on him to flip.

That already happened to Manafort. He's facing two different indictments, one in Federal Court, and one in Virginia State Court.

One of Manafort's failed defenses was claiming Mueller overstepped his jurisdiction. So, with Cohen, Mueller passed relevant evidence to the New York District Court, to obviate any further nonsense of that type. That court, in turn, will pass some evidence to the State Court.

There is plenty of Trump-related malfeasance to go around. No one Court needs to be greedy, and they all seem willing to share with each other.

Trump's echo chamber will probably start complaining about prosecutorial socialism.

And Tom, the architecture ideas were not his. Trump did no construct great buildings as you claim. Your claim made me want to look at Trump's real estate holdings, buildings, etc etc. My research shows that Trump is not a genius on that matter.

I never claimed Trump was an architectural, engineering or other technical genius. He has been, at times, a genius with respect to his building projects as a whole.

Trump Tower, his first skyscraper, required a complex and unprecedented permitting package. There were no other towers in that area, and the planning department was very reluctant to allow one. Trump had to buy the air rights from adjacent buildings, and leave the Trump Tower lobby as a permanent public space, like an indoor park. Financing a new building when NYC was going bankrupt was a bit of a magic trick. The decision to go forward with the all-concrete frame design was Trump's.

Enzo Ferrari never designed an engine, and never designed a car. Lampredi and Pininfarina did. But, Enzo was the guy who put it all together and made it happen.

That said, Trump used illegal labor when building Trump Tower, and illegally destroyed Art Deco sculptures he had agreed to preserve for a museum. He probably defrauded his contractors by not paying them. Trump Tower was one of the first, or the first, residential tower where anonymous buyers using LLCs bought property. As early as 1984, illicit Russian money was used to purchase units in the building. More recently, in 2016 Trump challenged the NY Department of Buildings over private use of the public lobby of Trump Tower, when he installed various vending kiosks to sell Red Chinese hats with a nationalistic slogan, Make America Great Again.

Enzo Ferrari was also a prick. He angered Ferruccio Lamborghini so much that he started his own car company. Enzo pissed off Ford Motor Company so much, they built the Ford GT40 to kick Ferrari's ass (which they did).


Pardoning Cohen won't help Trump. He might do it anyway, like an idiot who randomly moves a pawn because can't think of any other move to make.

Trump is up against chess masters who have put him in checkmate.

If he pardons Cohen, the New York State Court moves forward on Cohen.

If Trump fires Mueller, the Southern District Court moves forward on Cohen.

If he tries to drop the Stormy Daniels case, she refuses the settlement, and the case moves forward against Trump and Cohen.

If Cohen refuses to flip, or disappears, prosecutors have ten boxes of papers and taped conversations, and will move forward.


Apr 24, 2018 - 04:34pm PT
If trump pardons Cohen he should be impeached.

The Wastelands
Apr 24, 2018 - 05:50pm PT
the 25th Amendment requires the Presidents' own cabinet to vote to remove him from office

from that vote it goes to congress and requires majority or is it 2/3 to impeach?

Betfair has pretty even money now bet that Trump will not serve out this term

Sport climber
Yakima, WA
Apr 24, 2018 - 05:59pm PT
the 25th Amendment requires the Presidents' own cabinet to vote to remove him from office

from that vote it goes to congress and requires majority or is it 2/3 to impeach?
Norton, I think you're confusing two separate things here. The 25th Amendment is a way for the President to be removed from office for incapacity; Congress has to agree he is incompetent.

Impeachment is a process defined in the Constitution, not an amendment; the House serves article of impeachment specifying the crimes the President is accused of; the Senate tries the President for those crimes and finds him guilty (2/3 majority) or innocent.

Different things.

Apr 24, 2018 - 06:48pm PT
If trump pardons Cohen he should be impeached.

Trump will pardon Cohen.

Forum politards will then be moving to Russia becoming Putins bitch.

he he heh

Ice climber
Apr 24, 2018 - 06:49pm PT
knock knock
who is there

Who first reported that the Manafort warrant was "no knock" and served pre-dawn?

BTW there are a number of posters on the ST demonstrating signs of dementia, some of them I like quite well.
-c'est la vie

It goes to show you never can tell, but PM me if any of you need help with that dandruff.

BTW2, offering or granting presidential pardons, can be seen as an attempt at, or actual, obstruction of justice.
-Will Rogers or Mark Twain (or both)

"When you have a satellite, you want to demonstrate that you can take pictures of places you wouldn’t otherwise image,”

Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Apr 24, 2018 - 09:15pm PT
Larry, you have a point, although Obama was engaged in a public speech that had previously been scheduled.

Trump was off playing golf---which you will recall he promised not to do while in office, at all.

Big Wall climber
San Luis Obispo CA
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 24, 2018 - 09:53pm PT
Knock, knock.

Who's there?


F.B.I. who?

Finders of Bromance-boy's Information, that's who.

According to CNN,

The so-called no-knock warrant, which was first reported by The Washington Post, was served at Manafort's home in Washington's northern Virginia suburbs on July 26, the day after Manafort met with Senate intelligence committee investigators.



Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Apr 25, 2018 - 05:36am PT
What makes you think they give us the best candidates to vote for?

Gym climber
Apr 25, 2018 - 08:13am PT
Looks like the Macron visit is going well.
Who knows how the North Korea summit will go, but at least there's potential.

Could it be that the Trump's warm personal touch is a more effective way to engage in diplomacy than Obama's icy aloofness? What did the Obama approach get us?

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