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Ice climber
Jul 27, 2015 - 07:55am PT

He'll call if he needs yhou.

Ice climber
Jul 27, 2015 - 07:57am PT
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 07:59am PT
The fickle finger tickles me, sometimes. Take this morning, for example.

I'm scheduled to meet my ride at 6:40 a.m. for Los Banos. I'm waiting and waiting and waiting at the Transpo Center a block over from Middle Earth.

Another vet is there, waiting for the van to Fresno's VA hospital. We are waiting and waiting and waiting.

Mouse and Ken are waiting. See them wait.
Mouse and Ken are early. They are waiting.

Mouse is fed up with waiting. See him do the slow burn.
Mouse is burning slowly. He is very hot.

I came back home and grabbed my phone to see if there was a message.
There is a missed call at 6:47. I called that number.

"This is Mr. Bermingham. Who is this?"
"This is Mr. Hoover."
"Are you the van driver?"
"Yes, and I'm now in Los Banos with the other guys."
"Fine. Can you tell me why I wasn't picked up at the Transpo Center?"
"Yes, it's because we called at the Tioga for you and blah-blah-blah..."

Well, no one mentioned I was being driven door-to-door, so that clears up any mystery. It pushes back everything. I need to re-schedule today.

It never ends. Fate's weapon, coincidence, allied with God's freakish will, are united in an axis of weirdness that defies my feeble attempts to cope with life, apparently.

I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm only relating what's happened. As long as the Higher Powers, Jesus and fate, are happy, I should be, too.

Tranquility is not just a town in Fresno County.

Serenity is not just a worn-out crack climb in Yosemite.

I can at least go back to bed and dream of pretty nurses delivering bouquets of get-well flowers.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Stop laughing at me, Gnome, you sick bastion!
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 27, 2015 - 09:02am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

It is my Seoul more slow burn, spouse 'n rife with 'k. Dam strife fro ,my tooeeding

Also, too I to am a'goin down to see the doc if that creek don't. Rise

calls for flash floods 'n such . 'Round herae,
that mor' newenglandeese 'fora yeah'
I too will need to b suffering a through

Edit :) the use of Statins, as the only form of cholesterol reduction when the levels both remain too high and I'm a solid

A cholesterol reducing drug that . . to do the job of ridding --

. -try to follow in that I'm jumping,-

the body of bad cholesterol.

This was after the science has been around through genetics.

, blah blah ..

It has a long term important health change !

So , I have already for a good long time, kept getting regular, ' labs'- Sucks!

Baseline history and good stats will help qualify me for first trials ?one can hope.

to say that I have turned a true new shade of loud angry , wilted by the humidity that marks this as changed climate heat , the lady who is A saint to put up with me,
is taking the brunt .

just a terrible mix,

no food till the test,
and having forgot, I got the family special at the fling-moon-yawn,
some sort of Chinese restaurant , a eat in /take out place on the neast corner for us.

(trip to buying Real Estate:)

What does the phrase, "Location, Location , Location ," mean?

. to find the definition that suits you personally the ,

(sweet spot where balance can be found . )

Turns out for me it was Pizza chinese food and beer,
well not that last it was more like diapers for the
kids and a good Pain clinic for the two almost adults,
Now thats a vin diagram to try to visualize.,
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 09:35am PT
Thanks for not getting "Flipper" involved in this, Xosmix.

I debated taking my phone before I stepped out the door this morning, too.

That adds irony to the pathos, thus turning it to COMEDY!!

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 27, 2015 - 09:50am PT
The camera is gone! WTF IT may be the heat and so misplaced, but I may have been lightenened of it from the un- locked car.

the story is as always abit off the jist is that I met a man with a camel colored '68 VW micro bus+sahara canvas tent back, cant find a pic to show to ya!

