Vegas baby! Vegas!


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Trad climber
100% Canadian
Feb 21, 2013 - 01:18am PT
The Mescalito adventure climbed like mountaineering trip to the top rap station, and we thoughtfully alleviated crowding on the standard route by choosing an alternate path to the top of the 5th, back at the parking lot by 3:30. Meeting a competent young guy on top who really helped with getting the raps done quickly as a team of four was icing on the cake. The rope pulls on the Geronimo raps were the crux, I insisted on doing them all as it was my rope. Great Red Book was cool ... Birdland and more next time.

Great place, fun times and good climbing. Hopefully feel good enough to climb harder the next time. I've been fighting some sort of bug the whole trip, going to see my GP about it tomorrow. I am now home in one piece, and thank you, to you Mike for being a great climbing partner ...

Sandstone and strippers, that's my kind of Vegas !

Adios Amigos !

Edit: I lost ten pounds in ten days in RR
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 01:50am PT

Good to hear you made it home Bruce! It has been an excellent trip indeed. It certainly never would have happened without you!! Thanks for all the tips and tricks and for putting up with my new fangled way of doing things. ;)

I'll see you tomorrow night!!

Weston, very good info. Considering how close calico is to the visitor center it should be close I hope.

Cosmic is that basalt place you speak of those pics that you posted on my crack thread awhile back??
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 02:01am PT
If we have extra time tomorrow The Fox is on the list. If not ill just have to come back and do it with you!!
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 02:04am PT
Rainbow looks sick!! I'm so coming back...
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 02:34am PT
No way I'm going to ruin that onsight with a tr!! Looks too money!!
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 09:12am PT
Alpine start!!!! Whut??? ;)

beyond the sun
Feb 21, 2013 - 12:03pm PT
If any of you neer-do-wells need a partner over the next week, let me know. My usual partner is out of town for a while. I live 5 minutes away, and don't have much to do most of the time. Yes, cry for me.

Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Feb 21, 2013 - 12:22pm PT
Right now it's getting dark 5-ish, WML.

That's one of the coolest aspects of Vegas - there are still lifetimes of FAs to be done.

Another cool aspect is that fact that in a lot of cases, I can pick up the phone and talk to the FA parties on many routes. Love that!

beyond the sun
Feb 21, 2013 - 12:26pm PT
I havn't climbed at eagle wall, but I have been in the vacinity once or twice. Both Eagle dance and Levitation are on the slate for sometime in the next few weeks. The crux is the hike (and the walk offs)!

It's starting to get dark around 5, with headlamps needed around 5:20 I'd say.

beyond the sun
Feb 21, 2013 - 01:45pm PT
I'm fairly sure we'll solo / scramble our way up the shortcut.
this just in

north fork
Feb 21, 2013 - 02:00pm PT
Good looking trip Mike, now get back to whistler and do some goat sacrifices to bring some snow.

Social climber
north vancouver, B.C.
Feb 21, 2013 - 09:06pm PT
I guess the long way is a slog if your a regular who has spent many a day approaching the longer routes but as a visitor my memory of that longer approach to Eagle wall was one of awe.The complex gullies full of beautiful plant life so different than the desert combined with the route finding made for a magical experience.
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 21, 2013 - 09:49pm PT
Harry and I snuck out of the house at 6am this morning. I was psyched!!

Alpineish start

I finally got my chance to hit up Roberto's so breakfast burrito it was!!

My first Vegas sunrise of the trip.

After dropping off a coffee for Harry's wife, we headed to Calico Basin

It was a bit chilly but we were dressed for it. There wasn't a soul there! Perfect.

The first route on our plate was Physical Graffiti 5.6

I had to teach Harry how to play rock, paper, scissors and he still won first pitch!! ;)

What a cool route!!

I got the second pitch which was money!!! Jamming and toe camming all the way!!!!

Harry at the top

We only had Harry's 60m and it was just enough for me to set up the gear belay. Just!!!

The classic Vegas background shot!

The cave gear belay

We had to tag the summit.

Loop road pano

Obligatory summit team photo

The left walk off

Then we did Big Bad Wolf 5.9

I was loving the holds. It was rad!!

We did it in two pitches. Definetly the way to go.

Harry coiling the rope

We went and looked at the fox but I pussed out because I only had one #4 and one #5

Looks rad!! Next time for sure.

Looking up at Riding Hood wall (pg and bbw)

Cannibal crag and Kraft mountain

What a gorgeous day!!!

Gotta go jump on a plane!!! Peace out Vegas!!! We will return!!!
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 22, 2013 - 06:32pm PT

Good looking trip Mike, now get back to whistler and do some goat sacrifices to bring some snow.

No need Justin, Ullr is happy I'm home.

Thanks Weston!! Stoked to climb with you when I come back..

Feb 22, 2013 - 06:38pm PT
awesome trip mike! Thanks for all the photos & updates, sounded like a real productive trip. Was hoping u would bring the sun home but I'll take this if it keeps up!
Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 22, 2013 - 07:00pm PT
Thanks Ryan. I'm always hoping for snow instead of sun in the winter ;)

Trad climber
Las Vegas, NV.
Feb 22, 2013 - 07:26pm PT
Hey Mike, you finally got the money pitch (P2 on PG)

Was a blast to climb with you and Bruce. Thanks for the great pics, and a great TR. Come back again sometime soon!

Social climber
north vancouver, B.C.
Feb 23, 2013 - 08:01pm PT
Well our holiday down in Vegas has been great,the people down here are real friendly. It was great to finally meet Big Mike. Then we met the other Big Mike at the 4D Sponge Bob movie, he bought my kids popcorn and cotton candy. Although I hate cotton candy I wasn't about to argue with him!!! Here's Mike after he kicked my 6 year old out of his recliner, what a bully!

Trad climber
Santa Cruz
Feb 23, 2013 - 08:13pm PT
This has been a very very fun "live, we are there" trip report. Thanks for taking the time to do all the pics and fun narratives. Looked forward to it every day.

Big Mike

Trad climber
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 23, 2013 - 08:56pm PT
Hey Mike, you finally got the money pitch (P2 on PG)

Ya I did!! 58m of jamming beauty!! Great to meet you dude. Next time you better get some time off so we can go send crimson!!

Harry!! Mike Tyson?? Too cool!! It was great to meet you too dude. We have to find you a sitter a couple days this summer so we can do some chief laps!

Thanks Susan. Considering all the beta and opportunities it opened up, It was well worth the effort!

Weston, if I got the chance I would have ate there all the time!! I only got the opportunity to sample their breakfast burrito!!
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