The Flames.


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from out where the anecdotes roam
Apr 19, 2018 - 12:24pm PT
so THIS! is how they get the rope up there ...

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Boulder climber
Almost solving the metaphysical mystery
Apr 19, 2018 - 01:56pm PT
I totally enjoyed your post, the images, and the play on words, too.
Thank you!

zB, oh, okay on the hot springs. Thank you for the explanation. We have some great wild hot springs around here, but they are all a hike in to them. The closer ones are commercial, lovely, but generally overstocked in winter. I guess the answer for many people is the hot tub.

Sunny and 52F here, but snow coming back in a few days. I saw a crocus being brave, and one daffodil has pushed up a double leaf. We might get Spring by summer. :)

Boulder climber
Almost solving the metaphysical mystery
Apr 19, 2018 - 02:25pm PT
I'm posting again, tryin' to get us on to the next page, so that when I open the Flames, the top image is not of some posh bar and a younger 45. Not that I hate him or anything, but it is just a little bit of eye irritation, and with Mouse gone, a reminder that we are still on this page, anticipating his return. I guess. And I am sorry Locker is gone. He was a part of the mix, sort of the chop on the corner of a stone panel, where the hammer slipped, but also an authentic part of the whole of climber life, really. Crude but real. Now a great opportunity for Coz and others to do their bizarre funerary gestures. Anthropologically interesting. I hope Locker is watching at least. It is amusing.

hooblie, we used to shoot lines across the ice towers with a bow. The throwing machine is vastly superior. That machine the guy has modified is quite the upgrade for sure. Interesting.

Boulder climber
Almost solving the metaphysical mystery
Apr 19, 2018 - 02:25pm PT
Oh, good. We are on the next page. Whew! Don't anybody delete anything, please.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 19, 2018 - 02:59pm PT

yeah old tricks,
ya' keep trying Tut but the gym horde is here, we all have been saying it for years, now it is happening at places where we had held the line. The line against the reduction of risk but also the mental challenge.
Mental challenge, created by risk & adventure(largo has a good definition, something to do with the nature of delving into the unknown) are intertwined, bring climbing down to the lowest common denominator breeds contempt of all things climbing


for the 1st time in 2 decades my abode is home to Wine women and song, &Strong drink, a 5th of Vodka!
Now, it may become apparent, that as a parent we decided to not indulge till them spurts could join in.
We are not there yet, but cooking with wine & "Russian sauce"led to 1st sips, i think ive raised tea-totellers, one can only hope

, ..wha'tcha see is what ya see think;Locker - mustachio

Ice climber
Apr 19, 2018 - 04:06pm PT


Social climber
Apr 19, 2018 - 04:12pm PT
hey there say, feralfae... oh my... how what? did not know locker was gone... he's one of the ones that been here, since i was first here...

say, came by to see if mouse is in the house...

hee hee...

say, how are you? i been trying to get a chance to call...

did not see what the pics were on the other page, so i will have to go
see and see what the reason was, to 'make a new page' ...

man oh man, things seem to change fast, when we only 'stop by'
for fast posting...

i hope all folks, are doing well...
and that whatever happened, that the folks will all be friends again, etc...

there is no place, like chris's taco... and, the
climber folks here, have in the long-run, really
helped each other...

going to go take a read, before i get back to chores...
good to see you helping mouses' page, here, feralfae... :)

might be a good 'house warming' then, for him...

The state of quantum flux
Apr 20, 2018 - 05:22am PT
In keeping my own counsel
I’ve left out some good advice
But how I could never tell...

Where is that confounded Mouseman, anyway?
These Flameskeepers are pretty... Flameskeepy.

Little Polar Bear Ghosts

I was meditating for pain
To go away
And the swirling mandalas
What they had to say
With recurring themes
And tears that burn
Told me unspoken words
Un whispered memories

I heard the bells clang
On little goats
Outside Tibetan pastures
And saw the prayer flags
All so clearly
In my mind
A shining face
Smiled down on me
Familiar and warm
Full of love and acceptance

I used to climb
Then something changed
The crowds and the ethics
Were lost rearranged
What I’d left in the city
Was found there near the light
So I shied away
Looking for that home
I thought I would find

It was me who had changed
I didn’t hear the song
Now I’ve grown older
Away from that throng
Down by the backwaters
Out beneath those hills
Still look up at the mountains
Through the kaleidoscope

Little polar bear ghosts
Tugging at my sleeve
Calling and groaning
Where some would move forward
I’ve stayed here to listen
Out here in the past
For the time machine visitor
But it was only me



Social climber
Apr 20, 2018 - 11:17am PT
hey there say, ... was a great time, phone call with feralfea...

sharing her winter!!! wow...

also, hello to mouse...

we are waiting, and wondering, and watching expectantly...

and, yes, praying all is getting settled, well...


*always good to have a 'back-up crew' ... eh, :)

Sport climber
Apr 20, 2018 - 11:45am PT

My mouse is misbehaving
and my keyboard’s on the fritz.
The computer’s not computing,
but is dropping bytes and bits.

The hard drive’s click-click-clicking
and the printer’s spitting ink.
The CD’s started stuttering.
The screen is on the blink.

The memory is failing.
Things are grinding to a halt.
And, even worse, I realize
it’s probably my fault.

I thought it would be funny.
It was really just a joke.
I never thought the whole computer
might go up in smoke.

I guess I learned my lesson:
When it comes to your PCs,
it’s best if you don’t ever try
to feed the mouse some cheese.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 20, 2018 - 12:00pm PT
Hey Thnx Marlow!
I Read That out loud
into one of those last century marvels of technology'
The Telaphone Id called the number that has always brought a "Yup, its me "Brian"
but this time, it was to no avail,
so to what is purportedly MfM's voice mail?

