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Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 26, 2017 - 11:51pm PT
What's up doc?,

Brzezinski. The Big new , Mika's dad .. . .a patriot!
Well done sir hats off to the passing a giant in fact

Ah I just posted some Scuzz! Did you see?
( treehuggin' will get your pants full of ants and carpenter bees, )
the termites stay to the wood like a dog to fleas
sbrawkcad staht

takin I' 'n I' in another double 00' thread,

then to a second to second , a post to post,
too to. . .
Number crunching , collecting zeros for naught.

There are some vibrant blooms showing or' there on where have the flowers gone thread.
I'll need to add some, nice fly by the way , n' skunk on the run too.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 12:17am PT
Roots in Boots

Some shots of the Factory Outlet.

The white trusses were old and loaded with dust in the 70s. It would sift down onto the floor. We set rat traps for a time, but they went away.Yes, the computer office. In 1975, it was a whole different thing, as PCs weren't in use yet. Weird chicks worked in those offices.
We used to throw Nerf footballs in the street when it was slack.
Tents were just beginning to evolve from their primitive A-frame ancestors to the present-day dome shapes.
Waffle trainers from Nike ruled the shelves while slumbering herds of Lowas waited on the shelves in back, dreaming in German of snowy alps.
Today's FO lacks ANY tents and I'm sure they have a small selection of sleeping bags at best.

Not one of three clerical assistants could claim to have ever gone to Yosemite.

It doesn't take technical climbing skills to run a register. But a modicum of knowledge of basics is not even called for today.

I kinda didn't feel out of it like I did when I stopped in here four years ago...that was like unto stepping into the Twilight Zone at first.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 07:24am PT
Drivel About Driving.

Sponsored by:
The US Orphaned Highways Project. Dingus Milktoast, director-at-large.

Great Googly Mooglie.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 08:49am PT
Par Gypsy. Merci beaucoup.

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 08:54am PT
Photo from my niece Jessica who hiked into the Bath.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 09:11am PT
A Death on the Highway

While driving distracted
I overreacted

I should have swerved right
Now there is a bright light

It's coming closer, I see
I think it's coming for me

There's nothing else there
Though I had quite a scare

Well that wasn't so awful
I've come back a falafel

I can hardly wait to see
Who it is who'll eat me

But what will that portend
When I'm out his rear end?

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 27, 2017 - 09:20am PT
So much !
Just now I've been rehashing my Rud.
Kipling I'm seeking the spoken word version
the small book, " Just So Stories" I've loved the recited poetry, I speak out everyone I see!
I've called by the name that suits me, that is prolly as poor form as using ' prolly' for probably
But ( er-bull) no herbal,
I digress.m.m.m I love this one said with passion and in some distress . . .

ROLLIN' DOWN TO RIO ! . . Or Correctly: The Beginning of the Armadilloes

I've never sailed the Amazon,
I've never reached Brazil;
But the Don and Magdalena,
They can go there when they will!

Yes, weekly from Southampton
Great steamers, white and gold,
Go rolling down to Rio
(Roll down -- roll down to Rio! ).
And I'd like to roll to Rio
Some day before I'm old!

I've never seen a Jaguar,
Nor yet an Armadill --
He's dilloing in his armour,
And I s'pose I never will,

Unless I go to Rio
These wonders to behold --
Roll down -- roll down to Rio --
Roll really down to Rio!
Oh, I'd love to roll to Rio
Some day before I'm old!

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 09:45am PT

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 09:49am PT

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 09:56am PT
Hey there, say Tad...
got yer van back yet?

mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 10:10am PT
We saw Cleo's Bath.
What's happenin' at Mickey's Hot Tub?

Some Subaru-ed dude almost gets screwed.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2017 - 10:12am PT


Ice climber
May 27, 2017 - 02:36pm PT
rope up

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2017 - 01:26am PT
Not My Cross To Bear (5.11a/b)

Hammond B3 Organism
It's Not My Cross To Bear - Bakersfield Civic 1975

I'll live on
I'll be strong
I'll still stand
But the road does not go on forever

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mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2017 - 01:46am PT
I Was Born a Rambler, Man.

Greg Allman on Letterman 1987

I'm No Angel and I'd take my top down for you.

Duane Allman's epitaph:
I love being alive and I will be the best man
I possibly can. I will take love wherever
I find it and offer it to everyone who will
take it... Seek knowledge from those wiser...
and teach those who wish to learn from me
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 28, 2017 - 02:47am PT
I can't pick a favorite Allman Brothers band album niether,
The live - . . . dollar gas, was great too (as all were)

This nights' been long and not fruitful - I've been along for the ride.
( is that the right position for the, '. ?)

A fore I forget. . . .
There was a strange reference , by Alexy, on the Devils Dance Floor thread
(Of course the Rev. Goes there or did, a special place for me. Too.)
The comment;. to paying 300.00$ to be able to use the the person to person
Message feature , I see why it is cheaper this a way. . . .

On that note
Or the note you wrung,

I failed to respond to your last back-channel,
From March!,
I'm so sorry for that over site
Was a gud'neighborhood absolutey ??? Was a gud'n that one was.
auto correct is kinda showing I've not turned in
the thing is fritzing from 5 hours on. Now I've come to be fritzing too
So I'm back out

Funny thing is that I can't load the links. Funny thing. . .

Ok. Deleted all the history I could, so now things show up and the links load. . .

