The Flames.


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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2016 - 04:35pm PT
This page hath taken a literary turn,
With reams of pages used to light a burn,
And hours to go before the sheep
Are herded, bleating, back to the keep.

I then began Goggling. It paid off with things I did not know about the novella.

Steinbeck recalled a fellow laborer on whom Lennie Small’s arc was based:

“Lennie was a real person. He's in an insane asylum in California right now. I worked alongside him for many weeks. He didn't kill a girl. He killed a ranch foreman. Got sore because the boss had fired his pal and stuck a pitchfork right through his stomach. I hate to tell you how many times. I saw him do it. We couldn't stop him until it was too late.”

Before he opted to make his title an homage to Scottish poet Robert Burns’ 1785 poem “To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough,” Steinbeck considered a far more deliberate option: Something That Happened.

Steinbek's dog ate part of the draft of his novella.

It's mentioned in this fine account of Carlyle's fiasco and the theft of TE Lawrence's draft of Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

"Bad dog, Toby. Shame on you."

Ice climber
Apr 15, 2016 - 08:38pm PT

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Ice climber
Apr 15, 2016 - 08:41pm PT
Flames? Yeah, we got 'em.

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2016 - 09:03pm PT
All natural. Organic, as well.
Nothing like 'em, this side of hell.

Our leading light, Sol.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2016 - 09:53pm PT
Walkin' about.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2016 - 10:30pm PT
A Day At the Beach

When men were men and climbed each day,
I drove a V-dub up to San Francisco bay.

It was right-hand drive and that's no jive,
But we all arrived, safe and much alive.

It's not very hard, in fact, it's quite unique,
Still I did not feel at ease till the town of Walnut Creek.

We cruised on through the Caldecott, en route to see the sea
And when we got to Ocean Beach we turned our spirits free.

Goofing on the beach that day was tons and tons of fun.
We stayed right where we were until the day was done.

The tank was not empty but the gauge did not agree.
It said "you're bone dry" but I had something up my sleeve.

I checked the tank--it seemed just fine--as I could plainly tell
And on the way back to Merced the reserve tank served us well.

jacqueline suskin / poem store "schools"

^^^Thanks to cliff, Mountain climber / golden, rollin hills of California

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 15, 2016 - 11:53pm PT
Two guys go walkin' about near Salinas...and something happens. Watch video?=
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 16, 2016 - 07:34am PT
The walrus and the carpenter, ( all night my slablet, failed to find wifi ;;;;;;)
THEN to go with my stuff this (but I'm loading it up)
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Doughnuts, Coffee and climbing', doughnuts coco, 'n climbing, donutsz espresso 'N CLIMBING
Let us chant,
this in response to melons . . .

got the sweet ground score of bushes! now that was providence. . . Plant bushes!?

Not that the Boat to sip from while catching frogs & Zeka Virus.... was a good Idea but
this is the list today
The Honey Do List:
Shave, trim up, get burn permit, be told it is not necessary, if you use a container.
Grab the best vehicle 'n driver or pay for a roto-tiller ,
get the shallow trench drawn out on paper,
Play with strange power tool
Plant bushes.
North Nj, Vermont Castings Fireplace insert
21 ft Merc
Roto tiller
above grnd pool
. . . . ???

Steve:WE both think that Steve looks, to be saying:

'Im gonna like killing something".
beyond kinda pissed off
and might just be a bad bird from New Jersey....

to march along
a 2hundred foot back property line?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 08:47am PT
Looks like you've traded in the old tick list for the honeydew list, Melon-head.Feed your pet, feed your mind
Free your pet, free your mind
Bandit is a rescue dog from Loomis, originally. He is eight years old, pedigreed, but had a Corgi-genetic thing which produced offspring which were still-born, so his old owner just cast him aside.

The tale that his master told is really horrible. I won't go into it.

Bandit's quite overfed. He is such a pleasant person, though, and loves to sniff your hand and be coddled.

Lennie would approve.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 16, 2016 - 08:55am PT
Corgioughta ?
I got cha ya' crogee-auto, rite here
or Karmhengia(Karmahn Gia) wtddeveha . .

Actually it is an event erect and burn Flames and more flames
Smoke and fire then s'mores, & hotdogs on sticks, daddy will sleep in the tent ya know .
no one else will hack it till dawn never mind till sun up..
Our spring break celebration.
And yes there was a Honey dew melon,
2 Cantaloupes,
& a Pineapple
some Navel oranges,
and very fresh pairs on the side
they were that heavy and ripe,
perfect pair. . . bu dumb bump

Off now to get the making' for Sza'Mores (grahams , marshmallows, Chocolate,( peanut butter?)
szmores, later ...
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 10:04am PT
I took the bull by the horns this morning and went up to the rooftop.

