Idaho appreciation thread


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Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 7, 2011 - 10:10pm PT
I lived in Idaho for one winter...near was always 15 below...I finally left cause it felt like the wolves were after me...Bitchin place but totaled my truck when one of the locals left a boulder in the road...F*#k idaho...! RJ

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dec 8, 2011 - 12:14am PT
RJ! You are on course bro!
F*#k idaho...! RJ

As soon as my Parole is over: I'm out of this state!

But why listen to me?


Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 8, 2011 - 12:21am PT
The road crews in Idaho were illeterate also...I never figured out what Don't be a GUBERIF meant...Last straw....RJ

Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 8, 2011 - 12:23am PT
On a positive note...The first television was built in Idaho...Was it Rexburg...? RJ

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dec 8, 2011 - 12:37am PT

On a positive note...The first television was built in Idaho...Was it Rexburg...? RJ

We are sooooo proud of that fact. Thank you for mentioning that the people's favorite opiate was invented here.

Of course, we are also proud of the huge amount of nuclear waste buried in an active aquifer, that drains into the Snake River.

You'll get a "warm-glow" in Idaho!
The Nuclear Waste State!


Sport climber
mammoth lakes ca
Dec 8, 2011 - 12:56am PT
The cool thing about Idaho was being able to get a drivers license at the local mini-mart and a 12 pack to go...Is that still happening..? And what about those 24 hr. drive-thru , chain-saw sharpening shops? Saved my ass numerous times..RJ

Trad climber
Choss Creek, ID
Dec 8, 2011 - 01:00am PT
RJ: That stuff must be a north-Idontno biz-thing. The LDS majority keeps a pretty tight lid on that beer and all-night chain saw sharpening down here in the flats.

Trad climber
Elk Creek, Idaho
Dec 8, 2011 - 01:19am PT
Fritz, Philo Farnsworth went to high school with my great grandmother in the early 1920’s in Rigby, ID (my birthplace). He had plans for T.V. systems even then I understand.

He experimented with mechanical scanning devices in college at BYU but didn’t perfect the all-electronic scanning systems until about 1929 at his lab in San Francisco.

Rigby broadcasts Philo as their “home town boy” in a big way but he was actually born in Beaver, Utah and moved to Idaho at age 11.

(Nice photo of “Ole Murphy”)

Trad climber
Santa Cruz Mountains and Monterey Bay
Dec 8, 2011 - 01:49am PT
born in north Idaho

grew up running the Boise hills (chased by rifle shots a few times)

taught myself rock climbing on rim rock with a 60' manila rope from the hardware store (just for fun, not as a sport...the only climber in the state so far as i knew)

ran rivers, including the complete Salmon, before anyone even thought of a permit (just for fun...not considered a sport)

(if you need a permit; it is not 'wilderness'!)

hiked and fished and climbed in the Sawtooths with not another soul to be seen

(if you ever saw a distant campfire at night; hike the opposite way the next day!)

solo climbed for several years before realizing there were other climbers in the USA; outside of Europe

made the long trip to the Tetons and bouldered with John Gill, in awe of his abilities

(continued soloing in the Tetons...when that was illegal)

one of the first rock climbers i met was Royal Robbins in the Tetons and easily followed him on the hardest grade of the day: 5.9

...that was the start of my demise; sucked down to Tahquitz and Yosemite...

the mountains are a way of life...still not so sure about this 'sport' stuff...
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