John McCain Appreciation Thread


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Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Original Post - May 21, 2018 - 07:26pm PT
In his 2002 memoir, McCain invoked Hemingway’s definition of courage as “grace under pressure” as his ideal and described how the hero of For Whom the Bell Tolls, Robert Jordan, became for him “the man I admired above almost all others in life and fiction. He was brave, dedicated, capable, selfless.” Sixteen years later, in The Restless Wave, McCain quotes Hemingway’s final words in the book as Jordan lies wounded and doomed. “The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for,” Jordan says to himself, “and I hate very much to leave it.” Writes McCain now: “And I do too. I hate to leave it. But I don’t have a complaint. Not one. It’s been quite a ride. I’ve known great passions, seen amazing wonders, fought in a war, and helped make a peace. I made a small place for myself in the story of America and the history of my times.”

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
May 21, 2018 - 07:32pm PT
McCain is a true American hero! I would have voted for him for president in 2008, if he hadn't brought Sarah Pallin in as his VP candidate.

Having that religious-nut, know-nothing, white-trash person a "heart-beat" away from being president, convinced me to vote for Obama.

I do enjoy McCain getting even with Trump, since Trump's mocking McCain for being a prisoner of war, was just so wrong.

Ice climber
May 21, 2018 - 08:12pm PT

"I came to the conclusion long ago . . . that all religions were true and also that all had some error in them, and whilst I hold by my own, I should hold others as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we are Hindus, not that a Christian should become a Hindu … But our innermost prayer should be a Hindu should be a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, a Christian a better Christian."

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
May 21, 2018 - 08:41pm PT
I appreciate him as a person of integrity and bravery. I would love to have him at my back, but, given his political views, I would never vote for him.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - May 21, 2018 - 08:58pm PT
I did some serious seasonal window washing this week with the Ettore beta you gave me, Cosmic. Thought of you gratefully. Made the job faster and matching my high standards.
Jon Beck

Trad climber
May 21, 2018 - 09:12pm PT
A good man. I disagree with his politics, but he has the best interests of the country in mind.

Social climber
Lida Junction
May 21, 2018 - 09:13pm PT
Having that religious-nut, know-nothing, white-trash person a "heart-beat" away from being president, convinced me to vote for Obama.
McCain has said he regrets selecting her as his running mate.

Social climber
Ridgway, CO
May 21, 2018 - 09:38pm PT
This man has given much and suffered even more for the USA . . . his politics should be separate from his personal sacrifices.

Thank you John McCain.

Trad climber
Portland, Oregon
May 21, 2018 - 09:42pm PT
He was very much an enabler of the decline of the discourse on the right that led to the demise of the GOP and it's decomposition into the fringe-right.

May 22, 2018 - 05:54am PT
We can find plenty of blemishes in anyone’s career, including his (keating 5 and palin) and while I didn’t agree with many of his policy positions, I believe he usually put service first. I can’t imagine anyone else inviting a president from an opposing party to deliver a eulogy.

Welcome back, apogee.

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 22, 2018 - 06:25am PT

Agreed (on both comments).

state of being
May 22, 2018 - 06:31am PT
xCon, you've been Snoped.

state of being
May 22, 2018 - 06:43am PT
It was the bogeyman.

McCain was referring to Syrian rebels, not ISIS.

You define gullibility.

Social climber
Lida Junction
May 22, 2018 - 08:41am PT
xCon, if McCain did meet with ISIS, so what.
The Neocons, Zionist, and saudis all had a hand in the formation of ISIS.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
May 22, 2018 - 08:59am PT
While I do believe that McCain can change his views when it's politically expedient (his presidential run was proof positive of that), I find it troubling that a lot of folks out there are so quick to overlook his military service and sacrifice. Don't ask me how, but I recently stumbled across of a video on youtube of his cell mate in Vietnam, where he talked about their time together. There were thousands of comments posted claimed that the guy's testimony had been bought, McCain was a traitor, a "songbird", etc. I found it really, really despicable. My guess is mostly Trumpites who hate him for not backing up their fuhrer. If others who served in Vietnam have commentary on his time there, they are more than welcome to their opinion. I believe, however, and others who were not there, don't have a right to question the man about his service but only thank him for his sacrifice.

4 Corners Area
May 22, 2018 - 09:07am PT
Sacrifice for what, exactly?

What was it that McCain "won" for me over there in Vietnam?

People like this have a public persona that is usually very different from the actual person.

Sport climber
May 22, 2018 - 09:22am PT

Top 5 Senators That Benefited the Most From NRA Funding:

John McCain (R, AZ) – $7.74 million

Richard Burr (R, NC) – $6.99 million

Roy Blunt (R, MO) – $4.55 million

Thom Tillis (R, NC) – $4.42 million

Cory Gardner (R, CO) – $3.88 million

Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
May 22, 2018 - 09:35am PT
Sacrifice for what, exactly?

What was it that McCain "won" for me over there in Vietnam?
There was a war and people were drafted and sent over. He went and served, when he could have pulled a cush assignment like W, and been a malingerer like Trump.

Are you saying that because the war was a huge snafu without a clear victory that we shouldn't thank the people who fought?

4 Corners Area
May 22, 2018 - 09:47am PT
Maybe we should apologize.

McCain was an accidental hero. He was shot down and captured. He's more of a survivor than a hero. And, he has definitely leveraged the hero card.

Trad climber
Twain Harte, California
May 22, 2018 - 10:26am PT
It's also my understanding that the North Vietnamese offered to release McCain early from incarceration as a PoW. The thinking I've heard is that they made the offer because he was the son of an admiral. Such "special treatment" for the son of an admiral would have had great value as propaganda.

McCain refused and spent five more years in brutal conditions.

Argue what you want about the Vietnam war (pretty clearly a terrible mistake), but he did what our country asked him to do.

His stand against torture in recent years has been based on personal experience and principle. Admirable.

Grey Matter
May 22, 2018 - 12:28pm PT
It took him 10 years, having learned little from Vietnam, to admit the Iraq war was a mistake. Although that is still smarter than many hawks.

Gym climber
May 22, 2018 - 12:51pm PT
Not a fan although it seems like mostly he has good intentions.

He graduated at almost the very bottom of his Annapolis class and seemed to have a very checkered career as a pilot, to put it charitably. Probably never should have been given the keys, so to speak, of any Navy plane, but his daddy and grandaddy were Navy bigwigs and he wanted to play hero, so I suppose that's how the world works.

Then he married the super rich heiress to a beer distributor, so he seems to have a pattern of being a bit of a hanger-on.

Like others here, I completely rejected the notion of possibly voting for him for prez after he selected Palin. McCain seems like kind of a dim bulb himself, and the combined IQ of the two would certainly be the lowest in recent history--they'd make Bush / Quayle seem like good Mensa candidates.

Nevertheless, he apparently acted very bravely as a prisoner, so we have to give him that, it's probably more than many (including myself) would be capable of.

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
May 22, 2018 - 12:58pm PT
Rumor had it that he threw the election because he saw the importance of America electing a black president. Not that he could have won.

Mountain climber
The Ocean
May 22, 2018 - 02:33pm PT
I do not need to agree with him..Tragically he was right about the Marines in Beirut. Kinda puts Benghazi in perspective and Iran/Contra...I did not vote for him because he lost his way for a bit.

America is dead, it lost its soul......maybe it's time for a real American to go.

/salute... My deep respect to McCain

Big Wall climber
May 22, 2018 - 02:38pm PT
A senators votes matter more than his words. McCain often talked a good talk, and would then, with a few notable exceptions, fall in line with his party and vote against his professed beliefs. In that sense he has been a con-man, and in many ways worse than the corrupt shills he allies himself with.

May 22, 2018 - 04:52pm PT
You fools appreciated that aszhole Murderer and slaughter of unarmed innocent people in Ukraine that he enabled with those hired neo-nazis.

You fools appreciate that aszhole who prevented the whole POW's who were left behind attempt.

He did everything to fuk over the veterans as a st00pid politard he is.

McCain is a horrible fuking criminal against humanity.

And you st00pid pukes appreciate people like him .....

Grey Matter
May 22, 2018 - 05:23pm PT
ignoring the duck,

interview with his longtime aide and coauthor

Trad climber
May 22, 2018 - 08:55pm PT
A True Hero of the Vietnam War, Humanity and Country by Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy
NAPALM. The most effective "anti-personnel" weapon, it is euphemistically described as "unfamiliar cooking fluid" by those apologists for American military methods. They automatically attribute all napalm cases to domestic accidents caused by the people using gasoline instead of kerosene in their cooking stoves. Kerosene is far too expensive for the peasants, who normally use charcoal for cooking. The only "cooking fluid" they know is very "unfamiliar" – it is delivered through their roofs by U.S. planes.

