Surfing v. Climbing... Complimentary Pursuits?


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Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Dec 14, 2013 - 08:28pm PT

If you're bored out there:
east side underground

Hilton crk,ca
Dec 14, 2013 - 08:46pm PT
slater ....... oh yea!

Social climber
Dec 15, 2013 - 11:10pm PT
A quote from my friend Giampollo Cammarota
"Kelly Slater alluding to the clearly overscored wave of Mick Fanning: "that pissed me off just enough to keep me going next year"...

Well, thank god for that! 'Cause god knows how much more fun is to watch you surfing than anybody else in the world!!!!

If Fanning didn't get that nice Christmas present from the very shaky judges, I would be probably commentating about Kelly's retirement...
Uff, I feel like we all scored big time yesterday at Pipe!"

I must admit that I didn't watch this contest live.

I checked the the ocean out yesterday morning and it was big, but not real big.
It was big enough that (to me) it was clear that I wasn't going surfing so I chilled at home and had breakfast and did chores.

I drove out to Jaws later in the morning.
The paddle in action started early.
I missed most of it because the wind was already on it and those guys had mostly all gone in.
I did catch some tow and kite guys.

After Jaws I stopped off at Hookipa.
There were only four guys out at Middles and they were killing it!

After Hookipa, I moved down to Lanes and caught some of that action also.

Today was still to big in my back yard.
Peter Haan

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, CA
Dec 15, 2013 - 11:54pm PT
you were busy Oman, as well you should be. You can always watch the contest online later after you've had your waves.

I was scandalized too by Mick's crucial wave score. It just wasn't there. Fanning is a great surfer though and a very good man from what I can tell so far removed. Friend to thousands, for sure. But he is not the astounding genius of all time that KS and JJF are, not by a long shot. Those contests and the judging of them better keep their noses clean or I should say cleaner, as we go forward. I have seen 'gimme points' for quite some time now. We see them in Dressage too, ice skating etc. It gets ridiculous and so transparent. Thank God Kelly is willing to point his finger (The Emperor Has No Clothes, would be the tale to cite here, except KS is not a child but a aging master like no other). It does nothing but help the sport and art to confront this kind of discouraging corruption, especially as surfing enters its new phase next year of approaching the general public.

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Dec 16, 2013 - 12:23am PT
Kelly gets overscored all the time.
I think because of all the hype and buildup for the title race ending at Pipe, there was extra scrutiny.
Mick's waves were sick. Was he overscored, maybe.
I was rooting for Kelly for sure but the way Mick's waves came in the dying moments of his heats, the fact that they were macking and absolutely perfect, and he rode them perfectly- he deserved those heat wins.
If the title weren't at stake and slates in the running, no one would be questioning those calls but CJ and Yadin and their mates.

The final was weird- no waves for 20 minutes. Kelly's airdrop was f*#king mental and was a contest winner, but then JJF's Backdoor tube in the final about underscored!

Oh well. What was cool was that everyone won. Mick gets the title, JJF gets the Triple Crown, and Slates gets his 7th Pipe Masters! He got all misty and even cried a little afterward saying it was one of the best days of his life and a dream come true to surf with John John in the finals at Pipe.

Social climber
Dec 16, 2013 - 01:10pm PT
Do yourself a favor and put this one on full screen and turn the volume UP!
The scene with the helicopter is Kai Lenny getting air lifted out with a bad gash in his foot.
My buddy Jake Miller shot the stuff from the cliff.
[Click to View YouTube Video]
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Dec 16, 2013 - 02:27pm PT
Surfing v. Climbing... Complimentary Pursuits?


Thanks O-man, you're killing me with this thread.

