Have you ever had a Bigfoot encounter ?


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Captain...or Skully

Social climber
Mare Infinitum
Dec 3, 2009 - 12:09am PT
Maybe the Bigfoots got yer Ed.

Dec 3, 2009 - 12:55am PT
I've spent a lot of time hiking and sleeping in the woods around here. Lots of a1 prime bigfoot territory. Including the ape caves area. I've never seen any evidence of Bigfoot either sound, scat, footprints or anything else. I look for it too. Lots of other interesting things. For instance, once I peed on trail solo hiking into a remote climbing area. Next week I'm heading up the same trail, a bear had sh#t in that exact spot. I'm talking it's almost steaming it's so fresh, and a smell of rotting flesh still pervades the area. The smell was not the scat. I'm off to climb and don't stick around other than peering down the hill to see if I was in some bears spot. 2 weeks, same trail same spot, a small cougar (large bobcat?- Lynx?) had sh#t almost right on top of the now aging bear sh#t. Right on it as if it was a target. Not an accident. WTF is all that? I was just peeing, not marking anything. I believe that there are animal interactions which we are not aware of. The other wilderness trail I was walking regularly had a very similar thing happen, bear shit/cougar shit: right on the trail, this was within a meter of each other. So who knows whats going on with that. I thought I took a picture of that, but couldn't find it. I did show my buddies the spot about a month later, but the bear sh#t was way dried up, dessicated, broken down and almost unrecognizable while the Cougar sh#t was visible but white at that point.

I can't and won't discount those who have seen or heard evidence of Bigfoot. I have twice been "stalked" by a bear, if it could be called that, and once had the same thing happen with a small herd of deer and once with a boar in another country. Basically they circle your tent/sleeping location. The appear to be moving in to investigate at some points. Some unknown thing or reason wakes you up out of a dead sleep. It only happens when there is no moon out and it's damn eerie to wake up with all of your senses tingling but not be able to see or heard anything. You can't pin it on anything except a "feeling" that some strange and unnatural sh#t is happening and it's scary for sure. Yet it's real. You get out of your tent or bag. Stand dead still and quiet in the dark for what seems like an eternity, staring out at something, you know not what, except you are aware that some kind of animal - you think and are pretty sure, that you know to be not too far away and in the pitch dark is standing there as well staring right at you. You can FEEL it. Your hair is standing on end and you have plenty of time to reflect on the knowledge that the top of the food chain probably isn't you - but whatever is out there and you know is there, is invisible to your known senses. This goes on for quite sometime. You are eventually doubting if you are experiencing something real or making this sh#t up in your mind. Till you give up and go back to bed and hour or 2 into it and eventually get back to sleep. The next day you circle the camp in ever widening concentric circles looking for sign and see bear scat. Or perhaps bigfoot scat disguised as bear scat: who can say. Looks like Bear any way and it was eating berries if the slight purple color and seeds are a give away.

The deer happened before dawn, and I was awake to see them as light finally broke. The boar started snorting after about the 3rd trip around me.

On another occasion in the Wallawas, in waking up midnight or so, I "heard" some loud grunting and banging and slamming and crashing noises which seemed to come closer to me - not far from the woods near the clearing I was crashed at and sleeping peacefully till I was awoken. WTF? I was like, wishing I had a firearm but never carrying one in the woods as everything pretty much leaves you alone. Next day, a bear had left clear and obvious evidence of having rolled a big log over to scrape for grubs. Lots of claw and tear marks, digging in the ground you see the spacing of the claws and then know the size of the paw. The log was of such a size that I could not budge it at all. Yet in the night, it sure seemed louder and radically different than I would have imagined that sound of those actions (rolling a log and ripping the sh#t out of it for brunch) to be.

That's all I know.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Dec 3, 2009 - 02:43am PT
What gets me is that most people who hold native tradition to be somehow 'sacred', which it prolly is, probably my same God, is that they somehow discount certain 'inconvenient truths', like Bigfoot.

Ya gotta keep your story together, that's what the man told me!

Dec 3, 2009 - 03:15am PT
it's cain. cursed. a vagabond. to roam the earth until it's end. he knows exactly what he's doing.


Social climber
Wolf City, Wyoming
Dec 3, 2009 - 06:43am PT
Too funny, Gunkie!

Thing is, I really want to believe in bigfoot, I love the whole shapeshifter/ Carlos Castaņeda angle as well. How romantic!

