What you can do with a POS 150 buck Kodak


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Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Original Post - May 27, 2006 - 02:13am PT
And evening light.

NO filters, no photoshop, nothing but the camera- DX7440.

4 MP, macro setting, resized by photobucket to 90 k I think. LOL I love Photobucket, I don't have to do any resizing myself! God am I ever lazy.


Cultivated hydrangea, with guest

Wild hydrangea, oak leaf

More wild hydrangea, oak leaf

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 10:00am PT
Shameless bump.

Look at em, say something, DOH!

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 10:12am PT
Aww Ekat, yer making me blush.

But if you really want em, I will send you the full size 4MP stuff, you can do what you want with em.

That junk lens is not so sharp, but a clever and sneaky photoshopper like some of these guys on here could do a few tricks and they'd be good. There is a sharpening procedure that really works, and oughte be a feature, maybe it could be made into a macro, but I am far too lazy to mess with it.

Probably good enough for 8 x 10 right now, but you might want bigger.

I'm going to get out the 6 X 7 and tripod, load up some fuji chrome, and play one day soon, if I can lug that thing around the yard without resting every two steps, LOL.

NOt sure if I have the strength to wind the film on that monster!

Hey Photog guys, is there a digital back for the pentax 6 X 7 ??? THAT would be SWEEET!!!!!!

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 10:13am PT
Ragmeat, for once I understand you are joking.

Maybe there is hope after all.

Good for you!

Gym climber
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
May 27, 2006 - 10:50am PT
nICE PIX DirtNeye.

I too like to snap closeups of blossoms around the house, out on the trail, and especially up in the high country where they are so tiny that it takes a macro shot to get the details.

Thanks for sharing them.



right here, right now
May 27, 2006 - 11:16am PT
good pics,
good perspectives.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 12:31pm PT
I'm not looking at that stupid thread today. email me.

Social climber
May 27, 2006 - 01:37pm PT
what can you do - take those piece of sh#t images back to the junkyard.

Bush Rules - I'm out.
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
May 27, 2006 - 01:54pm PT
Hey Dirt. Nice shots. But you're not supposed to TELL folks how EASY photography is! If anybody could do it I'd be out of business. Oh wait, I almost am. ;-)

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 03:33pm PT
HAHA, Jerry, now there's a compliment if I ever got one.

YOU are a photo-god.

OK I'll try and make up for it....

Folks, it took me 35 years to refine my technique. And I got lucky at that. Don't try this at home!

Seriously, it ain't the camera, it's the toil and trouble guys like Jerry and nlundy and the other great photogs on here go to, spending literally hours and hundreds of frames sometimes to get the perfect shot.

They drag huge view cameras, barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways, suffering horribly along the way, as all good artists must.

How's that Jer?

Um, how about you and the others post something done with the less is more idea? Just don't embarrass me too badly.


Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 03:52pm PT
Best g0dd@mned 35mm camera ever for action or most anything was the Konica Auto reflex T, with a 28 and 85 mm lens. about 20 years ahead of its time. If they had had a good 28-85 Zoom back then, that I could have afforded, that would have been the sh!t

Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
May 27, 2006 - 04:58pm PT
"Huge view cameras, barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways, suffering horribly along the way, as all good artists must." Yeah, that about sums it up.

Dirt, You're killin' me. god? Uh, my head just exploded. Office looks like the inside of the microwave after cooking chili without a lid. Ego is now fifty times the size of my brain.

right here, right now
May 27, 2006 - 05:56pm PT
post up some picks jerry.
that'll help to make you'll feel better.
try it, we'll like it.
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
May 27, 2006 - 06:17pm PT
Ok. Here's a couple, almost as good as dirt's

posted this one a while back, a real snapshot
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
May 27, 2006 - 06:22pm PT
Some wine country macro pics. Sorry, I don't have a POS 150 buck Kodak


right here, right now
May 27, 2006 - 06:51pm PT

Wine Country!
Got Syrah?
How 'Bout Petit Sirah!?

Back on topic, which is maybe working with elemental tools:
pin hole camera.
How 'Bout Man Ray's Work:
(lot of thread drift and perhaps a bit of innovation there)

man those grapes look good...
Jerry Dodrill

Bodega, CA
May 27, 2006 - 08:17pm PT
That's Zin. Just Zinful. Check it out: Ottimino

Did a bunch of shooting for them last year. The bottle shots aren't mine, everything else is.

May 27, 2006 - 09:22pm PT
Nothing ever works as good as BITD. Ask grandpa.

Trad climber
the south
Topic Author's Reply - May 27, 2006 - 11:06pm PT
JODY! NICe pics, don't you love that konica "every setting visible in the viewfinder, full manual over ride in a snap, perfect handling baby?

EVEN the minolta maxxum 9000 was not as good, but came close, and that was over a decade later.

HEll yeah man, the Konica auto reflex T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You had a 28 to 80???? Hexanon??? man I am JEALOUS!

Mine was the first one, not TC. Got it in 72 or 73, hexanon 85 mm lense, and a vivitar 28 and a vivitar 200.

The 28 was on there 80% of the time. Got a set of extension tubes for macro.

Also had a rolie TLR copy- the Yashicamat 124 G.

I gotta get some stuff scanned, is scanning from negatives a good idea?

Jer, those are very, very nice. I love your work. the three grapes one is my fave. Man those are sharp images. I hate anything soft.

I think if you only had a POS, you could really go somewhere with this photography thing.

I'll happily trade you mine for your high priced, heavy, overly featured rig, that is only holding you back, cause I really like to help when I can.

right here, right now
May 27, 2006 - 11:27pm PT
that last shot of peaks is really terrific jody.
they are calling me.
what are their names?
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