The Flames.


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Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 30, 2015 - 08:37am PT
MARk Termimi??
Once pictured in one of the climbing mags soloing the route
FIVE TEN D, the Valley route it is a fine shot and should be added to the Head band thread
I will post it the scanner works hooray!
MARK he was at my wedding, his gift was a hoot, his girl thought that my girl wanted her man which was off and so off as to be odd, still a 'banker' with a capital 'B'she was his third really impressive women and I think the real thing at the time.
His first wife still stands out as the one true dream girl that I have ever met and she was some good friends ex-wife then too as I think I recall!?
I think back,
and wonder after him ?
Is he a likely lurker on a Yosemit-centric wad site?
Is he past it and with middle age spread sailing the hi-seas with that super competitive trader-chick?
Hey four of us pulled that boat out of a back yard in Newburgh NY a Forty footer, the boat a sailboat that slept four in comfort nine in a pinch was free for the taking bu a long way from sea-worthy.
Mark called on my rigging and his over site two girls of limited understanding but tons of real muscle strength to pull that sad bich with a t out off of crumbling stacks that had started to let the keel touch ground.

What ever happened to the boat?
The girl ?
I have no idea .

The reason for Facebook is near

but still not for me I can't see it,
it is an anathema to me.
So are selfies, I hurt myself but good trying to scuttle over to rocks not dialed in and up to a respectable high-point all in twelve seconds ,denoted by an ever quickening beep, beep, beep,
Shutter fire sound and fall down, no fall azz over nostril and jam strong index into a jelly knuckled claw!
Days of no rest later it is a throbber, an injury in the making. I will have to
Start slow and build up to harder climbing sends - I will have to follow a strict calendar this year.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 30, 2015 - 12:53pm PT
Careful here the posts from "sweet William" verses Sour Dick, seem aimed at some sort of west coast beef who's kid it is really may not matter but do not get in the weeds with this one. He has been on my radar since his 1st post I do not know why?
this is my first ever on board communique thru the PM service. (I think ?)
T, I consider you a true pal thanx for seeing that Brian is okay
Email me at I am a babbler talk your ear off if you call
so warned we should talk.

I sent that to T Hocking and looking at it it needs to be said here publicly

Social climber
From A Buick 6
Apr 30, 2015 - 02:53pm PT
Pat Wood is kinda pretty. Have to like her name, too.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 30, 2015 - 03:32pm PT
Gary dawg, she is, but Miss Betty Wool is much better looking and less stuck up after teaching and principaling at Snelling School for years.

Looks great in one of those "black dresses." For her age. Not in Peggy's league, though.

Some jerk tossed a D-cell in the creek.Of course, I did not take it out. It looks happy as the clams there. And I'd have gotten muddy shoes.

[Click to View YouTube Video]
Sweet Virginia, meet Sweet William.
Sweet William, VA 23185
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 30, 2015 - 10:00pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

For all the married couples at the campfire.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

For all their young'uns and all the bird-lovers, too.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 30, 2015 - 10:21pm PT
For the rhythmically-challenged.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Try this place for a limberjack.

Try this number for a good time, son...[Click to View YouTube Video]
Son de Madera. "They are made of wood."

Son de Chowchilla. "They are jumped-up Yokuts."
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 1, 2015 - 03:13am PT
Try as I might yours truly is still soloing rocks stupid like a noob ?
Chances are if I am going to bother to take a walk it will include or be destined to find some
Cliff or rock that I can climb on.. I find walking in the woods and climbing as moving meditation. The walk to the rock is a part of the meditation. The preparation is as important as the main event to reach a state of consciousness that allows me to feel the vibe. . Be. . !!!!
I seem to remember a climber who did doctoral studies in Tia Chi, and the results of the practice in the benefits to climbers at high altitude. J Gill?
Rusty Bailey?
It is that now my Dr who is maybe to old for me has me taking 80 ,not 20 &40 but
Two forty' of. Lipitor !
I am a solid and a bad cholesterol number of 138 So that it is genetic I do not binge on any in fact I do not eat any cheese ice cream red meat only lean skinless chicken, and an almost vegan diet though I do eat eggs, the fat is hard to understand and stand it makes me question
The world when I am hungry and fat at the same time more work and bread and water? I need to loose thirty pounds like
Last week but I can not seem to budge the scale.

Time has run out as that other thread has the red it,..!
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 1, 2015 - 07:15am PT
Topic Author's Original Post - Apr 30, 2015 - 08:04pm PT
Try it out here:

It was right on in age-guessing on this one. About 50-50 correct guessing on a random sampling of photos off my hard drive.

Credit: zBrown

And on another front:

Cow Analysis:

A pedometer tied to the leg of a cow and some real time data analysis not only can help in monitoring the health of the animal but also in detecting its estrus and even to control the gender of its offspring.


"The cloud turns hardware into software; software into services, fully managed services; and data into intelligence. It makes you smart and it lets you free," Sirosh told the audience amidst applause.

Very useful too, in avoiding stepping in cow sheeit - I assume.

Stolen right after the eighth post to the page thread I mean and I am always gonna B that, in z~s eyes why not ride the crashing wave
Oh into the rocks ?
Hmmm well then
Bail and duck under and swim hard in the other direction

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 1, 2015 - 12:36pm PT
Gnome, this one is for you. The mystery canyon with loads of beautiful birds, also home to a few gnomes. ff


Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 1, 2015 - 12:41pm PT
I have better photos, but I like this one best, because there is some shade for me. And around here are a remarkable variety and number of birds. ff


Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 1, 2015 - 12:45pm PT
Here's a better, but less artistic, image.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 1, 2015 - 01:59pm PT
Thanx so much and i am going to whiplash back to the comment you made that we should try to include delinquents in the climbing activities to inspire a love of the natural beauty that we see, in them, who see a canvas for their expression.

two main points that then need to be looked at more closely later.

