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Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 18, 2015 - 10:19am PT
thanks, ff

The page where I found the lyrics had an English cut, but I was curious to see if we had any language gurus looking in :)

So as we say, no further ado

Béarla (English)
Mayday doll, maiden of Summer
Up every hill and down every glen,
Beautiful girls, radiant and shining,
We have brought the Summer in.
Summer, Summer, milk of the calves,
We have brought the Summer in.
Yellow summer of clear bright daisies,
We have brought the Summer in.
We brought it in from the leafy woods,
We have brought the Summer in.
Yellow Summer from the time of the sunset,
We have brought the Summer in.
Summer, Summer, milk of the calves,
We have brought the Summer in.
Yellow summer of clear bright daisies,
We have brought the Summer in.
The lark is singing and swinging around in the skies,
Joy for the dat and the flower on the trees.
The cuckoo and the lark are singing with pleasure,
We have brought the Summer in.
Summer, Summer, milk of the calves,
We have brought the Summer in.
Yellow summer of clear bright daisies,
We have brought the Summer in.


Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 18, 2015 - 12:10pm PT
Hi neebee:

Here's an Ironwood Michigan photo of my mom from the early twenties taken on the family farm.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 18, 2015 - 01:23pm PT
Climbing the Needles of Kern.

Watching climbing on the Needles of Kern.

neebee needs to watch these! We were there about ten days ago visitin' the Warlock and Don Juan Wall, courtesy of Google Earth and the MI doppler radar weather map.

Or maybe north of east.

Welcome to witches and warlocks country.

You should go at least once to this special place.

The lichen grows greener (more yellow than green, actually) on the Westside.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 18, 2015 - 08:29pm PT
Ball Putterfield & Rick Danko / "Crazy Mama"

Okay, I did Steve Cropper on The What Song thread, followed by PBBB playin' Nut Popper. I sure don't have any oper-a Jones this evening.

Classical might be nice. Just the thing we need.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

The Opera Stopper would be when the Fat Lady sings, right?

And for topper, when my brother and I were in the sixth grade and the eighth grade we deliberately went around the who-o-ole of the La Sierra district in Sacramento, littering the driveways, lawns, and porches with The Suburban Shopper.

Forget about Cyndi Lauper, you say? I think of her from time to time.

The Fun Girl is now 61, if you were a fan, or something more back in the 80s in your lycra Spandex climbing outfit with the Walkman playin' your She's So Unusual tape.

"Now, that's a Whopper, Junior!"


Social climber
May 18, 2015 - 08:44pm PT
hey there say, zbrown... WOW and thank you very kindly... say, i will privately, please, also, share it with my twin buddies... they had horses, since they were little tiny twins, :))

also, yes, wow, mouse, i will go take a look... got a few things to catch up on, as, i was babysitting this weekend... but, hope i can for tomorrow...

liked the language shares, too! to zbrown and feralfae...


and the memorial thoughts, as to dean potter, and the pupdog thoughts...
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 19, 2015 - 06:26am PT
Feesh on a Taco? Ai! Mariscos! Por favor, no te dije, Mami!

Words and Music by Woody Guthrie

I went down to the fishing hole,
And I set down with my fishing pole;
Somethin' grabb'd my hook and it got my bait
And Jerked me out in the middle of the lake.
Huh it was some jump boy,
I got sunk, kinda baptized on credit.

Fishin' down on th' muddy bank,
Felt a pull an' give a big yank,
I drug out three old rubber boots,
A Ford radiator an' a Chevrolet coop
(Nothin' but Junk, so I handed it in
For National Defence).

Settin' in a boat with a bucket of beer,
Hadn't caught nuthin' but didn't much care,
I guess I was pretty well satisfied,
Had my little woman right by my side
(Takin' it easy, just waitin'
Worm been gone off-a that hook for a couple of hours.
I was busy).

When you go fishin', tell y' what to do,
Go set down by the grassy dew,
Take a piece of string, tie it on yo' pole,
Throw it way out in th' middle of th' hole.
Find you a good shady tree and then just set down.
(Go to sleep, forget all about it
Can't catch nuthin' here anyways.)

Well I walked out to a sandy bar,
And I caught myself a big alligator gar,
Drug him home across my back,
Tail was dragging a mile and a half,
Flippin' an' floppin'. I sold him for a quarter.
(Shot craps, got in Jall.)

