Obama is less popular than Bush


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just passing thru

Topic Author's Original Post - Mar 13, 2009 - 10:53am PT
"Polling data show that Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama's net presidential approval rating -- which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve -- is just six, his lowest rating to date."

just passing thru

Topic Author's Reply - Mar 13, 2009 - 11:35am PT

Could it be:

Broken promise No. 1: Sunlight Before Signing
Broken promise No. 2: Capital gains tax elimination
Broken promise No. 3: New American jobs tax credit
Broken promise No. 4: Hiatus on 401(k) penalties
Broken promise No. 5: 'No jobs for lobbyists'
Broken promise No. 6: Earmark reform
Broken promise No. 7: Bring troops home in 16 months
Broken promise No. 8: Sign Freedom of Choice Act
Broken promise No. 9: Transparency

Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Mar 13, 2009 - 11:51am PT
i took your advice andanother but don't comprehend your criticism of the original post...i can understand you don't like the polling numbers or the wsj's interpretation, but jpt's quotation fairly sums up the article
just passing thru

Topic Author's Reply - Mar 13, 2009 - 12:08pm PT
Could it be Obama’s lack of vetting; this is just the tax cheats-

Former Dallas mayor Ron Kirk owes an estimated $10,000 in back taxes from earlier in the decade and has agreed to pay them.

Tim Geithner' had to pay more than $34,000 in back taxes and interest on income he made while working for the International Monetary Fund.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle then withdrew as a nominee after it was disclosed that he failed to pay $128,000 in taxes.

Nancy Killefer, Obama's pick for chief performance officer, also bowed out amid tax problems.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:24pm PT
The facts do not appear to bear out your premise, in fact the oppposite: Same time,date, after some 50 days in office, mid March Bush 58%, Obama 63%.
From this website: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/data/popularity.php


Social climber
Falls Church, VA
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:28pm PT
norton, it's not jpt's premise; the quoted/linked article was written by rasmussen himself
just passing thru

Topic Author's Reply - Mar 13, 2009 - 12:29pm PT

President Barack Obama has no idea what he is doing

Dec. 7, 2008
Obama: Economy Worse Before It Gets Better

March 11, 2009:
Obama: Economic crisis 'not as bad as we think'

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:30pm PT
Bookworm, you are right. And clearly if one searches, you can find fresh data that supports your bias poltical viewpoint, as he did, and I did.
Lets see if Obama can beat the pathetic attitude of the American public towards W toward the end of his time in office.

Trad climber
Top of the Mountain Mun
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:31pm PT
It's time for the power of positive thinking. Everything is getting better! Tony Robbins told me so.

Social climber
the Wastelands
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:36pm PT
If anyone can provide me specifics of what previous administrations accomplished in their first two months I would love to hear it.

From PolitFact.com:

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 15: Create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners refinance or sell their
homes. "The Fund will not help speculators, people who bought vacation
homes or people who falsely represented their incomes."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 40: Extend and index the temporary fix to the Alternative Minimum Tax that was passed in 2007

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 58: "Expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that
these programs continue to serve their critical safety net function.

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 125: On "my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war".

Promise Kept

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 134: "As Obama removes our combat brigades from Iraq, he will send at least two additional brigades to Afghanistan, where the Taliban is resurgent.
He will also provide our armed forces with the reset capability that they need. He will replace essential equipment, and he will ensure that
our men and women in uniform get the care and support they have earned."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 239: "Will nullify the Bush attempts to make the timely release of presidential records more difficult."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 241:

"Will issue an executive order asking all new hires at the agencies to
sign a form affirming that no political appointee offered them the job
solely on the basis of political affiliation or contribution."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 278:

"Will place a high priority on implementing cooperative projects to remove brush, small trees and other overgrown vegetation that serve as
fuel for wildfires. Barack Obama will focus the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management's efforts on working with local communities on hazardous fuels projects to make communities safer and forests healthier."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 327:

Will "support increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the support of which enriches schools and neighborhoods all
across the nation and helps to promote the economic development of countless communities .