!) The high traffic wild spaces are already a shared resource, that depends on responsible, like minded user groups. I worry that if one shows the ropes to those inclined to tagg, they will use the ability to reach more rock that they see as a canvas from which they feel, they have every right, as public space, to display their art from.

2) A blanket statement: the level of disrespect shown by the young partying set today wants one to keep at arms reach of ones belongings and often cars have been ransacked by individuals who are two faced and deny the tagging when they have paint on thier hands.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2015 - 02:01pm PT
I'm thinking the Madera Lumberjacks.I'm thinking the Boston Brown Pelicans.

I'm thinking Babe O'Kivaree from Ballico, a .345 lifetime average.Did Babe worry about cholesterol?

Heck, they didn't even HAVE it in the twenties!

All the best batters begin with beer.

So take a lesson, Gnome, less'n you are goin' to worry yurself to death over yer physique.

Maybe you should train with Waits.[Click to View YouTube Video]I'm serious.

Don't want no Abba Zabba.[Click to View YouTube Video]Survival can't survive without his Abba Zabba, but that's just him.

"Pousse, pousse, Baba Beta Baboom."

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 1, 2015 - 02:05pm PT
wait for flowers shrunk to fit better. . .
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 1, 2015 - 02:14pm PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2015 - 02:29pm PT
I'd walk through fire and Flames if I could help out, CT.
But i've got my own physical hell to deal with now.

Sorry to hear about yur finger, too. That's fate, though, and it's fickle.

I don't believe milk cartons should make reference to bSBT or whatever that cow hormone is. Growth comes from experience.

You have grown, Gnome. And grown quickly here lately.

I weighed in at 169 lbs. on Tuesday--I've lost thirty in just a month. but that's of necessity. I needed to lose the weight. Fortunately, there was a conjunction of impecuniousness along with that need. The Lord was lookin' after me and I didn't figure that out till last night.

You can do it, if it's that critical. Face up to it, that aging bodies put on weight. Not much you can do except eat right for the cholesterol, so far as I know.

You know, neebee's got plenty of dietary limitations, but she eats pretty well despite her genetic disposition to swelling joints in her fingers, her nimble fingers. And Lilabiene, too, suffers from genetic/dietary problems galore.

I wish she'd pop in to say hi, but she's awfully busy with her new situation.


Thinking of Audrey...calling out to here when you can, Doltish girl.

Right now, in the heart of the valley of the sun, it's nearly 90 degrees.

The weather is like it usually is, but it's a dry heat. It used to be a little moister heat but we aren't irrigating as much.

Und zo...for all the hardmen who've climbed in the heat, something for you, brave crazies that you are.[Click to View YouTube Video]Copyright Eye Sage Productions.

Boulder climber
in the midst of a metaphysical mystery
May 1, 2015 - 02:46pm PT
Gnome, I hear you on the sharing sacred spaces with the ignorant and selfish. I guess if anyone decided to take one of these kids under their wing, so to type, that kid would need to be carefully chosen. And Mouse, you are right, growth comes when it comes, and we probably cannot change that fact much at all.


I know I am 'way too optimistic about people. I trust too much, and think people are better than they sometimes are. Surprises me every time, being as I am the only intimate frame of reference I have since perfect (for me) Doug is out there climbing among the stars. Doug used to lecture me on being less trusting of people, told me I thought people were a lot better than a lot of them are. So, Gnome, I take your words to heart. Wisdom.

The Gnomes are at Kubo Madera, Madera Canyon, Arizona, where I was birding and hiking (not climbing) a few days ago. Then I wandered over near Baboquivari to check out all the birds around there, but again, no climbing. As I am slowly regaining my usual level of strength and stamina, this trip was a great "training run" for me, hiking around searching for birds and seeing lots of other critters as well.

For every one out there who is healing and mending, convalescing and recovering, I send lots of fairy dust and best "be well" wishes, except that I am still keeping a little for myself. Mouse, you do more than your share of healing around here and other places, so don't ever think you are not doing enough. We climb. We lead. We learn. We lead. Finally, we learn to share, and let each lead themselves in the direction they are inclined to go. I guess it all works out at some point. MY best advice, probably my only good advice for others, is

Follow Your Heart.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2015 - 03:40pm PT
And heartfelt thanks for your kindness in sharing, too.

Your pictures are as nice as pie, too, ff.

I had a beautiful slow-ride on Black Rascal Creek coming back from the consult with Doc Love.

He let me take this pic of the pic on his wall, taken by a pro that used to shoot the riders at Sears and other venues and offer them up for sale.Or this sidewalk, which I followed to the beginning of the bike path along the creek.

We used to go out crawfishin', and .22 plinkin' on BR when it was all wide-open BITD.The day, as I said, was a good one.

I have tons more photos, but you get the picture.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2015 - 04:12pm PT
I'm not up on this. I should be more so. Newts are so cool![Click to View YouTube Video]Jeff Denham's a hack, believe me.
Two of the lower Merced's residents near Cressey, living in the river bottom on a dairy.1.3' of safety net? Yikes!

Just because we da Flames, brah![Click to View YouTube Video]Madera, go home! Heads full of sawdust don't belong in a tinderbox.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 1, 2015 - 04:29pm PT
Short Line Shorty liked this on Facebook. (kidding--there is no SL Shorty.)[Click to View YouTube Video]There are more of these on YT.

Here's a gem.[Click to View YouTube Video]
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