Jumped in the river and went down deep,
There was a hundred pound cat-fish lying there asleep,
Well I jumped on his back and rode him all aroun'
Saddled him up and I came into town.
People came runnin', lookin', dogs a-barkin'
(Kids a-squallin').

Early one mornin' I took me a notion,
To go out fishin' in the middle of the ocean,
Well, throwed me a line, I got me a shark,
I didn't get him home till way past dark.
(Was he a man-eater, tough customer.
But he wasn't quite tough enough.)

Late last night I had me a dream,
I was out fishin' in a whiskey stream,
Baited my hook with apple-jack,
Threw out a drink, drug a gallon back.
(Done pretty good till the creek run dry.
I give the fish back to the finance company.)

[Click to View YouTube Video]I don't know Jack Elliott.
I never met Jack Kerouac, neither.

Two ramblers came through the other day. One guy was named Nash and caried a Burmese cat on his shoulder.

The other guy said he was called Hudson, after the car, not the explorer or the bay in Canada. He also claimed he was from Paramus, knew Jersey pretty well, and Springsteen's ghost songwriter was his downstairs neighbor and had a cell phone that used to belong to The Boss.

Well, we were sittin' thinkin', wishin' there was somethin' we could do or say to be kind to others without fail, time after time, true blue and always reddy to help, thereby magnifying the Lord, like the Blessed Ma back in Galilee, and unlike old Stacker Leigh, the older fella that was always the Rams fan but was wed to a gal who was a 49-er Faithful named Marianne.

Old boy died the other day. He and I stacked so many steel drum shells in ten years workin' in the barrel plant that we both took the job home and dreamed of barrel shells on the conveyors heading down the line, getting value added at each stop, then packed into trailers and shipped off to the chem companies, the refineries, and the tomato paste makers and processors of other fruits.

How many of those barrels were used for cookin' up Palillo Stew? That's one thing about which I'm wonderin'.

Anyway, here's to old Leigh the Shell Stacker, who's made his last bet on Sunday football, left a nice black 'Vette for the widow, plus that old Pontiac coupe he loved to drive, almost like Millis' old, old ride.

Leigh's last name began with an "A" and his initials were the main reason for suppoerin' the LA team. He absolutely didn't care they moved to the Midwest, since he never went to any games.

Plus, he loved to give the wife some grief over her own passion for the SF-ers. And to rub it in on Mondays following a loss.

Hope you get a great seat in the celestial stadium, LA, and all the coffee you can drink--LA never drank alcoholic beverages in all the time I knew him. And his phone number was an easy one to remember, ending in 1492, the one historical date, besides July 5th and 4th (Cuckoo Day and 4th of July) which most people recall with no trouble.

Ramblin' Jack Elliott / "Riding Down Canyon"

Ramblin' Jack Elliott / "Cup of coffee"

"Want some pie with that coffee, Jack? It's fresh MooseTurd Pie, made it myself. It's good, though!"

IF you have ever drove trucks they sometimes have a unit called a Power Take-Off. We had 'em on the flatbeds we used contracting small jobs for the Ventura oil leases. They were PTOs, or "pitos." Sounds like Cheetos.

It was 1972, though, not 1962.

Tricky Dick was tryin' to get re-elected president, the creep.

I was tryin' to learn surfin' and to teach my brother-in-law Ike to climb.

And over the summer, thousands of high school grads spent one final night cruisin' the strip with their buddies before they went off to college, thereby hopin' to beat the draft, or else just cruisin' and waitin' for "the greetin'" from our Uncle Sam.

Some got lucky and some didn't. Blame it on the finger of Fate, whose most characteristic trait seems to be fickleness.

One day Fate might roll up in a blue Plymouth.
Another day Fate runs you over with a Budweiser delivery truck: that was my pal Zoe's dream. She died from cancer instead, but she had a good ride.

Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream. But then he died.

Bob had at least 119 dreams.
Scipio Africanus had him a doozy of a dream, Somnium Scipionis, which made him rich and famous and powerful.

I have had no sleep the last two days, *sigh*, other than a short nod-off yesterday before dawn. And it's gettin' near dawn, *yawn*, so I'll go a-roamin' in the mornin' gloamin', gloomin' and fumin' over zees, or, rather, the lack of them.

Zorro has probably gone to bed by now, the lucky hombre.

I got some stuff done here at the Mouse Pad yesterday. I moved the computer down off the table and onto the floor next to my small bookshelf and turned the old double drop-leaf ninety degrees.

