9/11 belief, mythology, and the unknowable (OT)


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State of Mine
Jul 21, 2010 - 03:51pm PT
try this out RJ; however, beware that what adam was trying to tell you was that your numbers may be WRONG.


drag coefficients are normally found empirically and therefore, for a falling wing will not be available.

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:10pm PT
Can you show in any way that it is possible for something to travel 31,000 feet in 46.5 seconds without it reaching MORE THAN 460 miles an hour from zero vertical speed?

I REALLY want to see your proof of THAT.

Once again (how many times now?)... You are missing things that have been said more than once...
I wrote:
They throw physics out, citing the time it take to fall as 45 seconds, yet will not address my points about how accurate this time in a reply two pages back (last post).

You may want to let your eyes adjust, so you can actually read the replies, then maybe you will understand... Although it is unlikely, as you just don't care to understand. It appears that you are very happy, reading, typing, and even thinking in the dark.

Ya know... My engineer friend out here (the nuke where 'poorly educated' me works as an inspector) that laughed at all of you this morning, asked me "why I even bother, since you guys will never listen". I told him that I am stupid, and just can't help myself. (step 1 & 2)

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:30pm PT
Re: my challenge to provide validation for the accuracy of the time it took that Lockerbie piece to hit the ground...

Let me make a prediction...

You, and/or another "truther/s" will search through the 9/11 conspiracy sites looking to answer this with something that can be verified, ofailing to do so, you'll now switch to google. Because, since you are so confident, it HAS to be there, right? (Thinking, "Man, I just wanna cram in rrrETARD's face!")

Failing to find something that can actually be validated/verified, you all will mist likely just ignore this, and continue to confidently say "46.5 seconds is proof...". Or, come up with some lame ass excuse to dismiss it. It's what you guys all to often do regarding anything that shows you are wrong.
(I.e., Ignore... Ignore... Deny... Deny...)

See, the onus is on you to show how all the numbers (time) is accurate, in order to show that the laws of physics have been violated. The problem is, you accept what you read on the net as fact if it agrees with what you think, even despite the laws of physics. Compounding this, whether wilfull or through ignorance, you are not applying the laws of physics appropriately.

Now, the right thing to do, is look, then report back that you cannot validate the time, and thus admit that this does not warrant the "proof" that you thought it did.

But you CANNOT do that... You guys just don't have it in you.

Man... If I could only pick the winning lottery numbers.
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:41pm PT

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:52pm PT
the clocks on both the radar and in the black boxes are QUITE accurate. I got the time off of websites sure. That is how it is done now.
I saw it on the internet, it must be true!

That's not how it works... For conspiracy theorists, perhaps, but not in a court of law, or even using the scientific method.

Do you understand what the words "validation" and "verify" mean?


I see that I was right in my prediction:
Failing to find something that can actually be validated/verified, you all will mist likely just ignore this, and continue to confidently say "46.5 seconds is proof...". Or, come up with some lame ass excuse to dismiss it. It's what you guys all to often do regarding anything that shows you are wrong.
(I.e., Ignore... Ignore... Deny... Deny...)

. . .

Man... If I could only pick the winning lottery numbers.


Berkeley, CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:54pm PT
flight 93 did not come down the way lockerbie did.

Whats the source that said Lockerbie came down in 46 seconds from 31K?


Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 04:57pm PT

The radar shows the exact moment of the explosion, because the transponder cut out after 180 milliseconds according to reports. Almost instantaneously; within 3 seconds the plane broke up and showed 4 traces on the radar, a very clear signal that, gee, something was very wrong at that instant. The "black boxes" were also recovered in Lockerbie. Their clocks will NOT have minutes of discrepancy in them. They won't have seconds of discrepancy. $10,000 clocks are GOOD nowadays. The radar's clock is the same.
22 years ago is "NOWADAYS"?

Again... Show the validation, as there are no links in your "edited" post, at least not yet. You said they were there, but not yet. Hurry up and edit it in there.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:06pm PT
That also looks like 29 minutes from when it went from FL 350 to
FL 410 and then back down. The 'dive' looks like it took 22 minutes!
But then we all know what the Illuminati can do with purported simple data.

Girls, it is a simple flick of a well-marked switch to turn off the transponder. Every beginner pilot learns how to do that.

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:10pm PT
What I can find in the references cited (do you know how to check those?), says nothing on how the clocks are validated to be synchronized to GMT. So just saying "they are QUITE accurate" is not enough. The onus is on you, since you believe that the laws of physics have been violated.