Some of its finer selling points were explained to me by a pilot in 1966: "We sure are pleased with those backroom boys at Dow. The original product wasn’t so hot – if the gooks were quick they could scrape it off. So the boys started adding polystyrene – now it sticks like sh#t to a blanket. But then if the gooks jumped under water it stopped burning, so they started adding Willie Peter (WP – white phosphorous) so’s to make it burn better. It’ll even burn under water now. And just one drop is enough, it’ll keep on burning right down to the bone so they die anyway from phosphorous poisoning." (broken link)
McCain knew that what he was doing was wrong. Three months before he fell into that Hanoi lake, he barely survived when his fellow sailors accidentally fired a missile at his plane while it was getting ready to take off from his ship. The blast set off bombs and ordnance across the deck of the aircraft carrier. The conflagration, which took 24 hours to bring under control, killed 132 sailors. A few days later, a shaken McCain told a New York Times reporter in Saigon: "Now that I've seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I'm not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam."

Yet he did.

"I am a war criminal," McCain said on "60 Minutes" in 1997. "I bombed innocent women and children." Although it came too late to save the Vietnamese he'd killed 30 years earlier, it was a brave statement. Nevertheless, he smiles agreeably as he hears himself described as a "war hero" as he arrives at rallies in a bus marked "No Surrender."

Is this the smoking napalm confession of a mass murderer? No wonder he is willing to bomb Iran and may even use tactical nuclear weapons to accomplish his goal.
Craig Fry

Trad climber
So Cal.
May 26, 2018 - 05:34pm PT
John McCain’s shocking concession on the Iraq War: it was a “mistake”

In his new memoir, McCain says he’s to blame for the war.

Sen. John McCain has made a shocking admission: The Iraq War was a “mistake,” and he’s taking the blame.

In his new memoir, McCain who is battling brain cancer, writes that the Iraq War “can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it,” as Politico reports.

McCain is among the most hawkish Republicans in the Senate and was an ardent supporter of the George W. Bush administration’s decision to go to war with Iraq and a later US troop surge. As Michael Hirsh writes at Politico:

McCain became, in fact, the first supporter of a “surge,” years before Bush and other Republicans did. “I came out of the Vietnam War convinced that frankly we could have won, and we had it won,” he told me in 2014. “Just as I believed we had the Iraq conflict won after the surge — and for which I sacrificed everything, including my presidential ambitions, that it would succeed.”

why do these people only admit to being wrong after it's too late

May 26, 2018 - 07:15pm PT
Good read:

Boulder climber
May 26, 2018 - 07:19pm PT
We grew up in Coronado where North Island Naval Air Station is located. The toll on these Navy families during the Vietnam war and what they sacrificed is unimaginable.

Admiral Stockdale's house was blocks from where I lived, a friend's dad had a map of the prison of war camp where he was interned hanging on his wall, my surf buddy's dad was blown off a flight deck loaded with napalm- he declared was MIA.

War orphans, alcoholism, divorce, death, MIA's, PTSD, torture, long deployments- these families suffered. John McCain and his family suffered more than most, a true American hero.

The Good Places
May 26, 2018 - 07:34pm PT
so what i gather is that my senator is about 40% less bought than Mccain. Way to go cory!!!

May 26, 2018 - 07:39pm PT
You suck, Jolly Roger.

Boulder climber
May 26, 2018 - 07:47pm PT
It's an appreciation thread- his service to this country is beyond reproach.

I don't like his politics at all but that goes for half my family. That can be addressed on another thread.

May 26, 2018 - 07:50pm PT
his service to this country is beyond reproach.

For fuking over the veterans for years and years.

You are insane as McCain .....

Ice climber
May 26, 2018 - 09:05pm PT
It is reported that:

McCain admits to being a war criminal and says the Iraq invasion was a mistake and takes his share of blame for it.

What's not to appreciate about the guy.


Sportbikeville & Yucca brevifolia
May 26, 2018 - 09:29pm PT
I hope I never get "appreciated" on ST.

Boulder climber
May 26, 2018 - 09:35pm PT
Right, appreciation is tough here!

The young patriot is whom I appreciate.

The old fuk stick that brought us Palin, the surge, the gang of four, fake mavricky sh#t was a sell out- I get it!!!

Boulder climber
May 26, 2018 - 09:57pm PT
I forgot about Wynn Foster. I did a remodel for him about 15 years ago.
Don Paul

Social climber
Denver CO
May 27, 2018 - 09:45am PT
The sob didn't even invite me to his political funeral.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
May 27, 2018 - 09:47am PT
McCain is supertopo's rodney dangerfield...

Trad climber
May 27, 2018 - 10:15am PT

You betcha!

Sport climber
May 27, 2018 - 11:48am PT

The man himself speaking

[Click to View YouTube Video]
yosemite 5.9

santa cruz
May 27, 2018 - 05:02pm PT
I repeatedly saw John McCain's angry outbursts on TV over a period of years and as a result I voted for Obama the first time that Obama ran for President. I have believed for many years that John McCain has an anger management problem.

John McCain's war hero presidential campaign did not provide the definition of how he would govern that I needed to hear. It was quite ineffective I thought. I was surprised that the Republican party, or at least those crafting his campaign, thought it would be effective against Obama's raising of hope as a primary issue for the future.

I appreciate his service, but I wish he would have resigned a few years ago,

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - May 28, 2018 - 10:24am PT
John McCain’s Gratitude
May 28, 2018 6:30 AM

"Duty, honor, country. McCain embodies these ideals, but if there’s one word that summarizes the conservative spirit, it is not these but (as Yuval Levin says) gratitude. "

"Other politicians speak of selfless public service, but few have enacted it as nobly as John Sidney McCain III."

...and in the very same article...

"He may not have made the best president..."

"In a town-hall discussion from the 2008 campaign, McCain is seen advising his audience that they needn’t be scared of an Obama presidency. (Loud booing ensues.) To the HBO filmmakers and their intended audience, this is evidence of McCain’s fundamental decency; to conservatives it looks more like page one in the How to Lose an Election manual."

"McCain might have been, like Nixon, a big-government Republican eager to “get things done,” meaning: sign bipartisan bills that codified progressive goals. He might well have nominated spineless conservatives or even liberals to the Supreme Court."

This kind of view is central to the polarization and partisanship that paralyzes our politics and country. Anything that remotely resembles bipartisan, or an effort to find compromise, finds absolutely no traction from either side, and is seen as uninteresting at best...extremist at worst. The only acceptable solution to the left or the right is the most extreme.

McCain's longtime locus of eschewing the most negative rhetoric and politics has made him a 'maverick'. So sad that a willingness to find common ground and have respectful dialogue is considered unusual in US politics and culture.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Jul 16, 2018 - 01:23pm PT
Trump publicly sides with Putin on election interference

By MATTHEW NUSSBAUM 07/16/2018 05:46 AM EDT Updated 07/16/2018 03:50 PM EDT

Perhaps the harshest criticism came from Sen. John McCain, the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee who has been among the GOP's most open critics of the president. McCain, a POW during the Vietnam War whom Trump once suggested was not a war hero because he had been captured, called the president's meeting in Helsinki "one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory."

"The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naiveté, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate. But it is clear that the summit in Helsinki was a tragic mistake," McCain, who has been away from the Senate for months as he undergoes cancer treatment, said in a statement. "No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."

4 Corners Area
Jul 16, 2018 - 02:04pm PT
All this russophobia these days, I feel like I'm . . .
[Click to View YouTube Video]

"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."

Wow, how many presidents have abased themselves before the tyrants in Saudi Arabia? Give me a break McCain.

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jul 16, 2018 - 04:38pm PT
"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."

To be fair, McCain made a comment on this pic.

4 Corners Area
Jul 17, 2018 - 07:14am PT
All US presidents bow to the Saudi King
It's always disgusting!

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 17, 2018 - 08:39am PT
ATG...instead of dissing an honerable man, show some guts and posit a defense for the moron of a president you seem to worship...nothing comes to mind, eh.

Trad climber
Ouray, Colorado
Jul 17, 2018 - 12:43pm PT
Yes it is, and you choose to pollute it by denigrating the thoroughly honorable man this thread is about because he has the guts that few of his republican colleagues have shown.

Mountain climber
Karkoekstan, Former USSR
Jul 17, 2018 - 07:23pm PT
mothdaa f*#kaa killed more people than anyone else in US history
rick sumner

Trad climber
reno, nevada/ wasilla alaska
Jul 17, 2018 - 11:14pm PT
Beholden to the arms manufacturer's, McCain seldom, or ever, saw a foreign conflict he didn't think we should join. He certainly graduated with honor from the class of "The Keating five".

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 24, 2018 - 04:27pm PT

Beta Sprayer at your Gym
Aug 24, 2018 - 04:43pm PT
How many of you are here virtue signaling because he's anti-Trump? McCain is always and has always been a war hungry neocon.

Aug 24, 2018 - 05:12pm PT
John McCain is a disgusting excuse for a human being for carrying out the
slaughter of all those innocent civilians in Ukraine by his hired Neo-Nazis ......

Social climber
Aug 25, 2018 - 05:28pm PT
RIP Mr McCain!
Jon Beck

Trad climber
Aug 25, 2018 - 05:34pm PT
Another good man gone. Did not agree with most of his politics but I had great respect for him

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 25, 2018 - 05:34pm PT
John McCain, towering senator and GOP ‘maverick,’ dies

John McCain, a Vietnam War hero, two-time Republican presidential contender and towering figure in Congress known for his bipartisan deal-making during six terms as an Arizona senator, has died. He was 81.

