Has Supertopo "jumped the shark"?


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wayne w

Trad climber
the nw
Jan 8, 2017 - 12:16pm PT
Mike. hits the nail on the head...again.

Thanks for posting up that shot of Brian, Albatross. I miss that salty badass too!

Here is one of him on top of El Cap after we did Bad Seed in 19:12.

Trad climber
New England
Jan 8, 2017 - 12:26pm PT
Dingus has had some good thoughts about this in the past, if I remember correctly.I think there is a natural evolution in forums. RC.com had some good folks for a while, but things typically just sorta fade.

This could be due to a few factors:
-It is easy to get off topic and/or degenerate in certain discussions.

-ST is pretty Cali-centric

-There aren't a ton of TRs up lately (I don't visit that often, but a quick skim a moment ago saw 1-2 TRs in the first four or so pages). TRs are what keep things interesting for me.

-Having said that - and keeping in mind that we are all on our own individual stages of development through the arc of climbing - there are only so many times I can read a TR about a certain route before it gets sorta dry. Props to whoever is actually out climbing, of course.

-I don't think the political threads and/or non-climbing content effect the forum on an individual level (I honestly couldn't tell you which users identify with which end of the political spectrum because if I see a political thread title, I don't click on it) but I think that creates bad blood which spills into the overall draw of the forum; notable users leave, people get offended, yada yada.

ST is still a useful resource because most of the folks on here know what they are talking about and have been around the block a few dozen times. I personal enjoy and appreciate that POV. The flip side is that certain topics of discussion such as "improved methods for X" are tricky because if you've been doing things the same way (haul systems or whatever) for 25+ years you probably aren't going to necessarily want to mess with it. There are execptions of course.

Other forums have an audience that is more receptive to that sort of thing, but they also tend to have a wider experience variable, potentially creating a "blind leading the blind" situation. In the times I've wanted advice on how not to die, I've often posted here or contacted people I know from here.

It is what it is, and it's all good. Thanks to Mac for keeping the resource open in the first place, eh?


New Zealand
Jan 8, 2017 - 07:58pm PT
"a serial deleting drama leech"

For one terrible moment, Jebus, I thought you were referring to me!


Jan 9, 2017 - 05:03pm PT
Apparently there are climbing threads on reddit about slinging cams! Maybe that's where the young kids are?

Seriously though, keep posting your own adventures and others will do the same. It's a little slow sometimes, but I manage to find some good threads here once in a while. Also I love hearing from the old people too!
Wade Icey

Trad climber
Jan 9, 2017 - 05:10pm PT
again? still? what?

Social climber
Jan 9, 2017 - 09:23pm PT
I've seen that image or photoshop for years on the taco and finally have to ask WTF does it mean?? Who are those people and what is their significance?? Please advise.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, California
Jan 9, 2017 - 10:16pm PT
I've seen that image or photoshop for years on the taco and finally have to ask WTF does it mean?? Who are those people and what is their significance?? Please advise.

It is how to put the meaning into meaningless.
ß Î Ø T Ç H

Boulder climber
Jan 9, 2017 - 10:27pm PT
It's Steve and Eydie Gorme.

Mountain climber
Jan 9, 2017 - 11:03pm PT
^ For some unknown reason, locker has a fascination with Engelbert Humperdinck....

El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson
Jan 9, 2017 - 11:39pm PT
That's a tad off-putting.
Gregory Crouch

Social climber
Walnut Creek, California
Jan 10, 2017 - 07:57am PT
Nothing more boring than everybody standing around a campfire talking about climbing.

Thereby proving what our ex-girlfriends learned long ago--that we are monomaniacal solipsistic morons-savant.

Mountain climber
The Other Monrovia- CA
Jan 10, 2017 - 08:43am PT
Did I jump a shark here, or was I just being atavistically self-indulgent?

Jan 10, 2017 - 10:17am PT
ST could be so much better if it was moderated.

For backcountry skiing, I read TAY a lot:


Every single post is on-topic and valuable. It's a great forum, with exceptionally high signal to noise ratio.

'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2017 - 10:23am PT
Doesn't need much moderation. Just split into "climbing stuff" and "non climbing stuff".

"that we are monomaniacal solipsistic morons-savant."

The Old Bull speaks the truth.
Gregory Crouch

Social climber
Walnut Creek, California
Jan 10, 2017 - 10:33am PT
Why bother splitting it? Just ignore the threads you don't like and click through the first few pages to find the ones you do. And if ones you like reading and contributing to get too far buried, use the search function. (In my case, they're the surfing and books I've read threads.)

Leave the vitriolic rhapsodies about the Donald's manboobs and his tiny hands to the Politards. Problem solved.

Trad climber
Santa Cruz, California
Jan 10, 2017 - 10:35am PT

Insert, scratching themselves.
'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2017 - 10:37am PT
I don't think that's a viable solution, Greg.

The whole forum - in my opinion - has really gone for a sh#t. Climbers who used to contribute good stuff, like say Mark Hugedong, are long gone. Almost no women here, either. Why is that?
Gregory Crouch

Social climber
Walnut Creek, California
Jan 10, 2017 - 10:49am PT
Mark Hugedong? A valued contributor and community member, for sure, but you wonder why the women won't hang out?

Even if that bearded zenmeister is out there sitting in a cave pretending he's above all this, I'd bet money he still lurks.

When the stars align he'll swoop out of the firmament to enlighten us with his opinion.

As for the women, I lament their absence, but if they don't want to hang around with dirty, smelly climbers who don't have the sense to scrub off their locker room talk in the showers, I don't blame them.

Unless Tami scared them off. In which case I don't blame her.

Things go in cycles. There has been a similar downturn in the baseball forum in which I participate. One particularly obnoxious troll took the fun out of it for a while, but he's gone and it's working it's way back.

Gym climber
Jan 10, 2017 - 05:47pm PT
Are there any ongoing political threads?
This is about the closest one I can find.
Big news today--lots going on, curious what everyone makes of it.
'Pass the Pitons' Pete

Big Wall climber
like Ontario, Canada, eh?
Topic Author's Reply - Jan 10, 2017 - 06:49pm PT
+1 tut.
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