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Ice climber
Feb 15, 2017 - 07:08pm PT
What a youth you were, mah fren.

Keep on packin'.

May you climb on every rung.

Trad climber
Feb 15, 2017 - 09:58pm PT
Bought this from the Muskrat around 1970. Still got it
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 15, 2017 - 10:42pm PT
Muskrat = Mathis = the Rev = Tuolumne Sporting Goods

"Providing the Basics to Friends at Friends' Prices"

donini's recollection of TSC was pithy.zBrown, your Jacob's Ladder reminds me of the cables on HD.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 15, 2017 - 11:34pm PT
Bullfrog shoots the film
Millis holds the rope

Mousie looks for holds
And he can only hope

To cooly jam this simple crack
And not appear a dope

Mark had a 35mm camera and film and we were not contracted with any major suppliers of gear, not even TSC,
which came the following spring, so we agreed to "act" in Ringo fashion, playing ourselves.

I have often wondered, "What happened to that can of film?"
The chocks which adorn my rack are not Chouinard hexes or stoppers.
There are some wired Peck Crackers on me someplace and my beefy slung MOAC, I think.
I don't see how there could be a wired Stopper on that rack, but it LOOKS like one. Maybe one of Millis' pieces, possibly.
A few Peck hexes on 9/16ths web, too.
I got these from Larry Horton in Berkeley at clearance prices.
Jeff tells me that the pines on his place are being taken away by a person who supplies firewood to the Ahwahnee and to the new Rush Creek Lodge and other places like them. He's the largest firewood supplier in Mariposa County and Jeff's glad to get rid of the wood.

He works in the morning felling and bucking and splits the largest rounds in twain for ease in lifting. He's good for about one tank of gas in the saw. He had to buy a new saw with all this sawyer stuff. He'll run another tank in the afternoon and that's all he's good for.

Remember the phrase "banker's hours?" Ten to three and that's it.

Bye. Gonna go play nine before dark,
maybe take the boat out to the lake
and ski till sundown with the boys.
In Royal's case, this wasn't so. He ran an office full of women and had to be there after the bank closed.

Maybe go work that boulder problem? Not till the weekend.

The wood crew came in and decked some logs for Jeff in a place that was convenient for them to load rounds,
but making a quagmire, a mud pit, a death trap in the rain next to the gravel drive in doing it.

Next day they showed up with a chipper and limbed all the logs and fed the chips into the bog.
But the chipper's vibrating away, sinking down into and through the gravel, creating yet another messy hole.

Then it rained some more.

And some more.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 07:08am PT
And this morning it is raining again.

Dismal thoughts as NOT-MY-POTUS declares war on whistle-blowing.

The Tweet Sound of Truth

Several low-life leakers
Wearing high heeled sneakers
Were featured breakfast speakers
According to truth seekers

Our president is wrong
We don’t like his song
It won’t be very long
They’ll be laughing at his dong

He stands naked in the glare
Light reflecting from his hair
And all the people stare
While he tweets about his pair

He’s such a macho man
See his golden tan
But not everyone’s his fan
I wish he’d never ran

Ice climber
Feb 16, 2017 - 07:46am PT
As Harry Truman used to say, travel light and carry two sticks and some cord.

Not sayin' this was used by Hambone, not sayin' it wasn't either. Not likely though, since everybody knows that most NBA players are Black except for Bird, West, & Walton.


Trad climber
Feb 16, 2017 - 08:42am PT
I said Muskrat when I meant Bullfrog. I got his pack along with a slightly used blue edelrid and a bunch of pins. And a CMI hammer. Still got some of those too. He was quitting just as I was starting. That might be the pack in that photo of youse guys.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 16, 2017 - 09:37am PT

Feb 16, 2017 - 07:02am PT
Really? One step at a time.