Reflecting in September on his cancer diagnosis, McCain appeared at peace with his own mortality, declaring that “Every life has to end one way or another.” Asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper how he wants to be remembered, McCain responded: “He served his country and not always right. Made a lot of mistakes. Made a lot of errors, but served his country. And I hope we could add honorably.”

Social climber
Lida Junction
Aug 25, 2018 - 06:14pm PT
Another good man gone. Did not agree with most of his politics but I had great respect for him.


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 25, 2018 - 06:18pm PT
“What an ingrate I would be to curse the fate that concludes the blessed life I’ve led. I prefer to give thanks for those blessings, and my love to the people who blessed me with theirs. The bell tolls for me. I knew it would. So I tried, as best I could, to stay a ‘part of the main.‘ I hope those who mourn my passing, and even those who don’t, will celebrate as I celebrate a happy life lived in imperfect service to a country made of ideals, whose continued service is the hope of the world. And I wish all of you great adventures, good company, and lives as lucky as mine.”

Aug 25, 2018 - 07:40pm PT
Rest in Peace.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Aug 25, 2018 - 08:08pm PT
It appears, the McCain – Trump feud is close to an end.

But will Trump dance on McCain's grave?

That’s too bad, since McCain was one of the very-few Republicans in Congress with the spine to oppose & criticize Trump.

From The Washington Post

It got off to a bad start, and President Trump’s venomous relationship with Sen. John McCain probably won’t end well either.
The president was reportedly disinvited to McCain’s funeral months ago, after McCain’s battle with brain cancer took a turn for the worse, and now the veteran Arizona Republican senator has decided to discontinue medical treatment.

Throughout McCain’s illness, Trump has continued to publicly snub him — including a recent appearance in which the president declined to say McCain’s name when signing a bill that was named for him. As of late Friday, Trump had said nothing about McCain’s medical decision.

Their increasingly combative relationship has served as a metaphor of sorts for the Republican Party: the former Vietnam POW and “proud conservative” who fell short to Barack Obama in his run for president in 2008 versus the loud draft dodger who rapidly seized control of the GOP and White House eight years later.

McCain rarely disguised his distaste for Trump as the real estate developer ran for president on a platform that included attacks on immigrants and U.S. allies. In July 2015, after then-candidate Trump rallied an estimated 15,000 in Phoenix and claimed to represent a “silent majority,” McCain said Trump had “fired up the crazies” in his state. The battle was on.

By the end of that month, Trump had disparaged McCain’s Vietnam War service, saying McCain was “not a war hero” despite spending more than five years as a POW and enduring torture.

“He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said during a forum in Ames, Iowa.

Trump refused to apologize at the time, despite criticism from nearly every corner, and has never retracted the statement. He has occasionally told people that he does not regret the comment.

During occasional Oval Office conversations about McCain’s health or status in the Senate, Trump would usually say nothing, current and former officials said. He grew angry regularly that McCain was portrayed as the “good guy” in the news media and he as the “bad guy,” according to a former senior administration official who spoke to Trump about McCain.

In accepting the Freedom Medal at the National Constitutional Center in October, McCain condemned “half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems,” a clear dig at Trump.

Not long afterward, McCain appeared to take a shot at Trump for avoiding the draft during the Vietnam War.

“One aspect of the (Vietnam) conflict by the way that I will never ever countenance is that we drafted the lowest income level of America and the highest income level found a doctor that would say that they had a bone spur,” McCain said during an interview with CSPAN.

McCain did not mention Trump by name, but his meaning appeared clear. Trump received five wartime deferments, including one in which a doctor diagnosed him with bone spurs.

Finally in July, McCain pilloried Trump for his chummy performance alongside Russian President Vladi¬mir Putin at a news conference in Helsinki, calling it “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”

“The damage inflicted by President Trump’s naivete, egotism, false equivalence, and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate,” McCain said. “No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant.”

More here:

Ice climber
Aug 25, 2018 - 09:28pm PT

Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 04:10am PT
An a former naval aviator myself, I can relate to Senator McCain's life experiences. Flying combat jets from aircraft carriers is certainly not a life for pussies. I remember that I was issued a .38 revolver in case I was ever shot down over enemy territory, but I carried my own Beretta 9mm semi-auto with 14 jacketed rounds, and an extra clip. McCain survived the U.S.S. Forrestal conflagration, and later went through the nightmare of punching out over enemy territory. Ejecting at 500 m.p.h. tears up your body something fierce.

It's unfortunate that he was republican, and that tempers my sympathy and respect for him. All I can think of is that his passing opens up a senate seat and the possibility of getting someone besides a repugnican in that seat.

Too bad the repugnicans have established an atmosphere that makes me feel this way.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 04:31am PT
I find it incredulous that military pilots talk about the dangers they face, with little acknowledgement given to the danger they pose to civis
We may not talk about, but it's a terror that we faced daily. You can't imagine the responsibility that you carry on your shoulders when you have that much destructive power at your fingertips. It's a very heavy load, knowing how easy it is to kill the wrong people.

They always say "Be careful for what you wish for." When I got out of flight school and got my first real combat load, suddenly I was terrified by the responsibility. "What the f*#k did I get myself into?" Don't f*#k it up, Bad Dog!
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 04:42am PT
Frankly, we were more worried about hitting friendlies than we were about civilians. Does that make me a bad person?

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2018 - 07:37am PT
Thank you for your service, SLR.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 26, 2018 - 08:30am PT
Sierra Rat....Doesn't make you a bad person...What aircraft were you flying...? This retired air force colonel / friend commented that navy aircraft carrier pilots had 2 choices...Land on the carrier or in the ocean...

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Aug 26, 2018 - 09:52am PT
Bingo field?

I know a retired Marine bird colonel (F-4's, F-18's) whose son is a mega-yacht cap'n.
About 12 years ago the son had to take one from the Right Coast to the Far
East and the owner said it was cool if mom and pop came along (the owner
couldn't make the trip). They whooped it up through the Med, down the Red
Sea, and pulled into Aden for a fill-up. The local harbormaster, aka extortionist,
wanted the son's first born plus a large herd of goats for a night's moorage
so they said seeya and headed east.

A few hours east of Aden, not Eden, they pulled into a nice deserted bay. As they were about
to drop anchor a couple of Toyota pickups appeared on the beach. After some mutual waves
the colonel saw their AK’s and his son decided discretion lay offshore. As they were leaving
the bay they saw another Toyota appear with a Zodiac. They clearly weren’t the local Welcome Wagon.

The mega-yacht had good legs. There was a good swell running as well as a strong sundowner
blowing so the yahoos weren't making great speed, but they were gaining. The good guys
had some pretty good heat aboard, as in an M-16, but it appeared they would eventually get caught.

The cap'n dialed up the owner on the satphone.

"Mr Ambassador, we're being pursued by a Zodiac with AK-47’s. Do we have any friends nearby?"

"John, I'll call you back."

Good to his word he came back in a few:

"John, the Vinson's CAP is on their way. ETA about 20 minutes. Can you hold them off?"

The colonel was a little miffed to hear this as he was rather looking forward to re-qualifying
with the M-16. Once a gyrene always a gyrene. Yeah, if you're a US Ambassador you get serious percs.

The cavalry's arrival at Mach A Lot was only lacking a good Wagnerian soundtrack.
With good coordinates from the yacht the Super Hornets had poured on the coal. Apparently
they had also been told they could swim to the yacht if the tankers didn’t reach them in time.
They arrived rather unannounced, so to speak. With the good coordinates they had been able
to make a nice long descent which culminated with a pass at about 100’ - their sonic booms
about blew the towelheads out of the water. By the time the Hornets did a U-turn to bleed off
speed and arm the guns the Zodiac was in full flight, unfortunately. I have no idea how they
were able to restrain themselves. I mean, who was gonna tell?
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 12:25pm PT
U.S. Navy to the rescue!

I did a tour in the Persian Gulf, and spent several months in that part of the world. We called it "Gonzo Station." We got two beer days, if that tells you how long, and we were at battle stations all the friggin' time. For fun, I got to go on a week-long safari in Kenya, flew all over Somalia and Oman, patrolled off the coast of Iran, and spent a week on the ground in Pakistan, dressed like a local. (I had hoped to run some guns from Islamabad back to the USA, but the State Department spoiled my plans when I was in a Karachi; that's another story.) I ran a marathon on the flight deck while the carrier transited the ditch (Suez Canal).

Bingo field is last-ditch divert field. You always have a calculated bingo fuel in your head; that's the fuel level that makes you say adios amigos! and head directly to the divert field. Bingo fuel depends on the distance to the divert field. Hopefully you can hit the tanker and get some more passes at the deck before the air boss radios in his disgusted voice, "Your signal is bingo."

