I Like the Atheist Life (OT)


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Captain...or Skully

Sep 2, 2012 - 11:31pm PT
The best place to be misunderstood on Earth is right here.
Nevermind. Not like it matters, anyway.
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Sep 2, 2012 - 11:40pm PT
This is atheist thread.

If theist comes in this thread he better be ready for the red hot iron up his ass.

Like going into a hard core biker bar and giving em sh!t.

Get ready for a beatdown unless you can take em down.

Are ya ready ...... :-)

Social climber
Sep 2, 2012 - 11:43pm PT
Without a deity to which can confess our sins, attribute our failings and from which we can seek absolution we atheists are completely accountable for our actions. We have no invisible bogey man we can blame if things don't go right, but must face reality as it exists right here and now.

You christians pass the buck at the drop of a hat. You rely on a manufactured morality that leaves you unaccountable for your actions. You have no strength of character but rely on blind faith. Religion the world over has been used as a crutch and an excuse and driven people to act in the most disgusting and depraved ways because people could claim their actions were sanctioned by a god.

Atheists have no such smoke and mirrors. Our actions are exposed to the light of the day for what they are, good or bad. And since we don't have some artificial morality telling us how we should behave, we must judge our actions from a most human perspective.

There is no more pure morality than that of an atheist.

You talk about truth and reality from the standpoint of a cultural construction that has it's roots in superstition and ignorance.

What a joke!

Great observations and very well put, Eric.

The lack of the deity to "have to answer to in the afterlife" makes all the difference. It is why I became Taoist at 20, and why I am happily married to an Atheist now.

Thanks for the reminder.

Social climber
joshua tree
Sep 2, 2012 - 11:51pm PT
Seriously;" there's no more pure morality than that of an atheist " Really ? LOL!
IMO if U took Earth and started over. Gave it a spin, squirted it with water. Thru in a bunch of seeds. Added some animals and humans. And never spoke the word god. We wouldn't last 500 yrs. (that would make a good movie, wouldn't it?) but in today's world if there were no thought of god or an everlasting life. Humans were no different than animals. LOL
I tkink we would prolly be eatin each other. (I've seen some Chinese and Japanese people that looked pretty tasty!) still laughing .. I think I'd also be down with just going over and taking that oil from them head towels. And cultivatie all that hareoin and maryhuchy from Crackistan. LOL. I'm crackin myself up! Why wouldn't we? We have no one to answer to! No government would ever survive. We'd live in tribes. And maybe roam. And just took what we wanted. Kinda like madmax or the American Indians
Jus Sayin
What if

Social climber
joshua tree
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:12am PT
I'm gettin hungry, better go make some popcorn. MMMmm butter!

Sport climber
A true CA girl, who landed in the desert...
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:22am PT
Dr F spends his time talking to the empty chair .......


Carry on...

Sport climber
Sep 3, 2012 - 02:37am PT

You said:
"Some folks are just plain poisonous and Werner ain't one of them."

 Do you see me as poisonous?
 If so: What am I doing that make you think so?

Be free to answer directly and honestly. No one is gonna be hurt. Don't be afraid.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
-A race of corn eaters
Sep 3, 2012 - 11:55am PT
Dr. F,

I guess you will have to jump down Jim Donini's throat as well...

I don't have time this morning, but our problems with the word "faith," also "spirit" and "belief" and some others, just show us how religion makes a mess of it.

I do get the fact that there is a habit among everyone - atheists to theists - to abbreviate or to shorten "religious faith" or "blind faith" or "baseless faith" to simply "faith." What I wish is that more of the irreligious naturalists of the world (for lack of a better word) could see that this (bad) habit works in the favor of the theists and then sometimes at least try to communicate more precisely at least amongst themselves or as called for.

