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Trad climber
San Diego, CA
Mar 24, 2013 - 02:15am PT
It is all killing in the end.

So much for evolution...

Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Mar 24, 2013 - 01:04pm PT
So Ron, you're in Lyon County?

I always wanted to find and put up a route in Inyo County that had good face climbing, and then name it Inyo Face.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 25, 2013 - 02:16pm PT
Just like SoCal...

Trad climber
reno, nv
Mar 25, 2013 - 02:16pm PT
 Dear Mr. C

 Thank you for contacting me to express your views regarding gun control. I appreciate hearing from you. 

As a gun owner, I welcomed the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which made clear that every law abiding citizen has an individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms. 

We must work to protect this right by enforcing laws that keep guns away from terrorists and criminals.  However, the rights of responsible gun owners should not be compromised by individuals who use firearms to commit crimes.

Please be assured that I have noted your views regarding this issue, and that I will continue to use my leadership position in the Senate to defend the Second Amendment and to protect the interests of Nevada's gun owners. 

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you. 

United States Senator HR:vb 

Big Wall climber
Mar 25, 2013 - 10:51pm PT

yeah i do wanna laugh my azz off!

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 25, 2013 - 10:56pm PT
As a gun owner, I welcomed the Supreme Court's decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which made clear that every law abiding citizen has an individual constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

We must work to protect this right by enforcing laws that keep guns away from terrorists and criminals. However, the rights of responsible gun owners should not be compromised by individuals who use firearms to commit crimes.

Please be assured that I have noted your views regarding this issue, and that I will continue to use my leadership position in the Senate to defend the Second Amendment and to protect the interests of Nevada's gun owners.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. For more information about my work for Nevada, my role in the United States Senate Leadership, or to subscribe to regular e-mail updates on the issues that interest you, please visit my Web site at I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you.

United States Senator HR:vb

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 25, 2013 - 11:02pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
So Cal
Mar 25, 2013 - 11:42pm PT
Jim Carrey NAILS IT

An idiot,

that makes his living

pretending to be

an even bigger idiot.

SF bay area
Mar 26, 2013 - 12:44pm PT
Big man starts a fight he can't finish, then fires his gun.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:05pm PT
That ^ guy is a fuking pussy. Sucker punching someone like that... then pulling a gun... fuking pussy.

I assume that is how it happens in Mexico too.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:18pm PT
ahhh, Andrew K Dart... now THERE'S a credible source!

How many of those involved large capacity magazines?

How many required the ability to purchase 1 gun a month?

How many would have not been possible without stricter background checks?

SF bay area
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:19pm PT
Dart would probably count the guy above as thwarting a crime.

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:23pm PT
Exactly mono!

Ron, ignore the radicals like hedge for a minute. Nobody in their right mind is proposing to take guns intended for self-defense away from legal, responsible gun owners. Answer the following:

How many of those involved large capacity magazines?

How many required the ability to purchase 1 gun a month?

How many would have not been possible without stricter background checks?

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:27pm PT
Ron, sucker punching someone is bullsh#t... pulling a gun when you start losing the fight you started makes you a pussy... sorry you can't see/accept that.

SF bay area
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:28pm PT
He and the wife are already charged, Anderson.

Funny how you can't see that.

SF bay area
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:36pm PT
You couldn't decide for yourself unless he was charged?

Without the video, it would have been 'he said, she said'.

None of the thousands of gun owners i know have ever sold a gun to someone who couodnt have one legally

Such dumbass hyperbole.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:37pm PT
The guy, having a ccw permit broke about every guidline for that permit. His actions do not represent the millions of CCW holders out there.


but how did you know he had a CCL?

I didn't see anything in the video to indicate that, but I did not have the sound on, did he say that?

was there some news reporting afterward or something?

SF bay area
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:38pm PT
Really, Anderson. If you were shown that video, each side claiming to be innocent, you couldn't form an opinion?

Gym climber
South of Heaven
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:45pm PT
mag capacitys have little or nothing to do with anything.. 1.5 seconds per reload of a mag, that is ALL.

They appear to help slaughter innocent children when psychos get a hold of them. But, since they have little or nothing to do with anything, why would you be opposed to limiting mag capacity?

None of the thousands of gun owners i know have ever sold a gun to someone who couodnt have one legally.

You know thousands of people well enough to say, with absolute certainty, that they have never sold a gun to someone who couldn't have one legally? Would you be willing to testify on their behalf in the event they were accused of such an action?

Back ground checks and state run agencies have been doing a good job of denials- this happens frequently..Keeping arms away from the criminal element is a GOOD idea. However, the crminal element does not follow this logic at all.

It has been well established where most guns used in crimes come from. They don't come from Mexico, China, or Canada. They come from gun shops in the good ol USA.

The criminal element follows the logic of the system very effectively. Someone with a clean record who is willing to buy a gun a month and sell it can make bank.

How many of those thousands of gun owners you know buy 12 new guns a year?

just making an assumption

as always

He should have NEVER shot a warning round either.

Warning shot...hahahaaaaa... if he did shoot, it was purely by ACCIDENT as he was holding the gun in both hands (0:19). But I don't think he did... sounded more like a car door slamming to me, but I'm no gun expert....hahahahahaaaaa

This just in:
"The two men stop the beating when Turner's wife, Christy Marie Turner, exits their vehicle with a gun and hands it to her husband, who then allegedly fired shots into the other car. The shooting was not caught on tape."

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 26, 2013 - 01:49pm PT
Well Ron,

a LOT more people carry guns than have a CCL for them

here in New Mexico we have open carry law

but that guy pulled it ouf from under his jacket or shirt

so I can see why you might guess he had a CCL to carry concealed legally

but I sure wouldn't assume it
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