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Aug 26, 2018 - 12:32pm PT
SLR, ‘Bingo Field?’ was the title of the story, not a question. 😉
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 12:35pm PT
Sorry, I read it as a question. I deleted a post above that was about bingo fields and thought you were asking about it.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Aug 26, 2018 - 12:43pm PT
No offense taken. I did bingo a tank once. 🙄
Don Paul

Social climber
Washington DC
Aug 26, 2018 - 12:47pm PT
Death is too good for him - should have been humiliated in a war crimes tribunal first.

A History of John McCain’s Calls for War

John McCain's greatest/bloodiest hits.

Aug 26, 2018 - 01:10pm PT
John McCain was the father of ISIS.

The biggest obstructionist against the missing POW's in Vietnam.

Biggest aszhole toward veterans.

And you fools respect this murdering creep ....
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 01:33pm PT

Ice climber
Aug 26, 2018 - 02:29pm PT
Strange that Ted Kennedy and John McCain both died on August 25. Even weirder that my friend Joe, an enterprising drug entrepeneur, died from the same malady. I cannot recall whether it was also August 25.

Man, I just checked, it was September 3, for Joe.


Aug 26, 2018 - 03:54pm PT
Robert L

They are responsible for creating the ISIS proxy to try and overthrow govts for Israel and the US.

Illegal proxy wars ......

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Aug 26, 2018 - 04:58pm PT
SRL Posted a good shot of the other human (questionably) garbage that will hopefully follow close behind McStain.

I'm pretty sure Cheney is Sith.... he might go another 1000 years.

Social climber
Lida Junction
Aug 26, 2018 - 05:12pm PT

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Aug 26, 2018 - 05:17pm PT
Trump is soooooo-hated by decent Republicans, he was banned from Barbara Bush's funeral too.

A Essex

Aug 26, 2018 - 05:48pm PT
Disrespectful duck,

a true Patriot to the end

country before compromised party

in the face of a slow coup to a corptocracy by a con man

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 26, 2018 - 06:01pm PT
John McCain was the father of ISIS.
Obama bears a lot of blame for the rise of ISIS, as he pulled us out when we needed to stay and see through the mess we made. I say this, knowing Iraq was the stupidest thing we ever did. ISIS filled the vacuum we left.

McCain was an imperfect man, yet a great American hero. I’ll mourn him.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2018 - 06:29pm PT
“ imperfect man, yet a great American...”

A great summary of many of us. Odd that we expect our political leaders to be perfect reflections of our own values and expectations. We are deeply disappointed and offended when they fail in any respect. They are, like us, only human.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 06:34pm PT
McCain wasn't human. He was Republican.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2018 - 06:54pm PT
(Re: Bob Craner, imprisoned in a cell near John McCain)

He was a remarkably composed man with the courage to accept any fate with great dignity. There were times when I would start to lose my nerve. I would detect some sign that another camp purge was coming, and my dread of another beating would start to get the better of my self-control. Anticipating a beating could prove more unnerving than the beating itself.

“Bob, I think it’s coming again, and I don’t think they’ll miss us.”

“If it comes, it comes,” he counseled me. “If it doesn’t, it doesn’t, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it.”

It may strike others as odd that such fatalism could have comforted us, but it did. It was the best attitude you could hold under the circumstances. It steeled me when I was weak, and made me feel better about myself. Worrying about a beating was pointless. There wasn’t much I could do to prevent it, save disgrace myself, and disgrace hurt more than the worst beating.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 26, 2018 - 07:06pm PT
McCain at a town hall repeatedly calming and correcting people who called his opponent dangerous, or “an Arab,” or someone to be “scared of”: “No, ma’am. He’s a decent family man [and] citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with. . . . I have to tell you, Senator Obama is a decent person and a person you don’t have to be scared of as president of the United States. . . . We want to fight, and I will fight. But I will be respectful.”

Can you imagine any kind of commentary such as this from the Republican base in this era?

Aug 26, 2018 - 07:17pm PT
McCain is like us, only human.

NO, you're insane apogee.

McCain caused sooo much undue suffering and death to so many (millions) and you think he's like us.

You ARE insane!

The Wastelands
Aug 26, 2018 - 07:52pm PT
Obama bears a lot of blame for the rise of ISIS, as he pulled us out when we needed to stay and see through the mess we made

No, the Iraq Withdrawal was created and militarily ordered by the Republican Bush Admin

*2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[11][12][13] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.[1][11][12]
A Essex

Aug 26, 2018 - 08:28pm PT
McCain was a decent human being, like the Bushes

Trumpo is jealous like a spoiled child at the respect McCain garnered for years of actual serive to the country.

Capt bone Spurs is gutter trash and his base continues to lick his little orange excuse of bases


Social climber
Lida Junction
Aug 26, 2018 - 09:01pm PT
McCain is like us, only human.

NO, you're insane apogee.

McCain caused sooo much undue suffering and death to so many (millions) and you think he's like us.

hey werner I've respected you for pulling dumbasses of rocks, but you've spent way too much time time in that cocoon, known as Yosemite Valley.
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 26, 2018 - 09:06pm PT
McCain was a decent human being, like the Bushes
I love your dark sarcasm
But McCain was no where as evil as the Bushes

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 27, 2018 - 03:48am PT

No, the Iraq Withdrawal was created and militarily ordered by the Republican Bush Admin
When the time actually came to withdraw, both the smart Iraqis and the Americans who knew Iraq knew we needed to keep a stabilizing presence. We could have attempted to negotiate a modification to the agreement in place. Obama didn’t even try, he just hid behind Bush’s agreement. The opposite of a courageous leader making the hard call.

And how many more then needlessly died on top of the ones lost in the opening fubar?

I generally was OK with Obama as President, but he screwed that one up badly, along with supporting Maliki.

When you have to send troops back, that tells you they shouldn’t have left.

Boulder climber
Aug 27, 2018 - 05:42am PT

McCain’s Non-Support for Troops and Veterans: The Master List
By Brandon Friedman
Updated Dec 06, 2017
On Friday, September September 26, 2008, John McCain said the following:

“I know the veterans, I know them well, and I know that they know that I’ll take care of them, and I have been proud of their support and their recognition of my service to the veterans, and I love them, and I’ll take care of them, and they know that I’ll take care of them.”

This statement—made near the end of Friday’s debate—immediately infuriated veterans across America and overseas. In fact, Senator John McCain has a very clear, long, and illustrious history of not supporting troops and veterans one bit.

Now, I’ve seen legislative examples, I’ve watched the YouTubes, and I’ve lived this lack of support in more ways than one. But now, for the first time, I’ve tried to compile as much of this non-support as possible into a single document—from a variety of sources—complete with links, quotes, and video clips. It’s something that readers often ask me about, so I hope this helps. I’m sure there’s a lot missing, so feel free to add more in the comments. But for now, I think this should give us a good start in exposing John McCain’s abysmal of record of supporting troops and veterans. Here we go:

Senator John McCain’s Record on Troop and Veterans’ Issues

Voting Against Veterans

Veterans Groups Give McCain Failing Grades. In its most recent legislative ratings, the non-partisan Disabled American Veterans gave Sen. McCain a 20 percent rating for his voting record on veterans’ issues. Similarly, the non-partisan Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America gave McCain a “D” grade for his poor voting record on veterans’ issues, including McCain’s votes against additional body armor for troops in combat and additional funding for PTSD and TBI screening and treatment.

McCain Voted Against Increased Funding for Veterans’ Health Care. Although McCain told voters at a campaign rally that improving veterans’ health care was his top domestic priority, he voted against increasing funding for veterans’ health care in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. (Greenville News, 12/12/2007; S.Amdt. 2745 to S.C.R. 95, Vote 40, 3/10/04; Senate S.C.R. 18, Vote 55, 3/16/05; S.Amdt. 3007 to S.C.R. 83, Vote 41, 3/14/06; H.R. 1591, Vote 126, 3/29/07)

McCain Voted At Least 28 Times Against Veterans’ Benefits, Including Healthcare. Since arriving in the U.S. Senate in 1987, McCain has voted at least 28 times against ensuring important benefits for America’s veterans, including providing adequate healthcare. (2006 Senate Vote # 7, 41, 63, 67, 98, 222; 2005 Senate Votes # 55, 89, 90, 251, 343; 2004 Senate Votes # 40, 48, 145; 2003 Senate Votes # 74, 81, 83; 1999 Senate Vote # 328; 1998 Senate Vote # 175; 1997 Senate Vote # 168; 1996 Senate Votes # 115, 275; 1995 Senate Votes # 76, 226, 466; 1994 Senate Vote # 306; 1992 Senate Vote # 194; 1991 Senate Vote # 259)

McCain Voted Against Providing Automatic Cost-of-Living Adjustments to Veterans. McCain voted against providing automatic annual cost-of-living adjustments for certain veterans’ benefits. (S. 869, Vote 259, 11/20/91)

McCain Voted to Underfund Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain voted for an appropriations bill that underfunded the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development by $8.9 billion. (H.R. 2099, Vote 470, 9/27/95)

