The Borders Of Decency, Breasts, And A Little Fun. Ladies?


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Trad climber
May 16, 2013 - 10:51pm PT
Good to see that this thread is back on track with some personal insults and political banter.


Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
May 16, 2013 - 10:55pm PT

Come back to the light bluering. Its easy and it feels pretty good too.


I'm totally fine, dude. Just don't tell me to be calm or how to act. I will react as I see fit.

And again, sorry for the lack of climbing sh#t, I've been trying to raise a young boy. And while he totally digs camping, campfires and all that, my climbing time has diminished.

Politicking? Not so much.

I'm totally calm, dude....

Trad climber
Santa Clara, CA
May 16, 2013 - 10:56pm PT
Good to see that this thread is back on track with some personal insults and political banter.

Up yours. (hehe....)


Social climber
1187 Hunterwasser
May 17, 2013 - 12:19am PT
Wtf? I leave for the day and this is what happened!

I have only once (that I can remember) PMed someone for something that bothered me. A while ago. That person and I are on great terms now. If I need to express my dissatisfaction, I'll do it here or just let it go. Usually I PM questions or mostly positive feel good support crap or begging to go climbing lol.

I did post a couple of hot pictures of Mary Louise Parker. She's an adult though. I didn't and don't care for the young girls, or dudes, for that matter. Regardless of the actual age, the full on frontal photographs of young looking girls is just creepy to me. It's sad, but expected that there will be extremes of opinion in this matter. It's more sad that folks feel the need to name call and all that. The general "if you don't like it, you're a prude, pussy, " phucking makes me want to puke. What happened to respecting other people? The previously mentioned PM was, in fact, a request to mellow certain photos the phuck out. I addressed this person respectfully, he responded in kind and I look forward to climbing in the future with this guy. I choose not to get bent over this because it seems to be an issue beyond bewbbie threads on some hobbyist website. The struggle for equal rights for women is relatively important to me. I pick my battles. In the "real" world, I advocate and mentor women Veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma.

I wonder why whether one posts TRs or not makes them a climber. I have NO trip reports. Why? Well, lack of a camera, desire to shoot, no partners or insecurity because I seriously doubt people really are interested in my permanent 5.4d A0 status. I hate leading. Maybe I SHOULD get Jeebs to proxy a report about my epic top ropes or what have you!

But dammit, take your political arguments back to your own thread!

Now Paco, that was some funny shi.t. whatever happened to that guy?


Ice climber
Pomfert VT
May 17, 2013 - 06:57am PT
Why do women want equal rights when they are allready superior?

May 17, 2013 - 10:20am PT
In lieu of the conversation turning towards images of young women i have this to add to the conversation.

This woman began and has driven my love affair with the female figure for nearly three decades. She never ever gets old to me whatever her age. People can and have said all kinds of things about her waif like figure and her adolescent young look blah blah blah. To them i say get over yourself you alone are not that important. I say if you don't like it you are the problem. Some people are fat some are skinny, some have a young look, some always look like that have two lives on them. Appreciating youth in the female form does not make one a pervert.

Kate Moss was my first crush as a young boy and still in my mind the perfect picture of beauty when taking into consideration the female figure.

If you don't wanna look at pictures of Kate Moss you might not want to click on the link..

May 17, 2013 - 10:34am PT

That might just be the only tidbit you have contributed to this site that i find to be of value.

My guess is you feel much the same about my content it's all good.

You made me laugh and that is good!
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