Interview with Dean "Bullwinkle" Fidelman


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chris v

Topic Author's Original Post - Oct 31, 2013 - 04:55pm PT
I did an interview with Dean "Bullwinkle" Fidelman. Link below.

Hope you like it.


Trad climber
Fresno CA
Oct 31, 2013 - 04:58pm PT
Thanks, Chris. I met Bullwinkle about the same time I met the Warbler, and they were very kind to me in the early 1970's, even though I was nowhere near the peer in climbing ability.

Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Oct 31, 2013 - 05:06pm PT
Interesting "format" for the interview. I like the content but was that a draft or some disjointed Q and A session in the third person? Maybe I'm just confused.

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Oct 31, 2013 - 05:43pm PT

The young artist....

Good to see.
Lynne Leichtfuss

Sport climber
moving thru
Nov 3, 2013 - 11:38pm PT
I always enjoy reading about the individuals that make up our campfire. Fun to find out more about Dean, his life and life goals.

The author mentions Dean's nickname "Bullwinkle" being derived from his afro hair do sticking out on both sides of his head like antlers.

Anyone got a pic of this?

Good luck on all your projects, Dean. Cheers! Lynne L.

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Nov 4, 2013 - 01:39am PT
Cool to learn about the guy I've seen so many times around the lodge. Never met him, but always thought his pictures were cool, and his lifestyle even cooler. Thanks for the article, but please edit your work, it has so many typos and errors that it is hard to take seriously.
If you are going to be a pro writer, your stuff has to be professional.

Nov 4, 2013 - 09:49am PT
Agree with Russ.

Strange format. Who's "I"?

And come on, don't be a tease...Show us the photo of yourself.

Nov 4, 2013 - 11:17am PT
not really an interview in the ordinary sense
The Larry

Moab, UT
Nov 4, 2013 - 12:18pm PT
Nice Job Chris.

Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Nov 4, 2013 - 01:06pm PT
Maybe I'm just confused.

Lots of "I's". Other than that, I enjoyed it.
Picky, picky, picky. It figures that these two doods would have something negative to say. lol

He's earned accolades for his work from none other than Bruce Weber! Do you even know who Bruce Weber is?

So, shut up, already!! sheesh

Eventually I hope they will be in museums.
No doubt they eventually will.

Although, most great art doesn't end up in a museum until after the artist is long gone (croaks). So, give it some time, eh? ;)
Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Nov 4, 2013 - 02:20pm PT
Hey Splitter....

not sure what is up your a*# and dying at the moment... Maybe your Rollins crush is spilling over to this thread?

But the dude is writing for an audience. It is an interview which means someone asks questions and the other guy answers. Simple and easy to understand. Remember the audience part. I and others are part of that audience and it read like sh#t and was hard to understand. End of story. Not "picky" just pointing out the thing read like crap.

Edit: yeah, Bruce Weber.... the dude that invented the BBQ. BFD.

Gym climber
Nov 4, 2013 - 03:45pm PT
I sort of liked the format--it was a bit "artsy," but I think that was the point. Maybe.
I saw it as a bit of intentional change from a standard question/answer format that reads like a deposition transcript.

Trad climber
Nov 4, 2013 - 04:28pm PT
I also was a little confused about which words were NOT those from Bullwinkle. But it was still nice to read and learn a little bit.

Off tangent: I have a friend, Breon, who was also helped greatly by Bruce Weber. He (my friend) was the manager of care for the Weber dogs, and also a dog trainer. When Bree began writing a book on it, he asked Mr. Weber if he could use a few of his images. Weber gave him a few to choose from, but made a suggestion that ended up making the book very special. He said "Why not contact a bunch of pro photographers, and ask if you can use some of their iconic dog shots?

Which, Bree did, and the result was "Philosophy Dog: The Art of Living with Man's Best Friend." Weber Dogs/Weber image on the cover.

That such a busy person and Bruce Weber makes time in his life to support and inspire others is pretty cool.


Nov 4, 2013 - 04:40pm PT
i looked up Bruce Weber and up came a bunch of shots of naked men...soooo, um, maybe Russ is onto something, nttiawwt

Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Nov 4, 2013 - 04:46pm PT
OK, I must admit, it was a little 'confusing' at first. Actually, what you & a few others said was what I would consider 'constructive criticism', valued and well reasoned opinions about another persons work.

And as far as Rollins goes, he's cute, but I never could get it up over him for some reason or other (NTTIAWWT). And Danzig, well, I wouldn't mind hanging out with him if his harem (all those groupie chicks in his 'Mother' vid) is still intact and tagging along with him.

And as far as BW goes, he's shot more rolls of b&w (and chrome) of top fashion models & nakit babes than any shooter on the planet. Talk about harems. A lot of it has ended up in museums, and the dude ain't even dead yet. I spent around 10+ years of my life (including film school) totally engrossed in becoming the next BW, or whomever. Shot a lot of the new prospects for all the top LA agencies, bitd! Elite, Ford, LA Models, etc! Many of my shots were front and center on their cards, and in a few cases, were what got them on their way to the big show. Like everything else, I managed to f*#k the gig up somehow, the business end of it anyway. Never really got there, but was well on my way.