McCain Voted Against a $13 Billion Increase in Funding for Veterans Programs. McCain voted against an amendment to increase spending on veterans programs by $13 billion. (S.C.R. 57, Vote 115, 5/16/96)

McCain Voted Against $44.3 Billion for Veterans Programs. McCain was one of five senators to vote against a bill providing $44.3 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs, plus funding for other federal agencies. (H.R. 2684, Vote 328, 10/15/99)

McCain Voted Against $47 Billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain was one of eight senators to vote against a bill that provided $47 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. (H.R. 4635, Vote 272, 10/12/00)

McCain Voted Against $51 Billion in Veterans Funding. McCain was one of five senators to vote against the bill and seven to vote against the conference report that provided $51.1 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as funding for the federal housing, environmental and emergency management agencies and NASA. (H.R. 2620, Vote 334, 11/8/01; Vote 269, 8/2/01)

McCain Voted Against $122.7 Billion for Department of Veterans Affairs. McCain voted against an appropriations bill that included $122.7 billion in fiscal 2004 for the Department of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and other related agencies. (H.R. 2861, Vote 449, 11/12/03)

McCain Opposed $500 Million for Counseling Services for Veterans with Mental Disorders. McCain voted against an amendment to appropriate $500 million annually from 2006-2010 for counseling, mental health and rehabilitation services for veterans diagnosed with mental illness, posttraumatic stress disorder or substance abuse. (S. 2020, S.Amdt. 2634, Vote 343, 11/17/05)

McCain opposed an Assured Funding Stream for Veterans’ Health Care. McCain opposed providing an assured funding stream for veterans’ health care, taking into account annual changes in veterans’ population and inflation. (S.Amdt. 3141 to S.C.R. 83, Vote 63, 3/16/06)

McCain Voted Against Adding More Than $400 Million for Veterans’ Care. McCain was one of 13 Republicans to vote against providing an additional $430 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for outpatient care and treatment for veterans. (S.Amdt. 3642 to H.R. 4939, Vote 98, 4/26/06)

McCain Supported Outsourcing VA Jobs. McCain opposed an amendment that would have prevented the Department of Veterans Affairs from outsourcing jobs, many held by blue-collar veterans, without first giving the workers a chance to compete. (S.Amdt. 2673 to H.R. 2642, Vote 315, 9/6/07)

McCain Opposed the 21st Century GI Bill Because It Was Too Generous. McCain did not vote on the GI Bill that will provide better educational opportunities to veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, paying full tuition at in-state schools and living expenses for those who have served at least three years since the 9/11 attacks. McCain said he opposes the bill because he thinks the generous benefits would “encourage more people to leave the military.” (S.Amdt. 4803 to H.R. 2642, Vote 137, 5/22/08; Chattanooga Times Free Press, 6/2/08; Boston Globe, 5/23/08;, 5/26/08)

Disabled American Veterans Legislative Director Said That McCain’s Proposal Would Increase Costs For Veterans Because His Plan Relies On Private Hospitals Which Are More Expensive and Which Could Also Lead To Further Rationing Of Care. “To help veterans who live far from VA hospitals or need specialized care the VA can’t provide, McCain proposed giving low-income veterans and those who incurred injury during their service a card they could use at private hospitals. The proposal is not an attempt to privatize the VA, as critics have alleged, but rather, an effort to improve care and access to it, he said. Joe Violanti, legislative director of the Disabled American Veterans, a nonpartisan organization, said the proposal would increase costs because private hospitals are more expensive. The increased cost could lead to further rationing of care, he said.” (Las Vegas Sun, 8/10/08)

Lack of Support for the Troops

McCain co-sponsored the Use of Force Authorization. McCain supported the bill that gave President George W. Bush the green light—and a blank check—for going to war with Iraq. (SJ Res 46, 10/3/02)

McCain Opposed Increasing Spending on TRICARE and Giving Greater Access to National Guard and Reservists. Although his campaign website devotes a large section to veterans issues, including expanding benefits for reservists and members of the National Guard, McCain voted against increasing spending on the TRICARE program by $20.3 billion over 10 years to give members of the National Guard and Reserves and their families greater access to the health care program. The increase would be offset by a reduction in tax cuts for the wealthy. (S.Amdt. 324 to S.C.R. 23, Vote 81, 3/25/03)

McCain voted against holding Bush accountable for his actions in the war. McCain opposed the creation of an independent commission to investigate the development and use of intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq. (S.Amdt. 1275 to H.R. 2658, Vote 284, 7/16/03)

McCain voted Against Establishing a $1 Billion Trust Fund for Military Health Facilities. McCain voted against establishing a $1 billion trust fund to improve military health facilities by refusing to repeal tax cuts for those making more than $1 million a year. (S.Amdt. 2735 to S.Amdt. 2707 to H.R. 4297, Vote 7, 2/2/06)

Senator McCain opposed efforts to end the overextension of the military—a policy that is having a devastating impact on our troops. McCain voted against requiring mandatory minimum downtime between tours of duty for troops serving in Iraq. (S.Amdt.. 2909 to S.Amdt. 2011 to HR 1585, Vote 341, 9/19/07; S.Amdt. 2012 to S.Amdt. 2011 to HR 1585, Vote 241, 7/11/07)

McCain announced his willingness to keep U.S. troops in Iraq for decades—a statement sure to inflame Iraqis and endanger American troops. McCain: “Make it a hundred” years in Iraq and “that would be fine with me.” (Derry, New Hampshire Town Hall meeting, 1/3/08)

McCain voted against a ban on waterboarding—a form of torture—in a move that could eventually endanger American troops. According to ThinkProgress, “the Senate brought the Intelligence Authorization Bill to the floor, which contained a provision from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) establishing one interrogation standard across the government. The bill requires the intelligence community to abide by the same standards as articulated in the Army Field Manual and bans waterboarding.” McCain voted against the bill. (H.R. 2082, Vote 22, 2/13/08)

McCain Also Supported Outsourcing at Walter Reed. McCain opposed an amendment to prevent the outsourcing of 350 federal employee jobs at Walter Reed Army Medical Center—outsourcing that contributed to the scandalous treatment of veterans at Walter Reed that McCain called a “disgrace.” (S.Amdt. 4895 to H.R. 5631, Vote 234, 9/6/06; Speech to VFW in Kansas City, Mo., 4/4/08)
I was always perplexed at the optics of these votes. The son of an Admiral with privilege voting against the opportunity for vets to get a government funded education.

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Aug 27, 2018 - 06:44am PT
....simple military win and turn it into a long protracted abortion where the only winners are the f*#ks who make the gear and the f*#ks who buy the recycleable and resources afterwords...

It goes a lot deeper than that. Moar Woar props up the entire system through public fear of "them". The enemy du jour. Once you learn that the same system is perfectly willing to kill you and everyone around you under the false flag of that chosen and oftentimes, completely fabricated, enemy, it become quite clear.

Flags are useful props.

Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 27, 2018 - 07:07am PT
Overall, I respected McCain, both because of his sacrifice while in the Service but because he differed so greatly in his values from the current crops of Republican drones, who appear to value only the party. That level of respect dropped alot when he went to the gutter to select Palin as a running mate, which meant that he was more interested in a win than something good for our nation. Voting records can be an inaccurate gauge given the sausage making nature of legislation, the add on items completely unrelated to an underlying bills, etc. Still, as others have pointed out, a good man and much better than most of his peers.

It figures that a Trump loving troll/jackass like ATG has only harsh words after his passing. Neither class nor brains with that one.

The Wastelands
Aug 27, 2018 - 07:57am PT
No, the Iraq Withdrawal was created and militarily ordered by the Republican Bush Admin

2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[11][12][13] The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.[1][11][12]

Trad climber
Aug 27, 2018 - 08:01am PT
A nice episode of the Daily today on McCain.

Also, this David Foster Wallace essay about his coverage of the 2000 election is one of my favorite reads.
A Essex

Aug 27, 2018 - 08:12am PT

Aug 27, 2018 - 08:15am PT
But emails! Benghazi!

Trad climber
Aug 27, 2018 - 09:16am PT
[Click to View YouTube Video]

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 27, 2018 - 09:34am PT

The White House raised its U.S. flag to full staff on Monday, less than two days after the death of Sen. John McCain, with whom President Donald Trump had publicly feuded.

McCain, a celebrated war hero and two-time presidential candidate, died late afternoon on Saturday in his home state of Arizona after a battle with brain cancer. Although other flags in Washington, including at the Capitol and around the Washington Monument, remained at half-staff in McCain's honor on Monday, the White House flag was not among them.

While the U.S. flag atop the White House was dropped to half-staff over the weekend, the president has not as of Monday morning issued a proclamation ordering U.S. flags be flown at half-staff in McCain's honor.

Presidential proclamations for the death of a prominent U.S. official typically call for the flag to be lowered until the date of interment. McCain's funeral is planned for Saturday.
A Essex

Aug 27, 2018 - 09:47am PT
Trump is jealous of actual patriots

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 27, 2018 - 09:51am PT
If only McCain hadn't been captured...

