FUNDRAISER and AUCTION for Big Mike! Yeah!


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Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 01:48am PT
Very nice plaid ;) thanks. Wow guys! Killing it. Donini, when I get better i will be contacting you about a visit to either Indian Creek or the Black Canyon, now that sounds like fun!! I will be training hard so you don't totally kick my butt and I will (hopefully) be able to follow your leads!!

Sounds like Sandra and I will be doing the ultimate climbing road trip when I heal up to meet all my new friends!! ;)

Have I mentioned how much I appreciate everything y'all are doing???

You guys rule!!

Sinclair once exclaimed how he had fixed pitons up the last pitch of the Squamish Buttress so all people could aid climb the 10b corner.

Mr wild took his last pin out this year! They call it 10c now btw. Definitely easier than the pillar which somehow maintains it's mystical 10b rating.

Trad climber
South Slope of Mt. Tabor, Portland, Oregon, USA
Mar 12, 2013 - 02:17am PT
No prob Mike. Hope to climb with ya soon. It's the least I could do for a bro.

Never met ya. Have a feeling yur a kindred spirit though. Heal up quick. Sending BIG Vibes ur way!

Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 10:33am PT
Plaidman- you're probably right ;)

Thanks Russ!!
this just in

north fork
Mar 12, 2013 - 10:37am PT
4 days left. Still at 120.00. I know there's some throttle Jockies that are lurking....
hamish f

Social climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 10:46am PT
250 for an old stubby horizontal. I've got to hunt around for my old aid rack.

Social climber
The Chihuahua Desert
Mar 12, 2013 - 11:06am PT
Russ takes the salsa,thanks Russ! I will send the package out today.Please send the coin directly to Big Mike.

Social climber
The Chihuahua Desert
Mar 12, 2013 - 11:38am PT
8 and 4 out the door for Russ.

Get well Big Mike!!! Your stoke is contagious, and that's a good thing.
Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 12:54pm PT
We have our first wiener!!! ;) Russ sent me 65$ for some salsa!! Good to go! Thanks Russ!!! May your eggs be spicy and your nachos, salsafied!!

Thank you pocoloco! May your stoke burn eternal. Send me your address ill send ya a print!!

Social climber
The Chihuahua Desert
Mar 12, 2013 - 01:48pm PT
Thanks Big Mike,one of your prints would be cool. Please wait until your out of the hospital.
Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 01:52pm PT
That's a given ;) got to get to my home computer first ;)
Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 02:05pm PT
Yes and yes Bruce! Busy till about 3, so after that? Sweet!

Mar 12, 2013 - 02:10pm PT
I see they have some nice stuff at GF Strong. How about a stove to cook on?
Big Mike

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 02:18pm PT
The PayPal account is at 333.69, and a 50 dollar private donation.

The list of donors so far is,
Jon Beck -30
E6 100
Russ-65 for The salsa donated by pocoloco

Wow! And we are just getting started!

No stove MH2 unfortunately, unless i don't know about it..

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Mar 12, 2013 - 02:26pm PT
$25 for a signed print of Another Fine Mess from the kidcormier.
And excuse me for being lost but who has the current top bid on the Painted Wall?

Gym climber
squamish, b.c.
Mar 12, 2013 - 02:50pm PT
I will send over some moola when I Finnish bidding, as I am also bidding on Bruce Kays painting, any word what the price is at??

Bmacd has donated a new, never used rope guard, equipped with heavy duty haulbag material, Velcro and a little clamp to hold it in place.

Bidding starts at $25.

It's about time Brucey started participating in the auction, we were starting to thing he was a cheapskate. :)
Baby Doll

Trad climber
Mar 12, 2013 - 03:03pm PT
Stoked to see all this coming together. Thanks for helping Mike out everyone. :)

Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Mar 12, 2013 - 03:15pm PT
its not a painting - its an el gypo lithograph print. Just so you know. Thats why its going cheap.

So just to be clear.

The Painted wall IS an original Oil, the first I've painted in more than 2 decades.
Current bid $170 by Bruce Kay.

AND as it so happens the Damn fine Mess 'toon does not have a personal letter on the flip side but rather another 'toon. Side B of this historic record is the original of Philbert's Dilema.
I know exactly what it's like to be in dire need and realize that like Big Mike any of us can go from vibrant stoke to wheel chair in a heartbeat.
I would let the ORIGINAL go for a good cause, BUT the Dollar Donation would have to be substantially higher than $25 for a signed print. Or is my ego getting in the way.

With all due respect to the wonderful crazy outbidders out there I think I will stick to the plan and keep the auction going till Midnight on Sun 3/17. So come on Clan kick it up for a busted brother.

Straight outta Squampton
Mar 12, 2013 - 04:04pm PT
Woah now! You'll be happy you held on to your cash till today! Up for bidding are two (2,deux,II,>1 and <3) semi-vintage mountaineering axes to make your collection complete.

You probably thought that by having Ed Wymper's alpenstock from the FA of the Matterhorn, and Maurice's from that French picnic on Annapurna, that your collection was at it's pinnacle. But why haven't the babes (or dudes) been knockin' down your door? I'll tell you why: You don't own a MSR Tomahawk, or a Forrest Neve. Don't dispair! No need to hang yourself with that overpriced braided cord you got from Chessler. You have one more chance. Not only could you own these inspiring pieces of history, and help out Big Mike, but you might get some action too. (Not sure if Mike is supplying that last part. You'll have to discuss it with him after you win the bidding.)

First up is a very fine Forrest Neve mountaineering axe. It shows almost no signs of use. Just a few paint scratches. Was probably bought by some poser just to hang above the mantle. It has never had a file taken to any part of it. It's that minty! Hold onto your socks:

Next is one of the finest examples of early aluminum mountain slayer technology to still exist. "Why are there so few?", you ask. Because they were made of aluminum you doofus. Forged from the finest scrap that Boeing left in their dumpster, MSR came up with one of the earliest superlight alu axes. This in no normal ultralight axe though! this is the super-high velocity armour piercing variety. Check it out. The tip of the pick and the spike have a steel core! (might be kryptonite, I'm not sure) It's like a concealed weapon! That alpine ice runnel might be laughing you and your beer-can-axe off; until you split it stem to stern with your TOMAHAWK!!!
Only those with the skill and purity of heart to draw Excalibur from the stone should even think about going down this road. Are you worthy?

Let the bidding frenzy begin at $20 each!


Trad climber
Is that light the end of the tunnel or a train?
Mar 12, 2013 - 04:09pm PT
Srubber that was the funniest damn auction entry offer I have ever heard.
Well played sir, well played. TFPU!

Straight outta Squampton
Mar 12, 2013 - 04:27pm PT
Geeze, I even wrote the name of the MSR axe down wrong. It's obviously the even more desireable THUNDERBIRD! The post is so long it won't let me edit...
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