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Dogtown Climber

Trad climber
The Idyllwild City dump
May 17, 2008 - 01:43am PT

I'm starting to think that way.

Just having trouble letting go.


So., CA.
May 20, 2008 - 10:08pm PT
just regular folks who won't make it into the magazines.

Some of us refer'd to climbing competition as a rodeo circuit.
I had a world champion on my crew however he was not qualified
to do the work I did nor did he. I tried to always avoid the
news, however the times they caught my later crew they always
gave us a positive write up. I never competed in those climbing
circuits I just did the work.

Away from work those slab climbs are fun and that's were I
started easy to moderate 5'th class free soloing with no news
write ups and it's the self satisfaction and peace of mind that
I enjoy with rock climbing.

Trad climber
Plymouth, England
May 21, 2008 - 05:41am PT
'I wonder how many high profile, trad climber who made first ascents exist, who never placed a bolt.'? Walter Bonatti. Some of his trad routes since, have been over-bolted. Sad, very sad in deed.

Can't climb? Bolt!

Where you want to be
Jun 8, 2008 - 12:27pm PT
Denzuki and medusa-You're both idiots.

Boulder climber
Jun 9, 2008 - 06:37pm PT
remember everbody!!!!!
your all a bunch of climbing geeks!!!!!!
nobody really gives a sh#t.
if doug rap bolted, so what!!!!!!!!!, tuff sh#t, nobody gives a sh#t that your a climber with or without ethics. your a retarded ego monkey liveing in your world only
your geek friends think has a godlike history.
unless you can free ball it and climb naked with chalk ball tied to your dick
take more mushrooms,,,,and boulder naked with toilet paper hanging from your ass around camp 4.
i will join you
and then peton rap bolt midnightlightning ground up

Trad climber
Eagle River, Alaska
Jun 9, 2008 - 06:42pm PT
It's still alive! Yes!! I will bring my ball glove and maybe a soccer cleat for my wooden leg. Will we have enough players?

Is it bolters versus trads or what? Spurts vs dirtbags?

Either way or whatever, I'm in!!

Boulder climber
Jun 9, 2008 - 06:45pm PT
and hay wildone.
your and idiot for saying the word idiot
its GEEK!
ill be bouldering at high tied down at mickeys beach this evening if you wanna rape later.

Boulder climber
Jun 9, 2008 - 06:47pm PT
sorry Buggs

Trad climber
Plymouth, England
Jun 25, 2008 - 02:50am PT
The first time I visited Yosemite I was captured by its overwhelming atmosphere. Approaching the foot of El Cap I walked for ages along the foot of the monolith just brushing my hand along the mirror smooth (in places)granite. Awesome. But on looking up there they were - someone had deliberately damaged a million years of gentle polishing, by drilling and placing expansion bolts. Why?

Trad climber
Plymouth, England
Jun 25, 2008 - 02:55am PT
The first time I visited Yosemite I was captured by its overwhelming atmosphere. Approaching the foot of El Cap I walked for ages along the foot of the monolith just brushing my hand along the mirror smooth (in places)granite. Awesome. But on looking up there they were - someone had deliberately damaged a million years of gentle polishing, by drilling and placing expansion bolts. Why?

'Denzuki and medusa are Idiots.' Really! Wildone - an obvious expert in more than one field.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Jun 25, 2008 - 04:20am PT
It's near the end of June and nobody's noticed if there has been a second ascent (you know what I mean)

I'm wondering if anybody's gone up and sent the thing and just kept quiet about it so they didn't have to deal with the controversy around the route? or WTF?

Seems like a Potter or a Caldwell could just make a happy day out of the thing.



Jun 25, 2008 - 10:59am PT
Kurt nailed one of my thoughts when he said: first one to 3000 posts wins a new hilti!!!!

in reality i think most people are upset about the "style and location" more than the bolts.
Bolts are a part of climbing and will always be so. But style and respect for style and the respect for wild places is what is making the waves here....
Half Dome is not Smith Rocks, Red River Gorge or Las Vegas...
Half Dome is steeped in history and adventure, and rap bolting it takes that flavor away from a magical place.

I would rather see them do the route ground up, place a few more holes (can be patched later, and you would never know they were there) and climb it in the style that has dominated FA's for decades, than to open up Hd for sport bolting. Once Pandora's box is opened, you can't close it....

However, if you then wind up with a piss poor route that a dude like Scott there, advocating for chopping this route, can't or won't climb ever again because of extreme fear, what is the point of that? The route gets 3 or 4 ascents and then falls into obscurity.

Pointless and selfish for those who would have liked to have followed.

Which is why different areas have different standards and issues and styles.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Jun 25, 2008 - 11:51am PT
Coz wrote
"Karl, your words are of a happy white man thinking the ends justify the means. Shultz and I will be at the reservation, crying in our hippie tea."

I beg to differ. Southern Belle has bolts too and has made few happy (except for a few who like the "Idea" that it exists. They'll never do it.)

Muir encouraged folks to come to the mountains and get their glad tidings. If some elite climber wants to come dance with death, they have your route to vision quest on, if some semi-elite climber wants to move over beautiful stone and feel happy in mountains, they can do growing up. Seems like a win win to me.

Quit your crying. It's just an idea to you. You'll never see those bolts nor climb either of these routes. Getting worked up over it is just another form of fundamentalism. Future climbers aren't being cheated out of their adventure since the history of second ascents in that area proves that future climbers are either scared or not interested.

It's becoming obvious that nothing has really changed. 95% of actual climbing in the valley consists of weekend warriors and serious climbers doing often repeated routes that get their blood running but only "might" kill them. The other 5% consists of the Elite thinking their routes matter when it's really more like celebrity dramas, everybody pays attention but it doesn't actually affect the rest of us.



So., CA.
Jun 25, 2008 - 12:13pm PT
Coz, Karl
this has been addressed previous within this thread.

Somehow does there need to be a vote or just sovereign
rule? With the later how is it to be enforced without
national forest, park etc. printouts/handouts?


Trad climber
Josh, CA
Jun 25, 2008 - 01:09pm PT
What a bunch of elitist bullshit that is.
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Jun 25, 2008 - 01:22pm PT
I didn't bump this thread back to live but I fed it. Personally, I think it would be better to let it sink back into oblivion until somebody climbs it



Trad climber
sorry, just posting out loud.
Jun 25, 2008 - 02:16pm PT
what is the 'time to live' period for the 'try' by the tradsters?

or if as soon as someone expresses an interest in trying are we to preserve it indefinitely?

sounds good to me.

heh, sorry Karl, just stirring the internet pot.

Ice climber
Pomfert VT
Jun 25, 2008 - 03:22pm PT
Seems like after darn near 3,000 posts someone would at least go up there and have a look at it?? Be a shame to go to all that work and still have no one climb the damn thing.
Captain...or Skully

Big Wall climber
Jun 25, 2008 - 03:25pm PT
Maybe it got re-bolted in all that time....or there's another one!(gulp)

Social climber
wuz real!
Jun 25, 2008 - 03:29pm PT
" The west is owned by the doers. Always have been too."
-Almost Stegnerein
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