It's SATURDAY. The mice will play. The manager has gone away. YAY!!

So up to the roof via the fire escape ladder on five. Thirteen rungs. I was bushed by twelve, thinking, "I'm not at all in shape."

Truthfully, my climbing days are over. I'm now just a belayer-fetcher-camera guy. I don't wanna end up on the pavement, either. This is using my better judgement and it is hard to realize that my body's just not gonna be up for strenuous activities any longer.

So much for my personal agonies. The view was as spectacular as it gets on a clear day. The storms are what really provide the satisfying thrills because, possibly, they have been so few here lately. Dunno.

Just dig on the views and the sunrise
As seen through these two bluish mouse eyes.

The state of quantum flux
Apr 16, 2016 - 10:50am PT
Hunger Flames

She spoke soft low mystic words and the guards closed about
There came to her side a figure in dark attire
I suddenly saw stars as the lights all went out
And dreamed of subterranean pools and eyes full of fire

When I woke all was grey and a lump was on my crown
And lamely while deciding this endeavor had gone wrong
My eyes adjusted as I cast them all around
There captive in a dungeon with no clue as to how long

The drip drip drip of water synced with hunger
Many rats there scurried to and fro
One by one they were my diet sans the fur
And the drippage from stalactites my only h2o

In what seemed an indeterminate time
No one came to my rescue and no voices were heard
There was no way out but to climb
And I steeled myself to this without a word

(To be continued)

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 02:33pm PT
Iris DeMent / Easy's Gettin' Harder Every Day

Eventually, something else happened.And they sailed away in their little boat, a Flying Spaghetti Monster Junior named Oopsea Daisy.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 02:47pm PT
Emmylou Harris and Iris DeMent - Wildwood Flower

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 06:28pm PT
Finally, some climbing schtuff.

Just an Odd butt shot.The Doltish Mama is lookin' stro-o-ong!

Cheers, Audrey!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 07:13pm PT
West Coast version of small rock hell.This was on my way up to Redding from Merced--the long way round. A driveabout with cows not kangas.
And a creek runs through the place. No sign of Brad Pitt.

Sunset on Cabrillo Highway.
Photo by URL S. Gardener, owner of the farm and cattle

The road leading to the farm is called Della Street, BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!!!!!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 16, 2016 - 07:43pm PT
Willie Nelson / On the Road Again from the movie Honeysuckle Rose[photoid=452923]

"Started out didn't have nothin' but a hard-on and a git-tar."
"Well, you still got the git-tar."

The sad tale is that I'd not visited the Joneses residence atop a hilltop above El Sobrante and Richmond. (Swankin' it, they were.)

When I showed up only Barb was home, with their two standard poodles, D'Arcy and Sophie. (Swank pets, too, you bet.)

Keeping up with the Joneses is always tough. What's a boy to do, rich OR poor?

So Barb and I got to talk to one another after ONLY 35 years or so. That was fun and she gave me her brother's pipe that was loaded with weed from a visit he'd made YEARS ago, but still had some kick. She swigged some chilled Grey Goose, instead. (Grey Goose, not the cheap stuff.)

She hadn't worked in years. How do people afford this kind of life if they don't work? She had tenure at UC, is how, and when her body started malfuncitoning (some nerve disorder with much pain and discomfort 24/7) her medical needs were taken care of and she had some sort of income package going, plus an inheritance from her father and Larry's job at UC (he's retired) provided for a nice retirement package. So...

Larry showed up after his art class. He's a painter/sculptor, getting better and better, too. He also plays the git-tar and the uke. We jawed for quite a while, but I did want to get on the road again, having had fun with my friends, so I got back on the road again, lookin' to have some fun with a new friend, T Hocking.

We got together and climbed at Tom's Thumb and I returned to Merced, my climbing Jones satisfied for a time. Thank you, Tad and Mo.

The rest of the story:
I found out in an email from Larry that poor Barb had passed away the same night that I hit the road.

Life is a journey, our trails take us to some strange spots. Sometimes we get ambushed by fate without knowing it till later.

Well, Larry's not a moper. He's no longer a doper. And I'm happy he's still kickin' and playin'. The same for our partner in crime, the Rev.

I'm hoping to have a small birthday celebration for my 68th. I hope we can all three get together and howl at the moon one last time, at least.

I'll have to see about that.
Willie Nelson & Amy Irving / Show Me Yours

Ice climber
Apr 16, 2016 - 07:51pm PT
Howl on that bowline?



Ice climber
Apr 16, 2016 - 08:17pm PT

Ice climber
Apr 16, 2016 - 08:19pm PT
Check out the deluxe model at the end.

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