1977 Airplane Crash in Yosemite


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Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Apr 25, 2012 - 11:10pm PT
As much as sidmo would like you all to believe, there is way more to the story than who made it up to the lake and made off with their share of the dope. If that is your sole focus....well you might try to think large instead of Yosemite. Just saying

Sport climber
Apr 25, 2012 - 11:26pm PT
Yippee, I brought him back from the dead

A long way from where I started
Apr 25, 2012 - 11:52pm PT
Yippee, I brought him back from the dead

Yup. But you didn't decrease the lameness of the front page.

This airplane thing is ancient history, and the only way it gets relevant is if Licky actually publishes his book. Which he may do. I have no idea who he is, or what other things occupy his time. Is he a dilettante who thinks pretending to be a writer is a cool thing? Is he a multiply-published and award-winning writer who is about to be short-listed for his second Pulitzer?

Who knows? Reading this thread doesn't provide any answers.

Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
Apr 26, 2012 - 12:24am PT
You mean to tell me Yosemite crashed into an airplane in 1977. I'm betting the glacier(s) won.

Where is Herr Braun? Someone's gotta put sidmo into his appropriate place in the natural order of things.

How is the book coming along Ric? I'm volunteering to read the draft and provide comments based upon my experience with drug provacateurs and their lawyers.

You gotta have photos and illustrations:

You gotta have the historical tie-in, like how John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt smoked a J together

Rev it up!

ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Apr 26, 2012 - 12:46am PT
Weird that they happened to crash into a lake. What are the odds?

Social climber
Apr 29, 2012 - 12:54am PT
The planet is 70% covered with water, it's weird if they didn't hit a lake.

Boulder climber
I'm James Brown, Bi-atch!
Apr 29, 2012 - 03:35am PT
they found the co-pilot in lake superior,

no wait....

they never find anybody in lake superior, too cold for microbes,

who wants an ice cold Fresca?

Sport climber
general delivery
May 24, 2012 - 08:13am PT
nearly a month w/o a post . . . as i said, the thread is dead - unless Licky, et. al. found another sandbox to play in - i guess if you cant stand the heat stay out of the sauna - oh wait, am i being cynical again? tell me i'm wrong; maybe licky is revising, editing, refining - the grunt work of the writing process - why do i doubt that? maybe he's holed up with his bosses in DC, working on the indictments - i recently read of a case where the SOL was extended retroactively and people were charged with crimes, but we have licky's assurance that such action is not possible - are you suckers still believing that razor-sharp legal mind that assures us otherwise? c'mon fellow cynics, FLAME ON
mouse from merced

Trad climber
merced, california
May 24, 2012 - 08:56am PT
Well, I'm here to help with this rock-y revival.

Insulting the seventies is like insulting the Bush Administration: useless...

But this ain't about politics.

It is about our reverence for dope mythology.

Remember always there are at least two points of view on anything and we can get on with dope lore.

Jan's story is so typical, it deserves mention.

A guy I knew in Berkeley came into TNF Factory Outlet and left with not one, not two, but three Kelty D-4 backpacks to go fetch some airplane dope.

He reported his success with a bagful two weeks later.

He went to Spain to climb.

I remember there was an article in a Climbing or Mountain about the high jinx of a team from the Valley in France who were living the high life and climbing there with proceeds from the crash.

I visited with friends in the Groveland area one weekend, oh, hell it was Jeff Mathis. Names. Nobody deserves censure. I had no weed and a deal was arranged through one of Jeff's acquaintances. Best I can do, legal eagles be damned.

I got it for ten. An ounce. No rip-off, a good, righteous price. It was not the best Colombian. It got me really high but I needed to keep re-lighting the pipe. Avgas is not tasteless, either. For the weed was dry, but the addition of the fuel had its effects.

Let's just say it's a story in the tradition of the FA of the Dawn Wall and the aftermath with pros and cons and this is what makes good stories anyway.

TR and Muir


t*r and Penberthy

Sport climber
general delivery
May 26, 2012 - 06:30pm PT
went out on you? interesting. probably still damp, but luckily, not soaked with chevron supreme - better to relight than to catch your beard on fire - love these good-karma plane stories!
mouse from merced

Trad climber
merced, california
May 26, 2012 - 07:08pm PT
Damp, definitely. Frustrating to one with no Bic. Matches were pretty lame, barely causing ignition. Took away some joy. The price was right.

Bottom line.

zBrown's story is backed up by the author John Seisday, in Thirty Yarns from the Backwoods of California, Spursbeus Press, 1930.

It's nice to have friends in the litterchur biz, isn't it? Hi, Licky.

And the litter biz. Hi, Werner.

