Why Are Republicans WRONG about EVERYTHING?


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Somewhere out there
Oct 28, 2014 - 10:36pm PT
this is too funny to leave out....

pure genius!!!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Hey repubs.... please explain Gohmert for us?

Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 29, 2014 - 03:36am PT
the most racist, hateful, bigoted political video you've ever seen:



why do formerly incarcerated black men hate black politicians so much?

just another cog in the vast right-wing conspiracy?

just another bunch of uncle toms?

what's a lib to do when black men speak the truth about liberal policies while standing in the middle of the evidence of what those policies produce?

oh, right, ignore the argument and attack me...spew away

Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2014 - 05:42am PT
So what, you sniveling little naysaying half-wit. His rating is still above Truman, who was a great president. The Affordable Care Act will be remembered as one of the greatest accomplishments by a modern President. Yes, heck of a job Mr. President.

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Oct 29, 2014 - 06:25am PT
Sketch crushes yet another poster...Oooh..
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 06:40am PT
The link Bookworm posted on the ex-cons is very sobering and is a small look into how single party rule breeds corruption in cities like Detroit or Chicago. This type of corruption is a human condition, not a partisan one. Each party has it's own excesses, and the opposition keeps em honest.


Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:04am PT
"This type of corruption is a human condition, not a partisan one."

well, you're half right...can you point to a single city/state with one party rule by republicans that has suffered the same decay? that has similar long-term failures in the economy, poverty, education, crime, etc.?

so, even with all the evidence of the failure of liberal policies, libs will continue to pursue these policies and continue to heap misery on the constituencies they claim to care about most...some would call that behavior insanity; i call it institutionalized racism

Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:08am PT
here's another black man who understands the poison of lib policies:



Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:28am PT
Yes bookworm, take a look at how well Kansas has done under
republican policies.
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:35am PT

Bookworm wrote:
well, you're half right...can you point to a single city/state with one party rule by republicans that has suffered the same decay? that has similar long-term failures in the economy, poverty, education, crime, etc.?

The excesses are manifested in different ways. Some Southern conservative areas have needed federal intervention to racially equalize opportunities in schools and employment. This is unfortunate, because the idea of federalism, or states rights, is a cornerstone of our country's founding.

Too many partisans are unable to recapitulate an opposing position, exposing their own biases and prejudices.
Diversity of thought is the most important diversity that a free, strong and independent society can ever possess.
How this diversity is rejected by partisans is so ironic.

Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2014 - 08:36am PT
well, you're half right...can you point to a single city/state with one party rule by republicans that has suffered the same decay? that has similar long-term failures in the economy, poverty, education, crime, etc.?

The USA, circa 2006. The Great Recession began only a few months after they left office.

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Oct 29, 2014 - 08:52am PT
Larry Pressler(D) ex senator and congressman from South Dakota
is running as an Independent this time.
South Dakota is a red state. In one of his ads he's
asked, by a Repulican voter, if he was in favor of 'Obammacare'.
He said, "if Romney would have won we'd be calling it Romneycare
and everyone would be happy now."

Pressler is the senator that turned down the FBI's 'ABSCAM'
and the model for the movie "American Hustle".
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 09:00am PT
Dirtbag wrote:
The USA, circa 2006. The Great Recession began only a few months after they left office.

I would posit that the recession had many causes, the primary cause being a collapse of ethics in our culture. Everybody wanted something for nothing. Left, right, rich, poor. There are also natural cycles in business, and other aspects of society, that has little to do with partisan social policy.
The banks want to privatize profits and socialize losses. The poor wanted substandard loans they couldn't afford to reap the equity build up of the housing bubble. The left and right only point fingers at each other.
Our culture is one of narcissistic instant gratification without responsibilities. We are reaping what we sowed. We have the "leaders" we deserve.

Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2014 - 09:09am PT
Larry the republicans in 2006 created one huge stinking mess of corruption and hubris. Remember Tom Delay?

And frankly, the "Both sides do it" mantra is simply not true. I don't remember any party ever overtly obstructing basic government functioning as much as the current republican congress. Shutdowns, defaults etc.: they are nothing more than anti-government pukes, uninterested in governing. It will get a lot worse come January.

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Oct 29, 2014 - 09:33am PT
Gas prices down steeply.

U.S. stock market S & P 500 average has nearly doubled in the last 5 years.

All Obama's fault, with the Republicans trying to destroy our nation and make him look bad every step of the way.

Why does anyone want to vote Republican: the party of failure?
Larry Nelson

Social climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 12:17pm PT
Dirtbag, (Dang, I feel like I'm going ad hominem...hee hee)

Tom Delay is not a nice man. The Texas prosecutor who targeted him is not a nice man either. Politics is a sewer. Your heroes are swimming in the same crap as those you despise. Washington DC is a bubble of power hungry narcissists getting rich off of taxpayers.
Check out the business holdings of the husbands of Nancy Pelosi or Diane Feinstein. Look how much Goldman Sachs or General Electric contributed to Obama, then look at what they pay in taxes. The Democrats have been in power for 6 years. They are the ones on the hot seat now. If the same standards they applied to Bush now apply to them, they own this underemployed economy.(In actuality, the economy runs in cycles that too often are blamed on politicians, or too often politicians taking credit)
After 6 years, blaming Bush or racism rings hollow. Jon Stewart said 2 years ago that the race card was overdrawn.

Social climber
So Cal
Oct 29, 2014 - 12:20pm PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Somewhere out there
Oct 29, 2014 - 06:16pm PT
- and conservative is way better option...

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Social climber
So Cal
Oct 29, 2014 - 06:22pm PT
Democrat criminals!

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Sorry for being redundant.

Social climber
Oct 29, 2014 - 06:31pm PT
I would posit that the recession had many causes, the primary cause being a collapse of ethics in our culture. Everybody wanted something for nothing. Left, right, rich, poor

you actually would posit that the collapse of ethics was a real cause of the 2007 Recession?


Odd, because the real cause was the explosion of financial derivatives which caused the intense credit contraction, which put the economy into three quarters of negative GDP growth (the classic definition of Recession_

and would you like to know which party had the Presidency, the Senate, and the House for six years in a row leading up to and including the start of the worst economic collapse in the USA since the Great Depression = that would be the Republicans

I could go on and on, but then I don't want you to stop believing that it was moral decay instead........

Topic Author's Reply - Oct 29, 2014 - 06:40pm PT
The Democrats have been in power for 6 years.

Wrong, Larry. It is a divided government.

Republicans control the House.

They have veto power in the Senate, which they have used, or threatened to use, unsparingly.

Republicans in the legislature have been uncompromising, threatening such stunts as shutdowns and debt defaults to get their way. Between that and vetoes, they have stymied the Legislative Branch.

And, it is a conservative Supreme Court. Citizens United, anyone?

So that is two out of three branches of gvoernment.

Dems have the White House.

Again, quit playing the "They both do it" card. It is true in a few instances, but often not.
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