Point is, I have a lot of respect for BW, Bullwinkle, and anyone else who has gotten anywhere close to where they are. They are big f*#king deals (in a positive connotation) imho! As far as that cats writing goes, I can't write for chit, therefore can't complain. so...wudeVah!

Oh yeah, as far as hair up my ass goes, if that was the case, believe me, I could do some real damage. But i would probably end up in Cozville before you could fart and smell it. Got booted off this forum once already, no big deal as far as I'm concerned. IMO, place is full of suck holes, I just ain't one of them. I try to keep it somewhat real (except for my jokes, evidently), say it like it is. I guess I would be labeled the opposite of a suck hole (dunno). Don't kiss anyone's ass, let alone suck on it. I guess its my Cape Briton/Scottish upbringing.

But I do have the utmost respect for many of the peeps on this forum. But I simply try and treat everyone the same, regardless of where they been, currently are, or where they're headed. BTW, I figured you didn't take yourself all that seriously, were somewhat self effacing, could take it as well as shovel it out and fairly bullet resistant. Traits that I tend to admire. Perhaps I was wrong. But then, I sure did get my cousin pissed off, someone I have the utmost respect for. She's a RN/Nurse Practitioner here in San Diego. So, once again I humbly apologize, Kemosabe!

*Idol worship hierarchy: Brown Nose > Kiss Ass > Suck Hole.*
The Larry

Moab, UT
Nov 4, 2013 - 05:03pm PT
Man, I was really expecting that cousin story to go in a different direction.
Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Nov 4, 2013 - 05:11pm PT
Splitter, here is the point/s that you are missing:

The writing sucked. End of story. It was not a knock on Bullwinkle at all, and in fact my comments have zero to do with Bullwinkle. It could have been anyone and about any subject.

I criticized the article/method, not the person. You came in and personally attacked two people for no real reason, except that it now seems you have a boner for Weber too. That seems to have translated over to Bullwinkle and his work, which had ZERO to do with my or Lockers point about the interview FORMAT.

Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Nov 4, 2013 - 05:50pm PT
You come in and attack two people.
I said I was joking. And I did say that I considered what you said as being, for the most part, "Constructive criticism. Valued and well reasoned opinions about another persons work." I was just BS about you and Locker. You were just giving your opinion, nothing wrong with that. I agreed to some extent. Like I said, I saw the opportunity to pull your leg a little. I thought it was obvious and also funny.
the albatross

Gym climber
Nov 4, 2013 - 06:02pm PT
That's the most unusual interview format I have ever read. I couldn't tell who was asking or answering questions so I stopped reading it.
Anyway, it is nice that man seems to have found a passion in which he loves.
Russ Walling

Social climber
from Poofters Froth, Wyoming
Nov 4, 2013 - 06:12pm PT
hahaha! It all makes sense now: Hi again ThaDood / Splitter

I'm out. Past history shows this will go nowhere and just waste a lot of time.

can't say

Social climber
Pasadena CA
Nov 4, 2013 - 07:03pm PT
I'm a patron of "The Dean"

Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Nov 4, 2013 - 07:04pm PT
Locker - Have YOU heard of ANY of THEM???...

I spent more time, processing, developing, proofing and printing, etc, b&w film than a black widow spider spends in some dark place their whole life. I still have a 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10 cameras and enough large format glass to sink a ship. Which calculates into what was more of a first love; landscape photography. Worked for pro commercial photographers, primarily in their dark room, along with everything else for several years. I also liked shooting people, which lead to fashion photography. What do you think we focused on the first 2-3 years of film school...b&w! Whose work do you think we studied and attempted to emulate until they were coming out of our ears?

Okay, this is my last post on this thread. Already took up way to much space (talk about getting off topic). Plus, I don't wanna pass the point of no return on the way to CozVille.

Trad climber
San Jose, CA
Nov 4, 2013 - 08:38pm PT
Damn splitter your posts are really long. Does anyone read them?

Trad climber
SoCal Hodad, surfing the galactic plane
Nov 5, 2013 - 02:39am PT
Damn Splitter your posts are really long...
Point noted. I will make an attempt to keep this post concise and to the point. But it's not something that I'm adept at, so whatever.

My beef is this...

We live in an age in which access to the world, and the whole worlds access to us, is just a fingertip away. All someone, great or unknown, needs to do is google their name into one of the search engines, or someone who knows them to google their name or stumble upon this spot and vuala, there it is. For instance, a while back I mentioned the name of a surf spot that I use to frequent on the surfing thread here on ST. A month or so later, I googled in the name on one of the search engines and it, the ST thread and my post, immediately popped up on top.

