What!? Barbie with Ice Tool - In Tank Top and Skinny Jeans!?


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Santa Tierra

Mountain climber
Northirdge, CA
Topic Author's Original Post - Feb 24, 2018 - 10:51pm PT
Here's the Tomb Raider Barbie Doll - 'For the Adult Collector.' Accessories-'Climbing Ax and journal.'

https://barbie.mattel.com/shop/en-us/ba/pop-culture-dolls/tomb-raider-barbie-doll-fjh53[/url" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://https://barbie.mattel.com/shop/en-us/ba/pop-culture-dolls/tomb-raider-barbie-doll-fjh53[/url]

Seriously, I think this just perpetuates the ditzy woman myth. No Bueno!! At least put a parka and ski pants on her and put her on an icy cliff to show how that ice tool is really used already!! Sheesh!!

Jim Henson's Basement
Feb 25, 2018 - 06:42am PT
I dunno- I kind of disagree. She's not wearing a pink dress and her breasts are in realistic proportion.

Ken is obviously cowering in the corridor somewheres and only pussies need a parka to raid a tomb.

Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 07:31am PT
I think she's just so f*#king tough she doesn't get cold in -40 degrees. . . or she uses the ice tool for it's more fun use. . . to kill zombies.
karabin museum

Trad climber
phoenix, az
Feb 25, 2018 - 07:43am PT

Climbing coatless in the freezing cold in the movie Cliffhanger didn't stop Sylvester Stallone, so it ain't gonna stop Tomb Raider Barbie either!

The climbing Barbie has more fun!


Jim Henson's Basement
Feb 25, 2018 - 07:46am PT
Is that ^^^^part of the Karrabin Museum? Pretty awesome if it is lol.


Trad climber
Santa Cruz, California
Feb 25, 2018 - 07:55am PT

That is cool, when is the "Free El Cap Barbie" coming out?
karabin museum

Trad climber
phoenix, az
Feb 25, 2018 - 08:12am PT

Next time I am with my grown up sons, I am going to force them to go with me to buy a Tomb Raider Barbie!


Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:06am PT
I have another theory: Maybe mattel is just trying to convince girls that there is a certain look they should be going for if they want guys to find them attractive, which all of their value is based upon.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:08am PT
^^^^ Yup, looks to me like they’re sayin’ it’s cool to be brunette.

Feb 25, 2018 - 09:19am PT
She punches holes in herself and she keeps on climbing? She's a real ice climber, I guess. Is there a model with only one eye?
Steve Grossman

Trad climber
Seattle, WA
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:30am PT
There will be an Ice Hockey Barbie soon enough with removable front tooth so you just need to switch outfits.

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:58am PT
I wonder if Mattel paid DMM for the privilege of copying the Rebel ice tool. It looks to be an exact copy.

I've climbed on the Rebels, and can tell you that they are absolutely terrible.


Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 10:22am PT
They may be terrible at ice climbing. . . but what about slicing into a zombies skull?

Ice climber
hartford, ct
Feb 25, 2018 - 11:23am PT
Using those tools she would be "Swollen Knuckles Barbie"

Social climber
Choss Creek, ID
Feb 25, 2018 - 11:29am PT
I never much appreciated Barbie, until Heidi dragged me to a toy museum in Munich last fall.

Now I'm a fan.

Jon Beck

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 11:31am PT
I wonder if Mattel paid DMM for the privilege of copying the Rebel ice tool.

Product placement, DMM should be paying Mattel. Millions of adolescent girls are clamoring for DMM ice axes now.

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 03:03pm PT

Poor Barbie - No wonder she's out raiding tombs, with "Man Bun Ken" as her beaux. I happen to like man buns, but why couldn't they at least make his hair "hair," like they do with Barbie's?

Big Wall climber
Denver, CO
Feb 25, 2018 - 04:02pm PT
"Man Bun Ken"

Metro Man Bun Ken, as ze.

Hamilton, MT
Feb 25, 2018 - 04:26pm PT
Barbie is clearly dressed for summer alpine rock in the cascades and just bringing a single tech tool incase she needs to self arrest on the glacier on the descent or place a piton on route.

Matel designers are probably reading this thread saying "Do these people expect barbie to free climb 5.11 with a 75 cm alpenstock??? Plus she's into #vanlife now and doesn't have room for redundant gear in the vintage VW syncro she lives in."

Social climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 04:36pm PT
hey there say, ... oh my...

say, i wonder if they have a crag-dog...
and some 'helpful rules' for climbing barbie, to know when to bring it...


will puppy get a safety helmet, ;)

(awww, had to add this, as-- i always loved it when dogs included
the ol' pup-dog, or, horse... it seems it took years, before
they ever added pet cats, though... )

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 04:44pm PT
Man Bun Ken needs his MacBook accessory and his lifetime Starbucks card and maybe a bouldering pad.

Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 05:16pm PT
Supertopo Ken & Barbie need a garage full of climbing gear they use a couple times per year, a laptop and couch they are on 16 hours a day.

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 07:35pm PT
No one snapped at your troll of your kink for man buns.. pity

Maybe because any man buns on the heads of the ST crowd would require a more elaborate combover that Trumps pompadour!

As for it being a kink....I would say it's more of a cougar-y thing....


Big Wall climber
Bitter end of a bad anchor
Feb 25, 2018 - 08:08pm PT
Dry-tooling Barbie?

Maybe got the right leg injury after a cramponless figure 4 went bad with the other tool?
Santa Tierra

Mountain climber
Northirdge, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Feb 25, 2018 - 08:26pm PT
This is just hilarious!! Who knew Barbie and Ken led such an adventurous life?

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 08:53pm PT
Au contraire! A messy manbun on a 20-something cutie with thick hair and a sparkle in his eye...yummmmm

Coifed man bun, not so much. Thin-haired or greasy manbun...not at all.

Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 08:59pm PT
Just saw Black Panther and there was a Lara Croft preview and it shows her using the ice axe to kill a guy and to do some silly Vertical Limit-jump across a canyon self arrest...all in the desert...

Gym climber
Bend Or
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:02pm PT

Trad climber
Feb 25, 2018 - 09:07pm PT

But you'd see "through" that one out in the wild.....

Feb 26, 2018 - 12:05am PT
After seeing that, I'd like to see Trump go for the orange cream Dairy Queen swirl look.

Trad climber
Tribal Base Camp (Riverkern Annex)
Feb 26, 2018 - 11:46am PT
^^^^^ *mike drop*

Feb 26, 2018 - 12:26pm PT
Definitely time for a feminist Barbie, and a HeForShe Ken.

Barbie gets the muscles and the tool, Ken gets the bun, and the man purse

LMAO ......Hahahaha way too funny .....
Toker Villain

Big Wall climber
Toquerville, Utah
Feb 26, 2018 - 12:29pm PT
How about a "conspiracy theory" Barbie with oversized eyes and ears.

Trad climber
Feb 26, 2018 - 12:30pm PT
^ Or manpris....

Another thing I am in favor of.
August West

Trad climber
Where the wind blows strange
Feb 26, 2018 - 12:52pm PT
Seriously, I think this just perpetuates the ditzy woman myth. No Bueno!! At least put a parka and ski pants on her and put her on an icy cliff to show how that ice tool is really used already!! Sheesh!!

I've played Tomb Raider. That ain't merely an "ice ax".

It is a full fledged, mean, rock ax.

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