50 murdered by Islamic terrorist.


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Mountain climber
Jun 22, 2016 - 09:59pm PT
It's also all about self hate and his Islamic faith.

He was gay. He was also a Radicalized Islamic Terrorist. He knows the Kuran and Islam are against homosexuality. It was all about self hate and making a last desperate act of faith to his violent Radical Islamism. He was making a public violent statement against homosexuality and an attempt to right his sin in the eyes of Islam.

It's not about guns. It's about an ideology and religion of hate and violence that is bent on Jihad. If you are a homosexual, Christian, or Jew, then you are enemy number 1. If you are anyone else then you are enemy number 2, unless you convert and swear allegiance to Allah.

They need to release the actual audio tape of the 911 call by the terrorist. I have no doubt he said Allah, and not
G-d. Why is the Obama administration not releasing it? Why did they edit the transcript to remove any connection to Islam? Then they released it but changed the actual words that were spoken. They changed Allah to God. Allah is not G-d. Allah is not HaShem Adonai Elohim. The Obama administration is an embarrassment and endangering our nation.


The Radical Islamic Terrorists are here. We have an administration that wants to bring in many more unvetted by the millions. Seems Obama wants to bring Jihad to America.

Vote for Trump and Make America Great Again.
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Jun 23, 2016 - 11:37am PT
Thankfully, yes, we live in a republic. Straight up democracy is a drink so stiff no civilized union could take it. Its called mob rule and be careful what you wish for.

Sure. I don't disagree with that.

However, what I was responding to was:

If the consensus for changing gun laws that the mainstream media and most of the ST forum contributors allege really exists, politicians who fail to deliver will pay

And that's a big No. Just because 80% of the voting population wants something, does not mean politicians will deliver. Or rather, just because politicians don't deliver doesn't refute that 80% of voters want it. And it doesn't mean the politicians will pay either.

Social climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 11:54am PT
It is the Republicans who control both the US Senate and House that are the cowards

Why one should immediately conclude they are secret sympathizers with terror.

Our Constitution clearly says Only the Congress Can Declare War

and yet the Republican congress will NOT declare war on ISIS and put boots on the ground

Our fabulous military can wipe out ISIS in a couple of months but only with the full support of war being declared.

I have always suspected Republican are weak on terror and now I know it.

Social climber
my abode
Jun 23, 2016 - 11:57am PT

Trad climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 12:03pm PT
The video above should serve as evidence as to the importance of this issue. I think the person in that video knows something about guns and how to use them to protect yourself.

I don't agree with the NRA on a great many things, mostly because I think they are soft and far too accommodating.

But to think that politicians haven't considered the potential personal implications of gun control legislation passing is naive and potentially dangerous.
c wilmot

Jun 23, 2016 - 12:07pm PT
and yet the Republican congress will NOT declare war on ISIS and put boots on the ground

the only country fully engaged in fighting ISIS is the nation of Syria.
Yet the Obama admin openly says the Syrian govt "must go"
instead Obama aids "rebel" groups who are invading the once soverign nation- which is illegal under international law....

why is the US aiding ISIS by being against the one country activily fighting them? more so why are we aiding "enemy combatants" or "rebels" who are often allied with ISIS in their quest for an islamic state in Syria?

about this whole "fighting" ISIS thing

Social climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 12:14pm PT
yes, I too was involved in the National Security daily briefings when the Syrian strategy was decided with input from the US Dept of State and the Pentagon

but because I am just an ex climber on an internet forum no one gives a sh#t what I think

Back to ISIS - drones are clearly not enough, why won't the Republicans declare war on ISIS, what are afraid of?
c wilmot

Jun 23, 2016 - 12:21pm PT
you dont need security briefings to know that our foreign policy in regards to Syria and ISIS is just absurdly dumb. Not only that but its in clear violation of international laws. Heck when the US was able to overthrow the democratically elected president of Ukraine our media labeled Ukrainians who wanted their elected leader still in office as "separatists"

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jun 23, 2016 - 01:11pm PT
Yeah, and my Syrian friends say we're only backing another bunch of hoodlums
who will slaughter all the remaining Christians in Syria if they come to power.

And let's not let those Hosers off the hook, either. A lot of 'em prolly
forgot about Gamil Gharbi, of Algerian descent, who in 1989 killed 14 women
at the Montreal Polytechnique because he felt diminished by women
engineering students.

Mountain climber
Anchorage, AK
Jun 23, 2016 - 01:26pm PT

Back to ISIS - drones are clearly not enough, why won't the Republicans declare war on ISIS, what are afraid of?


Trad climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 01:38pm PT
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Exactly

Yeah, and my Syrian friends say we're only backing another bunch of hoodlums
who will slaughter all the remaining Christians in Syria if they come to power.

You know the saying.....One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter.

Trad climber
No. Tahoe
Jun 23, 2016 - 01:48pm PT
Not a Muslim...

A Utah militia leader with ties to the militant killed during the Bundy-led armed standoff in Oregon was charged Wednesday with allegedly trying to detonate homemade bombs at a Bureau of Land Management building in Arizona to escalate a decades-old struggle over public lands.

According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Utah, William Keebler, 57, was arrested Wednesday morning and charged with attempting to use explosives to destroy property owned by the federal government and managed by the Department of Interior agency.

FBI agents infiltrated Keebler’s Patriots Defense Force militia group, where members trained to go “on the offensive” with their “anti-government action,” according to the complaint. The document alleges Keebler scouted a Bureau of Land Management office building near the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City as a potential target, but decided not to move forward because of commercial activity and homeless persons in the area.

Trad climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 02:04pm PT
Strange how someone like that, who has all kinds of access to any manner of guns and weapons, would choose a bomb to do the most amount of destruction.

We should ban bombs. Or at least require a background check before you can have one.

Social climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 02:52pm PT
A Utah militia leader with ties to the militant killed during the Bundy-led armed standoff in Oregon was charged Wednesday with allegedly trying to detonate homemade bombs at a Bureau of Land Management building in Arizona to escalate a decades-old struggle over public lands.

another example of Radical Christianity

state of being
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:01pm PT
Bombs require much more effort and planning than guns, Esco, allowing for more time to be caught before hand, or the device failing or ineffective.

Good thing he simply didn't go in with guns blazing, just by wiggling his finger back and forth.

Gym climber
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:07pm PT
We should ban bombs. Or at least require a background check before you can have one.

For some people, I think having a computer might even be too much.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:08pm PT
He couldn't use firearms since the federal buildings were Gun-Free zones.

From what I understand, legislators are putting together a focused package of New laws that would require more signs expanding the firearm ban to now also include any and all explosive devices or flammable liquids and/or gases.

Senator Feinstein also is putting forth an adjunct proposal that will add an additional layer of protection with signs banning murder and/or physical,verbal, or emotional assault of any kind.

These are common sense laws that will save countless lives.

state of being
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:14pm PT
Sounds like gun-free zones do help protect people in federal buildings.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:15pm PT

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Jun 23, 2016 - 03:36pm PT
Sounds like gun-free zones do help protect people in federal buildings

Exactly, and the protection of the gun-free zone the Supreme Court enjoys in its courtroom should be extended in a modified form to the rest of the country.
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