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Aug 27, 2018 - 10:10am PT
Moar Woar props up the entire system through public fear of "them". The enemy du jour.

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 27, 2018 - 10:15am PT
No, the Iraq Withdrawal was created and militarily ordered by the Republican Bush Admin

And yet they were eventually sent back by Obama

Boulder climber
Aug 27, 2018 - 11:19am PT
Fat Dad, good comments. The Palin pick for VP was one of the seminal moments in the Ascension of the Freedom caucus- I know McCain and his staff regretted that.

In terms of the votes related to Veterans issues, some votes were cast due to pork riders, no doubt but I specifically remember McCain opposing the GI bill that Obama was pushing for- McCain claimed troop numbers would drop due to service members leaving the military to get a free education and we couldn't afford this during a time of war. Well no sh#t...shouldn't they!

Nonetheless, he did what he thought was right in his service to our country- Trump got deferments and banged cleaning ladies.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 27, 2018 - 12:40pm PT
Yeah, no, Jody. Just trying to be respectful for a person who had a significant role in our country's history. Apparently, that's difficult for some people to do.

Aug 27, 2018 - 12:59pm PT

Aug 27, 2018 - 12:21pm PT
I appreciate that he has stopped being a RINO and can gtfo of the way.

Now if Ruth Ginsburg can hurry up, that'd be great.


Beta Sprayer at your Gym
Aug 27, 2018 - 01:16pm PT
They're only a fan of McCain because he's outspoken against Trump.

He was tried for treason in a military tribunal and was sentenced to death. He gets to keep his honor for his families sake. Dying the day after he stops meds for his brain tumor, sure...

Anyways, it was nice to see ISIS lowered their flags to half mast this week in honor of McCain.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 27, 2018 - 01:16pm PT

Aug 27, 2018 - 01:24pm PT
They're only a fan of McCain because he's outspoken against Trump.

Partly. And, that’s not a bad thing.

And partly because there’s a seemingly dying tradition of respecting political opponents who have character, such as McCain.

Grizzlyville, WY
Aug 27, 2018 - 01:27pm PT
He was tried for treason in a military tribunal and was sentenced to death.

Care to provide proof of this trial and verdict?

Aug 27, 2018 - 04:47pm PT
He was tried for treason in a military tribunal and was sentenced to death.

Care to provide proof of this trial and verdict?

Yes, please provide the source.

The Wastelands
Aug 27, 2018 - 05:12pm PT


Aug 27, 2018 - 03:40pm PT
You guys realize, I wonder, that this political bullshit is all supertopo is good for?
This is barely a climbing forum.
F*#k you guys.

you forgot to post a political lie and then say something proudly and obviously racist

you can do better, try again

Aug 27, 2018 - 07:21pm PT

Michaeld, I hope you too aren't joining the #ZippersAtHalfMast movement to salute John McCain now. Lets see a link or it's fake news.


Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 27, 2018 - 07:33pm PT
Yessiree, xcon, you can find any kind of opinion to support your views on the interwebz!

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Aug 27, 2018 - 07:42pm PT
It appears Michaeld is now working for the Russians, to divide our society, per this post. refutes his lie.

Did John McCain Admit He Was a ‘War Criminal’?
Rumors that the Arizona senator admitted that he was a 'war criminal' and that was he pardoned by President Nixon for his crimes are not true.

Those who promulgate the “pardon” aspect of McCain rumors never cite a single piece of evidence documenting that such a pardon was extended to McCain, save for occasional vague references to the notion that McCain was supposedly one of a group of 33 Vietnam-era POWs who were collectively granted pardons.

We contacted Professor of Political Science and Pardon Power Blog editor P.S. Ruckman, Jr. to ask whether there was any truth to the claim that John McCain had been pardoned by President Richard Nixon, who told us that his extensive review of data from multiple sources did not corroborate it:

Aug 27, 2018 - 07:46pm PT
while under duress from continuous beatings by his captors

There were no witnesses to that except McCain's own words.

McCain had all his POW records sealed forever by manipulating the legislative process.
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 27, 2018 - 07:51pm PT
You should replace that duck with a loon.

Aug 27, 2018 - 07:54pm PT
As for McCain refusing an early release, three different POW's have said that he was ordered to turn it down by his U.S. POW commander.

state of being
Aug 27, 2018 - 07:59pm PT
Lotta wild claims, but no links.


Aug 27, 2018 - 08:00pm PT
That's you are only a lazy nutcase politard ....

state of being
Aug 27, 2018 - 08:00pm PT
Is Veterans Today too embarrassing?

WB's kook site that thinks McCain was the devil.

Mountain climber
Karkoekstan, Former USSR
Aug 27, 2018 - 10:09pm PT
You are clueless on domestic and foreign politics

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 28, 2018 - 06:23am PT
Of course Donalds petty...McCain sank Don's battleship with his deciding vote on Obamacare..Trump was all set for a onslaught of tweets about how bitchen he was and then nothing....LMAO...Loser..I prefer presidents who can legislate...
Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 28, 2018 - 11:54am PT
John Lewis, Democrat, 8-25-18 "Senator John McCain was a warrior for peace. He will be deeply missed by people all around the world."

John Lewis, Democrat, October of 2008, compared McCain to George Wallace, and accused him of fostering an atmosphere of "hate and hostility" and said he was sowing seeds of "hate and hostility".

Apparently Jody's mind only works in black and white (like a lot of conservatives). Because a person disagrees with someone on one issue, then their later agreement on a separate issue makes them a hypocrite. I'd say that make them an intelligent grown up. He can't even understand that many people appreciate McCain because he was able to see past that simpleton's world view.

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Aug 28, 2018 - 03:27pm PT

"...And on the day of death and the following day for a member of Congress."

The President can, of course proclaim that he flags remain low for a greater period of time, and under pressure that is what he has done.

Should it have been at half staff for longer in McCain's honor? I'd say yes, but it does open a can of worms down the road. What do they do when Dianne Feinstein dies? Was she as great as McCain? How long the flag flies low for any given member of Congress will become a political issue.

They're treating this guy like he was President. A military procession, horse and caisson, the Navy Band, laying in State in the Capitol Rotunda.

McCain deserves recognition, but let's not forget that he was a hawk on foreign policy, fully supporting the invasion of Iraq. He didn't just go along with it like most of the sheep in Congress, he was outspoken, he led on the deal. He also brokered the deal which armed up the rebels in Syria who then took their new American made weapons and equipment south and started ISIS. They killed a lot of Kurds along the way too.
A Essex

Aug 28, 2018 - 04:28pm PT
the GOP is eating itself

and the Dems can't find themselves


Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Aug 28, 2018 - 04:55pm PT

Pretty much summarizes it.

Aug 28, 2018 - 05:28pm PT
And Americans are still st00pid as hell as far as what's really going on.

Continually brainwashed by their st00pid main loon media apparatus ....

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 28, 2018 - 06:21pm PT
xcon...check veterans today...probably an article about mcCain working for the NVA...

Ice climber
Aug 28, 2018 - 08:46pm PT
How low were the flags when Fischer died

Can we get an amen for a pardon

Accuses Soviets of collusion
Following his failure[211] in the 1962 Candidates, Fischer asserted, in an August 20, 1962 Sports Illustrated article, entitled "The Russians Have Fixed World Chess", that three of the five Soviet players (Tigran Petrosian, Paul Keres, and Efim Geller) had a prearranged agreement to quickly draw their games against each other in order to conserve their energy for playing against Fischer. It is generally thought that this accusation is correct.[212][213] Fischer stated that he would never again participate in a Candidates' tournament, since the format, combined with the alleged collusion, made it impossible for a non-Soviet player to win. Following Fischer's article, FIDE, in late 1962, voted to implement a radical reform of the playoff system, replacing the Candidates' tournament with a format of one-on-one knockout matches; the format that Fischer would dominate in 1971.[213][214]

San Diego
Aug 28, 2018 - 09:56pm PT
John McCain's father was an Admiral. John was offered early release for the propaganda gain by North Vietnam. He turned it down. How many people would do that from even all the tough climbers. He got his ass kicked and stored in a dark room for a long time. He survived. Toss in the carrier pilot part and the whole thing is harder than the biggest wall that any of you here have climbed. It is easy to find faults in people. It is much harder to admit to another's strengths when they make you feel smaller.I admire the survivor. His politic's were his. Mine are mine.

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 29, 2018 - 04:45am PT
McCain was a war mongerer.
John McCain felt freedom and democracy were worth fighting for across the globe, and he walked the walk before talking the talk. Disagree with his solution approach, but the idea that he “mongered” war for the sake of mongering? No.

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 29, 2018 - 06:02am PT
I think he was not a fan of authoritarians (Putin, Saddam, Mullahs, Burma leadership) and wannabe authoritarians (Trump).

Social climber
Southern Arizona
Aug 29, 2018 - 09:16am PT
Who could be a fan of politics?

My family was in it for two generations (27 years senator, 8 years alderman, 4 years VP of state women league of voters). Give some thought to what it takes to get elected and to keep getting elected. If a person can’t get elected, they can get very little done as an individual outside the system.

