An email to Alex


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Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Jun 6, 2017 - 06:35pm PT
Of course he was solid and that is what is so amazeing....

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Jun 6, 2017 - 06:36pm PT
Isa's friends in europe are pretty worked up about Alex and FR.

Ice climber
Jun 6, 2017 - 06:53pm PT
It's all in the doing


the head band

The words of the "prophets" are better written on the subway walls.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Jun 6, 2017 - 07:38pm PT
good points, fivethirty.


Hey, great photo, Anita, Pete!! Super cool!!

Trad climber
Jun 6, 2017 - 08:37pm PT
Anyone can live to be 150 years old, so long as they give up everything that makes them want to live to be 150 years old.
(Woody Allen)

Big Wall climber
Richmond, CA
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:36am PT
I'll start by stating an appreciation for his achievement, both physical and mental. That said, I haven't looked at the pics or any video of his climb, nor will I. From the time that Alex stepped onto the climb to the moment that he pulled over the top, he was the human embodiment of Schroedinger's Cat. Unlike the cat, whose fate remained unknown and concealed in a box, Alex's fate played out in full view. Even though people were witness to history, I don't know how they could watch. My choice is not to contribute to a click count that might encourage some unqualified youtube fame seeker to follow in his footsteps.

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:51am PT
It is hard to believe the backlash from climbers surrounding this awesome achievement.

As far as boycotting the viewing of the footage so that you don't contribute to its proliferation... Are all Motorsports drivers "Schrodinger's Cat"? Should everyone boycott Formula 1, NASCAR, and Indy so that some "young youtuber" doesn't decide to drive fast?

The trepidation expressed in the letter and elsewhere is understandable, and Tommy Caldwell wrote a great article to that effect on this solo, ( ) but everyone should put this climb in perspective and try to avoid the melodramatic pronouncements.

My two cents is that this appeared to be a targeted and logical next step for the style and Alex seems to have put in the work and preparation required to ensure he felt comfortable, strong, and safe enough to complete it.

Nor Cal
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:54am PT
^^^^Agreed. truly badass and what an amazing achievement.

Trad climber
Oaksterdam, CA
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:58am PT
click counts leading to someone else soloing el cap- hmmmmmm

its clear how mind bending this all is for everyone because its sending so many of you into irrational fits

The fat part of the bell-curve
Jun 7, 2017 - 11:58am PT
The criticisms of Honnold are baffling to me. Risk has always been part of climbing, and success and fame are often proportional to the amount of risk accepted. The exploits of Bachar and Croft are celebrated here on Supertopo. How is Honnold different? How is what he did different than what Ueli Steck did? I don't recall anyone complaining that Steck was encouraging others to die on Everest. Both climbers prepared meticulously and took calculated risks.
Perhaps someone can explain to me how this climb is qualitatively different from the way climbing has always been practiced by those at the top end of the spectrum.

Big Wall climber
Richmond, CA
Jun 7, 2017 - 12:22pm PT
@polishclimber, apples and oranges I think. Motorsports have worked endlessly to make the sport safer for drivers AND fans. The wreck at Indy is proof positive that the efforts are paying off.

That is quite the opposite of a free solo ascent.

Which brings me to the realization that I've never felt compelled to say anything about free solo ascents of any scale, let alone something of the magnitude of El Cap. Perplexing.

State of Mine
Jun 7, 2017 - 01:04pm PT
amazing accomplishment, and of course none of us climbers or ex climbers want to even think about what could have happened. i cant imagine the sh#t storm climbers would have faced had he cratered, let alone the trauma of those photographing this historical achievement. we should all be honored that we were alive to even hear this news. of course there is a part of all of us that are like "oh sh#t, dont do it."

not that he needs someone to buy him a rope, but the symbolism might help. ST, take up a collection and buy him a rope. then if something does happen all the blow hards that donated can feel better about themselves.

PS - some of the sh#t on this thread reminds me of the old politics threads....

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2017 - 01:05pm PT
It's apples and oranges because Motorsport is attempting to mitigate risk for fans and participants?

In my opinion, Alex's continual training to ensure a safe ascent IS risk mitigation. In terms of danger to spectators... This doesn't exist in climbing.

And the idea that Indy is a "safe" event now based on one crash not producing a certain result is not a strong argument. Cars can still become airborne, and the cars still have open cockpits. There is still a huge amount of risk involved that drivers, fans, etc. find acceptable. You are drawing the same lines in Indy that climbers draw in the justification of free-soloing.

But the analogy is beside the point...

I just can't imagine a climber not wanting to view this absolutely astounding footage for the purpose of avoiding the proliferation of risk to the general public. If there was video footage of Hillary and Norgay climbing the Hillary Step for the first time, I'm pretty sure we would all view it, and I'm pretty sure we would all find it astounding and inspiring. Just like this climb.


Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Jun 7, 2017 - 02:01pm PT
After viewing Tom's pictures and the commentary, this seems like a very well planned and skillfully executed climb. Rest, food, hydration. Mental and physical mastery on an epic scale.

Mountain climber
The Deep Woods
Jun 7, 2017 - 02:38pm PT
Watching climbing is boring. Especially when it's done so smoothly.

He should have added a few dynos and one hand hanging, a la Clifhanger.

I would rather watch golf!

Or at least a full flag like DanO

Mountain climber
Jun 7, 2017 - 03:09pm PT
"Survival: Why do you always get offended when I refer to "important climbing figures"? Aren't you the person who once emailed me to give me a detailed list of all the climbs you'd done 30 years ago and who was who on SuperTopo so I could basically know that I was surrounded by greatness that I needed to respect and worship no matter what stupidities they posted here?"
Me too.
Can I also get a list of the greatest supertopians (to make sure I accidentally do not step on their toes). :)
Off White

Tenino, WA
Jun 7, 2017 - 04:22pm PT
These guys sum up my feelings on the subject, YMMV: [Click to View YouTube Video]

Jun 7, 2017 - 06:52pm PT
You don't love him.

Love is unconditional.

You just want to put the bird in a cage in a zoo so that everyone can see and imagine how it used to fly .......

Trad climber
Jun 7, 2017 - 07:55pm PT
Right on, Werner!

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, California
Jun 7, 2017 - 10:18pm PT

I hope Nike endorses Alex and goes with "Just Don't Splat" as the new slogan.

If pro climbers could bring in comparable $ to what other top sports athletes do, what would Alex make in a year? 30 million?
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