!This is a Rare Bird, and an incredible opportunity when he says to me hey Ill be pulling it out to ship it on monday come and get the royal tour' . . . . [[]'NO CAMERA!??[]}
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 27, 2015 - 10:10am PT
I took a stroll with the older camera, Now if i can find the right down load cable . . .
but i need to make peace with the srifewife, , ,

Ice climber
Jul 27, 2015 - 10:17am PT
Sometime soon, in the not too distant future or in the very distant future, when everyone is living on one of those billion distant Earth_Clones, auto transportation with become of thing of the past.

Which raises the interesting issue of who is going to inherit all those low-riders.

They seem to attract the attractive women like honey attracts peanut butter and toast.

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 10:26am PT
Be of good cheer, Gnome.

Even the worst things go better with the Real Thing."Tulainyo Lake sits in a desolate bowl 12,828 feet above sea level nestled between four peaks – Mount Russell, Mount Carillon, Tunnabora Peak and The Cleaver.
It is one of the highest lakes in the contiguous United States and impressively large for its altitude.
Due to its elevation and shadowing effects from nearby peaks, the lake often remains ice and snow covered well into the summer.
In late summer and fall, with the ice and snow melted, the lake reveals a cerulean color with turquoise along its shores.
The photogenic setting is stark with the lake’s pure waters set amid granite boulders and cliffs.
I have wanted to visit this lake for some time and it did not disappoint."
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 27, 2015 - 04:48pm PT
when last we left you hero you were gonna get it done and true to form the life that is yours turned its tail and run>??;9(There is So no cake for icing that vice is for young runners not ol' plodders that stumble along,
The vice that is my ginger brew is on moderation too I am fat( weird bowling ball tummy bulge ) because ,
i have to much surgar in my diet,
that is not coffee roll or anything that is easily cut out,
the vageries of wageries of a war against a bulge A bulge that is soft not hard, and stiff in soreness not in resistance
the calf muscles still rock but the toes they dislocate, after climbing.
no walking out after ten pitches
still able to climb though.
seems ten pounds i.e.
instead of ?
instead of say ? once in the days of yore.
zero elevation gain ,
it is a trick of the eye , iagh?

Seems I mis placed or lost had lifted by a very petty thief the camera,??gave the blood it takes me out, I am a huge woosie, and get faint past light headed.

Have at it I was always a SNAG sensitive new age guy, that is drawing howls of critical laughter from said #1'n only wife, she can't stop,. . say it, ? is it true?. . . . No . . .she's laughing still. . .
No, she is saying "troglodyte with an aversion to bathing". . . - but it takes one to marry one right,
. . . . .- now I'm ducking small flying objects,
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 05:03pm PT
"Anything to keep the peace."

Show her this and see what happens.
Tell her for me that I have St. Jude on the case.

Hahahahaha and good luck, buddy.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 27, 2015 - 05:36pm PT
this is the bottom of the positive hold, one is eventually pushing down and moving head first into the chimneyLike so many of the small stones I post; this is a lone stand of steeply leaned granite.. less pink, less quartz than some in the southern more zone,
this is akin to" Bald rock Basin" only better. The chunk is shortand full of faces, said it again but. . .
longest point from the gound . most problems are ten moves or less.
With the top-out, heel hooks & mantles, being crux.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 06:34pm PT
Are those "snail trail" from tree resin? Or What, Dafucqueue?

It honestly looks inviting, but resin on the sole of an expensive boot is not a hoot.
It's a duality thing, a Laurel/Hardy thing. Predestined to laugh at fate, we are, until gobbled up.

What a treat! Turkey a la King and all the smoke you can eat!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 27, 2015 - 11:28pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]FAMILIAR FEWED
A midnight ramble through old musical memories, mixed with the worst TV has to offer, and some biting social commentary,
provided by your local Indian Giving Society.

