You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
Route Name |
Formation |
Climbing Area |
Review |
| Blue Cab 5.9, Lover's Leap, Main Wall
Photo: |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.9 |
Yankee Dog |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.11c |
Stem Meister |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10a |
R.I.P. |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.11d |
Silly Willy Crack |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.12c |
Main Line |
Lover's Leap, West Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.11c |
| Corrugation Corner 5.7, Lover's Leap, Main Wall
The the longest 5.7 at Lover's Leap.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
3 |
5.7 |
| Traveler Buttress 5.9, Lover's Leap, Main Wall
One of the 50 Classic Climbs of North America.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
4 |
5.9 |
| Tombstone Terror 5.10c, Lover's Leap, Main Wall
A view from the Hogsback.
Photo:Chris McNamara |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.10c |
Boothill |
Lover's Leap, Main Wall |
Lake Tahoe, California, USA |
1 |
5.11a |
1 - 10 of total 10 climbing routes found matching: Lover's Leap, Main Wall |