Michael Reardon slide shows SoCal Feb 6-9


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Boulder climber
On the outside looking in.
Feb 9, 2006 - 12:01am PT
OK then, I'll temporarily quit chumming the water and ask, what is it and why is it that we have reason to doubt the claims of this guy?

Someone wanna fill in those of us who don't know or as I like to say "LINK"!

Social climber
granada hills
Feb 9, 2006 - 12:49am PT
Wayne, yeah I get that.

Jghedge posts,"It's just common sense - if he had soloed enough routes in front of enough people enough times, then he would have credibility, and his unwitnessed and unphotographed claims would be believed. It is understood that you don't necessarily want people around distracting you when you're doing a hard free solo - but we do need to see at least something, and if you get caught lying..."

SueV PHD posts,"there is LOTS of "smoke". makes me think "fire".

These two are saying my friends and I are telling lies. Would you just sit back and take it? F no! I mean, yes, thats what Im doing now but I dont have to like it. haha.

You know whats funny? All this time climbing, week in and week out and not one person has been an ass in person. I mean face to face.



Social climber
granada hills
Feb 9, 2006 - 01:00am PT

Some of the local boys have taken it way beyond just Doubt. Into the Hate area.


Feb 9, 2006 - 01:05am PT

Then let them, then have Mike Reardon post here and settle it.

Why always only friends speak for him, he can't speak?

Wings of steel guys came out and spoke.

Trad climber
LA, Ca
Feb 9, 2006 - 01:24am PT
Werner, Mike has made a specific decision NOT to get involved in internet arguments. I think this is wise. If he were to post once, it would open "Pandora's Box."

Wes, I would never call my hero Lechlinski an "ass," but he was pretty face to face for a minute at the Northridge REI. I was kind of surprised that he chose to challenge the Equinox solo, right after MR showed slides of him low on the route, then higher, then doing the crux, then topping out (and these pics were taken by several people who all would have to lie for MR.) I would have expected that of all the climbs MR says he has done, Mo would have gone after the Romantic Warrior.

Sue, you question Turbo Flange? I'm just an everyday kind of climber and I did that thing first try (about ten years ago.) I actually thought that the 2nd pitch (The Edge) was harder - which thankfully I was not leading. I just say this to point out that if you are tuned up on that kind of Granite climbing, those ascents are quite do-able..

How many times in the past have the older generation of climbers pronounced (to their later embarassment) that this or that could not have been done? Remember when some people said 5.11 was "impossible?"
Hardman Knott

Gym climber
Muir Woods National Monument, Mill Valley
Feb 9, 2006 - 01:26am PT

Video on a tripod

Wide angle lens

Uncut, one take

Romantic Warrior
Turbo Flange

End of !@#$%^& story!!

Trad climber
LA, Ca
Feb 9, 2006 - 01:30am PT
Someone would say it was edited. There is no way to know anymore. The concept that recorded media (picture or sound) is a document of anything is long past. Know the guy and see with your own eyes. That's it. For me it comes down to trusting a friend.

Feb 9, 2006 - 01:44am PT
Never ever put anyone on the spot like that. Tell them to solo something to prove themselves.

You just might get them killed.

The truth will always naturally appear one day ....

Social climber
granada hills
Feb 9, 2006 - 01:54am PT

" then have Mike Reardon post here and settle it. "
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! No offence WB but Nothing is settled with a post. If you saw the Sheer # of posts about MR here and elsewhere. Just filled with hate( not Doubt) you might understand why Mike doesnt come to the forums anymore. Maybe in the future?


Yes, hard to believe. But you probably asked Mike directly to his face WTF did you do this thing? He talks to everyone who talks to him, and sometimes just himself. He wil tell you the truth, if you just ask. Most of the big time negative guys/gals dont bother saying a thing in person. They come to all the forums and post up. Just like me. lol.


Feb 9, 2006 - 01:59am PT
Nothing is settled with a post?

Oh yes it is. One post is all it takes, people can cry alligators afterwords but the man will have spoken and his words will stand.

Trad climber
LA, Ca
Feb 9, 2006 - 02:14am PT
"..the man will have spoken and his words will stand.."

He has spoken and his words are well known. Why should he go up against a bunch of haters on the net who aren't even bold enough to identify themselves?

Feb 9, 2006 - 02:18am PT
Because he free solos.

So far you guys have kept him from free soloing here. You are his rope here.

Social climber
granada hills
Feb 9, 2006 - 02:18am PT

"Wes, I would never call my hero Lechlinski an "ass," but he was pretty face to face for a minute at the Northridge REI."

Yes Mike L is a bad ass and my hero too! And I wish the talk you two had after MR left might have been settled or at least taken place with MR there.

I dont think asking questions, face to face, is being an "ass" I think thats exactly how it should be done, and I applaud Mike L. for trying. But admit it he didnt get his point out during the slide show, and at the end when given the chance, nothing.

In my post above I guess I made a mistake, an ass is someone you see at the rocks, who to your face is a frendly person but online is a backstabber.