I've been posting for around 5 years and lurking for a few years before that. All the BS, slander, innuendos and downright lies posted about people that some here don't have a clue about has been an everyday occurrence (case in point/the Rollins thread). Who knows how much damage has been done at other peoples expense. Most of it total bull sh#t. And rumors spread like wildfire. I wonder just how many it would take to push someone over the edge?

As far as "chris v" and his article is concerned, he has been sharing stuff here on ST without much benefit and primarily for our enjoyment for going on ten years. He's an accomplished and gifted writer. The first half of the article, imho, was very well written. I was initially confused by the first few questions, highlighted areas of the interview, But it became fairly clear after that. He took a chance, backfired a little, probably will either refine it or shitcan that particular technique in the future.

I suspect, all in all, he did Dean a great service with the expsure and free publicity he allotted him through the article. What does he get in return from one of DF's friends (i guess he is, don't really know) a blunt, "it read like sh#t and was hard to understand. End of read like crap."

The "interview" and highlighting was initially rather "confusing" but became clear to me that DF was being quoted. Plus, I noticed two minor topos (may have been more) big deal. Maybe an editor typed or over looked them. He has written excellent stuff about the climbing world for years. Yet he gets an, "If your going to be a pro writer, your stuff needs to be professional." as if this is all he has ever written over the last decade or more.

It's not a knock on Bullwinkle at all.
Not directly it wasn't. That was not what I was insinuating. But you knocked someone that wrote a very complimenting book review of his Stone Nudes book, and photography in general. Someone who Dean said himself in the article we are discussing hear, that he "admires" and for very good reasons, I might add. What do you have to say about him, "BFD", etc! What if Bruce Weber stumbles upon this thread. He might have second thoughts about ever supporting Deans career and road to some eventual museum, additional work or whatever. BW is a world renown artist. Bullwinkle isn't, and frankly, at this point in his life, can use all the "accolades" from famous artist that he can get. You dissing someone like Bruce Weber on a forum open to the general public isn't exactly doing Dean "Bullwinkle" Fidelman a favor, imo!!

I could say much more, both pro and con, but like Karodrinker said, "Does anyone read them?" so why bother...!

edit: btw, a little respect can go a long ways. On the other hand, trashing someone with a lot of pull, can do a lot of damage. Regardless of who a person is, most peeps deserve a modicum of respect. Could make a significant and positive diference in this FU world we attempt to exist in. ...just sayin!
john bald

Nov 5, 2013 - 08:35am PT
Much respect for Dean. A young man who took his dream and ran with it!
As for the interviewer, ???

Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Apr 25, 2014 - 10:26am PT
john bald


Nov 5, 2013 - 05:35am PT
Much respect for Dean. A young man who took his dream and ran with it!

Bump for Bullwinkle.....

John so true.... Dean is one of the few people I have ever known who lives his life on his own terms. He isn't out for $$$$$ success.
Peter Haan

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, CA
Apr 25, 2014 - 10:55am PT

That is a fun shot upthread of young Bullwinkle Fidelman after some restoration.

I think the interview might not have even been edited; it is kind of rough and has some errors and could have been quite a bit more cogent. Chris Van Leuven is a terrific writer; I am a fan. But this piece from last year is not worthy of Bullwinkle nor Chris. I never read Mtn Gazette so I don't know where the pr
Fish Finder

Social climber
Apr 25, 2014 - 11:23am PT
here , here Hank

thanks for the behind the scenes shot

Chris is talented and I have seen him hone his skills since I met him in the mid 90s

he is dedicated and a hard worker at his craft

You will be seeing lots of his works published in the future

although the pattern in this particular interview is a bit off

its not that hard to gain some insight into the life of DF

See you in Yosemite CV


Social climber
Moorpark, CA.
Apr 25, 2014 - 11:38am PT
Peter, Thanks for fixxin that old slide.

I think Dean was about 17 at the time.


Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Apr 25, 2014 - 11:48am PT
Now I see where the whole beanie thang started - straight outta Compton?

Social climber
Los Angeles currently St. Antonin, France
Apr 25, 2014 - 12:26pm PT
Dean is legit, and a super cool guy to boot. Allez Bullwinkle!!!

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Nov 25, 2014 - 08:10pm PT
I privately wanted to see him climb in the gnude..

Social climber
The island of Tristan da Cunha
Nov 25, 2014 - 10:59pm PT
'Fidelman Climbed Well'

I saw Dean eat some lettuce,
I saw him climb do tell,
I saw him cling the mountain halls of 'King Valhalla' well,

I think I saw Dean climb,
He clung and he clung swell,
He rarely dropped his camera and clung it as he fell,

I think I saw him smile,
And heard him with his wit,
He took another photograph and never did he quit,

I saw him when he clung,
When he was very young,
He chose to view the world apart and gave to us his art.

I saw him when he climbed,
I heard the shutter click.

Ed Hartouni

Trad climber
Livermore, CA
Jul 22, 2018 - 11:34am PT
topical bump
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