Also, note that you are using to get your numbers, the time of the explosion, and the time the box stopped, assuming that the box worked until impact. I have not been able to find what it's (Lockheed Model 209 DFDR) power source was, can you find this please? As if it is powered by the plane, then it stopped well before it hit the ground.

Tag... You're it, "smart guy".

This moron is leaving the nuke, as I'm off.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:11pm PT
well, i thought he admitted to being an ass but now i can't find it. edited out? anyone else see that?

Berkeley, CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:18pm PT
From the document in the footnotes of the Lockerbie Wikipage:


The time interval between the explosion and the wing impact was established in Appendix C as 46.5 ±2seconds. Based on the above times and distances the mean linearspeed achieved by the wing would have been about 440 kts.

The plane broke up in pieces, the wings, the fuselage, and the cockpit.

The wings came down in 46.5 seconds. Whats so difficult to believe about that?

Trad climber
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:21pm PT
well, i thought he admitted to being an ass but now i can't find it. edited out? anyone else see that?

Ummm... Right here:

And again, here when Rok thought you were talking to him:

So, ummm... I'll just leave it at that, instead of being an ass. (wink)

Berkeley, CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 05:35pm PT
Blackboxes of that era record immediate data to volatile ram before writing to flash. That's why you lose the last few seconds of a crash, it has not been written to flash.

The valuable data is what happened right when things went wrong, usually more then a few seconds before a violent impact halts the black box.

Boulder climber
Butte, America
Jul 21, 2010 - 06:45pm PT
What about the missed missle idea?

Debris scattered over (up to) 8 miles and a deep hole with no plane parts sure makes this scenario fit Occam's Razor quite nicely--for both sides of this arguement...

State of Mine
Jul 21, 2010 - 06:56pm PT
See, the onus is on you to show how all the numbers (time) is accurate, in order to show that the laws of physics have been violated. The problem is, you accept what you read on the net as fact if it agrees with what you think, even despite the laws of physics. Compounding this, whether wilfull or through ignorance, you are not applying the laws of physics appropriately.

adam, i think rj has proven that if he throws a turdball directly over his head it will hit him in the face. so there is at least one newtons law he has demonstrated...sad thing is he can't LEARN from that.

State of Mine
Jul 21, 2010 - 06:58pm PT
JDX WAS an airline expert, he WAS/IS a major player in this argument, and he was run off by the braying of asses, to our loss. I would have MUCH more liked to have heard HIS take on this crash. But as he is gone, I find I must take on the hyenas, though he would have been better.

rj - go visit his website, he will love a c0ksuking, snivelling, $hit 4 branes, unemployed mentally ill dimwit slobbering on his every word....

Berkeley, CA
Jul 21, 2010 - 07:09pm PT
The debris that was scattered miles away was paper and insulation downwind from the crash site.

RJ, if you post a bunch of PFT links and click on them a few hundred times, JDX will be summoned like a genie, cuz the loser monitors his hits looking for sites he can dump his latest crap and generate traffic to sell CD/DVD's. That's how he came last time.

State of Mine
Jul 21, 2010 - 07:17pm PT
rj would like to see kermit the frog so long as kermit agreed with him....validates rj's life these days as he cannot get his respect anywhere else so needs to get it here.

BTW, rj, i tried to be nice and respectful earlier to you, even though it's hard for me to respect a turd, and you lashed out. it's alright dude, there are med's for this stuff....

Boulder climber
Butte, America
Jul 21, 2010 - 07:35pm PT
Since you're back and answering questions, Monolith:

"accounting systems for a huge defense department is not working ..."--Monolith

Wow, Monolith--it blows me away that someone who has made a voice on this thread, such as yourself, sweeps a 2.3 TRILLION dollar "accounting error" under the rug...

What DOES matter to you? Being right on the internet, or caring about what toilet YOUR tax dollars got thrown into without explanation or investigation?

Unbelievable--that you gallantly put down any belief that differs with yours, with your head sooo in the sand (or UP the azz of the Government).

edit: You DO know that a TRILLION is a thousand billions? I remember you arguing when the Gov't was pushing for the 700 billion dollar stimulus package that it was TOO much money to not be properly accounted for during allotment.

What do you have to say for yourself on this?
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Jul 21, 2010 - 07:35pm PT
Relax Bros

There no debate if there's not debate, and it's human nature to hang on to your perspective, so no need to get all aggro here.

If you hung out in person, you'd have a good time


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