Have no right to carry gun (OT)


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Ken M

Mountain climber
Los Angeles, Ca
Jun 12, 2016 - 10:32am PT
I dunno. The conservative faction that protects the right of wife beaters to own and carry-concealed bazookas, just seems a bit much.

When I see proposals to limit access to guns to people who have a violent nature (spouse beating qualifies), are mentally unstable, or who are drug/alcohol addicts and subject to rage and blackouts, I think those are good ideas.

Note that in this situation, there WAS a person with a gun on site. They were not able to stop him.

Social climber
my abode
Jun 12, 2016 - 10:34am PT
The shooter was a registered Democrat.....Obviously, from the KKK wing of the party....
c wilmot

Jun 12, 2016 - 10:37am PT
considering SF ignores federal law with their "sanctuary city" nonsense-even after it directly lead to the death of a US citizen- why on earth is their "court" even recognized as legitimate?

away from the ground
Jun 12, 2016 - 10:39am PT
Why weren't more people in Orlando carrying guns!?!?
More guns will save us from the Mexican Muslim onslaught that is foretold by Klimmer!
Where do you conceal your weapon if you are only wearing a thong and a cocktail?

Ice climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 10:47am PT
Before Sunday, the deadliest shootings in U.S. history were the Sharia inspired shootings at Virginia Tech in 2007 and Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, with 32 and 27 killed.
c wilmot

Jun 12, 2016 - 10:47am PT
^ did you defend those shootings as you do these ?

I find it bizarre how many in the US have been conditioned to ignore what is a clear threat-even to the point of trying to deflect blame.

for sure if this was a white guy you people would have a different tone

Trad climber
Monrovia, California
Jun 12, 2016 - 11:14am PT
FWIW The cops and the Gov of Florida are flat out calling this terrorism. The FBI, being somewhat more circumspect, said the suspect "may have leanings toward extreme Islamic ideologies." The shooters father said, in an interview, that his son had become enraged when he saw a gay couple kissing on the street in Miami.

Jun 12, 2016 - 11:16am PT
Should the rules be set by the least among us?

Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jun 12, 2016 - 11:25am PT
Not to worry. He was a licensed security guard with a concealed carry permit from the Florida Department of agriculture.

Dept. of Agriculture?

c wilmot

Jun 12, 2016 - 11:28am PT

California concealed carry ruling: Gun in backpack no different from gun in pocket
Associated Press
Posted: 05/10/2016 06:29:24 AM PDT | Updated: about a month ago

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Carrying a loaded gun in a backpack strapped to the body is no different from carrying it in the clothes a person is wearing, and a state law makes both illegal in public, the California Supreme Court said Monday

The court said there was no distinction between a backpack, a fanny pack or other container on the body and clothing that is being worn
Quote Here

CA seems to have set up a legal loophole making it illegal to be in the possession of a gun. If you cant carry it in a case and carrying it on your body is illegal then what do you do?

Big Wall climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 11:38am PT
Here is an ironic yet profound statement for the day.

If you want to be safe in a public setting, avoid "gun free zones". Those who will not follow the law and intent to kill large groups our people without resistance will target gun free zones as it ensures the maximum amount of kills before their rampage us ended.
Guns in the wrong hands are dangerous. Guns in the right hands save lives. It is not about the guns - it is about good verses evil. Why do some believe disarming the good will protect the good from the evil?


Ice climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 11:49am PT
c wilmot you are a f^cking idiot

^ did you defend those shootings as you do these ?

I don't defend these shootings in anyway. You stupid-ass. As a matter of fact I don't defend any shootings, though I do indulge you shooting yourself in the foot repeatedly.

Did you condemn them? Did you condemn the cracker-boy down in Chareleston killing the people at the church?

I don't see anywhere that you did.

Take the barrel of your beloved pistol and suck on it.


Trad climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 11:49am PT
Dept. of Agriculture?

What's the matter, does that surprise you? That an agent from the Dept of Agriculture would have a concealed carry permit?

If that surprises you, you're in for a rude awakening.

Or that the FL concealed permit system is managed by the D of A?
c wilmot

Jun 12, 2016 - 11:56am PT
Did you condemn them? Did you condemn the cracker-boy down in Chareleston killing the people at the church?

thanks for showing your selective outrage. and you can spare me the keyboard insults- I dont care how mainly you feel typing them

Ice climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 12:27pm PT
thanks for showing your selective outrage

Never happened. Like I said you are an idiot. This is not meant as an insult, just a fact.

If I were to have any selective outrage, it would be that you are allowed to be able to post on the internet.

Show us the depth of your outrage.

Trad climber
Jun 12, 2016 - 12:29pm PT
Typical leftist responses on display here.

They typically don't condemn the act, and simply choose to attack anyone wiling to view the event through the lens of reality.

Fortunately, your sleight of hand magic trick is getting owned regularly now.

Trad climber
Can't get here from there
Jun 12, 2016 - 12:48pm PT
Amen Cragman.

Technically expert, safe belayer, can lead if easy
Jun 12, 2016 - 01:02pm PT
"How terribly sad that just hours ago, and unspeakable atrocity was meted out on our fellow citizens, and all so many of you can do here is argue over policies and call each other names."


Trad climber
Portland Oregon
Jun 12, 2016 - 02:02pm PT
They typically don't condemn the act, and simply choose to attack anyone wiling to view the event through the lens of reality

What is your "reality"

All Muslims? ( there are Christian shooters - why not all Christians too?)

All guns? ( fat chance)

Some more complicated reality?

Or is the real word all just black and white for you?

And I'd like you to tell me who hasn't condemned the act. That part is complete bullsh#t.

Big Wall climber
santa cruz, ca
Jun 12, 2016 - 02:30pm PT
How terribly sad that just hours ago, and unspeakable atrocity was meted out on our fellow citizens, and all so many of you can do here is argue over policies and call each other names.

May God bless the families that have suffered such a great loss, and may those injured recover quickly and fully.

And God bless our law enforcement personnel and first responders. We need to remember that these types of incidents take a serious toll and them as well
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