Guest host John Denver stands to Contestant Willie Nelson's left. He says:
"Are there any real cowboys left, John?"
"My survey shows it ain't necessarily so."
"My survey shows the person on my left is sinister. Is he an Indian?"
"Survey shows....nope, not at all."
"Would that person be a so-called country singer?"
"Survey ain't necessarily so."
"Would that person be someone taken home by seven Spanish angels?"
"Survey said....a cadaver! Well, that certainly rings a bell."
"Would this person like to host this program for the rest of his eternal rest?"
"Survey said....he's in Limbo, Willie. Close enough. One more correct answer gets you the prize."
"Would the person have a terrible habit of squinting when he makes contact with the driver?"
"Survey says....I can't hit the ball worth a darn! You win, Straight-Shooting Willie.
By the way, what's your handicap?"
"The IRS. Where's that check, John?"
[Click to View YouTube Video]
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 28, 2015 - 12:09am PT
Edward S. Curtis, internationally known authority on the history of the North American Indian, died today at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Beth Magnuson. His age was 84. Mr. Curtis devoted his life to compiling Indian history. His research was done under the patronage of the late financier, J. Pierpont Morgan. The foreward [sic] for the monumental set of Curtis books was written by President Theodore Roosevelt. Mr. Curtis was also widely known as a photographer.
--obituary from Wikipedia link

I was gifted by Decker tonight with an old calendar of Edward S. Curtis' photographs of Native Americans tonight ("Take this one. I have another.")

Thank you, dear friend, for making me aware of yet another great American photographer.

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 28, 2015 - 12:14am PT
The arrival of photos in the the 420 series rare % €><
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 28, 2015 - 12:18am PT
It's a hot night.

Hot like El Chapo, the boogie-man.

Hot like the barrel of Charlton Helston's pump-action bb gun, uh, .20 gauge.

Gnome, is that thebravecowboy?, a self-portrait? I wonder...

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 28, 2015 - 12:37am PT
The soapbox is empty. What'll we do with it?

Turn it on end and put up that Free the Whole Shebang banner.

See that wall behind the tyke (is that your little girl, Nut A?), Gnome?

Some of my most pleasant and instructive seshes bouldering took place on that modest little chunk of East Bay rhyolite.

It's perfectly suited to the needs of one who wishes to develop face technique safely and alone.

What you're doing takes balls. I was just getting a mild workout after selling boots all day long, mostly. Had a few minutes to kill before it's time to drive over the Bay Bridge to pick up the little lady after work or if there was no softball scheduled, half the time I'd drive up to IRock and mellow with a doob and some moves I had wired, never tiring, always conspiring to go to the Dollies someday.

Just keep the cell phone handy and charged when you go it alone.

I got this same kind of "Mom" rap about carrying my phone from my sister this afternoon, so STFU.

Good nighty, then.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Jul 28, 2015 - 12:53am PT
I to have boulderd on that glass rock!
Seems trails that once seemed strange now seem more familiar.
The nature of that rock, to sweat, or feel greasy only on the holds, is still a memorable one.
U full had to commit even to try to traverse, which was harder than the six or ten moves up ?
To what? I can not remember?
A fence? A building wall?

Was there another chunk of marble some tiny other spot?
that I walked to to check out?

Sf in 78 an then almost a religious pilgrimage
every other year or so. - always climbing, Too.
the park ?? it was a bus ride but it had routes,
Something glen park?? I could look it up but why?

As to cowboys I am trying to get thru the HB offsets, a set of Steele micro-nuts, for aide but I free climbed off the smallest .A.o0 wire we called key often,
That is not the same as your and now mine reasonable response to micro nuts answer to a six year old rant ?? And you,? an advocate of, I think,; no posting - stone left unturned or - left stoned turned ??
No Left Turn Unstoned 5.11b!
My mfm, why do I feel it is not a cowboy night after all?
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 28, 2015 - 06:42am PT
Johnny Depp was a great Tonto.

And Rango was his name-O.

Kemo sabe was his game.

El Gnomo was his flame-O.

Pard, it's cuz the Cowboys will always suck

And the Hurricanes will always blow

They screwed the Indians, by the way

After the the Alamo-O.

And Custer wore an arrow shirt

As he lay face-down in the dirt.

Ol' Pecos Bill and Calamity Jane

Couldn't put him on his horse again.

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