Social climber
Dec 16, 2013 - 06:10pm PT
Thanks Wade Icey!
This thread is a group effort and I am just proud to get to contribute on the surfing side of it. I don't get to do much rock climbing these days.
I have only done three routes in the last year.
I do live in a place that I can walk to great waves so surfing is all I have to contribute these days.
After I posted that Jaws video this morning, I went and checked out the waves my back yard.
The waves had dropped down to head to head/head and a half with occasional sets approaching close to double over head.
There was absolutely no wind so it perfectly glassy.
The water was the clearest that I can remember. Not only could you vividly see the reef but whole schools of fish as well. It was almost spooky it was so clear.
I shared these conditions with three guys on SUP's. They were veteran surfers and the vibe was as good as it gets.
I got some great right's and left's with only getting worked by one set.
I had to go in after two and a half hours of paddling due to my right arm issue.
I'm icing it now and I am sure that I will feel it tomorrow but it was soo worth it!
BTW:I heard from Kai and it sounds like that cut he got at Jaws might not be as bad as we feared.
Game On!

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Dec 16, 2013 - 08:37pm PT
What is this, the surfing thread???

O man
I really appreciate your island contributions.
Can't wait to get back and you better believe if I make it to Maui I'll be looking you up.


Social climber
Dec 16, 2013 - 10:10pm PT
drljefe, Make that happen dude!


Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 16, 2013 - 10:19pm PT
Some people do both, most don't....the skill set is different, the setting more so. The psychological motivations are maybe closer. Complimentary is probably not the right term but they are not mutually exclusive.

Social climber
humboldt nation
Dec 16, 2013 - 10:39pm PT
After paddling all winter I feel like climbing opens up my muscles and stretches out my
Back and hips. In that way when I do both they compliment each other. And with shreded
Tips and mental fatigue paddling out and staring at the horizon for a lump of pure joy sure
Is peaceful.

Social climber
Dec 17, 2013 - 10:40pm PT
“If there weren’t rocks to climb, we would all be surfers.” I think Evon Chounard said that but perhaps someone else said it first.

I feel that statement about sums it up but I will try to go just a bit further

Both climbing and surfing have social elements such as lingo and dress apparel.

They each capture a wide audience stimulating glamorous feelings of intense adventure taking on nature on its own terms.

They each have many facets and levels. There’s the pure (relatively safe) recreational side of each sport which can be practiced without hazard by an average person seeking a unique activity in nature. All the way to the to extreme, beyond extreme level.

To move beyond the recreational level, commitment to the sport is mandatory.

To excel requires physical and mental preparedness along with natural talent and a passion that usually directs one’s life.

Relationships suffer and often careers are compromised in order to advance to the next level.

In both climbing and surfing, achievement requires travel and more often than not actually pulling up roots and moving to a place where conditions are favorable and where there are other enthusiasts to share mutual passions and goals.

In both sports there is a contingent of talented athletes with huge and fragile egos that need to be constantly nurtured by their peers and through media recognition of their latest achievements.

On the other hand both climbing and surfing each have a quiet contingent that’s equally talented. They go their way with humility and avoiding conflict and crowds. ‘Soul Surfer’ comes to mind.

In reality climbing and surfing are completely unique unto themselves and total opposites.

Perhaps it's through their diversity, that they indeed, complement each other.


Trad climber
Dec 17, 2013 - 11:08pm PT
Really well said Olaf.
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Dec 18, 2013 - 12:13am PT
Phil Edwards ...

Social climber
Dec 19, 2013 - 01:00pm PT
Sorry about the repeat image but it is a good one and it was taken by my friend.
We are supposed to have another giant swell event here on Maui. The wave models indicate the this one has enough west in it to wrap all the way to Kehei side. It might be a good day for a road trip. But if it's good here why leave waves to look for waves. Game On!

Dec 19, 2013 - 01:50pm PT


Social climber
Dec 21, 2013 - 01:30pm PT
Happy Solstice!

Trad climber
Mohave County Arizona
Dec 21, 2013 - 07:52pm PT
It's all about acquiring a good vantage to see the world.

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Dec 24, 2013 - 02:54pm PT

Happy holidays all you climber/surfers!

I'll be haunting my old lineups in just a few days as the ghost of Christmas past.
Hoping for some swell- surfing bigger waves is so much easier, and it's been a while for me.
If it's small, blown, crowded, whatever, I don't care...
Liquid therapy.
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