It's just that the scientist in me, is skeptical
Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
Dec 3, 2009 - 09:31am PT
there are always...Anomalies

"inter-dimentional" is a concept of terminology
based on perspective (ours)

our species can only see a small fraction of the
electromagnetic spectrum (visible light) though
the spectrum includes frequencies ranging
in size from thousands of kilometers to a fraction
of the size of an atom.

our species has evolved to be able to move audio,
visual and text files, as data, from one point to
another, on frequencies we cannot see - full-on
movies, right to my tiny handset, through thin air.

yet we remain flabbergasted by the notion that
another species may have the ability to utilize/
manipulate frequencies that we cannot see,
as dictated by it's evolution - being part of it's
onboard "firmware".

our species puts itself at "the high order" of
evolution - still we remain a "system" that has
failed to harmonize (adapt?) with our host
environment in a balanced and sustainable
way - while being surrounded by species who
have achieved this fundamental point in their
evolutionary curve, for thousands of years.

Perspective - ours.


Old Pueblo, AZ
Dec 3, 2009 - 11:32am PT
Phish tour.
Brian Hench

Trad climber
Anaheim, CA
Dec 3, 2009 - 12:36pm PT
I am not willing to accept the existence of multiple dimensions or the paranormal, but I am willing to entertain the existence of aliens from other worlds.

If Bigfoot exists, the only way he could exist and not leave physical evidence is if he is able to leave the planet and clean up after himself. He'd have to take all his waste and dead with him.

Maybe BF is a space tourist who adheres to a strict Leave No Trace ethic? Perhaps visits to Earth are a way for his kind to get their kicks. Maybe his appearance is a disquise, or perhaps it is what he really looks like.

Think for a minute about what we would do if we could visit another planet inhabited by sentient beings. It would depend on our sense of ethics. Would you march up to a crowd of beings and say, "take me to your leader!"?

If you were of a scientific mind, you would not want your presence to affect the species you are studying. You'd like to observe the natural progression of your subjects. You'd hide and use all sorts of technology to avoid detection. Maybe you'd disquise yourself.

Social climber
Truckee, CA
Dec 3, 2009 - 01:56pm PT
In the Valley, of all places. And there was Elvis too!


Avoiding sleet under Big Bob's Big Wedge
Dec 3, 2009 - 02:40pm PT
I thought "Harry and the Hendersons" was one of the best made documentaries on the subject of Bigfoot.

Yes, I'm being absolutely serious.

Exactly where do you think Hollywood gets its ideas for movies anyway?

British Columbia
Dec 3, 2009 - 02:41pm PT
Climbing Dropout is now bmacd. I am ditching the lame username.

The most interesting development in the Sasquatch research field was the emergence last year of Scott Nelson, a retired U.S. Navy Crypto-Linguist. He has analyzed recordings made in the Sierras some years back and found that these recordings of Bigfoot voices match the Characteristics of a Human Language.


In Scotts own words:

We have verified that these creatures use language, by the human definition of it. The months of hard work that we have put into the study of the Berry/Morehead Sierra tapes is finally coming to fruition. The analysis is finished, although I am still working on parts of the final write-up such as frequency count tables, morpheme lists, etc.

I believe that the study of these tapes will never (and should never) end. With the recognition and acceptance that these creatures do indeed speak and understand a complex language, a greater effort will be made to collect voice recordings and our analysis of the language will improve. Now that we have a precedent and techniques established for this study, this process will certainly become easier.

Scott Nelson, crypto Linguist.

This link is to an excellent internet radio interview Scott Nelson did this year. There are clips played back from the recordings and as well Scott is able to speak parts of the Bigfoot language as well. It's an 1.5 hour program but well worth listening to if you are interested in the subject. Even though he has broken out the structure of the language, the meaning of any of the words are unknown.


R. Scott Nelson is a retired U.S. Navy Crypto-Linguist with over 30 years experience in Foreign Language and Linguistics, including the Collection, Transcription, Analysis and Reporting of voice communications.

He is a two time graduate of the U.S. Navy Cryptologic Voice Transcription School (Russian and Spanish) and has logged thousands of hours of voice transcription in his target languages as well as in Persian. He is currently teaching Russian, Spanish, Persian, Philosophy and Comparative Religions at Wentworth College in Missouri.

