ST Shuteye Get Together July 10-12, 2015


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from out where the anecdotes roam
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:11pm PT
chappy's pictures from above that didn't post
mark, (and tiki-jer) here's what i think i know about posting photos to this site in particular:

once a photo makes it's way to the ST server it gets assigned a unique identifier
consisting of six numerals and the next photo to be loaded will be that number plus one.

that photo and the server's name for it (those six digits) won't change.
we can call up that photo to be inserted into our post by typing in that string of digits and as long
as it is followed up immediately by the closing bracket ] and preceded by [photoid= all continuous, like:

the server will know we didn't mean a "word" but rather will insert the photo named that number.
any deviation except outside the brackets won't post a pic, it's just seen and printed out as text.

the photo uploader that walks you though the steps inserts that character string automagicly, BUT HERE'S THE RUB:

after the first photo, the CURSOR returns to, (places itself in) the AMIDST THE STRING! like this: [photo(CURSOR)id=418359]
and that CAUSES the PROBLEM. (#bugfix??) the blinking cursor has to be removed to anywhere outside the brackets
or it will malform the "special magic image message" and put the new character string right INSIDE the previous one ... NO ES BUENO ...

so since your photo's numbers were visible as plain text, i just copied [photoid=4183
six times and went back and closed each with 59] and then 60] and 61] etc.
which is what you could do to put the pictures into your post!

and i'll delete

ps: call sis ;^)

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:21pm PT
A SELFIE Mark! Next time I see you, you'll want to show me your new selfie stick and Go Pro.
Hell, you may even have belay gloves and multiple cordelletes....the shame, the shame!

Trad climber
The state of confusion
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:33pm PT

Sheesh--Justin organizes it and only one picture of him????
(and his backside too)!

heee hee hee. . .

Sure wish I cudda been there!
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:53pm PT
Justin, thanks a ton for putting this together, everyone has an amazing time, happy climbing mike a.
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:54pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:55pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:57pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 12:59pm PT

Trad climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 01:00pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 01:03pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 01:05pm PT
mike a.

Sport climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 01:07pm PT

Trad climber
Northern California
Jul 13, 2015 - 04:38pm PT
What a blast! Lets make this a yearly gig?
Biggest thanks to Justin and Mindy-- you guys are so awesome.
And next biggest thanks to all my old and new taco friends who showed up for this- its so strangely rewarding to put faces to the avatars I see every day.

this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 13, 2015 - 07:12pm PT
Just for SteveW! Probably one of my best pictures ever.

Trad climber
Clovis, CA
Jul 13, 2015 - 07:48pm PT
A big shout out to Justin for putting this together. It was great to meet some new ST friends and see some again. I hope this will be an annual event - I will be there.
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 13, 2015 - 07:50pm PT
Chappy, Thanks for making it, hope to see you soon.

Susu, really cool of you and John to show up. I know you guys are always busy on some project, but the amount of work you guys have done in the area, a Shuteye gathering wouldn't be the same.

Rincon, great pics. Was also a pleasure to meet you and the whole Stoney crew. You guys kick ass. Let's get a brew sometime at Southgate.

Tiki, So good to see you, it's been way to long. Thanks for making it.

JE, Next year hopefully you are free.

Donini, Same as above and hope to meet you this year.

Steve, you gotta get a ride with Jim next year.

Mike a. Thanks for all the work you've done for the area and the guidebook donations. Let's have dinner when Amy's in town.

Daphne, really cool meeting and talking with you, thanks for coming and I'm thinking June next year so we can have a fire.

Climberdude, likewise man, seems every pic that you are in you have a huge smile. Good times.

Mindy isn't on the taco, but she had a great time and now gets why we all use this site. I think she might be a lurker now.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Jul 13, 2015 - 08:32pm PT
this just in

Justin Ross from North Fork
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 13, 2015 - 08:39pm PT
Back Row L-R: Mark Chapman (Chappy), Jay, Daphne, Susan Godar (Susu), Vitaliy, John Godar, Leo Miner, Gerry (Tiki-jer), Erika, mike a, Mindy, this just in, Rob (Rincon), Cimberdude, Dylan C. & Weston, Jeremy Ross, Luke (Culture Shock), Hansel Heiss, Carrie, Kenny Rose, and Joey.

Front: Someone help me, Cole, PhylP, Jeff (Yafer), Jan (G_Gnome), Mouse, Brooke (Flip Flop), Cori C., Mark (Frumy)

Not pictured: Mucci, Guyman, Urizen, Grahm Doe, Russle, and Limpingcrab came later.

Thanks to Cori for getting us together for the group pic.

Trad climber
Upland, CA
Jul 13, 2015 - 09:26pm PT
Justin and Mindy, HUGE thanks for organizing this. It was a super-fun event, and I only scratched the surface of the climbing at this area in the two days.

It was great to meet Justin, who has felt like a real friend for a long time, even though we had never met. A bond formed on the art thread.
Here's a shout out to the other SuperTopians that I had met before and got to know better at this gathering.
Greetings to all the new people I met. It was a pleasure.
We have to KEEP meeting like this!

Here are just a few photos:


Social climber
Jul 13, 2015 - 09:38pm PT
hey there say.... thank you for the group photo, :)
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