What political system for a large population works well?

No political system or participant is worth getting upset about.

As Dirty Harry said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.”

Get yourself into any real position of power and see how much you get to effect.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 29, 2018 - 09:24am PT
"McCain was a war mongerer."

I'd have much preferred having his judgement in the White House after the events of 9/11, that's for damn sure.

San Diego
Aug 29, 2018 - 11:44am PT
Like I said Robert L, his politics were his, and mine are mine. The reason you can't know what mine are is that I won't say. I remember a time when voting was a private matter. Now many people wear their party on their sleeve and demand others do as well. This is where the true social division starts. I am no lock-step robot for anything. Each day is new. Be friends with anyone. If over time they sling attitude at you or actually take a swing then it is time to move on, but not until then.

Gorgeous George

Trad climber
Los Angeles, California
Aug 29, 2018 - 05:39pm PT
Oh I can think of buku reasons for not liking McCain. His choice of running mates in 2008 is legend for boners.

But, he certainly realized late in life that the extreme right was trying to monopolize the Republican party, and he did not like it one bit. That was when his true colors began to fly.

He defended Obama when they accused him of being a foreign Muslim, and worked to find a reasonable resolution to the legal limbo in which 11 million (mostly Mexican) immigrants live every day, knowing the vast majority live and work honorably to the benefit of this country.

I looked up the word "integrity" in Websters, and found John McCain under definition. Enough said.

Ward Trotter

Trad climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 08:12pm PT
McCain was exceptionally stellar as a Navy fighter pilot and as a POW showed uncommon character and bravery.

As a politician he displayed none of those qualities.



Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 29, 2018 - 08:15pm PT
I recall reading McCain wasn't that skilled as a pilot and was wreckless...and that wasn't from a veterans today article...

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 29, 2018 - 08:16pm PT
Well, Ward, I'd say your view is argued strongly on every aspect you mention.

As someone mentioned upthread, god help the poor soul who chooses to get into politics, especially if they operate from a good moral compass. Every one of your constituents will tear apart your actions through their own lens and judge you accordingly.

Though I had clear disagreements with McCain at many points in his career, the overall fabric of the man rises above most public servants, especially in this vitriolic partisan political day and age.

RIP, indeed.

Ice climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 09:04pm PT
McCain was reckless

But probably not wreckless

I've read all this thread and I still don't feel comfortable rendering judgment on the man

I can say the same about Malcom X

And what about Harry Truman

If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.[89]

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 29, 2018 - 09:09pm PT
What about Random Coolzip...?

Ice climber
Aug 29, 2018 - 09:16pm PT
Him too

Papa John
Elon Musk
John Denver
Jesse James


O'Reilly, Cosby & Trump

Guilty as charged

And Sandusky

Don Paul

Social climber
Washington DC
Aug 30, 2018 - 06:47am PT
He must have had that brain cancer for decades. It's the only explanation.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Aug 30, 2018 - 08:39am PT
Zbrown....If you got em , grab em...

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Aug 30, 2018 - 09:34am PT
So tired of folks thinking that McCain was somehow responsible for the USS Forestal fire! Having served for 20 years in the military as an avionic technician on both F-4's and F-18's, I can tell you that he had nothing to do with the accidental firing of a Zuni rocket from an F-4, on the aft starboard side of the ship. McCain's aircraft was near the waist catapults and he was starting up his aircraft to prep for a weapons strike. Folks claim that he "wet started" his jet. This is caused when scheduling excessive fuel before windmilling the engine, which then ignites a large fireball out the tailpipe when ignition is started. F-4's were capable of this too. Having had a taxi/engine turn-up license myself, I played a few "wake up calls" as a prank to fellow techs and mechs. The fire ball only lasts for a second or two but is not continuous. My point in all this is that even if McCain did wet start his jet, it was no where near the F-4 that launched the Zuni rocket. Even if he was right in front of the F-4, it would take sustained high tempuratures to cook off a rocket. The Zuni was launched due to a voltage power surge when the ground power cart was used to power up the F-4. Back then, when weapons systems were less redundant and didn't require conditional electrical discretes, it only took 28vdc to launch this simple unguided rocket. Even an ungrounded aircraft can build electrostatic discharge, which might have been a factor (my added opinion, not a founded fact if the jet was grounded or not).

Rest in peace, John McCain!

Fat Dad

Trad climber
Los Angeles, CA
Aug 30, 2018 - 02:14pm PT
mooch, thank you for your informative post. You always hear lots of opinion on that subject, but never from someone who actually appears to know what they're talking about.

Boulder climber
State college
Aug 30, 2018 - 02:23pm PT
I can't believe anyone ever thought it was possible he could have caused it.
Gnome Ofthe Diabase

Out Of Bed
Aug 30, 2018 - 03:49pm PT
lf he had returned from the suffering & seen the light, joined John Kerry in the fight to stop the carnage.
if he had stood up for stopping bombing, stopping drafting stopping clandestine interference in other countries ,
If he had put out some energy to effect peace
and the better-ment of all people across all socioeconomic levels

And if he had championed the idea that all the military industrial complex was
full of other half baked ideas meant to engage this country in wars without end.

he did none of those things, nothing until it was to late . . .

there is a list as long as his career of his mistakes.
 right turns made knowing that the harm was greater not lesser -

stooge re,puke-lican,
& maybe the worst? I might have voted for him if he had picked a nutral to farther left leaning running mate
 looked silly once he picked that women' whats her name?

Tits with a pig? Titswatapig? from Wassila?I can see Russia from my...

that was the actual start of the zipper that is now pulled down exposing our rump,
the start of electing idiots? No,
(Ronnie Ray-Gun was proof it could be done)

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Aug 30, 2018 - 05:30pm PT
I can't believe anyone ever thought it was possible he could have caused it.

This vomit spewing zygote reject thought so! Hoss The Turd Burglar felched all of his "facts" from one of his Broke Sack Mtn boys, that wasn't even there or knew anything about conditions that would cause this terrible accident. Making up shite like this pisses me off!

[Click to View YouTube Video]


Boulder climber
State college
Aug 30, 2018 - 06:21pm PT
The fact that the first two bombs that cooked off had to sit right there in pools of burning jet fuel for over a minute each tells you all you need to know about whether a zuni could cook off with a momentary exposure to a cloud of burning fuel. Which never happened in the first place.

Mouth breathing morons...
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Aug 30, 2018 - 08:19pm PT
The fact that the first two bombs that cooked off...

It helps that the bombs have a coating on them.

We had a big fire on the Shitty Kitty in '87, under the starboard catwalk next to the island. That's where they staged all of the rockets and bombs on deck. The fire filled the entire ship with smoke.

There was a giant wall of flames coming up through the steel mesh of the catwalk, cooking all the 500-pounders, Phoenix missiles, etc. The flames were 20 feet over our heads.

We manned fire hoses and sprayed the ordnance, while the red shirts ran into the flames to haul the carts of bombs and missles out of the flames.

I was really surprised that nothing cooked off, despite that giant wall of fire. Military life would really suck if missles and bombs cooked off right away with just a bit of flame.


Aug 31, 2018 - 07:59am PT
Hires paid mercenaries to slaughter civilians.

Causes undo deaths and suffering to millions.

Uses people and then throws them away like a used banana peel into the garbage.

Your puppet so-called American hero by you st00pid brainwashed fools.

Do not respond, don't want to hear your st00pid lame excuses .....

Social climber
Desolation Basin, Calif.
Aug 31, 2018 - 08:18am PT
St00pid American WBraun makes a good point. Listening to NPR I expect the Pope to declare him a saint any day now.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Aug 31, 2018 - 09:40am PT

Boulder climber
Sep 1, 2018 - 07:23am PT
Seeing all the establishment types brought
together who've had epic battles , aside from a humble observance, may well have been designed with alternate intentions. Let's hope those intentions bear fruit.

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Sep 1, 2018 - 08:29am PT

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2018 - 09:16am PT
Meghan McCain rebukes Trump in emotional tribute to her father
Sen. John McCain's daughter mourns 'the passing of American greatness' at National Cathedral service marking the Arizonan's extraordinary life.

By NOLAN D. MCCASKILL 09/01/2018 10:32 AM EDT Updated 09/01/2018 11:14 AM EDT

An emotional Meghan McCain kicked off a series of tributes Saturday to the late Sen. John McCain, remembering the Arizona Republican as, more than anything, a loving father and everything President Donald Trump is not.

“I am here before you today saying the words I have never wanted to say giving the speech I have never wanted to give, feeling the loss I have never wanted to feel,” she began, sniffling before speaking her next words. “My father is gone.”

Meghan McCain acknowledged the many titles that have preceded her father’s name: Navy sailor, aviator, prisoner of war, war hero, congressman, senator and Republican presidential nominee.

“These are all of the titles and roles of a life that’s been well lived,” she said. But they pale in comparison to his role as a father.

Meghan McCain also issued an extraordinary rebuke of the president, who was not invited to any ceremonies commemorating John McCain this week.

“We gather to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice, those that live lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,” she said.