As Mr. Seisday's story goes, the fatty Muir is hiding behind his back in the Glacier Point photo? It came, no sh#t, from the stash of Galen Clark, man. He called it Le Contentment? You know the boulder by the stone memorial? It's named for Le Conte? Like, it's a cool name for smoke, isn't it?
An old MiWok woman tended his "grove" and used the stalks for weaving cord? And it was killer! It's time to jam to the store for some Yami yoghurt. Wanna go?

Imagine that was Dave Bircheff telling the story. I did. His sentences tend to end in rising tones like a question and it's one of David's trademark qualities that he can tell a story and has lots.

Not that he or his brothers were in any way involved with drugs. Both meditated daily. I can certainly imagine them both on Glacier Point or some other prominence sharing a twister.

I see it's time to meditate. Medicate, duh.


Ice climber
Chula Vista, CA
May 26, 2012 - 08:06pm PT
damn mouse, I said before I can't keep up with you (I am afterall 1.5 years older), but your memory and research skill are B. Yond compare.

Anyway, back to sm ... smug ... smugglers. There is no evidence that has been posted on this thread or that I am aware otherwise aware of, that this was not completely legal weed. Had the pilots had the foresight to employee a seaplane (that is to say, one with pontoons), they would be alive today to show us that they actually had prescriptions for this medicinal load they were bringing in, either from or to Los Angeles.

You know comimg in to Los Angeles
Bringing in couple thousand keys

don't touch my bags Mr. customs man



Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2012 - 04:15am PT
Medicinal Mj in 1976?

Sea Plane? Have you checked out the size of the lake? It was December...think ice, not water.

Ya see guys, even if you are tossing this stuff around at a campfire, there is going to be some fool like sidmo that will latch on to it and attempt to make it fact.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
May 28, 2012 - 09:08am PT
zBrown, you a funny man! :-)
A Howard 500 on floats would need Shaver Lk to land safely on, not Merced.
Actually, they were intent on landing on a 'lake' at the Black Rock Desert if I am correct.

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 1, 2012 - 03:10am PT
Actually, they were intent on landing on a 'lake' at the Black Rock Desert if I am correct.

Let us look at this statement.

“Actually”…..this infers that it is supported by fact and not by conjecture.
“…if I am correct.” Makes one wonder if the “Actually” has any validity.

I know where the plane was “actually” headed, and it is not by guess work. You see, the official route was provided by someone that didn’t want the real route to be known. The Feds took this route and used it as fact and it has been so ever since.

I’ve spoken with the guy that provided the route, he said he made it up.

Trad climber
Here and There
Jun 1, 2012 - 03:23am PT
So how far off are we from actually getting to read the book? Any guestimates as to when you'll finish?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Sport climber
general delivery
Jun 1, 2012 - 08:41am PT
OUCH LICKY, you’re so mean to me - called me a fool, and I care sooooo much what your opinion is, since you’re such a hero to the climbing and ex-climbing community – why everyone knows that you’ve done so much good for us, and all without any personal benefit to yourself – you’re really a saint, and one worthy of your exalted status – being a fool myself, I can only hope to achieve such glory as you – perhaps if I knew what your lifestyle, hobbies, interests, etc. were when you were in your late teens and twenties I could return the favor to you by writing a book about whatever interesting thing it was that you did – then I could start a blog, solicit testimonials from those like yourself who shared that experience, and then arbitrarily decide who was right and who was wrong and if I were fortunate enough to get a response from you I could denounce your learned observations and call you a FOOL

That is, IF you ever did anything remotely interesting, exciting or dangerous – beyond having a relationship with some dead guy’s widow

AND IF SO . . . WHAT THE HELL WAS IT THAT YOU DID????????????????????????

it's a lead-pipe cinch that writing was not any part of it

all you lickylickers (Brauny, et.al) feel free to pile on with your well-reasoned insults (ex: "God, you're stupid") - i miss your intellectual insights
mouse from merced

Trad climber
merced, california
Jun 1, 2012 - 09:52am PT
"Books are to remind us what asses and fools we are."--Farenheit 420

"In youth and beauty, wisdom is rare."--Stu' pid ol' Guy

"Human beings will be happier--not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia."--Vonnegut Junior

"Ain't gonna work on Maggie's Farm no more."--Bob (What the heck)

Mountain climber
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 8, 2012 - 01:13am PT
I finally figured it out about sidmo. He wants his fifteen minutes of fame and feels its slipping by. Hang in there little one. Jeebus...I had no idea there'd be guys like sidmo and chainsaw when I started this.
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Jun 8, 2012 - 02:37am PT
Just a hunch, but Licky and sidmo are one and the same. An invention of the former. A straight-man, or first lady to reflect light back to yourself.
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