Penatenté ??
I've spent to much time in that short rock canyon where the painted religious
Figure is shot up; bullet poked. I mention this, pointing out that the picture mfm, posted
shows, among others, - a 5.13 ' hike' - 'Bullet The Blue Sky',
the areté behind the climber on the right. .

There is another climb - Mysterious Red Head(?) I think it was ?
I'm not sure if it's in the picture?
( I'm not gonna look it up)
That was my best* on-sight - ever I think .
When I flashed it, some made comments that it should be re-named,
"The Short Stranger" ( maybe, I should'a asked Big Birder, Bob D'Antonio)

One time there, my 2nd, I was there with a really awesome gang,
including Alph ? I think
(Why do I think of the name John Wheatly?)
Snap crackle pop, -memories- I can't remember,

Yeah, just a word 'best' describes no thing - like Mind
Or I'm like minded , but ther's dat drat lazy, bone. . .
(*for a shorty, and not from there still jet lagged, hung-over, out of my comfort zone,
traveling solo, not knowing the crew need I go on, it may have a high #rating too)

Similarly but totally different my 'Best' in ' Church' came about,
when trying to save a junkie's soul.
I took ' Wasted-every-hour' from the Tenderlion to the 'Great Ditch' to climb.
He had been a natural; climbin' 5.11s in 1980, he was no slouch, but the garbage. Got him.

Weir was playin, Heaven help the fool. Him Or Me ? I've never been able to figure ?
He resides in Albuquerque, today.

So we do Bishops Terrace, he's fine in the sunshine.
There is his need - so I've got to pick or pick-off ones I have dialed in.

Royal Arches? Is crowd drawing, and sure to be a scene.
All things point to - Serenity, Crack, I'd done it a bunch of weekends in a row by then.
It's a super popular climb always in demand.; it's got a party on it. So a wait to start.

Then some Cali Boyz with tanned painted toes and girl or two in tow, show up.
I'm rack'd and reaching for the stick in the bush, for taping my 1st 'biener to.

Having caught my 'Jersey vibe or hearing us say as much, Smart guy says
"this Cali mhan, we're all about ground up, - stick clip? We will just cut in front of you"
Now,the excercise, the wait the warmth, the junk has taken 'Hos'
he's there but, can he hold! Can he hold the rope?

I'm kinda pissed, if I'd started taping up the stick, clipping then racking I'd be in like Flynn.
Instead, I'm gonna get a Micky Fin.
Just below the Serenity Crack start is an amazing finger crack .
Adrenalin crack I've been told. It splits the, face/ flake? maybe a shallow dihedral ?
The thing is Splitter - the thing is sharp, Not that trashed out scared garbage Serenity crack start
So with junkie Joe, belaying, a head of piss and vinegar, -with all still watching-
I throw down, and send.
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2017 - 03:10am PT
"Best" is relative, isn't it, bro?

Good, better, best.
Never let it rest.
'Til your good is better and your better is best.
--St. Jerome

That's one way.

On the other hand--
"There's Goode, but not many better than Betts."
--Attaboy Thataway, paid flack

Dickie Betts - One Way Out

Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
May 28, 2017 - 03:30am PT
I've shown to be in a delirious state from having been up all night
It's a degree past sane - I'm due to start the day.
There's not much , it'll just have to be freeze dried
as you swing this time of the month.
I get that words like 'nice' frustrate or infuriate
I'm not writing for the verbose largo . . Am I?
( is the such a thing as ' Over-Verbose, if so it fits sir long)

By Way of Solong fu?

No he is locked in,
using his death grip of lore to, still, rope'um in
Pay him to teach you what words to use
What words convey hero status. . .
have him to critique stories and the form u use.

** what is with the Sign that says Mountain Skills Climbing Guide ?
They have homes in ' Vegas and a few others places
Can you enlighten me ? Who's their guide for northern Cali?

That's the co . I'd 'Joey' for, if I'd have to.
Be it what it is, it has become the sum of the guiding game which equals being a good Yo-Yo but still the best job, job.
Just don't lob, like ole' R Grandstaff did. ( I hope it's not to soon ) he was a friend a'sorta. . . .
Quote TTR the pick'r stummer, Rust in pieces Randy.

Thnx for the memories,or No pie for you

There is a climbing store that failed just down the block:
(3miles puts you past the ' hill')
from that block of rock
I always show.
It's closing today
Eastern Mountain Sports
. Good bye and good (ride cue?) riddance . .
I'll keep my private Idahoe that's spelt wrong?
I m glad to see EMS closing doors they messed it up.
The thing they had, you can't believe the opportunity
that they missed while blithely cutting up the pie,
where it could not be afforded to give up even one slice.
That I'd not known , had I only, if I'd just looked trundled up &
looked up those rocky hillsides sooner.

That the EMS, brass saw fit to place A cat named Hovaling in an RV in my woods way back and have him guide.
Then , and worse. Them New Hamster boys they dared to challenge and compete, opening a store at the base of the cliff again the pie was tiny the interlopers were wrecking it for everyone.

from out where the anecdotes roam
May 28, 2017 - 08:22am PT
Nice images sir shotgun, there's a bucket seat reserved for you in the pantheon of affable chroniclers
mouse from merced

Trad climber
The finger of fate, my friends, is fickle.
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2017 - 03:09pm PT
Took me a "mo" to figure that one out.

I hope you enjoy the holiday, van or no van;


Tad, buddy, almost nobody cares if you Indy.

I'm giving it to you straight.

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