New Aliens by Fixe


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Jul 4, 2011 - 11:00am PT
So when will these babies will be available again here in N.America ?

Way out there....
Jul 4, 2011 - 01:57pm PT
There is a large number on order and should be available soon. Outsourcing to China is not going to happen.

Jul 4, 2011 - 02:01pm PT
They'll likely be available when manufacturing is outsourced to China.
@Fattrad : my question is very serious :)

Sport climber
Malibu, CA
Jul 20, 2011 - 01:25pm PT
Heck yes!

Big Wall climber
Jul 20, 2011 - 02:13pm PT
^^^Spam Troll^^^

Way out there....
Jul 20, 2011 - 02:27pm PT
I saw the sample set yesterday. They look and feel so good. Not sure about available date.
This pic (from CCH website after drop test)is how the new ones are constructed

Ice climber
Jul 20, 2011 - 02:42pm PT
That image of the pulled Blue is from 2007. Question is the weight that that cam was pulled to. Small cams really deform at the full rated strength, not just a few groves from the pulling jig.

Weird that Fixe bought all the old material that is known not to meet spec.

That is a serious problem.

Trad climber
Jul 20, 2011 - 04:03pm PT
To correct two things.. Having known Dave for many years,used his aliens for nearly 20 years, and visited his and Nada's production plant on several occasions, I'd like to point out that his production and offices were not Colorado for the past ten years or so, but rather in Larime, Wyoming. He told me of his plans to move it all to Chile for reasons I won't go into here.
Another note: Aliens are already produced in offset sizes and have been for a number of years. They were known as "hybrid aliens" and came in several sizes including blue/green and green/yellow.
I always preferred the aliens to any other brand and have many times tested the sizes through my own slips and falls over nearly twenty years of climbing and never had a single problem. I'm elated to know that such a fine product is still going to be around.

Trad climber
Fresno CA
Jul 20, 2011 - 04:08pm PT
I'm elated to know that such a fine product is still going to be around.

Hear, hear!


Grey Matter
Jul 20, 2011 - 04:46pm PT
In the past it was mentioned that a weep hole for the braze might help assure a quality braze. Is Fixe planning that?
Or would a hole create a weak point?

something like this- (or smaller)

Trad climber
Yacolt, WA
Jul 20, 2011 - 05:05pm PT
Finally - I have been procrastinating on replacing a couple that went missing.

Way out there....
Jul 20, 2011 - 09:02pm PT
Pretty sure they are not using the old stock.

philadelphia, pa
Jul 20, 2011 - 09:42pm PT
In the past it was mentioned that a weep hole for the braze might help assure a quality braze. Is Fixe planning that?
Or would a hole create a weak point?

No idea what Fixe has in mind, but FWIW CCH actually used a weep hole for a while but eventually abandoned it. I'd have to dig through my notes to see if I can narrow down when the change happened, but I want to say it was back when they had plastic trigger bars.

On a related note, I never understood was why they opted to drill the weep hole perpendicular to the stem (and thereby weakening the head) rather than simply continuing the hole drilled for the stem through to the axle hole (with a smaller diameter drill, obviously). That would cut out a setup during manufacturing and if you tracked down a multi-head Burgmaster drill you wouldn't even have to swap drill bits and could knock them out quick and easy. In any event, I'm really hoping Fixe decides to swage that connection rather than braze it. Much easier to do, easier to inspect and less prone to unseen problems.
Matt M

Trad climber
Alamo City
Jul 26, 2011 - 05:02pm PT
Bump for pricing and street date. The Euro Outdoor Show is over with, there should be info out now...

Social climber
Joshua Tree
Jul 26, 2011 - 05:28pm PT
On a related note, I never understood was why they opted to drill the weep hole perpendicular to the stem (and thereby weakening the head) rather than simply continuing the hole drilled for the stem through to the axle hole (with a smaller diameter drill, obviously). That would cut out a setup during manufacturing and if you tracked down a multi-head Burgmaster drill you wouldn't even have to swap drill bits and could knock them out quick and easy.

Probably because they were using off-the-shelf cable eye terminations as heads for the cam, they weren't manufacturing the heads themselves, so they weren't doing any drilling of that piece..aside from the weep (i.e. they weren't drilling axle hole or cable hole). These are fairly std bits for cable work, and Aliens only used, IIRC 3 cable diameters and 3 or 4 axle diameters throughout the entire range. The only mods they were making to the heads from an off-the-shelf configuration were to cut down the sides parallel to the cam lobe faces on the very smallest units so that they didn't protrude beyond the narrowest range of the cam. And I'm not even positive that they modded those, because I've seen those pieces with "flat" sides on two sides like those cam heads have, rather than a completely round profile.

While they did make a lot of screwy homemade pieces on those units (for example: a couple of the units' piece where the lobe wires and cable sheath interfaced and they were creating dual-color on the plastic clip-in loops for the hybrids by dipping clear tubing into a couple vats of dye, by hand), but the heads were bone stock AFAIK.

Topic Author's Reply - Jul 26, 2011 - 05:29pm PT
Come on. Lets all try and treat each other a tad better. We are all better than some of those posts up there seem to indicate.

Question asked more than once up thread:
"I wonder how much these new Aliens will cost?? "...

I heard from someone I'd consider reliable that they will be trying to hit $65 retail. As far as the availability question, after watching Black Diamond drag ass on getting the Gen 4 Camalots out, and Malcolm take months longer than noted in pre-production news releases to get the first expanded range Trangos out: they say a month but it's all just words till you see the cams. That means next year if history and other companies are a guide. The Metolius Mastercams cams are awesome and in this market now. I'd pitched a bitch and raved to these Spanish guys earlier suggesting that they make the offsets, but it sadly appears that they will have a reduced lineup of the smaller of the standard cams. The most popular sizes for Dave would be my bet, although I never saw the books to confirm that.

A note for anyone who may be unaware: Karls cam above (scary pic Karl!) was crushed when a loose refrigerator sized granite block followed it's gravitational urges and rolled off on Karl doing the Zodiac: crushing the cam under it and almost doing that to Karls face in the process. The cam, as he said, wasn't in anyway at fault although there might be a speculation thread that had it been a Metolius cam it would have supported the block, turned the tables and crushed it before it could strike and try to kill Karl. (I'm kidding: just making an internet speculation is out of control joke, LOL)

Sport climber
Jul 28, 2011 - 12:56pm PT
looks like totem is making their improved version of alien cams for $60 with 2 offsets. They look rad!

Vision man...ya gotta have vision...
Jul 28, 2011 - 01:09pm PT
Wow... one post and it's spam. Nice G_ram!!

Sport climber
Jul 28, 2011 - 01:22pm PT
Just felt like sharing that another company is making it what you will

Mountain climber
Jul 28, 2011 - 02:06pm PT
Only two hybrids though? Are they small enough.
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