At some point atheists will have their own discipline and belief system beyond science (and hopefully needless to say, beyond religious supernaturalisms) that deals with "what matters" and "what works" in addition to "what is" - the latter being the purview of science - and that provides them a positive identity. When this point comes, this discipline, I think, will bring with it its own language (likely to include "belief" and "spirit" and "faith") and habits, practices, standards and such; and this new status quo will, in the end, clean up a lot of the existing mess we currently have in communications and understanding that is being generated because of all the clashing and conflicting modes of thought, habits and belief.

In the meantime, it seems to me, at least the use of "religious faith" or "Christian faith" in lieu of simply "faith" can go along way to improving the conversation and clarity in some posts. My two cents.

P.S. Don't forget, I do share your frustration as well as your interest to bring improvements to these areas. It's part of evolutionary struggle, eh? :)

Trad climber
East Coast US
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:04pm PT
I was wrong. After hearing the cogent arguments from this adroit individual, I can admit that I was clearly wrong to reject the teachings of Jebus.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

these are the kinds of posts that occur, not during a bender, but when it's raining and I really don't want to mingle with the gym rats

Trad climber
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:15pm PT
has anyone ever noticed how many of the religeons have similar stories? I believe the major religeons of the world took most of their stories from societies that pre-dated thiers. We are just reading stories of an ancient people who were in the dark about why things are the way they are.

I myself am fascinated by science, physics, geology, biology, chemistry literally all science is amazing.

I don't believe in an invisible man in the sky but I do believe in treating my fellow man as I would like to be treated.
High Fructose Corn Spirit

Gym climber
-A race of corn eaters
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:20pm PT
Indeed, those are all good points.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:34pm PT
My brother has full blown Asperbers

It is not for wimps

Social climber
joshua tree
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:38pm PT
Hear Hear,
Nice Fructoast, My sentiments exactly on the use of faith, and the ability to communicate.
Ur two cents are worth at least a dollar!
Trying to learn something here, with no deities in the air. What's an atheist point of view of what was before the big bang. And what started time clicking?
Just trying to open my mind. Hear the butterflies?

Social climber
joshua tree
Sep 3, 2012 - 12:57pm PT
With all those symptoms, maybe it's U that's a little wack? The world is a Beutiful place!
Depending on what U allow thru ur eyes and ears...
Take charge of ur universe! It's the only one you'll get....
Jus Sayin

Social climber
the Wastelands
Sep 3, 2012 - 01:09pm PT
Trying to learn something here, with no deities in the air. What's an atheist point of view of what was before the big bang. And what started time clicking?

us Atheists don't know what was here before the bang, and more importantly we don't care
as we feel no need to assume and ascribe a spiritual causation

Whatever it was or wasn't is ok with us

Social climber
the Wastelands
Sep 3, 2012 - 01:42pm PT

Ok, should have said I, not us, don't really care

Boulder, CO
Sep 3, 2012 - 02:18pm PT

Social climber
Pacomia, Ca - Y Que?
Sep 3, 2012 - 04:14pm PT

I appreciate your transparency. My view is that we are all Pilgrims on a journey operating within our own inherent design limitations. Since you have stated that you “post for fun and frivolity” and with offense to none:

Jesus never resurrected
that is a proven fact, he died, and was dead, and was never witnessed to be alive after death:

There is no quick answer. First one has to establish the historicity of the New Testament. Answer the usual rebuttal that the N.T. is nothing more than Christian propaganda. This means that the return answer is that all contemporize writings and history of the Romans was also religious propaganda because the roman chroniclers operated with the knowledge that the Caesars are untimely deified and made gods. For brevities sake I leave the following post


► 90:35► 90:35
Debate: Jesus Resurrection - Dr. Gary Habermas vs Antony Flew ...


P.S. Antony Flew is was more than "some Scientist" he was the leading voice for atheism for nearly half a century - just saying

Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Sep 3, 2012 - 04:49pm PT
Atheism is not a peculiar brand of intellectual heroism.

Perhaps you haven't read Nietzsche...

Trad climber
Golden, CO
Sep 3, 2012 - 05:00pm PT
Sheesh, two threads? Let me think, do I like it or love it? Hmmm, I guess I'll go with this one since the word is spelled properly.
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