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Mountain climber
Jul 29, 2018 - 08:24am PT
Hiked the 28 miles from the Rancheria Trailhead near Wishon Reservoir to the summit of Tehipite Dome with a Sierra Club group years ago . There are few places in the Sierra that feel as remote and the views are great. Bob Burd has posted a very good online report of the hike .

Trad climber
the middle of CA
Jul 29, 2018 - 11:12am PT
I forgot the details and who I was talking to but basically I talked to someone who’s dad or friend descended the GOD down to the river. Had lots of details and I remember believing the person.

That’s probably not the most descriptive or helpful info but long story short I do think it was actually descended. It would be awesome to do

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jul 29, 2018 - 11:33am PT
Les Wilson, his son Chris, and Gus Benner. They came over Harrington Pass, descended the GOD, and went downriver to Yucca Point. Hiked up, retrieved stashed bikes, and rode back up to camp.

I met Les and Gus at Berkely Ironworks when I did a slide show there one year ago last May. He took interest in my Gorge of Despair pics and routes.

Some folks at the gym who know those guys say they are still getting out there, adventuring and thrashing the gnar.
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