Meg 2010- by Mark Fiore


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Social climber
san joser
Oct 21, 2010 - 03:44pm PT
Can somebody please explain why Nutmeg is spending $150 million to get a job that pays a little over 100k a year?

She will make that back (and then some) in a couple of years after she gets rid of the capital gains tax. For folks with as much $$ as her, the money saved per year adds up quick.

But I will vote for her if she promises to get rid of the following two COMPLETELY USELESS state agencies:

DSA (Division of the State Architect)

OSHPD (Office of Statewide Health planning and Development)

Combined, these agencies are responsible for tens of millions of dollars of wasted taxpayer money.

They are nothing more than redundant plan checking bureaucracies that employ the most incompetent (and incomprehensible)engineers on the planet.

OSHPD oversight/ approval easily adds 15% to the cost of any new hospital in California.

DSA oversight/ approval adds 10-15% top the cost of any new K-12 or community college classroom/ facility construction.


Tuscon Again! India! India! Hawaii! LA?!?!
Oct 21, 2010 - 03:44pm PT

duly noted.
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