Trad climber
San Luis Obispo, CA
Feb 9, 2006 - 03:02am PT
Someone cried at the show over a discussion/heckling? That's weird.

Quite frankly I think all the hubbub about Reardon is more about his personality than anything else. My encounters with him reminded me of all the Hollywood pushers I made contact with when I was considering getting into film (and recently, actually). That kind of attitude works in Hollywood, but I don't think it works in most other places, most especially the climbing community wherein most people hold humility as a virtue.

There have been many times when individuals I've climbed with casually on mere pathetic mortal levels have shown up in videos or magazines and turned out to be dazzlingly noteworthy climbers. I don't think you can tell the gifted from the mortals that easily. People need to be in their element.

Anyway, people generally have a distaste for grandstanding, whether it's jealousy that he can and they can't, or simply because it annoys them - so doubting him seems to be a result of disliking his personality.

Just a guess. I don't really like to talk about people on these lists, but I always think about it when I see these threads.

Feb 9, 2006 - 03:06am PT
I am so glad to see this conversation here at Supertopo.....over a joshuatreeclimb.com, we got very tired of it....it goes round and round and all sorts of crap flys everywhere.,....nothing ever gets solved or figured out, nasty-ass things are said, fingers are pointed, and it got too dirty for me.....I washed my hands of the whole Hollywood mess; I personally have made joshuatreeclimb.com a Michael Reardon Free Zone.... so enjoy supporting, or not supporting the guy......(just not in my neighborhood......). Too bad, because I enjoy most aspects of climbing, free speech ideas, and even M.R (most of the time...)......I just don't enjoy the negative energy which seems to swirl around his solo climbing resume.......It will probably all come out in the wash one day.....someone (either Michael or his doubters) will end up with egg on their face.......I just choose not to get splattered by the flying pieces.

Feb 9, 2006 - 03:11am PT
Someone wrote:
« but we do need to see at least something… »


Between here and rc.com, Michael is pretty much damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

Everyone asks him to show proof about his exploits – when he does he’s called a showboat, conceit and whatever else you can think of. In addition to the fact that everyone seems to think that one should not talk about one’s freesoloing activities.

Then everyone turns around and asks him to show proof of what he has solo’d. When this does not occur at the speed the Internet gossips demand, he’s called a liar and other four letter words.

Go to his website. For all those people his detractors claim he is not, Michael has put in a nice little section called “legends.” As far as I know from interaction with Michael, interviews, the Internet and the little I’ve read in the climbing magazines, he has never claimed to be at Croft’s or Bachar’s level, and considers anyone a fool who does. I think that humility speaks for itself.

In the end, those who like him will defend him, and those who do not will continue to slander. What’s new?

From seeing the photo sequence of Michael soloing Equinox and the interaction I have had, I have no reason to doubt. Apparently Return2Sender shows even more of his soloing (have not seen it myself).

I personally like Michael, he’s a nice guy and very supportive of others’ climbing ambitions. Perhaps it’s because I’ve lived/climbed in a few other places on the planet than Yosemite, and met other amazing climbers that I don’t feel the need for anyone to “prove themselves in the ditch” to be considered trustworthy.

But then again, whether it be Michael’s exploits or anyone else’s, I don’t “need” anything except more vacation time to go climbing.

Boulder climber
On the outside looking in.
Feb 9, 2006 - 08:23am PT
I would like to interject momentarily to state:


Carry on, doubters, haters, and proponents....

Feb 9, 2006 - 09:01am PT
Thanks for keepin' it real, Blowboarder.

Big Wall climber
Long Beach, CA
Feb 9, 2006 - 09:59am PT
"...reminded me of all the Hollywood pushers I made contact with when I was considering getting into film (and recently, actually). "

Are you sure you aren't talking about the San Fernando Valley? Exactly what kind of "films" are we talking about? Teaching gig not working out so well?

There's a lot of money to be made in Hollywood. Move over Hollywood Hans...It's time for Hollywood Kristin!!! Follow your dreams, and you'll make it big. Buena Suerte!
can't say

Social climber
Pasadena CA
Feb 9, 2006 - 10:18am PT
Joe's take on this is pretty much the same as those folks (the one's I know) who doubt MR's bigger claims. To those of you who get an immediate knee-jerk reaction to defend MR, it's not a hate thing. It's a credibilty thang.

It's also not his personality, as some have asserted. That he is brash, overly self-confident and so on. If that were it, Bachar would have been raked over the coals and disbelieved, since his people skills were not the best back in the day. But he was always believed. Why? Because like all the other named soloists we've been talking about, he did it right in front of everyone's faces. Kind of hard to disbelieve it when you're a witness to it. And I think that's part of MR's issue. He apparently climbs with a close knit bunch of folks who stanchly defend his every breath.

So get over the hate stuff.

As for his photos being proof of his deeds, he unfortunately burdened by his easy accessibilty to Hollywoods best editing software. So, whether or not these pics are unaltered, their reliabilty as evidence is suspect.
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