Looking 4 My Dad


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Social climber
My Inner Nut
May 27, 2008 - 01:08pm PT
Really a wonderful story with the best possible outcome!

Hope your spirits reconnect happily.

Beatrix Kiddo

Mountain climber
May 27, 2008 - 02:31pm PT
Isn't the climbing community a great thing? Through it people share great adventures, explore amazing places, meet wonderful new friends, find love, lost dogs and even lost parents. I'm happy you located your father. This has been a fun thread to follow.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
May 27, 2008 - 02:51pm PT
Jennie, I'm glad you've located your dad. It must be awesome to get in touch with him. Cheers!
Bart Fay

Social climber
Redlands, CA
May 27, 2008 - 03:08pm PT
Please post up a reconnection picture when one is available.

Trad climber
Placerville, California
May 27, 2008 - 03:12pm PT
im a new dad (4 years into the journey). i climb very little. i work a lot. i play dolls a lot with my two girls. i climb very little. i am evolving toward selflessness and its a bitche of a journey. running away seems inviting at times. running back to selfishness. but i hold my ground and love my daughters more and more with time.

i'd like to climb and travel more. i'd like to eliminate most of the structure in my life that binds me. but the family necessitates some level of structure. which gets in the way of my cavortings. but it has become less about me and mostly about my family for now.

that's a hard reality to wake up to each day. and a wonderful reality. i can empathize with a run away dad though.

i mean, i can see how someone would lack the sack to postpone his agenda / goals / dreams for the sake of a crying and crapping baby.

Trad climber
New York, NY
May 27, 2008 - 03:22pm PT
That's actually a good topic maybe for another thread.

Social climber
Flatland, Ca
Jun 7, 2008 - 08:08pm PT
JennieTrapanese - It was great to read this story. Specially with the ending.


You are resourceful beyond your years. From what I can see, it took all of about 2 days for you to find the man? And for the most part, it looks as though there was little in the way of negative feedback, or hurdles to overcome in your search.

I want to thank the climbing community in general for the outreach and compassion shown here. You deserve a giant pat on the back.

This has been a fun read.

Hope finding your father answers all the questions you may have had.

Trad climber
Jun 9, 2008 - 10:23pm PT
Cool thread, hits close to home. I lost my 2 year old boy for 5 months (thanks Navajo Nation Court) It was the worst 5 months of my life. Child Protective Services in Durango, CA called me one day and I drove all night to pick him up. He is on a tight belay now!

Ironically I just started climbing again. Teaching my boy who is 5 year old. I will keep climbing, its a good family.

Trad climber
Santa Clara, Ca.
Jun 10, 2008 - 10:45am PT
Juan, that'a terrifying story. I'm glad it worked out alright.

Antioch, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2008 - 06:18pm PT
Well my boyfriend and I just got back from Washington!!! It was so awesome seeing my dad and family again and we are already trying to plan another trip up in a couple weeks. :) Im so happy right now, I really dont know what to say! Thank you so much for all the support!

Here are some photos from the trip.

My dad and I

My boyfriend and I

A rubber raft in a sea of sharp teeth...
Jun 20, 2008 - 06:21pm PT

That is so cool!!!

We're all really happy for you...glad it all worked out.
Bart Fay

Social climber
Redlands, CA
Jun 20, 2008 - 06:48pm PT
Most excellent !
Lots of hugs and good conversation, I hope.
...and if anybody needed a mild head-knocking, that it was well received.

Antioch, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 20, 2008 - 06:59pm PT
Thank you! Yes, lots of hugs and tears. :) My family there were so loving and fun to be with, I cant wait to see them all again.

Not here
Jun 20, 2008 - 07:35pm PT
Wonderful! I am really happy to see the reunion happen! May you never lose each other again and...
Remember that relationships are never perfect, so don't mind the bumps that come along with being on the road. Bumps are good for you.
Big Smiles,


Antioch, CA
Topic Author's Reply - Jun 23, 2008 - 06:44am PT
Thank you so much! :)

Trad climber
New York, NY
Jun 23, 2008 - 10:07am PT
Thank YOU, Jennie, for the update!

Big Wall climber
South Side Billburg
Jun 23, 2008 - 02:26pm PT
So happy for you Jennie, what an amazing tale.

Good luck in this new stage of your life!!!
robert bergstrom

kalispell, montana
Mar 20, 2011 - 01:19pm PT
Hey Jennie,
I'm an old friend of your dad and I have been looking for him as well. He use to live with my wife and I in Loma Prieta CA towards Santa Cruz. You were there several times. I'm the guy with the snakes. I moved out of CA 14 or 15 years ago. I'd seen him once in Lindsay CA where he lived in the middle of an orange orchard and he worked in Visalia. If you get any leads, let him know that his old friend and work mate at Coast Distibution Systems Robert is looking for him too. Thanks and best of luck to you.
I can be reached at cavemanrob63@yahoo.com

Big Wall climber
Los Angeles, CA
Mar 21, 2011 - 03:14am PT
This has made my day
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