Trip Report
TMds July 13-15 teeny TR
Wednesday July 17, 2013 12:49am
Had a nice trip with my kids and nephew Chris from Oregon. His first time seeing Tuolumne. Regular Route on Fairview, Dozier, East Cottage and Cathedral. Click the images for larger versions.

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The team
The team
Credit: Mike Bolte
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Had to do Cathedral
Had to do Cathedral
Credit: Mike Bolte
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The Crack/Arete variation left of the chimney
The Crack/Arete variation left of the chimney
Credit: Mike Bolte
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The nice face variation immediately left of the Chimney
The nice face variation immediately left of the Chimney
Credit: Mike Bolte
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These guys shouted "can you take our picture?". I said "you bet, I'll ...
These guys shouted "can you take our picture?". I said "you bet, I'll post 'em on Supertopo". They said "cool". Shoot me an e-mail and I'll send the higher-res versions
Credit: Mike Bolte
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Credit: Mike Bolte
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Credit: Mike Bolte
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Credit: Mike Bolte
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Me and my Shadow: Errett By Bit
Me and my Shadow: Errett By Bit
Credit: Mike Bolte
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Credit: Mike Bolte
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  Trip Report Views: 1,756
Mike Bolte
About the Author
Mike Bolte is a trad climber from Planet Earth.


  Jul 17, 2013 - 12:52am PT
had to do cathedral

Yes you did!

I gotta do that variation left of the chimney next time, looks rad!
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Author's Reply  Jul 17, 2013 - 01:10am PT
that face just left of the chimney is really nice. If you lead it, have to run it out for about 40' of 5.8/9 good knobs, getting thinner at the top.

Trad climber
Berkeley, California
  Jul 17, 2013 - 12:31pm PT
Thanks for the photos of us on Eichorn! We did Cathedral Peak earlier in the day and then did the direct west pillar of Eichorn. 10 hrs car to car. Lovely day!

Big Wall climber
Terrapin Station
  Jul 17, 2013 - 01:01pm PT
Way to go Mike! Introducing the n00b is always a great thing.

You got to hang with Steve?! Sweet dizzle, I always enjoyed that a lot myself, in the waaay back machine!
Mike Bolte

Trad climber
Planet Earth
Author's Reply  Jul 18, 2013 - 03:30am PT
Yup - Cousin/nephew Chris lives in Eugene and climbs at Smith. When he heard that Steve, this guy telling hilarious stories by the fire, made the 5th ascent of "To Bolt or Not to Be" his eyes got pretty big.

4 Corners Area
  Jul 18, 2013 - 08:36am PT
Cathedral is my favorite peak in the Sierra.
