Bobcat trapping in our wiilderness OT


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Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:30pm PT
Trappers carry .22s for just that purpose, Fritz.

Social climber
sw PA
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:37pm PT
Walking to a route at Endless in NRG we saw a dead pheasant hanging from a branch over a open leg hold trap. We sprung the trap and then smashed it on the scree, tossing the broken trap towards the river. Fifty more feet theres this unhappy dude with a shotgun. We did not make any friends with the locals that day, but we all have our convictions.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dec 27, 2010 - 10:50pm PT
Piton Ron: The unanswered question was: how long did the raccoons get to suffer before the trapper showed up? It might be several days.

Since I shot them, just before dark: the trapper wasn't checking traps that day.

I hope you also agree: trapped animals should not suffer, if you can do something about it.
corniss chopper

Mountain climber
san jose, ca
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:10pm PT
Years ago stopped to get some sleep near Walker pass. Full moon. Everyone's
zonked in their sleeping bags. I open an eye for some reason and see a bobcat
standing in the sagebrush 20' away. Left fast when I sat up.

Insight into the mind of trappers and their gear.

Sport climber
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:17pm PT
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Dec 27, 2010 - 11:26pm PT
Most trappers I know run their lines at dawn.

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:03am PT
Plain and simple, you broke the law by interfering with the lawful taking of game. Your lucky he didn't prosecute you. Yeah, go to the law with his note and see how that plays out. Traps are usually scented to attract the game they are trapping, so your dog came across it by smell.

If you want to be affective against this lawful activity then make sure he was indeed following all the laws in the taking of bobcat by traps. Some states have specific laws of how and where traps can be set and if they must be marked, also how frequently they must check them. If you aren't in agreement with the limits allowed, get involved.

I sure hope all the people that don't agree with our climbing don't take matters into their own hands. People that cut ropes, steal anchors or steal stuff left at the bottom of a routes are a dick. In this case, you were the dick to someone enjoying their pastime or possibly their way of making a living.

Thanks, things will be much safer for climbers in that area from now on.

Edit: For the record, I'm not in favor of trapping either.
Tan Slacks

Joshua Tree
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:16am PT
I'm not sure how I feel about trapping Bobcats. we have a several in our area that we have come to know. Their beautiful to watch and every now and then they manage to steal a chicken from my yard. I understand the argument of changing the existing laws if you don't like them, but in the meantime I would probably trip the traps as I find them and if someone finds it necessary to chop bolts.. so be it..I guess that's why I live in the wild west

graphic photo


Trad climber
Douglas, WY
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:19am PT
I rather like bobcats, since they keep the damaging rodents down. On the other hand I hate raccoons 'cause they crap on my deck all the time. I still don't like trapping of any species bigger than rats.

I do have bobcats on the ranch, but haven't managed to photograph one yet.

Trad climber
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:23am PT
Bummer, dude. He knows yr rig now. When u go back, I'd have someone else drive.

I am skeptical that we have a bobcat overpop crisis in the southern Sierra. Willing to be persuaded, but skeptical.

U know it is the 21st century when rednecks invoke Kamra.

Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 28, 2010 - 12:56am PT
Spring the traps! or send Chaz in.

Hard to believe there are too many predators when we are overloaded with turkeys, rabbits and deer.

Ice climber
canyon country,CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 02:07am PT
Hunters use what we call a trail cam; a motion activated camera. They can sit for days until they are tripped. Video, audio, IR, you name it. Put one(or two) by your car & you will catch the perp in the act. NPS has them. They've been on major trailheads the last 2 years(that I've seen them).

Please don't confuse trapping with hunting. I hunt but would never trap, except lethal for rats or gophers and it's quick & painless.


Mountain climber
Bay Area
Dec 28, 2010 - 02:34am PT
anthropological inquiry: cousin-fukking is particularly associated with western culture?

Trad climber
Mental Physics........
Dec 28, 2010 - 03:05am PT
Unfortunately Bill, Nevada has some of the most archaic "management" for predators like bobcats anywhere in the U.S.(outside of Alaska of course).

Leghold trapping (banned in California) is among the cruelest and most indiscriminate ways to torture, maim and kill wildlife, while removing the group of species, ecosystems are increasingly most in need of (the top predators).

Folks concerned about leg hold trapping should contact Nevada Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission and more importantly the incoming governor.

Dec 28, 2010 - 01:47pm PT
In most places trapping unlimited bobcats is legal, but only because the rules are made by trappers and for trappers by an angency their license fees fund. It took the people of California to outlaw the more egregious and cruel leg-hold traps. The game agency would never have done it. And the deck is still very stacked against those with non-wildlife killing views.
There is no "management" in trapping. When pelt prices are low, it dries up. Trapping is market hunting that is completely profit driven. Carnivores do not overpopulate. They control their own numbers by defending territory and are also limited by their food supply. The prey controls the predators.
Yes, it's illegal to tamper with traps, but there is no justice in that given who makes the rules. Since the law is already broken by springing the trap, might as well go all the way and take it to where the sun doesn't shine. Traps cost money and trapping is all about that. (but yes, do it on the way out) When trappers break the rules, they just have to pay a small fine. That should be the worst that could happen to anyone else.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
Full Silos of Iowa
Dec 28, 2010 - 01:52pm PT
meadow20, I don't know you, but I liked your post.


It's a new era. Time for commercial trappers to go the way of typewriters and kodachrome.
Tony Bird

Northridge, CA
Dec 28, 2010 - 01:56pm PT
i think it's pretty simple. public land, open use. he can set traps legally. last i heard, it wasn't illegal to spring a trap, although this may vary from state to state. if it was his private land, it would be a different story. if you were concerned about the safety of pets or children, it seems like a legitimate concern. what do they use bobcat pelts for anyway? just curios at touron trading post-type stores?

um, if he got mad at you and blew your brains out, that would be illegal. :-D

otherwise, as in spy versus spy, it's karma versus karma. throw around all those easternfangled words you want. when you run out, you may have to join a monastery.

Social climber
El Portal Ca.
Dec 28, 2010 - 03:07pm PT
I knew I should not open this thread; made me sad.

Sad for the reality that there is an imbalance in the wilderness,
Sad that the Bobcats that are trapped have to suffer until they are (hopefully) mercifully killed.
Sad that I might come across a trap one day and have to make a decision.
I was horrified to view the image of that beautiful creature (Bobcat) in a trap screaming in pain.

It's frightening to imagine a dog stumbling upon it, becoming trapped/injured if the traps are placed close to public area's.
It's unbelievable that 14 Bobcats were trapped/killed in one week, I heard that one man killed 300 in one year.
I do so hope the trappers are human enough to monitor their catch's frequently, and end the suffering of the innocent creatures they have captured.

I'm thrilled every time I am honored with the presence of a any wild animal in it's natural world.
I often cannot believe my eyes, and I become very happy!

In my book "An animal in distress is a sacred object."

Captain...or Skully

leading the away team, but not in a red shirt!
Dec 28, 2010 - 03:16pm PT
Drop it, Crawley. Your bad advice will get somebody thrown in jail, & probably get their ass kicked.
Do NOT interfere with the legal taking of fur, fish or game unless you are willing to deal with the consequences of said action.

Dec 28, 2010 - 03:19pm PT
Who said it's legal all you ass-wipes.

The bobcat didn't sign up for it or have a say.

Dumbshit modern people .....
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