I now face the wall, not the window, so it's easier to see the monitor--no glare from the sunshine, see? And this created a tad more space; plus, I get to look at my "wall." These shots may be a reprise for some who are long-time flame-watchers, but they are not the same ones I have posted. I made these last night.
That postcard is from Great Falls, Montucky, and was sent by ff-stop Fitzgerald.
Two neebee paintings on this wall, and three handmade cards, and two dream catchers. Um, make that three of them.

And with the birds in the mornings, we usually have a stream of homeless men coming from the Rescue Misssion and going to the next hang, wherever that may be.

My friend Tommy was by the other day, neebee, the one who located Sophie with the upside-down smile. He is Leigh's brother, half-brother by the same mom, one of thirteen kids, would you look at the population rising as we speak.

It is no surprise, then, that wherever we go together, he ALWAYS runs into a relative. His sister owns a ranch in Mariposa and he's been spending time there, but he just found some work here in town. I forget what he said he'd be doing.

He was forced out of the rental hang he had for some years recently, so he's been welcome to come up and shower here when he must.

This song is so old it was a perennial on KSAN-FM underground radio in SF in the 60s. It references a blue Plymouth, in case anyone was wonderin' where that came from.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ramble Tamble time.[Click to View YouTube Video]Cosmo's Factory, 5th St. near Gilman St., BeYerkLee.


Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 19, 2015 - 07:09am PT
Space Cowboys you say? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em (in the USA).

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Otis Redding, Birdsong, Wilson, Boykin, Rush, Taylor, Sudeikis, Thorpe, Clay, Davis, Spann

But c'mon Otis Elevator?


do James and Johnny Otis count?

[Click to View YouTube Video]

This one didn't get the airplay that hand jive did. (song by 'Cleanhead' Vinson)

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Getting back to those cowboys

buyer beware claws

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 19, 2015 - 08:33am PT
I extended my youth beyond all know proportion
To include the dreams of women and men who if they
Could have they would have
Given that chance I sailed and climbed and walked and skied
But never flew,

the next generation was just starting to
A Tibbits , and Golden boy! Alex , ?something, two teens from Philly
top climbers,in ?'84 were early victims - first dropped by the 2 to 1 glide ratio...

J Bouchard was our climbing God and Wild things our Fish.
So we gave our selves to his prototype kite/chutes.
The first of the hard jumps were all most all
By European climbers before John Bouchard from New Hampshire

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 19, 2015 - 09:48am PT
I never met Joan Baez either, but I did sit about 10 feet away from her on the stage at The Greek when they oversold the show.

I've been here.

Reputedly inspired by Valenzuela.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 19, 2015 - 11:03am PT
Now I'm feeling my operatic oats,
even if I'm sorta tired and in a walking, waking dreamish state of mind,
eyes not really focusing worth a heck,
colors becoming more vivid and music somehow enhanced...what a trip!

The Dream of Scipio[Click to View YouTube Video]
Our songbird is American soprano Claron McFadden.

This shows up in the comments on the video.

The Italian words to the aria:

Lieve sono al par del vento;
vario ho il volto, il piè fugace;
or m'adiro, e in un momento
or mi torno a serenar.

Sollevar le moli oppresse
pria m'alletta, e poi mi piace
d'atterrar le moli istesse
che ho sudato a sollevar

English "trashlation" from Google Translator:

Mild are at par wind ;
I varied the face , the fleeting foot ;
or m'adiro , and in a moment
me or I get serenar .

Sollevar moles oppressed
ere I attract me , and then I like
atterrar of moles istesse
I sweated a sollevar

My attempt at translation:

Mild farting is normal.
I smiled anyway, and slowed down;
or I would become angry, and shortly
I calmed myself.

Digging up moles was oppressive
Before it attracted me, then I grew to like it.
It all comes down to the same thing,
That I worry about the moles.

1971 concert with John Mayall.

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 19, 2015 - 07:52pm PT
Country fish talking Joe (Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie?)

[Click to View YouTube Video]

But still, one of the best right here in Monterey (I've scanned the whole shebang and you know what, no Richardito).