Divided they fell: the German left and the rise of Hitler

Brutal attacks and murders of well-known anti-fascist activists followed immediately after Hitler’s ascension to power. Hit most quickly and most heavily by Nazi repression was the Communist Party (KPD). Nazi thugs stormed and closed the KPD headquarters, the Karl Liebknecht House, on 23 February 1933 and banned their newspaper, Die Rote Fahne, a few days later. The burning of parliament on 27 February was used to justify yet another wave of terror against the left. Over 1,500 Communists were arrested that night in Berlin alone. Unable to fit so many political prisoners into the existing prison system, the Nazis erected the first concentration camps during this wave of repression. The last federal elections were held on 6 March: despite the Nazi repression, the KPD still received 12.3 percent (4.8 million votes) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) 18.3 percent (7.3 million votes). The Nazis had not received an absolute majority, but were able to form a cabinet together with a right wing party. Hitler forced through the so-called “Enabling Act” in the same month, giving the government the right to pass laws contrary to the constitution. The Communists were not able to participate in parliament by that time, as most deputies had either gone underground or had already been arrested by the Nazis. As it was, the SPD was the only party in parliament to vote against the Enabling Act—every bourgeois party voted in favour. Germany’s march towards a fascist dictatorship could no longer be halted.[\quote]

In 1971, General Idi Amin overthrew the elected government of Milton Obote and declared himself president of Uganda, launching a ruthless eight-year regime in which an estimated 300,000 civilians were massacred. His expulsion of all Indian and Pakistani citizens in 1972—along with increasing military expenditures—brought about the country’s economic decline, the impact of which lasted decades. In 1979 his reign of terror came to an end as Ugandan exiles and Tanzanians took control of the capital of Kampala, forcing Amin to flee. Never brought to justice for his heinous crimes, Amin lived out the remainder of his life in Saudi Arabia.[\quote]

Amazing Brown !
Sadly I think it was , Absolutely pointless,
Some thing in Psalms? I think it's from?
The seed that falls on rock can't germinate or some such. ..
you tried to educate Jody! & the for real stupid ones, that can't see the loss

Do you think he accepts
That Jesus was a brown, dark eye'd Jew?
As opposed to the white blue eye'd Arian that he kneels to ?

(My apologies to you, the faithful but. . , it's hard to by that good triumphs over evil)
(When this worlds condition proves everyday that crime pays the bigger dividend.)

His lack of Ed I Fi cation a total home skool fool
Is that what a park rangers parents are responsible for
He , Jody of the pretty photo snaps is an imbecile !

I'd no idea you played the trump pet !
I tried to find some cut trax, to no avail but check it out, it never fails to take me
(& Sendz me over the falls )
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Now as to the scroll of old photos those are great you were a handsome man what the heel happend ?
oh that's right, the rollercoaster life,
Hell happened !

Glad to see those though - bud!

Wow I wish some of me from way back would surface . . . .
Oh that right h'CruB posted some shjt.
Can't decide if to post it ?

This was some day! All for naught!
This place has devolved. to being, mostly Un-worthy,
given that what I've got to add is of no interest I guess it is to be expected!
Everything I've posted in the last 20 hrs has dug a hole for me.
I'll stop digging.

I wrote the following thinking that it needed to be said.
What ever the mountain accomplishments may be, it is no excuse to fo-go humanity.

However, let's not forget who's sadly who.
I'm no fan of using rock climbs as a megaphone for politics!
What's his name? I forget,
his "Hamas fights for Freedom" is on my list!
actually I'm such a hypocrite, I've named routes for My treehggin' politics,
and there is "Pocket Veto" in the cat box, that's sorta mine too.
( I liked "Old Limp-dik Rings" but Gordo thought Vogel wouldn't print that, so . . )
way off the mark of supporting ' merican values,
he was turned away from the glory of the Red & white and blue?
Or is that an act too?
His troubled, booby-trapped climbs, are not cool.
If he wants to kill someone by setting crap that's chopped through he deserves the chop too
Be strong out there it will just almost tip the scales and keep going.
Strength, speed, SAFTY & clear vision !
Which is my true wish foryou & everybody (even badbungholebyer)

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 10:10am PT
I Wish He'd Have Never Run

He's not the only one
There was old Pito Wilson
And the late Richard Nixon
Cali's favorite son

Not feeling very flamboyant today.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 10:12am PT
Something for GHOST.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 10:17am PT
On second thought...nah.