Thnx Again Marlow, Cause its that good! read it out loud with passion, it is a fun one!

My mouse is misbehaving
and my keyboard’s on the fritz.
The computer’s not computing,
but is dropping bytes and bits.

The hard drive’s click-click-clicking
and the printer’s spitting ink.
The CD’s started stuttering.
The screen is on the blink.

The memory is failing.
Things are grinding to a halt.
And, even worse, I realize
it’s probably my fault.

I thought it would be funny.
It was really just a joke.
I never thought the whole computer
might go up in smoke.

I guess I learned my lesson:
When it comes to your PCs,
it’s best if you don’t ever try
to feed the mouse some cheese.

Prayers and bright light sent off on the winds that are keeping winter hanging on

& to add some older climbing content (from 2014) one of my Role models, Do you Know Dr HonG?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 21, 2018 - 07:36am PT
here i am and here i'll bee
reporting on everything i see
it's all new for old mousie
not just new but old melone

gotta become used to this Timputer wireless scene

good to see the gnome transubstantiation
hope you enjoyed your extended vacation


from out where the anecdotes roam
Apr 21, 2018 - 07:41am PT

The state of quantum flux
Apr 21, 2018 - 07:55am PT
Chuck Pratt drank no fat
Harding drank no lean
And between the two of them
They drank the coffers clean
Welcome back Kangaroo Mouse!
Where’s your new digs again?
Do you WiFi and just sigh
Or hot spot from the den?
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 21, 2018 - 11:20am PT
Some things just make Ya' smile, welcome home Brian,
mfm's crew rejoice we blessed to have the Mouse back in the houseThings are chillAnd let me be the 2nd, after Locker, but before Dwain, he's workin,ye ha the roast in in the cooker & we fired up the still more'n a month ago

There's a big holler tree down the road here from me
Where you lay down a dollar or two
Well you go round the bend and when you come back again
There's a jug full of good ole mountain dew

Oh they call it that ole mountain dew,
And them that refuse it are few

I'll shut up my mug if you fill up my jug
With some good ole mountain dew

Now my uncle Nort, he's sawed off and short
He measures about four foot two
But he thinks he's a giant when you give him a pint
Of that good ole mountain dew

Well my ole aunt Jill bought some brand new perfume
It had such a sweet smellin' pew
But to her surprise when she had it analyzed
It was nothin' but good ole mountain dew

Well the preacher rolled by with his head heisted high
Said his wife had been down with the flu
And he thought that I ought just to sell him a quart
Of that good ole mountain dew

Well my brother Bill's got a still on the hill
Where he bruns off a gallon or two
Now the buzzards in the sky get so drunk, they can't fly
From smellin' the good ole mountain dew

Oh they call it that ole mountain dew
And them that refuse it are few
I'll shut up my mug if you fill up my jug
With some good ole mountain dew

Songwriters: William York

String Bean, ya know who?

Then what some call the Standard
Stanley Brothers

from out where the anecdotes roam
Apr 21, 2018 - 04:36pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Social climber
Apr 21, 2018 - 05:51pm PT
hey there say... mouse... good to see an ol' buzzard, out in the sun...

not you, meaning-- your photo... :)

good to see an ol' mouse, resting in new house... :)

next-- get out and enjoy the sun, too... just
not RIGHT under the ol' buzzard...

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 22, 2018 - 01:45am PT
A Ride I already Declined

sorry you can't
and glad I still do
U R a misanthrope,
it is my sincere hope you stuff your self with happy thoughts
To a person your codition garnners no pity from those you pruport to feel tribal with.
a special
for lil'dwain, who once was a climber.
now just livin? in pain (ain't karma a B?)
I for one am sorry for your #painLiL'dwain.

mornin mouse,I lost my train of thought,

before I was so rudely sanctioned for bashing a fake concern and disingenuous coment from Low T ed.
Who said, (Parroting phuax) that libs should run on gun control,
I had taken a powder, I will do so again.
Comfy in the thought that I knew comrade was, from the jump, for me, one who could not be trusted, this mean mean spirited'ness It makes a mess
one I want nothing to do with

Glad to hear that you're getting comfy too.
& you have been settling in.
Soon to be putting up pages again.
its still well before dawn,
it dawns on me that Im waiting on some

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Apr 22, 2018 - 02:15am PT
Oh, Now I remember, what a rabbit hole you sent me down
blood of Christ and all, although the art is spectacular


"Transubstantiation is a word familiar to anyone brought up Catholic, and to anyone interested in alchemy; in changing lead into gold. In the Catholic instance, it relates to the Eucharist—the consecration of bread and wine by the priest at Mass. It's a way of explaining the Catholic conviction that bread and wine thus blessed becomes the body and blood of Christ—that Christ's presence in the worshipping community is a 'real presence'."

This place is Spectacular,well, it is for small rock hell, and to a short guy too sad to say its all 5.11 from the jump, mostly

Boulder climber
Almost solving the metaphysical mystery
Apr 22, 2018 - 06:16am PT
Welcome home, Mouse.
Lovely photo of the vulture sunning. Nice light and shadow play.
Now we know you will have lots of nature pix to share, perhaps.
Glad to know you are in place, settling in, hooked up and have WiFi.

Congratulations on completing the relocation! Lots of work, lots of changes, lots of challenges, lots of new adventures.

Neebee, it was great to hear from you.
Happy Sunday everyone!
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