Climbing Route Search

You can search the SuperTopo database of climbing routes by route name (e.g. search for "the nose"), rating (e.g. try a search for "5.9"), destination name ("red rocks"), or formation ("el capitan"). For example, to find all the 5.8 routes, just search for "5.8". To find all the 5.8 routes in Yosemite, search for "5.8 yosemite".
96 - 110 of total 176 routes found. 
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Route Name Formation Climbing Area Review
Mount Hunter - North Buttress AK Grade 6, 5.8, A2, M5, AI 6 - Alaska, USA. Click for details.
North Buttress
AK Grade 6, 5.8, A2, M5, AI 6, Mount Hunter

The North Buttress of Mt. Hunter from the north.
Photo:Joe Puryear
Mount Hunter Alaska, USA
AK Grade 6, 5.8, A2, M5, AI 6
5 Star Rating
Burgundy Spire - North Face III 5.8+ - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Face
III 5.8+, Burgundy Spire

Burgundy Spire North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Burgundy Spire Washington Pass, Washington, USA
III 5.8+
4 Star Rating
Concord Tower - North Face Directismo II 5.8+ - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
North Face Directismo
II 5.8+, Concord Tower

Concord Tower North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Concord Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8+
4 Star Rating
Pat and Jack Pinnacle - Nurdle 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
5.8, Pat and Jack Pinnacle

Nurdle is a little known classic.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Pat and Jack Pinnacle Yosemite Valley, California USA
4 Star Rating
Manure Pile Buttress - Nutcracker 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
5.8, Manure Pile Buttress

Nutcracker offers six pitches of clean and aesthetic jams.
Photo:Todd Snyder
Manure Pile Buttress Yosemite Valley, California USA
5 Star Rating
Liberty Bell - Over Exposure II 5.8 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Over Exposure
II 5.8, Liberty Bell

Liberty Bell Over Exposure
Photo:Kurt Hicks
Liberty Bell Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8
3 Star Rating
Pacman Murphy Creek Tuolumne Meadows, California USA
4 Star Rating
The Wind Tunnel - Pasture-ized 5.8 R - Tuolumne Meadows, California USA. Click for details.
5.8 R, The Wind Tunnel

The Dike Route follows the runout line up the white dike on Pywiack Dome.
Photo:Chris McNamara
The Wind Tunnel Tuolumne Meadows, California USA
5.8 R
4 Star Rating
Concord Tower - Patriot Cracks II 5.8 - Washington Pass, Washington, USA. Click for details.
Patriot Cracks
II 5.8, Concord Tower

Concord Tower North Face
Photo:Ian Nicholson
Concord Tower Washington Pass, Washington, USA
II 5.8
2 Star Rating
Medlicott Dome, Left - Piss Easy 5.8 R - Tuolumne Meadows, California USA. Click for details.
Piss Easy
5.8 R, Medlicott Dome, Left

Photo:Greg Barnes
Medlicott Dome, Left Tuolumne Meadows, California USA
5.8 R
3 Star Rating
Cookie Sheet - Plastic Jesus 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Plastic Jesus
5.8, Cookie Sheet

Photo:Chris Van Leuven
Cookie Sheet Yosemite Valley, California USA
3 Star Rating
Glacier Point Apron - Point Beyond Direct 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Point Beyond Direct
5.8, Glacier Point Apron

Photo:Chris McNamara
Glacier Point Apron Yosemite Valley, California USA
5 Star Rating
Pony Express Sugarloaf Sugarloaf, California, USA
4 Star Rating
Knob Hill - Pot Belly 5.8 - Yosemite Valley, California USA. Click for details.
Pot Belly
5.8, Knob Hill

Knob Hill is a great introduction to longer Yosemite 5.7 and 5.8 pitches.
Photo:Chris McNamara
Knob Hill Yosemite Valley, California USA
3 Star Rating
Mountain of The Sun - Practice Cliffs, Casual Sex I 5.8 - Zion National Park, Utah, USA. Click for details.
Practice Cliffs, Casual Sex
I 5.8, Mountain of The Sun

Photo:Bryan Bird
Mountain of The Sun Zion National Park, Utah, USA
I 5.8
3 Star Rating
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