Sad news about Steve Karafa and John Bachar


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Aug 14, 2006 - 11:26pm PT
Sorry to hear this tragic news. Speedy and complete recovery to John and Anastasia,....strength and comfort to Steve's family and loved ones.
Mighty Hiker

Social climber
Vancouver, B.C.
Aug 14, 2006 - 11:26pm PT
This is very sad and upsetting news, and a reminder to us all. I hope John and Anastasia recover quickly and fully, and my condolences to Steve's family and friends.

I spent some time with the Acopa gang at the Outdoor Retailer trade show, last weekend. I know John from having played chess with him in Camp 4, and otherwhere, but hadn't met Steve or Anastasia. Both were a delight to meet and talk with, and the Acopa booth was a refuge from the hurly burly. Like Ed H, I felt I knew Steve quite well after only a brief acquaintance. We talked about much more than shoes.

Steve offered to give me a pair of Acopa Aurora lace-ups, which is the first rock shoe I've ever tried that fits my skinny feet. He thought I'd done them some small favour or other. I said it was appreciated but not necessary. Though I did say I'd order some from him by e-mail. Now I won't be able to. But I will buy the shoes.

I had a good talk with Anastasia about her teaching career and pending move to Mammoth. Glad to hear that she's physically ok.

Let's hope that John has the best of care, and recovers fully and quickly. And that Acopa thrives, in Steve's memory.

There's been little on what caused the accident, and maybe there's no way to tell. Perhaps fatigue was a factor. Most of us have done long drives while tired, and sometimes had near misses. Whatever happened, something to think about.


Trad climber
From a Quiet Place by the Lake
Aug 14, 2006 - 11:29pm PT
So, sorry to hear about this. It is hard to put into words what we all feel but, I think and hope that all involved get the message. Maybe in time we can all send a big get well card etc.

Social climber
kennewick, wa
Aug 14, 2006 - 11:43pm PT
tragic. I guess the initial post must have summed up a police report. I would feel bad no matter if drugs and alcohol were involved. Result is the same. I hope JB recovers soon and anastasia gets over her injuries. I feel very bad for the loved ones left behind.

Social climber
Aug 14, 2006 - 11:52pm PT
Nightmare! Sorry about the loss of Steve. I wish John and Anastasia a quick recovery. What a bummer!
Karl Baba

Trad climber
Yosemite, Ca
Aug 15, 2006 - 12:32am PT
I know this post may be a bit premature but I'm a practical guy and want to ensure that practical needs get met.

John's a Dad. I'm sure Steve has family. Let's be understanding if Acopa needs some extra time to deliver their shoes, but don't ignore them. As soon as they are on their feet again (no pun intended but it happened) it might be a good time to consider giving the shoes a try. The Spectres are very similar to the old Boreal Vectors which, in my opinion, were the prefect Yosemite shoes.

But lets not talk about shoes here, except that accidents lead to medical bills. Support the cause



Monument Manor
Aug 15, 2006 - 01:17am PT
Nooo...what???? First Steve! That road to Utah is a widowmaker!

He will be missed

John and Anastasia....get well soon
Chicken Skinner

Trad climber
Aug 15, 2006 - 01:48am PT
I saw your post right away Mike and I have been really bummed all day long. This year has been rough for all of us and it shows all of our lives are way too short. Let us all make the most of what we have left and help others when it is needed. And remember to do things you want to do now before you don't have another chance.

Patrick Sawyer

Originally California now Ireland
Aug 15, 2006 - 07:25am PT
My condolences to Steve's family and a speedy recovery for John and Anastasia.

Graham, please give John my best wishes.



Truckee, CA
Aug 15, 2006 - 08:45am PT
So sad. Returned from scattering Jeff Schoens ashes to hear this latest tragedy.

Did not know Steve well, but we met years ago at CityRock, and he was always energetically friendly at the OR show, he will be missed.

John, may you heal quickly, we all want to see you back on the rock and snowboard. and back here with good humor.


Trad climber
love the eastern sierras
Aug 15, 2006 - 09:09am PT
Condolences to Steve's family and friends.

JB get well soon you're my hero

Gym climber
Otto, NC
Aug 15, 2006 - 09:41am PT
That's it, I'm walking through Utah from now on.

Your pain is felt here, friends and family.
Roger Breedlove

Trad climber
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
Aug 15, 2006 - 09:51am PT
I am so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to Steve's loved ones and hopes for a full recovery to John and Anastasia.


Big Breasted Woman

Trad climber
The Brown Crack
Aug 15, 2006 - 10:17am PT
Read about this when it first posted last night. Just too stunned to reply at that point. Seems as though this past year has been a difficult one as far as sad news and climbers are concerned. John and Anastasia, may you get well soon. And to Steve's parents, family and friends, I wish you the strength needed to endure this difficult time.

Trad climber
Denver, CO
Aug 15, 2006 - 10:30am PT
+++++++++++++ VIBES +++++++++++++++++

Sending out all the positive vibes I can... what a horrible nightmare. I hope for swift recoveries and some peace in your hearts.
Brian in SLC

Social climber
Salt Lake City, UT
Aug 15, 2006 - 11:06am PT
So sorry to hear of this.

If you guys need anything in SLC, please let me know. There are quite a number of climbers in the medical community here, especially at both trauma centers.

My condolences to Steve's friends and family.

-Brian in SLC

Social climber
Land of Green Stretchy People
Aug 15, 2006 - 11:36am PT
That's very sad. My condolences to Steve's friends. John seems like a really good person. I wish him and his girlfriend a speedy recovery.


edit: Geez, now I realize that I met Steve at his house in the Bay Area. He helped me figure out what mismatched sizes to order to my big mis-shapen feet. He said I was lucky the size 13 fit my bigger foot, the lasts dont go any bigger! Well if it helps John any, I will buy more shoes.

The Souf
Aug 15, 2006 - 12:01pm PT
Oh man :(

No good. No good at all.

Hope everyone recovers fast and strong, and heartfelt sympathies to the loved ones and friends of those lost. Things like this always leave me feeling a little numb.
the Fet

A urine, feces, and guano encrusted ledge
Aug 15, 2006 - 12:09pm PT
I'm so sorry. Best wishes to all involved.
John Mac

Trad climber
Littleton, CO
Aug 15, 2006 - 12:18pm PT
Deepest Sympathy and Condolences to Steve's family.

To Anastasia and John, all the best for a quick and complete recovery.
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