I must reflect furtherly.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 11:14am PT
How high's the snow level, Mama?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 11:23am PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 01:26pm PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 01:44pm PT
At the Arthur Murray Vertical Dance Studio in Camp 4, CA.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 16, 2017 - 05:27pm PT
100 years

John Malkovich's project sounds interesting.
You'll never see it cuz yer gonna die.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 17, 2017 - 03:03am PT

There are two types,of folks among the many of postin' what-knots here
that often can not get along.

Those who have lived a 'good' life, seen some & had things turn out well

& want share what they have experienced.


those who have unresolved issues, ( but more than most, as I think we all have some of those)

so much so that they know nothing of living well,

(for many reasons, that are often self inflicted)

are happiest to stay clueless, as to how to move forward in happiness and grace.

For those poor souls many here try to be sounding boards of reason.

I hope we all can get along without being hurtful to others.

That has become less a less possible around here lately.

On the Passing of gas
& a friendship that never was
(I knew It, from the git-go, and was stand-offish from the start)
Bitter, broke, and broken
left crowing from the pier;
that you've won?
proves little . . ( Not more Than what a "canyon cat" said)
there's no accounting for it

The things you say have dwindled to the fool hash-tags and
You say what shows your worth
& just vaults your stupidity into view for all to see and ridicule.
while those in your corner are forced to fade away.

We are all things in cages, surrounded by those or none
But if you can only spew bitterness and lowbrow juvenile 'fun'
Stay the fvck away!

Back in the way back I was chipper and would run up climbs
I weighed not
thought not
And fell not
But it seems it was all for naught
as time passed and I gassed out
on being a traveling climbing bum.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 17, 2017 - 04:18am PT
Well, Pilgirm, that was well-said.--MMM

And I could not agree more.

Can we agree on agreeing, then?

Pah de Dieu

One does not have to agree with anything that another says.

He should listen, though, at the very least, to what others say when expressing an opinion or fact. I should say "Read and think about what others post," to be exact.

And exactness is the garblebasic of the universe, ultimately.

After mastering that not-so-dying language, one can go on from there to ever greater perfection. Yes, it's possible to improve on perfection.

Our limited brains/awareness cannot see this.

Where's Werner, I wonder.

o! and i miss the, weej, the reel weej
the one in the vintage posts

Amazing. Simply amazing, Gnome. Such peaceful and bromantic thoughts could brand you as a subversive element.

I'm just sayin' what THEY'VE all been sprayin'.
It's prolly well-deserved since you're so f*#kling unreserved.
You just toss it onto the table and we read it if we are able.
Bob prolly said it best I think that we should never ever drink.
We shouldn't mock around the clock and use the forum sans decorum.
But we are human and we do it so let's agree to just say screw it
and move on.

Proud to say these good thoughts are brought to you by these folksy folks in Mesilla, AZ.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Feb 17, 2017 - 04:30am PT
Not that I had to say it but I'm not aimed at you!
Just costing like a condor o're the piles of the Pinnacles of south central. (of 'da big C)

I dream of California
I miss the folks cool vibe
I miss real climbing where history still clings to the walls
I hope to get back some day
I have to
It is the need like that
that drives many back
to the white cliffs that
need more than age let's us give

I just called ya' mfm.

Not a bad word or thought is meant for thee ( you, funny fart of contradiction)

You could not have known there is an amazingly good climb
Pas de Deux

It's in the over climbed ,
Climbed out
Polished to a full grade harder (without anyone pointing it out)
Area or zone at the main place where so many cut their teeth.
I'll link it later or not

Change up :

I've got to go now
I'm getting my mouth carved up
perhaps to save some teeth?
Brush yer' dentin with regularity
They will go away

V V V V he's got good teeth!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 17, 2017 - 04:44am PT
Don't misconscrew me.
You did not listen to me.

Typical of your type.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Making sense stop

Sensicali Rose rose to the occasion
The aroma of some sweet Thing
Arose from her and assaulted my Entity
We became solid
We turned liquid
We had a gas
This was not my wife
We were flowing all around
Essence of Thought
Science Magic
Allusions of Illusion withdrew
Fusion without Confusion
A Meeting of the Really Truly Bored
epic haiku trip reports
from a lone space ranger
in the fourth world
post-coitus philosophical rambles
among jungled jumbled talus
where mental brambles abound
and false trails lead nowhere
but somewhere

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