[Click to View YouTube Video]
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
May 20, 2015 - 12:51am PT
hey there say, mouse... and zbrown, and all you ol' flames savorers, here...

happy good eve... got to get up early...

computer was off line for a long LONG time this eve, and i do not know why??
bad service? i was hoping and NOT due to some bill not being paid, as the bill in not in my hands, and the folks that pay it, were out of town for a bit... oh my... back on, now...

say, also:
mouse, had not gotten to share about the colorado stuff, as, was babysitting, etc, and then had to get out in the yard for that one sunny day, wow... was supposed to be, all week, but is NOW turning not to be so...

mix of clouds and cold, along with our sun, oh my...

well, got to get up early for my 92 year old friend, too and help her with her yard...

thus, perhaps i can tackle this colorado river, adventure, thing--will email you later, on wed...

wow, still have a few old car pics to share here, too...
hope i can get the chance, this week, otherwise, you all have to simply:

be in suspence, :)

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 20, 2015 - 08:23am PT
Thought it was the last Letterman show last night, so I woke up to watch it. Discovered Bob Dylan was appearing.

His hair was perfect.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 20, 2015 - 11:59am PT
Those things are worthy of repeating; but they simply are not all you need to know in life.

"Cabhraíonn sé a fháil amach cén bealach an blows gaoithe , freisin," as my great-grandad Thomas would have said.

It also helps to know how to use the Google Translator.

They have a brand new language selection there: Dylansmumble.

A Lifetime of Achievement, or Somebody Show Me the Way Out of Here, Bob's latest literary offering, details his appearances on live TV talk shows.

He ain't got not publisher for it yet.

He is just now settling into his NEW HOME, the Ed Sullivan Theater.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 20, 2015 - 12:25pm PT
Bob has confirmed his intent to go on the air with SOMEONE DECENT every other night. He don't think highly of just anyone.


he's thinkin' of getting THE BAND together again!!
It won't be hard, there are only two of the original five alive.
Maybe they could get Paul and Ringo to join with them and Bob as, what else?

The Traveling Band.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 20, 2015 - 01:40pm PT
^That's cool. Where was it?

I jammed with Wilt at the UCLA MAC building, but for some reason they excised me from the picture. I don't think he liked the trumpet.


Ice climber
Brujò de la Playa y Perrito Ruby
May 21, 2015 - 08:22am PT
Is this legal?

They seem to travel in groups of four, but not always.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 21, 2015 - 11:18am PT


O Thou, far off and here, whole and broken,
Who in necessity and in bounty wait,
Whose truth is light and dark, mute though spoken,
By Thy wide grace show me Thy narrow gate.
--Wendell Berry


I come to it again
and again, the thought of the wren
opening his song here
to no human ear--
no woman to look up,
no man to turn his head.
The farm will sink then
from all we have done and said.
Beauty will lie, fold
on fold, upon it. Foreseeing
it so, I cannot withhold love.
But from the height
and distance of foresight,
how well I like it
as it is! The river shining,
the bare trees on the bank,
the house set snug
as a stone in the hill's flank,
the pasture behind it green.
Its songs and loves throb
in my head till like the wren
I sing--to what listens--again.
--Wendell Berry


The first man who whistled
thought he had a wren in his mouth.
He went around all day
with his lips puckered,
afraid to swallow.
--Wendell Berry

Did he say a wrench that's afraid of a swallow?

Nope. He said a wench that's afraid to follow.

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 21, 2015 - 11:37am PT
Those poor little innocent children! Those photos look as though they are depression-era photos. People starved. I suppose if a home could be found
for some of the children, the others might have more to eat at home. Tragic times.
I don't know if it was legal to sell children, though.

And on that note, there are still children on the reservations of Montana who need safe places to live and food.
St. Labre in Ashland Montana does a super job for the Northern Cheyenne and Crow children who need rescuing.
Wind River Reservation in Wyoming is a lot better because Chief Washakie negotiated well for his people, the Shoshone. It is a very special place.
Sacagawea's grave is there, as well as other graves where I will place red ochre soon.

But right now, I think the people of Nepal need our help so much.
I am so proud that the Taco Tribe is helping out over there.

enough of my nattering

Neebs, if you read this, watch for a note in the mail. :)

Thank you,

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 21, 2015 - 02:16pm PT
Thank you for this, Mouse.
Thank you for the beautiful image of the Sierra Nevada sunlight as well. Truly magnificent.
O Thou, far off and here, whole and broken,
Who in necessity and in bounty wait,
Whose truth is light and dark, mute though spoken,
By Thy wide grace show me Thy narrow gate.
--Wendell Berry

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