This is the link to the original Sierra recordings website


These creatures are not apes.
Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
Dec 3, 2009 - 11:40pm PT
Bigfoot's kinda interesting eh? Kinda stretches
the imagination, a "brain workout" - kinda like
goin' to the gym and cranking a few reps on the
bench, feels good.

Do I "believe" in Bigfoot?

Well, when I sit down at the dinner table, I believe
in the food in front of me (in cod we trust) and, got a
pretty good hunch I'll be getting up tomorrow, the
coffee'll taste good and my car will probably start.

But, how I love to read about radical things at the
edge of plausability. Makes the daily humdrum a little
better, a little more fun - just the sheer mystery of it all.
And the possiblility, however remote you may feel, that
somewhere out there is this amazing thing. Something
that defies the odds, and defies the deadly dreary
predictability of our pretentious concept of reality.

For me?
There's nothing better...

Thanks for posting
everyone - great fun.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 3, 2009 - 11:43pm PT
Nobody has had a Bigfoot encounter. Some have imagined they had an encounter and others have pretended to have one.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Dec 3, 2009 - 11:53pm PT
You're right LEB, I remember some cool stories about Santa Claus, and then there were the ones about this guy Jesus....
Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:10am PT
donini, honest question -
what do you think Messner's book

My Quest for Yeti...

was about?

Trad climber
British Columbia
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:15am PT
Belief is for when there is an absence of evidence.

In the case of Sasquatch, physical and imaging evidence exists. The issue is not whether one chooses to believe anything, but rather do you accept the evidence in place already.

A skeptic like Donini may possibly even have had an encounter already, but would have not been aware of it, or chosen not to acknowledge it. They aren't in your face, they are behind the tree, watching you. Lying down behind a log, or crawling around on all their belly, edging up to your campfire to get a better look at you and what food possibilities there may be for scavenging. Rummaging thru your pack at night while you are knocked out cold with the infra-sound they can emanate.

The sublte wet dog smell, the branch break, a low whistle, the hair rising on the back of your neck. A stealthy sasquatch encounter would not be noticed by most people.

The photo I would like to see is of how badly Donini pisses his pants the day he runs into one.
Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:31am PT
Havn't read Reinhold Messner's book, but it seems
he spent 11 years, off and on, looking for Yeti, saw
it once, and, according to what little I've read,
said "It dissapeared". That was in '86, so maybe
this has been "disproven" Yeti, depending on what
source you use, is considered similar to Bigfoot. (?)

BTW the complete title of Messner's book is

My Quest for Yeti: Confronting the Himalaya's
Deepest Mystery



Trad climber
British Columbia
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:37am PT
Yeti, Bigfoot, same species Ray, another race of "forest people" thats all.

Messner saw it disappear ? I do not doubt that.

Like I said earlier, there is research work for a physicist who can afford the initial hit to his reputation.

Skipt, you are pushing the gene pool too far !
Ray Olson

Trad climber
Imperial Beach, California
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:45am PT
Messner believes the yeti is far from being endangered:
"I estimate that there are a thousand yetis in the Himalayas."

that's a copy/paste from a web page.

Jim, you are being kinda quiet, please edify
us on Messner's mistake.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
Dec 4, 2009 - 12:47am PT
bmacd - Look, lots of folks want to believe in lots of things, but to claim there is any hard physical, visual, or auditory 'evidence' for the existence of bigfoot is simply not true. I'm all for folks believing in bigfoot. What I'm not all for is people latching on to all manner of [literally] fuzzy 'evidence' for their existence. That's out-of-control belief and personal investment desperately seeking and manufacturing validation.

Science is about developing a hypothesis and then testing it for validity - not deciding on the validity ahead of time and testing to prove it which is what's going on here. It's no different with the Loch Ness monster except that it's in a lake with a water volume of a mere 1.8 cubic miles completely incapable of supporting a minimum viable population (MVP) of any such creatures. Bigfoot would have continents of area, but the idea that the area around Mt. Hood or Mt. St. Helens could support an MVP of bigfoots without continuous bigfoot / human interaction and without pounds, if not tons, of physical / DNA evidence is so outlandish it defies belief. And on what basis or 'evidence' could you or any other human claim:

Some bigfoot have the ability to transcend geometric space, time and even probe into your mind.

Wouldn't that require having a long, literal face-to-face interaction where multiple observers (human, video, instrumentation) test any such assertion? This is where things just get outlandish and unbelievable.
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