Without making any mention of the president directly, she contrasted Trump’s America with that of her father’s. John McCain’s America, she said, is welcoming, it meets its responsibilities and speaks quietly because it’s strong.

McCain’s America, she continued, “does not boast because she has no need to. The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”

The line drew sustained applause from within the cathedral, including from many service members in uniform.

John McCain’s casket arrived at the Washington National Cathedral on Saturday morning, where family, friends, current and former government officials and international leaders will pay tribute to the Arizona Republican before he is laid to rest on Sunday.

McCain’s widow, Cindy, laid a wreath earlier Saturday at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for her husband, who was captured and held as a prisoner of war.

Saturday’s service is the most high-profile event of a week-long series commemorating McCain’s storied life. McCain later served his country in the House and Senate and twice ran for president.

The senator lay in state in the Arizona Capitol on Wednesday and the U.S. Capitol on Friday. A memorial service was held in between at the North Phoenix Baptist Church on Thursday, featuring tributes from former Vice President Joe Biden and Arizona Cardinals wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald.

Saturday’s memorial service at the National Cathedral will feature tributes from the two men who ended his 2000 and 2008 White House bids, former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) will also deliver tributes.

Power players from both parties, including former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Vice Presidents Al Gore and Dick Cheney were also in attendance.

Trump, who was not invited to any of McCain’s farewell events, spent his morning at the White House.

McCain discontinued treatment from brain cancer last Friday and died last Saturday. He was 81.

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Sep 1, 2018 - 09:25am PT
apogee, good to see you around. 👍

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2018 - 09:35am PT
A nice eulogy from former President George W. Bush:

[Click to View YouTube Video]

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Topic Author's Reply - Sep 1, 2018 - 01:39pm PT
What We Can Learn about Partisanship from John McCain
August 31, 2018 5:09 PM

By refusing to let politics dictate who his friends were, McCain set a powerful example we’d all do well to follow.
At a memorial service for John McCain in Phoenix on Thursday, former vice president Joe Biden spoke about McCain’s willingness to reach across party lines during his time as a senator:

During the long debates in the ’80s and ’90s, I would go sit next to John, next to his seat or he would come on the Democratic side and sit next to me. I’m not joking. We’d sit there and talk to each other. I can remember the day when I came out to see John, we were reminiscing around it. It was ’96, about to go to the caucus. We both went into our caucus and co-incidentally, we were approached by our caucus leaders with the same thing. Joe, it doesn’t look good, you sitting next to John all the time. I swear to god. Same thing was said to John in your caucus.

John McCain, of course, wouldn’t have cared about this. If he wanted to be friends with Joe Biden, he was going to be friends with Joe Biden. He certainly wouldn’t let a thing like partisanship get in the way of a friendship that he considered to be important to him. Unlike far too many people these days, McCain was able to put principle over party. He didn’t discount Democrats just for being Democrats; he evaluated every person and every issue independently.

McCain was willing to befriend Democrats even though they were Democrats, and as a proud Republican, he was also not afraid to criticize members of his own party. Far too many people seem unable or unwilling to follow his example in this regard. For example: When President Trump made those comments about the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville last year — saying there were “some very fine people on both sides,” even though one of those sides was a group of white nationalists — many Republicans hesitated to speak out against him. But not John McCain:

John McCain
There's no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate& bigotry. The President of the United States should say so

These days, it seems as though far too many people on both sides of the aisle decide there opinions about any given issue based solely on partisanship. Think about it: We have supposedly socially conservative Republicans — people who decried Bill Clinton’s infidelities in the ’90s, arguing that they made him unfit for office — now strongly supporting Trump in spite of his extramarital affairs. On the flip side, we have supposedly socially liberal Democrats — people who had defended Clinton, saying that what happens in a man’s sex life is his own business and should not impact his presidency — now saying that Trump’s affairs are grounds for impeachment. There is no consistency, there is no logic, there are no values; there is only partisanship.

What’s more, it’s not as if people are sticking to their partisanship politely. As I wrote in a column after I had water thrown on me in a targeted attack before a speaking appearance last summer, it is now “all about ramped-up, hyper-partisan rhetoric, where you’re either on one side or the other, and must see the people on the other side as if they’re not ‘people’ at all. It’s all about either unconditionally hating or unconditionally supporting your side.”

If you’re a Republican, you’re supposed to unquestionably defend all Republicans — and, of course, to despise all Democrats. If you’re a conservative, and you happen to disagree with Trump on anything at all, you’re not just a person who disagrees, you’re a piece of cuckservative, traitorous trash. If you’re a Democrat, and you happen to agree with something that Trump said or did, you’re not just a person who agrees, you’re an evil, misogynistic racist. This approach to politics is not only infantile but damaging to our republic, because it prevents people from having to think critically about the important issues that affect us the most. Without the ability to think critically, or to have the kinds of open, respectful discussions that many complex issues deserve, we can never hope to find the best solutions to any of the problems that our country faces. (emphasis added)

And John McCain refused to subscribe to this kind of childish, simplistic thinking. He was his own man with his own values. Some people hated him, and wrote things about him that are too nasty for me to repeat here, simply because he happened to disagree with President Trump. But he would never have done the same in their shoes, as Biden pointed out so beautifully. He would never have discounted someone’s humanity over a political disagreement.

Although I only had the honor of spending time with McCain on a few occasions, I can say for a fact that he was always very kind to me . . . and this despite our own huge political differences. (I’m a libertarian dove, and he was the most hawkish of hawks.) We had great conversations, and a mutual respect. Most people can’t get along with their political opponents these days, but John McCain could. We should all be grateful for his example, and strive to live by it.

Sport climber
Sep 1, 2018 - 01:45pm PT


[Click to View YouTube Video]

...childish, simplistic and confused thinking, to speak the truth...

Confirmation bias to such a degree that it is tragicomedy...

Social climber
Lida Junction
Sep 1, 2018 - 07:40pm PT
I certainly was not a Bush fan, but thought he have a respectable eulogy.

Sport climber
Sep 2, 2018 - 01:00pm PT

Thanks, xCon, those words of truth were needed...
Sierra Ledge Rat

Mountain climber
Old and Broken Down in Appalachia
Sep 2, 2018 - 01:29pm PT
What ever respect McCain earned through his military service was squandered in spades by his service to the Republican Party.

I shed no tears for this fellow veteran.

Sport climber
Sands Motel , Las Vegas
Sep 2, 2018 - 04:45pm PT
McCain was good bowler.....many strikes....

Mountain climber
Sep 4, 2018 - 07:37am PT
I am not sure whether this tweet was already shared here.

Condolences to the family of John McCain.
Condolences also to the families of thousands of American soldiers, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, Syrians, Palestinians & others who might be alive today were it not for the votes, & actions, of John McCain.

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Sep 4, 2018 - 07:47am PT

Boulder climber
State college
Sep 4, 2018 - 09:13am PT
Condolences also to the families of thousands of American soldiers, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, Syrians, Palestinians & others who might be alive today were it not for the votes, & actions, of John McCain.

Ever ponder on the tens of thousands who might be alive thanks to the votes, & actions, of John McCain? The Kurds probably appreciated his point of view.

You can't be a leader at the top level and not have thousands live or die based on your decisions. It is how our world works. Look the other way while the Myanmar leaders, NORKs, or Rwandans kill hundreds of thousands of their own? Intervene, resulting in deaths?

Just know that folks like Saddam Hussein, Dear Leader, Putin, the Myanmar leadership, and many, many others depend on and align their near-term goals with people that make your same argument, not to intervene. Look the other way.

Mountain climber
Sep 4, 2018 - 10:41am PT
Just know that folks like Saddam Hussein, Dear Leader, Putin, the Myanmar leadership, and many, many others depend on and align their near-term goals with people that make your same argument, not to intervene. Look the other way.
nafod, you memorized neocon/neoliberal slogans very well.

At the same time I am not sure whether you have noticed that after US interference more people were killed each year as compared to a time when Saddam, Assad, Gaddafi etc. ruled.
I understand that you are not comfortable discussing outcome of US interference and prefer looking the other way.

Boulder climber
State college
Sep 4, 2018 - 10:46am PT
Yury, a million dead Rwandans appreciate your non-interventionism.

Sport climber
Sep 4, 2018 - 12:14pm PT

To get the whole picture of McCain, to appreciate the whole man as he was, the "grace under pressure" point must be seen in connection with the following documentation showing McCain as presidential candidate:

I don't remember much about the grace of his candidate for the wise presidency, but I believe the picture was complex...

Trad climber
Sep 4, 2018 - 12:29pm PT
Good post xcon. Most of the recent McCain adoration was based primarily on his adversarial relationship with Trump. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Many of the same people singing his praises were eviscerating him back in '08.

As far as allowing a grace period before trashing him, I say bullsh*t! His wishes were to exclude the POTUS, his '08 running mate and several of his '08 campaign staff from his funeral. You're unwelcome! In doing so, he made his passing a political weapon. People gush about his character and dignity. Bullsh*t.

The exploitation of his death is just another sign of the times. It ain't pretty.
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