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 411 :"Obama will work to overturn the Supreme Court's recent ruling that curtails racial minorities' and women's ability to challenge pay discrimination."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 427: "Barack Obama will issue an executive order banning registered lobbyists or lobbying firms from giving gifts in any amount or any form
to executive branch employees."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 452: "Will make a national commitment to weatherize at least 1 million low-income homes each year for the next decade, which can reduce energy
usage across the economy and help moderate energy prices for all."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 458:"We'll invest in research in every form of alternative energy - solar, wind, biofuels."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 480:Will "Support development of high-speed rail networks across the country. Providing passengers with safe high-speed rail will have
significant environmental and metropolitan planning advantages and help diversify our nation's transportation infrastructure. Our domestic rail freight capacity must also be strengthened because our demand for rail
transportation has never been greater, leaving many key transportation hubs stretched to capacity. Obama and Biden are committed to renewing the federal government's commitment to high speed rail so that our nation's transportation infrastructure continues to support, and not hinder, our nation's long-term economic growth."

Promise Kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 507: "Obama and Biden believe Congress should immediately extend unemployment insurance for an additional 13 weeks to help families that
are being hit hardest by this downturn. In addition, they believe we should temporarily suspend taxes on unemployment insurance benefits as a way of giving more relief to families."

Promise kept.

Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 513: "I believe that the restrictions that President Bush has placed on funding of human embryonic stem cell research have handcuffed our
scientists and hindered our ability to compete with other nations. As president, I will lift the current administration's ban on federal
funding of research on embryonic stem cell lines created after August 9, 2001 through executive order ... .."

Promise Kept.

For additional specifics on how these promises have been kept, what promises have been broken to date and what promises have had no action to date, please click on this link.



Mar 13, 2009 - 12:37pm PT
Norton- andanother & I posted to this thread about an hour ago, and mutually agreed to abandon it and delete our posts so as to allow jpt, bookworm, and all the other whining righties to have it all to themselves, or better yet, allow the the thread to die.

Join the movement- delete your post!

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:49pm PT
Apogee, isn't that akin to putting your fingers in your ears and saying,'Lalalallalalala, I can't hear you"?

Childish, no?

Maybe you'd also like to censor speech you disagree with.

Trad climber
Mar 13, 2009 - 12:56pm PT
I believe in free speech myself. Does "Just Passing Thru" refer to something lodged in the said posters colon? Perhaps like his head? Then it would not be "Just Passing Thru" it would be "Head lodged in Ass". I think that is perhaps more appropriate and "fitting" so to speak.

Mar 13, 2009 - 12:56pm PT
"Apogee, isn't that akin to putting your fingers in your ears and saying,'Lalalallalalala, I can't hear you"?

Childish, no?"

Yes, it is childish. That's why it's so much fun!

I'm outta here- goin' skiin' for the weekend with my gal. I'll leave you to it!

Trad climber
San Francisco, Ca
Mar 13, 2009 - 01:18pm PT
JPT-Bookworm-Bluering = political circle jerk.


Mar 13, 2009 - 01:37pm PT
Let's suppose I was a supporter of Attila the Hun. Further let's suppose I am in a nation Attila had invaded, destroyed and had caused all the women and even half the men( the cute ones) to be raped - several times. Now suppose I am standing in the square proclaiming that before Attila had gotten into the raping he had been a couple points more popular than his successor who was presently buried up to his neck in problems associated with rampant STD's.

How do you suppose the rapee's all around me will receive my proclamations?


Trad climber
Placerville, California
Mar 13, 2009 - 01:38pm PT
this rush limbaugh puppet.

you are trying to rip a hole in a tightly woven fabric:

a nation (and world) of observant and fed-up people, united under a leader who issues flaire of integrity and sincere concern for our countries' (and the world's) well being.

you will continue to flail about widlely in a panick with your accusatory tid-bits and internet factoids, as you watch your republican idealogy wither towards extinction.

just like your type did during the election.

face it man. the eyes and hearts of the world have been opened and disgusted by your hero george w. bush.

he let so many people down, and failed in so many capacities, that the damage inflicted to your party is irreversible.

a new era will continue to unfold and progress despite your tantrum.

Social climber
Mar 13, 2009 - 02:28pm PT
If you think McCain and Palin would have been better you've gotta be joking. If you think Republicans controlling things would be better you gotta be joking. If you hope for anything better than mediocrity from our government no matter who is in power, you gotta be joking.

Mar 13, 2009 - 02:39pm PT

Yeah, let's impeach the lying f*#k for not changing the world after 9 weeks.

Social climber
The internet
Mar 13, 2009 - 03:06pm PT
Come back with this one in 7.5 years [...ya f'n retard].

I'm thinking dealing with the present economy is a less glamourous job than hanging out at some ranch in Texas 8 years ago. But then, that's just me thinking.
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